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Old 01-10-2016, 05:48 AM   #76  
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Thumbs up Sunday - The League of Nations established (Geneva, 1920)

Diet Coaches/Buddies – Watched Still Alice with DW last night. Alice learns that she has early onset Alzheimer's at age 50; we were both profoundly moved. Alzheimer's is just so frightening. It could be comforting for those over 50 to realize that they're past the point of "early." But it vividly portrays the gradual loses and the embarrassment and pain caused to all. I suppose I could take CREDIT moi for opening myself to the potential future that we all face.

Eating was slightly better. I had a cup of tea at one point when I wanted a snack - CREDIT moi for that. I connected the sink stopper in the bathroom faucet that I installed last week. The usual: a thirty minute job took two hours because nothing fit and threads were stripped - but I cobbled it together good enough until that bathroom cabinet gets replaced possibly this summer. To make the tension go away I walked, CREDIT moi, to buy a Powerball lottery ticket for the $950M draw last night. I didn't win but enjoyed buying the second lottery ticket of my life. I might buy the third for the upcoming $1.3B draw since there were no winners.

onebyone – Oh, Yes, Kudos "for feeling some confidence around clean up" - you've worked hard for that feeling.

Joy (gardenerjoy) – We're having rain while you're having snow - let it remain that way. Stir fry broccoli is just the best.

Debbie (Lexxiss) – Thanks for the reminder that managing stress is a big part of what we're trying to do here.

FutureFitChick – Congrats for taking apart your washing machine - hope the parts arrive in time for the next wash. [LOL at ice shaped as cookies.]

maryann - Neat that your DS will learn about food and cooking. Kudos for the strategy of donning your workout clothes two hours in advance.

nationalparker"Millet/brown rice noodles" sound good. Yay for a relaxing fire in the evening.

curlyjax - Yay for surviving life with a DD who "never changes her mind."

Readers -
Chapter 3 Stress Traps

#4: The When Things Calm Down Trap

Then I asked her to reflect on how she had felt about overeating at a restaurant the previous night. "I though eating this big indulgent meal would make me feel better. But it didn't. I just wound up feeling stuffed and mad at myself."

The more she thought about it, the more Kristen realized that resisting the pastry actually reduced her stress. She felt more in control, had more "positive energy," and was better able to focus on her work. On the other hand, overeating at dinner made her feel more stressed because she felt guilty, distracted, and heavier in her body. Then she had a harder time focusing on the work she had brought home.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., Deborah Beck Busis, The Diet Trap Solution, Train Your Brain to Lose Weight and Keep It Off for Good (Blue book), pg. 61
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Old 01-10-2016, 07:28 AM   #77  
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Hi Coaches!

Yesterday went as planned. Tea was enjoyable. I enjoyed a White Earl Grey and a decaf chai. Both were very nice. I had one of most of the small items, took a bite of one I didn't like and left the rest, and when it was time to box all that was left I sent the box home with my sis. Unfortunately, I strayed and ate some potato chips for a late evening snack. Won't do that again today. Will pack my snacks for work and stick with my plan for the rest of the day. I recognize that off plan items one day require me to be extremely diligent the next. Credit.

May buy a powerball ticket
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Old 01-10-2016, 09:58 AM   #78  
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Our snow was a bit of a bust, but they got the cold part right. We're in single digits and expect a high well below freezing today. The weather website is helpfully telling me that it is currently 75 degrees in Havana.

Food on plan. Exercise shortened due to a cold wind and uncertainty about whether we'd be shoveling and plowing. I may do indoor exercise today, which would motivate me to add the strength-training that has been missing so far this year.

WI: -0.3 kg, Exercise: +30 340/1200 minutes for January, Food: 100% op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes
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Old 01-10-2016, 01:47 PM   #79  
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Good Morning, Coaches.

Tracked my weight this morning on my new graphing ap. I'm satisfied with the results so far. Discovered evap. milk is great in smoothies, not so great in cappuccinos. Credit for trying new things. Also, credit for getting to the gym. My clothing trick had to work twice as long since I delayed my gym visit by two hours. Oooh, it was close to being vetoed.

Tomorrow I start full weeks of work again. I have made so many gains in building resistance muscles and setting routines since my bday Dec. 20. I want to remember to keep weight loss my priority. War of Art says "The more resistance you experience, the more important your unmanifested project is to you and the more gratification you will feel when you have accomplished your goal." For me this is a profound statement.

nationalparker: Do you have a link to you garlic sticky noodles recipe?
BBE: i felt the same when I saw "Still Alice." I take my daily life for granted. I am the healthiest physically and mentally at this moment than i will ever be most likely. That is why i want to work on the emotional/spiritual stuff. In these areas I can make gains till the end.
gardenerjoy: I am bringing weights and straps up to Truckee so I can do my strength training indoors. I take my gym down here for granted.
Lexxiss: Important message: Yesterday's lapses cause leaner todays.
onebyone: Credit for your confidence in decluttering. I read a little thing on kitchen "zones" which minimize cleanup and cooking. All my coffee stuff is now above the coffee maker. The bread machine is next to the decorative glass jars which hold the bread flour and other ingredients. Wow. I can pivot and do anything I need to do plus there is a place for everything when I take things out of the dishwasher.

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Old 01-10-2016, 09:15 PM   #80  
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Hi, Coaches and Buddies.

Food and exercise went according to plan. I had no scheduled workout, but did do lots of house work. I am getting really dependent on exercise mentally. I get so crabby without it! That is a first in my life to recognize that connection.

I installed a light timer for the light that is above my head in bed. Hopefully it turning on in the morning will get me started a little earlier. Our master bedroom suite is stupidly large. I can't imagine why the people that built it would have wanted it so big. The main room is large enough that a king bed looks like a full size. On top of that, we have a secondary room off of the main room. I recently moved our bedroom furniture in to the little adjoining room, and converted the other part of it into a music room and library. Still a little strange, but it feels better than camping out in the giant room.

BillBlueEyes: I've been intending to watch Still Alice for a while, but every time I get close, I chicken out. My step-dad was diagnosed with Parkinsons about a year ago, and worry it will be very close to home for me. I've got the same issue with the toe-tap stopper in my guest bath. I have the tool to change out the receptacle part (receiving end? I don't know the right terms), but the part from the top is slightly rounded where it shouldn't be and I am struggling therefore to get the "easy" part done. I am not against calling in professionals for help, just hate doing it when they will take 30 seconds to get me past where I am stuck. Glad food was better for you today with the snacking.

GardenerJoy: Smart work moving to indoor exercise. I have not yet started to create that part of my exercise plan. I have mainly been focused on walking for the time-being.

Lexxiss: Good lesson:
that off plan items one day require me to be extremely diligent the next
Seems important for me to learn too!

Mary Ann: Great job for getting to the gym in spite of the delay. Added this to my ARCs:
War of Art says "The more resistance you experience, the more important your unmanifested project is to you and the more gratification you will feel when you have accomplished your goal."
Thanks for sharing!

NationalParker: Thanks for the recipe!

OnebyOne: Great job for getting to the market in spite of no sales today. Was it outdoors? I know Canadians are hardy and all, but in Indiana (considerably warmer), our markets shutdown in October.
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Old 01-10-2016, 10:05 PM   #81  
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Hello, coaches! A good day here - frigid, though. Not sure WHY we weren't thinking to put the cars in the garage yesterday before the rain turned to ice/snow. Part of today was scraping them in the 5 degree wind chill whipping at us. Done, though, and DH is at work tonight and I'm prepping for bed. Will go to bed EARLY and actually turn out the light/turn off the kindle.

Since I'm restarting the Beck pink book now that I'm back home, redid a new Advantages card ... I struggle in that I do not read mine enough. I think I'll write another one at work with many of the work reasons - to get in better shape and feel more confident before going to work a big event in May this year, etc.

That garlic sticky noodle recipe is here ... I liked the few ingredients and ease/speed of it coming together. Luckily I don't have enough green onions to do another one!

As a "treat" for DH, I told him I'd make him a recipe of beef stew. He picked out the meat and I made it up this evening for him to take tomorrow. I don't buy/cook with beef but do once or twice a year if that for him and I eat something else. He's set.

No big activity today. could have stepped it up and done more. Tomorrow back to work. Hard to get motivated on the dark, frigid days.

What worked for me this weekend was prepping a protein-heavy breakfast. I went until 2 without feeling hungry. I am going to try to take the time to do that tomorrow BUT I don't want to eat a lot of eggs, so need to come up with other good options.

FutureFitChick - I know what you mean about light helping you wake up - my last alarm clock would flash light and wake me up most of the time. Sometimes, though, in a deep sleep, I'd just work it into my dream - that I had a Bob's Barricade flashing at me or something.

Bill - Great job on the snacks! I found it hard to be around them this weekend and turned to cups of hot tea, as well.
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Old 01-11-2016, 06:11 AM   #82  
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Thumbs up Monday - Grand Canyon a National Monument (1908)

Diet Coaches/Buddies – It was dinner out night so we tried a new restaurant using a Groupon. To my amazement, the waitress treated us as special because of the Groupon, "You get to try a bunch of different stuff." She made if even more fun. My only CREDIT moi was to leave a piece of the toasted bread that came with the Prince Edward Island Mussels.

Little exercise since it rained all day. My basement isn't flooded, but there was enough water that we were worried. Saw a guy walking about in shorts - apparently thinking that the 60 degree F weather trumped the January date.

Joy (gardenerjoy) – Thanks for that thought; I need to make a plan to do some strength training at home when I don't go to the gym.

Debbie (Lexxiss) – Yay for planning for a diligent day.

FutureFitChick – Kudos for recognizing that exercise is key to mental health.

maryann - Thanks for the tip that extra resistance means extra gratification when completed.

Karen (karenrn) - Waving. Congrats to your Seahawks for a squeak by victory.

Readers -
Chapter 3 Stress Traps

#4: The When Things Calm Down Trap

To help her remember what she had discovered, Kristen made the following reminder card:
Even though I think maintaining control over my
eating will make me feel more stressed, it actually
makes me feel less stressed. Remember the pastry!
Staying on track, even when it's hard, feels good
and reduces my stress.
Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., Deborah Beck Busis, The Diet Trap Solution, Train Your Brain to Lose Weight and Keep It Off for Good (Blue book), pg. 61
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Old 01-11-2016, 09:05 AM   #83  
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hi coaches! I was feeling down physically and mentally yesterday so I took a day off- from the computer, from being a mom and from people in general. I just stayed in my jammies in bed and read, slept and binge watched a few things like "rosemary and thyme" (English gardeners who solve murder mysteries, what could be better??). DH took over and it was really great.

Part of this was because I got way too mad at DD the night before and I felt despairing the next day. What is wrong with me that I get this angry and over react to stuff, with her especially. She is incredibly hard to live with but I am the adult and need to rein it in, and ignore some of the things she does/says. So yes Nationalparker the weekends are often harder, and I have no advice for your step parent situation because I often don't handle things well myself!
Big credit for not overeating however!
Futrefitchick- I am impressed, you are very handy with tools!
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Old 01-11-2016, 09:33 AM   #84  
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Good morning coaches,

Just a quick check in. I was on plan food wise both Saturday and Sunday, credit. Saturday I got no exercise. Most of the day was taken with driving to see mother in law, sitting visiting and driving (well actually riding) home. My husband was a little worried about his Mom's cognitive functioning, but I could see that she is doing just fine. She and her home are neat as a pin and although her hearing and memory aren't perfect, at 85 I hope to do as well.

Yesterday I made up for it by walking to my friends house for the football game 4.2 miles and a long walk afterwards 6.7 miles. So I caught up for Saturday, but it is unlikely I'll get much in today with flying home to Arizona. I'm still a little ahead of my what I need each day which is a little over 5 miles.

My friends here are quite heavy but my good friend whom I stay with is always trying so there is no junk around her house. It sometimes feels awkward to stay the course in front of the others, but I don't need to eat just so they feel better. I'm thinking I may even go home with a tiny loss. I'll see tomorrow.

This evening I go to the first meeting for the Daniel Plan at my church. There are 30 or so people signed up so my second reason for going, meeting more people at my church, will be great.

My friend from Seattle, whom I am walking the Camino with in the fall, will be down tomorrow for 9 days. She also signed up for the 2000 mile challenge and is doing the Daniel Plan on her own, so that will be great for both of us. I am trying to be an encouragement to her because I know walking the 500 mile camino will be easier on her if she get s bit of weight off.

Well I know this is about me, me, me, but my friend is likely to get up any moment so I will do personals when I am home. Sandee from Seattle works on the computer some each day so I will still have time to do my regular things.

Bill That was a heck of a game. We know we didn't really win the game exactly, but similar has happened to our team in the past, so we'll take it anyway.

Take care everyone. Happy Monday . . . always my favorite day of the diet week.
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Old 01-11-2016, 10:05 AM   #85  
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As shown in profile, I don't post often...more of a troller. But I feel like you are all old friends as I have followed your journey along with mine. Thank you for being open, honest, realistic, & funny.

Getting back on track after another down wave. I have downloaded Beck Diet for Life on ipad. Purchased hard cover book to have on end table. Between paper, digital, and seeing your support here, I know 2016 will be better than ever. Thanks BBE for being there when I log-on every morning! All you coaches will probably never know what a difference you can make in other "troller"s lives.

Last edited by Prairie Chicken; 01-11-2016 at 10:56 AM. Reason: additional thought
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Old 01-11-2016, 10:18 AM   #86  
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I made a couple of reasonable substitutions yesterday but, today, I'd rather stay on plan.

Twenty minutes later....I realized as I typed the first sentence that today is a bread-baking day. I struggled staying on plan during the last bread-baking day because it finished at a problematic time. So, I went off and got it started so that it comes out at lunch time. A sandwich is now on my plan for lunch.

CREDIT for doing a mostly indoor workout (we managed 10 minutes walking in the cold and even that little bit helped with the mood and energy level). I did squats, lunges, crunches, and used my dumbbells while watching Doctor Who on Netflix. Doing that a few times a month in the winter keeps me from getting injured while shoveling snow or doing early spring gardening activities.

WI: +0.15 kg, Exercise: +40 380/1200 minutes for January, Food: 90% op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes

karenrn: I always have a hard time with exercise on flying days. It seems like just being in an airport should give me plenty of steps, but it's always less than I think it will be. I sometimes walk the concourses while waiting for flights just to bump it up a bit.

PrairieChicken: great to see another Missourian in these parts!
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Old 01-11-2016, 03:01 PM   #87  
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Hi, Coaches and Buddies.

Checking in a bit early today, as I felt I needed some structure to get back in to my writing. I am monitoring my hunger again today. I stopped eating my breakfast ½ way through, because I found I was not hungry for all I had made -- double bonus points for now having tomorrow's meal prepared.

Exercise was OK, not great, this morning. I went out for my walk, as usual, but due to the cold, lack of an additional needed layer under my regular clothes, forgetting my knee brace, and having some unusual fatigue or pain in my outer leg, I only completed ⅔ of my walk. I wanted to stop after the first ⅓, so I guess CREDIT for convincing myself to keep going. I have since found my missing long underwear, so won't have that as an excuse tomorrow. I looks like it will be similarly cold tomorrow. I will also need to grab a scarf or balaclava and bring an inhaler along to be prepared for the cold. I did sign up for RockMyRun for a month to see if some new music would help distract me from the cold.

BillBlueEyes, glad to hear your basement is still dry. Good job having enough wherewithal in a new environment to leave bread on the plate.

CurlyJax, good job taking care of yourself yesterday! Family stress is hard. When I am around my mom, I feel it in my body after a few hours. She is super negative, especially with my step-dad, who is struggling with Parkinson's. Luckily, I am usually only visiting for a night or two. But it takes a toll on me physically.

Gardener Joy, great job reworking your plan for the bread, and not repeating a previous mistake. Which Doctor is your favorite?

Karen, RN, great job on all of those miles! I did the Daniel plan a few years ago. I really enjoyed it. Your long-term fitness goals sound awesome! My husband has it in his head that he wants to do the Seven Summits. But, I have trouble getting him to even walk around the neighborhood with me, at a flat 500 ft. elevation, so hum...

NationalParker, although they are expensive, we enjoy the Morningstar veggie sausages for breakfast. I had to look up what Bob's Barricades were. That is pretty funny!

Prairie Chicken, great to see you posting and getting back on track. I'm kind of in the same boat, and look forward to getting to know you!
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Old 01-11-2016, 04:09 PM   #88  
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Default NEWSFLASH: Freezing Cold Monday in January in Canada.


I'm slacking off today. I have noticed that working over the weekend causes me to go into sleep mode on Mondays. It's 3:10 and all I've managed to do is soak (for 2 hrs) some rice, cook it, and add it to my homemade slow cooker chicken soup. Oh and I had a superbig coffee cup's worth.

I also created and posted in this week's new declutter thread. I made myself make some plans for the day. I will now have to make myself follow through.

So, Coaches, I am bummed that David Bowie died. *sigh* He is a key part of a memory of me and my brother. It's always surprising what gets twigged by unexpected events. I herd the news in a very 21st century way. I got up to go pee at 3am. My cell phone is beside the bed and if I move enough it lights up. I glanced over and my CNN app said "Breaking News- David Bowie Dead." And so I just lay there foggy minded and sleepy letting that sink in. Then acknowledging CANCER just like MIL was the next thought. "He was 69" MIL is 69 this year and she has terminal cancer flashed in my mind next and then DH got up to go pee and when he came back I said "David Bowie's dead". He said "Oh no," knowing that I admired him for many reasons. I always forget that I can easily fall back asleep but DH will lay awake for hours if I do that. And that's what happened. He worried I'd be too upset and told me to get some sleep about an hour later, which woke me cause I had been sort of sleeping, and then I slept. He awoke saying he hardly slept. I got to stay home today but he had to drive to work in the freezing cold.

OK now it's 4pm. Better do something before DH gets home. Bye for now.
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Old 01-11-2016, 05:53 PM   #89  
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OnebyOne Thanks for the declutter thread. The weekly task works far better.

Karen We were watching and cheering on Seattle. Wilson is so exciting to watch. Glad you also had walk and companionship for the fun.

DH will be watching the College Playoffs tonight, and I'll get my Ironing done in TV room so I can accomplish something today!!!

Spent day finishing the great book on Historical Geology by Jon Erickson. He shows his skill in teaching as he isn't concerned with repeating information as he expands on it. FINALLY I'm understanding some of the events that just were not making sense to me. Love learning.

Credit: Food is remaining healthy. Credit, Logging all food even the dumb Pecan Sandie (only one at least).
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Old 01-11-2016, 08:58 PM   #90  
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Good Evening, Coaches.

Well, my first big day at work and I can say that I have now been SWEETLESS AT WORK in three different months I did make a plan substitution which I hope to not have to do tomorrow but everything was logged and fit into my plan.

Super credit also for having a long talk with boss about the amount of work I have been doing. My position is allegedly 60% but I have been working over, gathering comp days I don't know if I have time to use. He said, "First off, thanks for doing the work of two full timers." That made me feel good. Then I made several suggestions and he was eager to put all of them in place. A few of the duties I will not be sorry to see go. Yeah!!!!! Now I will have time to actually eat lunch and remember eating it. I am really taking to heart "First Things First." In this case, the first thing is finishing my creative project of losing weight.

pantry challenge: I DID go to the store to buy milk (can't stand the evap.) BUT i made crustless pumpkin pie with the leftover evap. as a healthy treat for the boys. I picked up eggs, lettuce, parmesan and cottage cheese. It is my plan this will hold us into February. DS made his own smoothy with frozen cranberries, oj, juiced sweet potato that I froze in ice cubes. He said it was great. That made me very proud he is eating in such a healthy manner.

A big wave to Prairie Chicken. Glad this blog helps.

Last edited by maryann; 01-11-2016 at 09:00 PM.
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