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Old 01-17-2016, 05:22 PM   #136  
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I have found a balaclava, scarf over my mouth, or at least a tall collar (like a funnel neck style) have been really helpful for this.
Thanks, I once had one and I've looked everywhere for it. I'll order one this week.

Definitely away from Beck method in many ways. Staying up most of night to read all 3 library books isn't wise, but I did enjoy them so much. Problem is that I finished the cookies, too.

New day, new resolve.
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Old 01-17-2016, 08:48 PM   #137  
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I am struggling mightily today with eating - DH and I are on opposite eating schedules as he's staying on his nights schedule for the most part, since he'll be back on nights tomorrow night. We'll eat "dinner" together but I'm wanting to eat when he eats, too. Not from hunger, but from social desire. I have planned and marketed for GOOD healthy meals (mostly) but I realize that some will have to be frozen and delayed a bit bc of leftovers that I don't want to waste either. Twice a year, DH will make "sausage and gravy" from turkey italian sausage and olive oil ... not QUITE as much of a calorie/fat hit as if you'd get it at a southern-style restaurant, but still an indulgence. This was dinner tonight. I went SUPER light at lunch and enjoyed that tonight. I could have done better today.

I am committed to handling tomorrow's eating better. Using cups of hot tea when I'm tempted.

Temps will be below zero tonight, with wind chills around -20 or so. I put out two suet squares this morning, and sprinkled birdseed close to my trees, so they could seek speedy safety.

The birds were in a feeding frenzy this morning. Apparently I have been the rest of the day.

Back to it tomorrow.
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Old 01-17-2016, 10:28 PM   #138  
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Hi, Coaches and Buddies.

OK day today. Slightly over my calories for the day, due to indulgence at lunch. Credit for leaving much of my food on my plate, as I just didn't have the appetite for it. Skiing was super cold. We only made a handful of runs, as wind chill was ~-20 degrees F. Fewer equipment issues than yesterday, but still uncomfortable overall. I'm glad we made the effort to get out there though.

Tomorrow will be lots of eating out, so I spent a long time tonight reviewing menu options for meals. I haven't made my final selections, as I want to see what the food looks like before I order.

I am already dreading Tuesdays weigh-in. I've been over in calories several days in a row, which feels terrible. I definitely need to work on the eating out strategies.

Bill Blue Eyes, I appreciate your strategy of filling the plate Ύ full of salad. How neat that you got to play with your DGD today!

CurlyJax, glad to see you are still positive, in spite of the chocolate and chip trap you fell in.

Gardener Joy, love your idea of bringing food to get time with a little one! Sorry you are struggling at the moment. It will pass!

Lexxiss, awesome job at sticking with your meal plan!

Love 2 GArden, good job letting go of the bad day before!

Mary Ann, I have very little tolerance for poorly made shoes. My feet get torn up so fast walking around on campus in bad shoes. Hope you are feeling better. Sorry things have been discouraging for you!

National Parker, smart to use cups of tea to prevent other temptations. It can be hard when you are not on the same eating schedule as your spouse!
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Old 01-18-2016, 05:39 AM   #139  
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Thumbs up Monday - Martin Luther King, Jr., birthday (1929)

Diet Coaches/Buddies – Standard Sunday walk with DW, CREDIT moi, encountering just enough ice to walk carefully. Neither of the two mini-libraries passed had books that I needed even though I almost took one before I remembered that it already sits on my stack, LOL.

Meals were on plan, CREDIT moi; afternoon snack was larger than planned. I found my hand dipping directly into a jar of peanuts - a process completed without my brain noting anything going on. Did sardines for lunch - I haven't had them in a bit. There's snow on the ground right now - thin layer, but snow that will need to be shoveled.

Joy (gardenerjoy) – Wincing over "I'm working hard so I deserve to eat more." Our brains struggle so hard to get over the notion that food is a reward.

Debbie (Lexxiss) – Shoveling 10 inches of snow for the dog run is serious early morning work. Prepare yourself for a zillion New England Patriot fans to descend on Denver next Sunday. We'll be the ones trying to suck oxygen out of your high altitude air.

FutureFitChick – Full Kudos for leaving food on the plate even if you can think of a reason to decrease the credit. Does that ever sound like challenging skiing.

maryann - Kudos for recognizing exaggerated thinking so you can get perspective. [Adding Goodnight Gorilla to my list.]

nationalparker – Kudos for a moderate response to your DH's "sausage and gravy" - that kind of stuff calls me. Hope your birds get through this.

curlyjax - 8 hours on dementia would have exceeded my mind's holding power. Meal planning is always worth a Kudos.

Sandy (love2garden) - Ouch for finishing the cookies with the library books. Thanks for "New day, new resolve."

Readers -
Chapter 3 Stress Traps

Reflect and Recommit:
Why I want to Escape This Trap

You have a choice. You can keep allowing stress to overwhelm your weight-loss efforts - and suffer the consequences. Or you can decide to make a change. Stress will be there either way. Do you want to feel stressed and bad about yourself, or do you want to feel stressed and better about yourself?

Imagine what could happen if you changed unreasonable rules; really prioritized dieting, exercise, and self-care; problem-solved to reduce stress; and reminded yourself that overeating leads to greater stress than staying in control of your eating does.

Commit yourself to working on stress traps right now, so you'll be prepared when the next stressful period arises. Take a few minutes to write one final summary reminder card to motivate you to make changes and keep making changes.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., Deborah Beck Busis, The Diet Trap Solution, Train Your Brain to Lose Weight and Keep It Off for Good (Blue book), pg. 63
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Old 01-18-2016, 07:57 AM   #140  
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Hi Coaches!

Yesterday's food was OP excepting one bite of an uninteresting mini muffin at work. Wasn't worth it so the rest went in the trash. Credit. My lunch is packed for today and I have a meal plan in place for dinner. I worked through some emails with football game on yesterday afternoon. Boorish, at best, but felt I should watch.

BBE, It looks like good weather for the game on Sunday. That's always good because weather is variable and altitude isn't. LOL

Off to work!
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Old 01-18-2016, 08:14 AM   #141  
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hi coaches!
Exercise yesterday was finally vacuuming and cleaning the bathrooms. I don't know why I put this off so much, it doesn't take that long and looks so much better when I do it.
today will be shoveling, we finally got a few inches. Not enough to warrant running out at 7:30 am with a snowblower as my retired neighbor did, but then, I think he has nothing else to do! Very crabby guy who focuses intently on yard/driveway upkeep.

One thing I have read to keep carbs in check is eat grains for lunch or breakfast but not both (with the assumption that you'll probably eat them for dinner). I try to keep this in mind as its easy to eat too much bread, even whole wheat. Today I am mostly home so I can try to eat more veggies too.

Nationalparker- I enjoyed your description of your dinner table on the goals page, that sounded very nice! Good to remember one can decorate more in any month, not just for Christmas.
Lexiss hope you are over your cold. It is definitely tougher to keep on track when one feels bad.
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Old 01-18-2016, 10:11 AM   #142  
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Good morning coaches,

Quick check in this morning. Yesterday's food probably a touch high, but no sweets or alcohol. Walked a little over five miles after church and the Seahawks game (disappointing). We're heading out in less than an hour for the Flatiron Hike in the Superstitions. It's short (just over 5 miles) but steep and some climbing. There are five of us today and we will have a blast, but it is a hard one.

Tomorrow we are heading back out to the Superstitions to do the 9 mile Black Mesa Loop with Sandee's friends who will be in town. They are hikers from Washington. Sandee told me yesterday she didn't think she could keep up with me all the time, I told her I don't hike every day when she's not here. She asked for it and she is getting it. She has had a weight loss since coming to my book camp, I on the other hand have not.

Have a great day everybody!
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Old 01-18-2016, 12:14 PM   #143  
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I’m not sure that “entitlement” is quite the right word for what I’m dealing with here. I tried looking back at my youth to see where the entitlement part came in and I don’t see any out-sized expectations of deserving more than I got. Instead, I see shame and fear. Overeating and immortality fantasies are simply coping mechanisms.

I’m not quite sure where to go with that, but it seems like it’s less about addressing entitlement and more about healing old wounds and recognizing that current realities are generally much improved. My coping mechanisms might have been helpful at younger ages, but they work against me now.

WI: +0.2 kg, Exercise: +20 620/1200 minutes for January, Food: 70% op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes
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Old 01-18-2016, 01:45 PM   #144  
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Good Mornings, Coaches.

Ironic gardenerjoy talks about food behavior being rooted in shame and fear. I had already planned on posting the following from War of Art:

"Resistance is fear. But Resistance is too cunning to show itself in this naked form. Why? Because if Resistance lets us see clearly that our own fear is preventing us from doing our own work, we may feel shame at this. And shame may drive us to act in the face of fear. Resistance doesn't want us to to this so it brings in Rationalization. Rationalization is Resistance's spin doctor. . . it presents us with a series of plausible, rational justifications for us not doing the work that God intended for us."

So I am going to take my own "spin" on the struggles on Saturday. It isn't a real journey until you trip, beat on the ground with your fists, swear you are through and then pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep walking. So now I am REALLY on the way.

Stayed OP despite some discomfort, scale down two pounds, food in MFP for today and gym circuit training planned after bike.

Last edited by maryann; 01-19-2016 at 04:42 PM.
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Old 01-18-2016, 07:59 PM   #145  
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Well, after a good start and middle to the day, I have floundered fantastically. I could not have done worse if I was trying to bulk up. I need to track it all but on the other hand, I want to just call it a day. I ended up with too many nuts this evening after a decent, light dinner. I always measure nuts out, but this time just snagged the container and munched on it, one sriracha nut after another nut after another one. Then a few pretzel chips and hummus. Then a brownie brittle (70 cal), then... four more cashews. Then I realized I'd better get on here before I cleared the pantry. EDITED - calculated my intake and figured it at 1,700-1,800, so solidly more than I need, but not a complete disaster. But in my mind i think that cannot be right.

Scale was up two pounds this morning - I am frustrated that I sabotaged myself when I could have set myself up for a good week that actually would show progress from last week. Well, the full week's not a loss yet but jeez louise why use the first night back alone to munch like I've not been near snack food in a year.

Onward and forward and I'm tired of saying that, but apparently not tired enough. I hate coming here and reporting that I've failed again, but take strength in the fact that you won't berate me.

Last edited by nationalparker; 01-18-2016 at 08:43 PM.
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Old 01-18-2016, 10:36 PM   #146  
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Hi, Coaches and Buddies.

I am pleased with today. I didn't get to ski quite as much as I wanted to, but I exhausted myself with what I did do, so good overall. Food was on plan!! logged my food. Said "no choice" to some cheese curds that tried to intrude on my plan too.

Tomorrow will be unpacking, laundry, and reading a chapter of my writing I've been avoiding. I will also be doing the Hunger Experiment, as I put it off from last week.

Bill Blue Eyes, glad you got a good walk in safely. Does that book now make it to the top of the stack?

Curly Jax, great job using being at home to provoke more veggies!

Gardener Joy, sorry you are dealing with old wounds. It is strange what one can find that brings them to the surface, sometimes out of the blue.

Karen, RN, I love the idea of your friend's visit being boot camp!

Lexxiss, great job trashing that uninteresting muffin.

Mary Ann, very poignant post today! I need to read that book. It is in my bookshelf stack.

National Parker, I have been using a sort of mantra of "I forgive myself. I forgive myself. I forgive myself." I do this especially in moments when I am sick of myself and what feels at the time like endless mess ups. Seems like a theme in tonight's posts! Hang in there!!
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Old 01-19-2016, 05:33 AM   #147  
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Thumbs up Tuesday - Paul Cιzanne born (France, 1839)

Diet Coaches/Buddies – Shoveled snow, CREDIT moi. It was about three inches of light weight stuff. Shoveling is so easy when the snow isn't packed with water and it's not currently raining as it was the last time I recall shoveling. The day remained cold without a break.

Dinner was white beans. My protein came from sardines for lunch which I haven't remembered to have for a long time. Snacking remains an issue. I'm looking forward to Beck's chapter on emotional eating since my snacking correlates with the stack of items on my to-do list that I'm trying to avoid. I did sit down with DW to review our finances - she'd done a nifty job of getting them all onto a single place. We'll survive unless we both live to be 105 with the last years in total care facilities.

Joy (gardenerjoy) – Hope you let us know the secret to learning to act awarely "recognizing that current realities are generally much improved." Seems a shame to spend the rest of my life gobbling nuts to protect myself against the coming famine.

Debbie (Lexxiss) – Re "Boorish, at best." If you were a Roman citizen back in the days, you'd be considered suspect for a remark like that made about entertainment at the Colosseum.

FutureFitChick – Always Kudos for "no choice." [Current book is Autumn A Season of Change by Peter Marchand that's blowing my mind about how much work a tree does to prepare for winter. They don't just drop their leaves; they suck down all the proteins and water from them to save for next spring.]

maryann - Super Kudos for "OP despite some discomfort." It really annoys me how hard I'll work to avoid a minor discomfort.

nationalparker – Kudos for taking the effort to realize "solidly more than I need, but not a complete disaster" - it's so easy to just beat up on ourselves without taking time for that perspective.

Karen (karenrn) - LOL at your typo, "She has had a weight loss since coming to my book camp" - hope you'll let us know what book we can read to cause weight loss. I do like the name 'Superstitions'.

curlyjax - Always a good thing, "I can try to eat more veggies too."

Readers -
Chapter 4 Emotional Eating Traps

When you hear upsetting news, what is your first instinct? Do you find yourself reaching for sweets?

When you've had a bad day at work, do you stop on the way home to hit the drive-through at a fast-food restaurant or pick up a big bag of chips at a convenience store?

After you've had an argument with a friend, do you head into the kitchen and tear open the bag of chocolate chips you'd been saving to make cookies?

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., Deborah Beck Busis, The Diet Trap Solution, Train Your Brain to Lose Weight and Keep It Off for Good (Blue book), pg. 65
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Old 01-19-2016, 10:19 AM   #148  
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Yesterday was messy. I think the emotional work I’ve been doing is kind of like clearing a closet – there’s a stage when everything is much messier than when I started. That was yesterday. I think I made a turn late in the day.

The paper planner I bought from Danielle LaPorte asks us to identify core desired feelings and declare, every day, what we will do to feel that way. I started with “enthusiasm” as a core desired feeling and it usually works well for me. But I can’t always get there. Yesterday, I came up with an even more embarrassing core desired feeling: earnestness. Earnestness is often lampooned, but it’s the only emotion that’s going to get me to measure my cereal every darn morning. Earnestness is what will get me to do what I claim that I want to do.

WI: NA kg, Exercise: +40 660/1200 minutes for January, Food: 70% op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes
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Old 01-19-2016, 04:46 PM   #149  
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Good Afternoon, Coaches.

Checking in between appts.

Saw the word "measure" in gardenerjoy's post and thought "yep" that is what I need to do this minute.

Every minute is a new start, nationalparker. I like the analogy of a sailboat. You are not directly heading to your goal , you are constantly switching sails to catch the wind to head in the general right direction. True for me.

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Old 01-19-2016, 06:36 PM   #150  
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Good afternoon coaches,

Quick check in. Food kind of on plan, but at least it is within calories. Yesterday's hike was actually almost 6 1/2 miles and 2800 feet elevation gain. We all have sore quads today from the steep decline. It was a blast though.

Today we did a 9.4 mile hike in the Superstitions and with all those exercise calories we will be on plan today too. The hard part is I'm using all my energy for fun and I don't feel like cooking dinner. I pulled split pea soup out of the freezer and we'll have a tuna sandwich on the side.

Tomorrow will be the last full day with Sandee here and we'll hike tomorrow too. Then it will be back to real life and I'll get back to some personals.

Okay, Bill, so it was supposed to be boot camp, but Sandee reads a ton and her current book is Bloodlines. Between the hiking and the reading she hardly has time to eat.

Waving to all!
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