The Biggest Loser - Winning by Losing For discussion of the NBC tv show The Biggest Loser and the book Winning by Losing, by Jillian Michaels

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Old 04-10-2006, 05:53 AM   #541  
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Way to go Angel Eyes! Glad you guys had pretty weather for your outdoor acitivities. This time of year is just so unpredictable. Same with me, it was windy at times but not too bad. A tad chilly, but perfect for sitting around a campfire. Saturday I just made sure I was moving all day, getting my paddling muscles back as it has been a while. I also went for a long walk. We won't talk about the diet though. I am still having a hard time moderating food in a situation where I am not in control of the menu and I am thinking this is vacation mode. But, back at it today and hopefully the exercise offset it somewhat. I will not being weighing for a couple of days.

So, I had a couple nice results of the weight I lost. I have one of those tiny 2 person tents that you can't stand up in. Getting dressed in the past I have just felt like a beached whale floundering around in it but this weekend it was all under control. I also fit better in my sleeping bag. I am almost starting to feel as if I am a normal weight, though of course I am not - YET.

Up at 4 this a.m. to get back to my regular exercise routine. Starting week 10.

Hope you all have a great week. Glad it is almost summer, I can tell we are going to be having fun!

That is too funny about beer bungie Gina.
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Old 04-11-2006, 12:17 AM   #542  
2 wheels is plenty :D
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Here's a shot of the beer bungie....I think this was the first round when I made it...
The sheet I'm wearing was supposed to be a toga....but I was not trashing a white sheet and I figured it would be warmer with flannel...

ledom - I know what you mean about moderating food when you aren't in control...all I can say is that if it doesn't happen very often, it shouldn't matter.

I finished Week 10 today, on to Week 11 on Wednesday. I'm kinda off cycle - but since I took an extra rest day over the weekend I figured I'd make up for it. Plus the gym is closed Easter Sunday...

The rain is coming down in buckets today...better today than yesterday.
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Old 04-11-2006, 09:45 AM   #543  
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Gina - You are TINY! Looks like a fun weekend. Last night my friend sent me some pics from our weekend. I'll try to figure out how to share. Anyway, I guess I am on week 9 instead of 10.

Movin on into the day now.
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Old 04-13-2006, 12:32 AM   #544  
2 wheels is plenty :D
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Hey chickies -
Day 1 of week 11 today....this stuff still kicks my butt...but my confidence levels are much's nice to see some results...
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Old 04-13-2006, 05:47 AM   #545  
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Go Gina

Your post is exactly what I needed to read this morning. Have you taken many pictures of yourself? I would love to see the differences you have made since doing LtoW.

I am having a bit of a struggle this week and of course I have plenty of excuses for it, but what it comes down to is how I overcome them.

There must be healthy food, pre-prepared or I am going to have trouble and that is what is going on now. So, it is time for a big cook down. I have been getting up at 4 a.m. to get my exercise in and for the last couple weeks it has just gotten to me. I don't wanna get up! What's the solution - I think going to bed earlier. I know that in a month this will be easier to manage because I have the summer off. On the other hand, do I want to screw around for a whole month until I have my leisure? Well, noooo.... So I have to figure that out as well.

I am taking today and tomorrow off. The plan for this 4 day weekend is to get myself organized and back on track.
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Old 04-13-2006, 06:30 AM   #546  
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Hi Everyone!
I hope it's ok to jump in. BTW, IS this the right place to jump in?

I bought Jillian's Maximize DVDs and feel in love with her and the workouts...even though they are 30 TOUGH minutes!

I was skimming the forums here yesterday and your threads caught my eye! After reading about the program, I ran out and bought the book and the Shape Up DVDs!!! I can't wait to read the book and get started. I am looking for something that will help me tone, tighten, drop the last 9 lbs and give me energy. Ok...nothing new there!

I am ok with my size but feel frustrated that I have been working out for so long w/o getting the definition and firm-ness that I want.

I am doing Shape Up Front today plus add'l cardio so need to get busy! Have a great day!

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Old 04-13-2006, 06:42 AM   #547  
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darlene - absolutely at the right place. Welcome! I don't own the DVD's, but the book and the exercise plan she outlines will help you achieve your goals. It has given me more results that I could have imagined. It's killer, but it does get easier (a bit) because you get stronger.

"I bought Jillian's Maximize DVDs and feel in love with her and the workouts...even though they are 30 TOUGH minutes!"

That sounds about right.
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Old 04-13-2006, 08:21 AM   #548  
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Well, my 3rd post this morning!!! Just finished a great workout. All's right in my world.
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Old 04-13-2006, 09:20 AM   #549  
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Ledom -- Thanks so much for the welcome! I am glad to know I jumped into the right spot! I am so glad that all's right in your world!

I did Shape Up Front this morning. Even though the intensity is a little lower than Full Frontal it still kicked my booty in only 30 minutes. These 30 minute workouts make me feel like I worked it, really worked it. That's impressive for only 30 minutes! I followed with a short, low intensity walk. My allergies limit my cardio capacity some mornings lately.

I am excited about reading to book and getting started with this program!

Have a great day!
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Old 04-14-2006, 09:48 AM   #550  
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darlene - I hear you on the pollen count. I am in central Arkansas so we are neighbors more or less.

Finished my workout and it was a good one. Same as last weeks weighin this a.m. and really feel I dodged the bullet because of my dodgy commitment this past week. Should be set for a nice loss next week though.
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Old 04-14-2006, 10:44 AM   #551  
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Ledom -- We are neighbors, more or less! I feel better today but am tired from getting up before my body is ready!

I did Back today plus Callanetics so got in over an hr today. I want to be able to do two of JM's workouts back to back but am not sure I am ready. I am used to doing an intense hr but these are TOUGH!

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Old 04-14-2006, 07:56 PM   #552  
2 wheels is plenty :D
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I hear ya on Jillian being tough....boy, do I hear ya....I'm on week 11 for the second time around (from the book). But that's most of what I like about her workouts...there seems to be no end to the challenge. I do actually own 2 of her DVD's - but I haven't ever gone out to get dumbells or a I haven't actually done either one of them yet. I did watch them once- they have a lot of the same moves from the book, it was nice to see a 3D demonstration.
ledom - I should take some closeups of like my arms and just seems weird...but I wish I had done it before I started all of this. I am the queen of procrastination sometimes...did I mention my appointment with the Tax chick tomorrow morning? Why am I so organized at work and nothing like that with my real life? Rhetorical question...don't answer that..
angel-eyes - hey chick!!
The sun is shining for another few minutes before it starts raining again...gotta go walk the dog!
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Old 04-15-2006, 11:50 AM   #553  
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Thanks Gina!! Congrats on being on your second 12 wks! You are SO close to completion on that too!!! WTG! I would love to see photos of your progress! My arms are one of the areas that irritate me. I have been working out for so long but still don't have the arms I want. I suppose they are buried until lingering flab....

I am very visual so need the DVDs (or use them for a crutch) to get through the routine. It does look like the book has more exercises / circuit but haven't counted. I want to try to repeat one circuit on the DVDs this week and build up to doing a full hr at some point. That thought scares the pooh out of me since I will be facing Tough Lady!

I am definitely more organized at work. Less structure at home is my downfall. My husband (Jim) spoils me bad too so know that contributes to my lack of getting things 'done'!

I am taking two rest days this weekend! I feel my body needs it. Last weekend/week was difficult.

Have a great weekend/Easter (to those that celebrate)!
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Old 04-16-2006, 01:31 PM   #554  
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Default another newbie

HI everyone. I'm also another newbie to this forum. I've been searching for a place to talk to others who are fans of the biggest loser and who are doing Jillian's exercise plan.

I'm just starting out. I have about 120 pounds to lose. I have Jillians book and all her dvd's, I'm just waiting for my reebok step to arrive this week, and I'll get started with her dvd's. I did try to do her cardio kickbox, but I couldn't make it past the warm up, just doing the warmup I was up to 91% of my maximum heart rate! So, I think i'll need to build up my fitness level before I try that video again!

I am a balanced oxidizer, but I love carbs, I do my best at keeping them around 40%, but sometimes I am about 45% carbs, and 25% fat

I look forward to talking to everyone! How is everyone making out with her plan, do you see progress with her exercise plan in the book? I find it really hard to do lunges, I have a fused ankle, so my knee doesn't bend that far, I'll have to see about contacting her to see if I can sub something for lunges.

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Old 04-16-2006, 05:55 PM   #555  
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Hi Lisa!
I think am still reading the book but doing the DVDs until I figure out what I need to do. I don't have the Kickbox DVD yet. I am waiting for that via the free offer I received when I bought the sets. Jillian's warm ups are killer! My HR gets pretty high too. If all your body is ready for right now is the warm up, that's ok...just do the warm ups until you feel ready to do more.

Lunges are difficult for my left knee, whether it's the working leg or not. I hope that improves with practice and time. I think we will still tone our thighs even if we can't lunge as deeply as they do on the tapes/DVDs. I am going to tell myself that anyway!

Saturday and today have been rest days for me so will hit it tomorrow. I am going to go veg and read the book in a little while so hope I will know what to do next soon!

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