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Old 01-23-2016, 07:01 PM   #181  
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Foodwise: up down up down. I only seem to care when I actually stand on the scale. After that's done I'm either happy or worried. I don't commit to anything in any real way. I'm just eating whatever, cutting back here and there, nothing focused or concrete. I have almost given up. I'm not going to though. I will keep trying to find my motivation to keep trying.

I'm just really feeling worn out. I've fought off several infections over the last two weeks and this morning woke to a pins and needles side throat. I was supposed to be painting today but had zero energy and worried I'd end up descending into a flu. Right now, after resting most of the day, my throat feels better.

I did this to myself. My original plan for January was to focus on clearing up my environment, the studio and the apartment. And then I piled 3 deadlines, one kiln firing, visits to my mom and DH's mom, plus Dr visits for me. I'm just a wreck. I'm going to try to cancel my painting dropoffs this week. My firing is over and I need to regroup.

I'll get there again. This month is a killer for me. I have to say the Canadian weather guys kept searching for signs that the storm would come here too. It's very rare that we're missed.Sorry to everyone who's in the path of that storm and then coping with the aftermath. I hope your electricity stays on.

Bye for now.

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Old 01-23-2016, 07:39 PM   #182  
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Phone check in.
OK you easterners, how in the world do you live with ice. I confidently drove out my garage to go skiing and proceeded to break loose. Thankfully I was able to limp into a downhill driveway then my buddy backed up returning me to the garage. And I have all wheel drive.

I have felt foolish and shamed all day. I should know how to drive in winter better. Called dh who told me to wait till the sun hits it and then get back out there. No use being afraid. So I did but exercise went from skiing to a little downtown shopping. Discouraging.
I will try again tomorrow. Maybe not so early. Friends are making a big pasta dinner. I have planned out my portion and told myself to be willing to be uncomfortable watching everyone else pile up their plates. Oh well. I want to be thin more.

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Old 01-24-2016, 05:55 AM   #183  
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Thumbs up Sunday - Full Moon as storm Jonas heads to sea

Diet Coaches/Buddies – Walk, CREDIT moi, included a stop at the local hardware store to buy a doorbell button. To my surprise, they had several. Unfortunately, none fit my door so it became yet-another Amazon purchase. It surprises me that they last as long as they do since they're cheaply made with internally exposed copper contacts; I spray the front door with a hose without thinking about the doorbell switch.

Eating included a late afternoon event where food sat on the table in front of us for the whole two hours. I was somewhat restrained, CREDIT moi, but recalled that during my period of losing weight I would have none. As in none whatsoever. I need to consider going back to that attitude. I'm off to shovel our "1-3" inches of snow.

onebyone – Ouch for a tough January. Good news is that there's only a week of it left.

Joy (gardenerjoy) – Enjoying, "But 'never' is a long time and I'll catch up long before I get there."

maryann - The only secret that I know is to avoid ice - cars don't do ice, feet don't do ice, bicycles don't do ice. Kudos for "Oh well. I want to be thin more."

nationalparker – Very smart to recognize that the card was more important than one day on time to work.

Karen (karenrn) - Kudos for shredding in your office - I need me some of that.

curlyjax - Yay for another day with gym. Sending supportive thoughts as you continue to work your DH's job situation.

Readers -
Chapter 4 Emotional Eating Traps

Let's consider a few of the most common emotional eating traps.

#1: The Trying to Numb Pain Trap
You believe it's not okay to feel negative emotions.
Elizabeth had struggled with her weight for many years, but it wasn't until she was in her sixties that she began to have a serious problem. Things really came to a head when her husband, Bill, who was ten years her senior, began to suffer health problems. Every time he got sick, she became anxious and let her eating "get really out of control."

In fact, whenever Elizabeth felt sad, worried, or frustrated, her immediate response was to think I need to eat something to calm down. And the food she turned to wasn't of the healthy variety. She ate sweets - lots of them. She believed that experiencing negative emotion was "bad" and that she needed to eat to get rid of her uncomfortable feelings.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., Deborah Beck Busis, The Diet Trap Solution, Train Your Brain to Lose Weight and Keep It Off for Good (Blue book), pg. 66
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Old 01-24-2016, 09:50 AM   #184  
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Quick check in. I've a lot to get done today and don't really want to tackle much of it. My new recipe every week plan is going well - last night's was a good hit but took a while. Not a calorie-bomb, either. We have leftovers for today's lunch and MIGHT make those sticky noodles again to go with the protein. Not a veggie-filled meal but dinner will be mainly a big salad with chicken and new potatoes (NO ROLL!) at the dinner theatre. Their food is "ok" but desserts are typically good and the week's treat.

Went over, though, with a slice of cheese and four crackers late at night when DH had his last meal - I didn't need it even if I skipped lunch. WHY. He hadn't eaten much, so for him - fine. Me? Silly.

Bill - I gave up on our doorbell years ago and now it's a tiny hole in the frame of the door. On Halloween I put a sign, knock! Other times, I figure folks know. But I miss it. Ours went haywire and when it was rung, it never stopped ringing. Maybe we should try again with a new one. ... This emotional eating trap post today sounds like it could be me... not that DH is ill, but the method of worry.

OneByOne - Credit for taking steps to regain YOU. You have to be the priority or nothing else will ever happen. Take the time you can to just "be" and be good to yourself in small, non-food ways.

Maryann - I'll concur with Bill. We get a good bit of icing each winter and the way to deal with it is to not be on the roads - all wheel drive doesn't affect ice driving, more so if you're driving out of deep snow. It doesn't matter the thickness - once there is no traction, you're toast. They tell us to not add to the troubles and just stay in and make alternate plans. We have deaths every time there is ice on the roads. I think, I'd hate to die doing something mundane and not like racing to a hospital in an already life or death situation.
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Old 01-24-2016, 10:02 AM   #185  
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Good morning coaches,

Food within calories and yesterday's exercise was a hike (what a surprise), credit. In the afternoon I saw the movie The Lady in the Van with Maggie Smith. It was good, funny and sad too. The highlight of yesterday was learning I got a permit to backpack the Grand Canyon in early May. It will be a 4 night backpack and we will go rim to rim to rim, beginning on the South Rim. Also have plans to backpack on the John Muir Trail in July, so plenty of reasons to get and stay in shape.

Bill Glad you don't have too much snow to shovel.

Maryann Be careful on that ice. Boy has it ever been a long time since I've had to deal with anything like that.

Onebyone Hang in there and take care of yourself.

Curlyjax Good for you for getting to the gym. That is such a bummer about your husband's job search. I think it's horrible when employers don't get back to people.

Nationalparker Enjoy the dinner theater. We will be cheering for Arizona now that the Seahawks are out of contention.

GardenerJoy I'm feeling a bit behind too, but it will wait. Still focusing too much on having fun and probably too little on paperwork and being organized. Now that I have so many trips in the planning stage I had better get some folders going and be sure I'm at least organized for them.

Waving to anyone else reading today and hoping we all have a great day!
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Old 01-24-2016, 10:41 AM   #186  
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CREDIT for running unexpected errands right after lunch when I was least likely to engage in recreational eating. CREDITx2 for, in fact, not engaging in recreational eating during said errands. In spite of many opportunities.

Pet peeve: candy at the check-out of office supply and craft stores. If you like shopping in those stores, you've already used up considerable will power by not buying the $27 set of fine-tip pens in 32 colors (including 5 new neon ones). It's not fair to be accosted by candy by the cash register at that weak moment.

I put up food photos from Havana yesterday: Candy at odd places didn't seem to be a phenomenon there.

WI: NA kg, Exercise: +30, 860 /1200 minutes for January, Food: 100% op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes
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Old 01-24-2016, 12:37 PM   #187  
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Hi all, I'm not posting much but I am reading. I love seeing all the familiar faces. I can't remember who said it, but this is a special place.

I'm on day 6 of the South Beach diet phase 1. I know this diet is not for me, but a friend really wanted to do it. So I'm supporting her and taking a little break as an experiment for me. I know I won't continue past the first two weeks. One observation: it's good to remember that I can eat vegetables for breakfast.

I'm still running my 5K's a few times a week. And I still use an app called zombies run. It's got a whole narrative that I run to interspersed with music from my playlist. It's set after the zombie apocalypse and I am a runner for the town of Abel. I go on various missions ( I saved a baby once) and there there's a whole cast of characters and the zombies get my stuff if I don't run fast enough. It's very fun. Anyway, what I wanted to tell you is that on yesterday's run one of the characters who is in charge of supplies commented that he couldn't run because he broke his foot in 12 places in the evacuation Manchester, but he was grateful that able-bodied people like me could run. And I was just really struck that, yes, I am able bodied, and no matter how slowly I run, I am so so grateful that I can.

Special shout out to future fit chick: great to see you!

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Old 01-24-2016, 02:07 PM   #188  
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Hi, Coaches and Buddies.

First of all, thank you all for your kind words. We are hanging in there! I forgot to check in yesterday. I thought about several things I was going to share, but then just forgot to get it done. I did my walk yesterday, increasing the distance slightly. I felt like I was going so slowly, but found my pace had averaged slightly better than the days before. I had some tummy troubles, so ate off plan. I tend to eat refined carbs when that happens, as I seem to feel better when I do so. We took the rest of the day easy, just relaxing.

Today I am back to eating normally so far. No walk planned, but we have a lot of errands and grocery shopping to do, so I should get in some steps that way.

Bill Blue Eyes, good job for being restrained and also reflecting on what is different now than from before. I hope the shoveling went well.

Curly Jax, I understand the anxiety around DH's job limbo. I hate that too! Great job for getting to the gym with your family!

FLNU, great to see you too! Awesome job at being able-bodied and running 5ks regularly. I've heard the zombie runs are fun.

Gardener Joy, thanks for the encouragement. Glad that persistence is paying off for you!

Karen, RN, thanks for your encouragement. The added distance (no where in your range) on my walk was to help deal with stuff. I hope you had a great hike yesterday! Congrats on the permit, too.

Mary Ann, I love your preparatory attitude of being "willing to be uncomfortable watching everyone else pile up their plates". Driving on ice does take practice.

One by One, I'm sorry you are so discouraged! You have had a great deal going on, just don't lose hope!

National Parker, I hope your dinner theater was enjoyable! Glad to read you did well with your dinner out with DH. Bummer for going over your food plan.
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Old 01-24-2016, 03:19 PM   #189  
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Bill Boston is far north of us, but we received between 16 to 18 inches of that beautiful white snow.

I have been in the house 7 full days as of this hour. Between extreemly cold temperatures and icy roads, till finally our driveway is so blocked we can't get out at all. I no longer can be out in that weather, and DH shouldn't but with 30 minutes of working to clear paths, he got to shed for tools and birdseed.

DD is recovering from respitory infection and really shouldn't be outside but with temperatures up to mid 30's for first time in a week, she shoveled for 1 hour and only got a path to the driver's side of the car, but little headway to free the area behind the car so we could get to road. That is it

I'm so grateful for the warm home, and plenty of food, water to drink, etc.

I agree with Mary Ann, I don't drive on ice. Luckily I road to work with my husband or my Son (when he lived near by) and have rarely had to drive in snow or ice.

For some reason, scale is going back down. Am doing more exercise daily and see pedometer moving up to better numbers even tho in hose

Agree with FutureFitChick that just doing a bit more daily is the way to success. Strange how much my thinking is better with the extra movement.

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Old 01-24-2016, 04:31 PM   #190  
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Just waiting for my appointment at the clinic. Throat is killing me. Glad I made the appointment even though I never know if it is "bad enough".

Foodwise just soft things and lots of water water with tea, tea lemon and honey, lemon and honey. All variations of tea, no tea. Before I get home I'm going to get some soup at the grocery store.

This isn't very exciting but wanted to check in.

Will update later.
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Old 01-24-2016, 10:14 PM   #191  
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Hi, Coaches and Buddies.

Mostly checking in a second time today to reinforce the habit. Random odd factoid: Parmesan is the most shoplifted item in Italy, with 1/10 of these crimes being over Parmesan.

Food went well today, though tracking was difficult as dinner was at a Mongolian BBQ-style restaurant. It was hard to track all of the vegetables in random quantities as well as the sauces. But, I am pretty sure I did well calorie wise. Exercise was only that of wandering the aisles of the grocery store, stocking up for the week of planned dinners.

Love 2 Garden, so jealous of your snow!!! Send it back west! Sorry it has gotten you stuck at home! Great to read the scale is moving down for you!

One by One, feel better!
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Old 01-25-2016, 07:06 AM   #192  
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Thumbs up Monday - Henry VIII married Anne Boleyn (1533)

Diet Coaches/Buddies – Standard Sunday walk with DW, CREDIT moi, after shoveling our 3" of light fluffy snow. Walking is fun before there are any puddles or ice. I had earlier walked to the corner store to get a Boston Globe; I've received one-more-email assuring me that they really, really, really will get deliveries going starting today. My Globe might just be on my front porch as I type.

Eating was in survival mode at two events that served food. At the early evening pot luck there were many desserts to get through. Worse, a dear friend handed me a Ziploc bag of oatmeal raisin cookies because she knows that I love them. So I had dessert to take home before the function even began. I can eat them if I plan - like one a day sort of thing. Was a sad day locally as the New England Patriots lost their football game.

onebyone – Soup is the true cure of all that ails - hope you're soon feeling better.

Joy (gardenerjoy) – LOL at "$27 set of fine-tip pens in 32 colors (including 5 new neon ones)" - those things always tweak me, also. Neat to plan your shopping to avoid recreational eating.

Debbie (Lexxiss) – Waving. Congratulations to the Denver Broncos for a stellar victory in yesterday's game against the Patriots.

FutureFitChick – Always feels good to go a little faster. (Having a difficult time figuring out where in my brain to store that factoid about Parmesan cheese.)

nationalparker – Little things like "NO ROLL!" make eating out feel like part of the plan.

flnu - Yay for veggies for breakfast. One of the food shocks on our trip to China was the spread of green veggies with our morning coffee.

Karen (karenrn) - I am green jealous of your rim-to-rim-to-rim hike in the Grand Canyon. Even more so of your four nights on the river.

Sandy (love2garden) - Hope the path to freedom opens soon; that's a bunch of snow to clear.

Readers -
Chapter 4 Emotional Eating Traps

#1: The Trying to Numb Pain Trap

First we talked about what might happen if Elizabeth didn't eat when she was distressed. Elizabeth said she thought she'd feel increasingly upset until she finally couldn't tolerate the feeling any longer.

I asked Elizabeth to think of recent times when she felt significant distress but didn't eat. The first experience she told me about had occurred the previous month. She had accompanied Bill to his doctor's appointment, where they were told he needed an operation. "I was rally upset," she said, "but I couldn't eat. I wanted to but I didn't have the opportunity. By the time we left the doctor's office, it was almost lunchtime. But first we had to go to the lab so he could get some blood work done, which took forever. Then when we finally left, our car had a flat tire and AAA took over an hour to get to us. Then we had to stop at a second pharmacy for Bill's medicine because the first one was out of what he needed. When we finally go home, it was almost dinnertime.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., Deborah Beck Busis, The Diet Trap Solution, Train Your Brain to Lose Weight and Keep It Off for Good (Blue book), pg. 67
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Old 01-25-2016, 09:54 AM   #193  
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Brief check in as work is busy but I need a mental break. Must work harder on the weekends on two things: moderation - one treat does not mean it deserves another ... and NO "sneaking" food. DH doesn't care what I eat. Why have I suddenly - well, over the past year or so, decided I must snag something while either he's in the shower, the garage, on an errand, whatever - even if "just" a slice of cheese... or a choc covered almond ... or a sliver of coffee cake I baked. I can fit it all in while tracking but I don't track that sneaked food. It's like in my mind it doesn't count. I need to get that under control and will focus on that for the next few weeks/months. I don't do that at work...That alone can undo me solidly. Disappointed in myself for that as I don't like that about me.

The dinner theatre WAS thoroughly enjoyable - we laughed throughout this performance. I started with a large salad, ate half of my chicken breast, and all of my fingerling potatoes and baby carrots. Skipped the roll and chose the dessert which was modest proportion, but still dessert.

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Old 01-25-2016, 10:22 AM   #194  
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Quick check-in. I hope everyone dealing with snow today is safe and warm!

WI: -0.45 kg, Exercise: +40, 900 /1200 minutes for January, Food: 100% op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes

Great to see, flnu! The zombie run app sounds very cool!

FutureFitChick: I eat to fix tummy problems, too. At one point in my journey, when I was never eating off my plan, I experimented with not eating when I was sick. I'm convinced eating works better for me. Good to know, except that means I have to be careful to not let tummy distress start a bad cycle of overeating.
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Old 01-25-2016, 12:17 PM   #195  
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Karen I definitely want to see The Lady in the Van with Maggie Smith. She is a fantastic actress and her expressions as she sends a zinger are fun to watch. I never try to do two things at once when she is on.

NationalParker Your Dinner Theater experience sounds like such fun. I do miss those opportunities. Theater was turned into a much needed elementary school.

ill Your experience: our trip to China was the spread of green veggies with our morning coffee. had to top anything I've read, but again, why not?

OnebyOne Sure hope you are able to see Doctor today. Glad you are not putting it off.

Gradually DH and DD are moving snow from driveway to the grass but one pile is above the stone pillar with the lamp at entrance to our home, and growing!! It will be spring before those piles are gone. Neighbor's piles are up to bottom of his window and his car blocked as he parked on street and plow really blocked him in.

We are still without schools open but finally stors reopened. Few cars are passing by our home so many still staying put.

CREDIT: Meals good with lots of vegies. CREDIT: Only water and tea without sugar taken from 6:00 PM till 12:30 AM bedtime.
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