The Biggest Loser - Winning by Losing For discussion of the NBC tv show The Biggest Loser and the book Winning by Losing, by Jillian Michaels

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Old 05-29-2007, 12:57 PM   #1366  
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It's my first blip on the program. I didn't do a Monday workout. I got through half of it today with the toddler hanging on my leg. I had three little visitors this morning early as one of the neighbors had to take a family member to the ER. It was like cub scouts revisited.
I can work out during afternoon nap and at the rate that Sofia is going that will be soon. I'll finish it out with some cardio or something. I just need to get the kids on track. DS13 has conditioning camp this summer and I hate to start on a routine now and then reestablish it again in another week.
I did ok this weekend with food. I did eat when I went into town this time- but not enough and so by dinner I was trying to tack on calories.
So this morning I am trying something different- eating more calories in the morning so I am not going to be stuffing so much into an evening meal.
Yellow squash are growing like crazy. I have a dozen or so waiting for me to devour on the counter and my corn is making ears.
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Old 05-30-2007, 12:00 AM   #1367  
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sirak - I do not envy you with having to schedule around kids and family. WTG being flexible. One blip is just that - a blip. You have come so far!! 53 freaking pounds, girl!! Had corn for dinner tonight myself...but you've almost got fresh picked? Ain't nuttin better.

cindy - hope you are enjoying your "at camp" time...

ledom - you are rolling in the fresh veggies, too! When you figure out the sabotaging thing...let me know...

twinklegirl - hope you are all better!

Well I had to move my ticker again... I need to get over the idea that I can eat whatever I want when I put in so much cardio time. I am cleaning up the processed foods first - today was OP. Day one in the can. I will try the workouts when it gets too hot to ride the bike. Well - I'll try them before that - but not on the 30 day schedule. I really liked the recipes in Making the Cut - I haven't actually tried any of them yet but they look
I also like that she put an index for the exercises, that is exactly what Winning By Losing needed. I can't really envision using the last section very often, but it's good to know.
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Old 05-30-2007, 08:24 AM   #1368  
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Morning - I am in diet limbo (****) the last few days. Just more of my nonsense. Holiday, vacation in a few days, trying to get a lot done, yesterday went pretty well and hoping to do better today.

Hang in there Gina. I know you'll put the brakes on, sounds as if you already have.

I bought the online book AfterBurn a while back and am planning on taking another look at it when I get back from my trip. I think it is along the same lines as Making the Cut. Circuit type workouts, food pretty much laid out for you. I hope to spend the last two months of summer totally focused. Got lots to accomplish in that time.
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Old 05-30-2007, 01:59 PM   #1369  
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Hey gals!

I'm feeling the challenge of the change of seasons/routine myself - weigh in was today, and I stayed the same. A bit disappointed, but truth be told, I probably deserve to be up, (don't think chips are on plan!?!?!?) but TOM started today, so maybe that's part of it. I guess I should be happy with staying put, but I really wanted to try to keep that scale moving every week.... Guess if I want it, I'll need to try harder for it!

So, everyone hang in there, and keep yourself focused on what you've accomplished so far and what you've yet to accomplish. Maintaining is ok sometimes, until you wrap your head around whatever stress/change, you name it is challenging you/us.

I leave for the Pacific next Thursday, so I'm one big stress ball these days - so much to do, so little time. At least my hotels are finally booked, now I need to focus on the training I need to present.

I'll be in Seoul the weekend of the 9th and in Bangkok the weekend of the 16th. Anyone who wants postcards, just PM me your address and I'll do what I can to get one to you!

Then my wedding showers start, and I'm not registered yet! So, that has to happen before I leave - weekends are out now that "camp" has started, so weeknights are hectic - we had Subway for dinner last night, and will most likely grab something fast tonight as well. That's the danger zone for me - DF eating all the stuff I don't want to, yet I'm tempted to pick at his plate...

Oh, Panera has the BEST chicken/strawberry/fruit salad - I had it last week when my Mom was here. The dressing was probably too sweet (poppyseed), but it was a great meal. Next time I'll get the dressing on the side. Loved the chicken/fruit combo though!

Well, back to the grindstone - you gals hang in there!
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Old 05-31-2007, 11:48 AM   #1370  
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Week three Cardio Day - Done !

Yesterday things were better. I think you are right Cindy- it is a holding pattern.
I have changed the diet up to add more big protein.I am working on keeping a two a day workout.Everything else is changing with DS13 being out of school and DD21's dropping by in the middle of workout or other odd times.
In April I had a really bad month as I felt like I was going nowhere.With the book atleast I have a map and some direction. Soreness today is not so bad- I think I am doing better because I am stretching more afterward.
I am trying to find a sub for a back extention. I have been doing stiff legged dips( both one and two legged).Anyone got any ideas ?
I did lose ten pounds in May and am fitting into size 12 shorts ( awesome !). They are still a bit tight- but that's ok. I was a size 22 at Christmas. I am saving my big shopping until fall when I should be to goal( whatever that might be).
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Old 05-31-2007, 11:53 AM   #1371  
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Whoo Hooo Sirak - you're on fire.

My sub for the back extention is stiff leg dead lifts. You can use dumbells, just make sure you concentrate on your lower back muscles as opposed to your hamstrings.
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Old 05-31-2007, 02:05 PM   #1372  
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I think that including "supermans" also targets the same lower back area that back extensions do. Try holding both arms and legs off the ground for a while, and/or doing alternating arm and leg "swimming" motion (I'm struggling how to describe - sort of like trying to do dog-paddling with arms and legs extended?).
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Old 06-01-2007, 08:02 AM   #1373  
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Hi Girls, I'm back again.
I got my copy of Making the Cut a few days ago adn started reading it, today was day 1, but it almost didn;t happen. I woke up feeling very sick, like a food poisoning thing, so i decided it wasn;t a great day to start a new program, but by this afternoon i was feeling better so i decided to try the first workout. That's pretty good for me, i'd usually use any excuse to skip a workout. But wow, Jillian has sure found new ways to torure me! These workouts are tough! But i have 20 days until i go away for a mini holiday and i'm determined they are going to be 20 great days! My food today was also super clean, and while i'm hungry at the moment i feel good i have had such a clean day, it's the first time in a long time i've felt really OP.

Ok, i'll check in tomorrow and let you all know how i'm going!

sirak- You are doing so well, you're a superstar!

Cat- Maintaining is good, maybe not as good as you'd like, but it's better than gaining! You're doing really well, keep up the great work!

ledom- We all have our times when we struggle, but in the end i know you are strong enough to come out the other side and keep going.

Chick- Is there really such a thing as to much cardio?!? I'd take cardio over circuits any day! Love that treadmill!
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Old 06-01-2007, 08:47 AM   #1374  
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TG I think you'll love this workout. With you young knees and low weight you'll rock it like nobody's business. I actually love these workouts and thought they got better as the program goes on. I think, for whatever reason, the first week is in a way the toughest. Not sure why that is.

Leaving here early on Monday and I am desperately trying to get house clean and yard in order so that when I get back housework is not the first thing I have to deal with. I guess I am taking the week off in terms of working out. Some hikes and yoga, but no trips to the gym - I'll be all rested up to hit it hard when I get back.

So how are your trip preparations going Cindy? You have less time to sort things out and will be gone longer so I know you are really hustling right now. Will be so much fun when you get home and start your party circuit!
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Old 06-02-2007, 10:03 AM   #1375  
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Hey gals - happy weekend!

Ledom - sorry I can't remember this, but where are you headed to? I know what it's like trying to get everything done that you want to before you leave! Have a great time while you are gone - hiking and kayaking definitely count as workouts in my book, since I do neither!

Chick -

Sirak - keep up the good work! A size 12 at 177#! I'm hoping I could be the same - I know I'll never be someone who weighs 150 or less, but I was almost into a size 14 at 185#, so it sounds like we have similar builds. Lots of muscle!

Did I tell you guys that I got that new job? Same company, same building, different department. It's a step up, with a pay increase, and I'm looking forward to the new challenge, as I've been in this job for 6.5 years! I don't get to switch until 7/16, as my current boss wanted time for me to wrap some things up.

I leave this coming Thursday - things are in good shape, but I'll be working on my training slides this weekend It's difficult when training people who aren't native-English speakers - you have to be very careful to speak slower than usual, and to not use words or phrases that might be confusing to them. It makes the training take much longer than it normally would, so I try to put as much on my slides as I can - it helps if they can read as well as listen to me.

Food and workouts will be a challenge for me - I'll be taking my stuff, but it's the time to squeeze it in that is difficult - jet lag makes for a tough time at first...

TG, glad to hear you've started Making the Cut! Keep us posted as to the torture of each day! I'm looking forward to it, but am doing another 12-week LBW first. I've got 16 weeks until the wedding, so just enough time to fit both in!

I think I'll go sit by the lake a bit - as usual for the summer, we are up at camp - I'll have to send a photo to share later. I like to relax and have my coffee down by the water before starting the day. I should really be out in a kayak enjoying it - that will come eventually!
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Old 06-02-2007, 10:37 AM   #1376  
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Cindy - I have an idea. Your wedding present to yourself should be a kayak. You'll love it so. Congratulations on the job. Your life sounds so good right now Cindy. I am so happy for you.

I am headed to Santa Fe. Myself and two best friends. We are taking art to a gallery opening. My friend is involved in cultural exchange with Cuba - Cuban art music and food. My other friend is a Spanish teacher and it's her first trip out to that area. This is kind of a last trip in a series of a half dozen or so I have made to take pictures and I am printing for a show in October now so it is kind of winding things up and gathering last impressions for that.

I have to learn how to download pictures here. I am enjoying photographing my garden, it is so beautiful and colorful. I have taken to it with a passion.

Will be chugging water and preparing for a summer of workouts when I get back. We have hiking on the intinerary for our trip and I am packing my yoga mat.
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Old 06-02-2007, 11:07 AM   #1377  
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Here's the photo I was looking for - it's the view looking to the right out of one of the front windows. The lake is rather small, but nice for swimming, boating and kayaking:
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Old 06-03-2007, 01:05 AM   #1378  
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Hi Girls,
I didn't get on here yesterday, i was dead tired! I did my workout and then spent the rest if the day doing housework before falling into bed. Food was good. I am very glad today is a rest day, but i am already dreading tomorrows workout. I have to say, when doing jillian other circuits about half way through i always got my second wind and felt great, during these one that doesn't happen. They are tough, but it's only one hour, and i know i'll survive it. I just keep reminding myself that i won't actually die, although i might feel it. I'm told it gets easier as you get stronger and fitter, lets hope that happens soon! Today is going good, just trying to decide what to have for dinner.
I'm gonna go walk my dog, i'm so sore i'm hopeing a walk will losen everything up!
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Old 06-04-2007, 08:30 AM   #1379  
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Day four done. The workout was actually a little better today, i didn't enjoy it, but i think i tapped into my inner bad ***, i was determined that Jillian was not going to beat me. My calories were low by about 300 though, not good. I am starving right now, but it's too late to eat anything! I guess i'll just chug some water.
I'm already thinking about friday's weigh in with scared anticipation, wondering if all of this is going to pay off at all, i know it's only been four day but i haven't been this OP and working out for four straight days in i don't know how long.
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Old 06-04-2007, 11:16 AM   #1380  
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TG good for you! Glad to hear you're trying to give Jillian a run for her money!

I didn't workout this am - pulled a muscle on the side of my hip yesterday, and it's quite painful!

Just a fly-by today - too much to do this week before I leave!
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