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Old 12-31-2010, 11:48 AM   #256  
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I hope everyone has a great New Year's Eve. I am packing up to stay at our place in Truckee. We hope to ski some this week. I wante to send the Old Year out Right so I am making strict OP plans - leaving all the holiday sweets down here, taking some time this afternoon to write down about the amazing year I have had. It has been a miracle year for me. 35 years of struggling with weight, a high as 205, and now I officially qualify as NOT overweight. I haven't weigh this since I was 14 years old and in many ways I feel young again. But the pounds were only a symptom of my addiction. The true freedom has come with the increase peace I have experienced this year.
Happy New Year to all.
Movingon: Nothing ever even came close to matching the excitement, pleasure and comfort of food. When I gave up overeating I thought to myself," What's the use of going or doing or doing anything. There is nothing to look forward to." Overtime, I have gained tremendous pleasure from things I never would have thought of. Start with a small list of rewards. It will grow.
FFChick: Sorry for the bad day. I have learned that sometimes I just have to sit in the feelings and not overeat and feel crummy. That is a tremendous CREDIT for myself because I was never willing to do it before.
CeeJAY: Yeh! for 3 days. Keep Going.
Onebyone: congrats on new plans. Your post was filled with new energy today.
BBE: The old dinner/ dessert switch. I hate it when that happens.
gardenerjoy: I am with you in staying home tonite and enjoying the peace.
BlueDaisy: Welcome back from the tech shadows. Congrats on no weight gain.
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Old 12-31-2010, 01:07 PM   #257  
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Default Last Nights Post

While reading posts this AM, I realized my post from last night wasn't here it is...apologies if anything is outdated at this point. I'll catch up with everyone later but did want to say;
Shepherdess! I know you will be committed to health now more than ever and not having kids, can't believe that the accepted norm for pregnancy is "Eat whatever you want". Hmm....

Thursday evening
Another good Beck day. I am grateful when I use the skills I have learned. Food was OP, but did have some switch arounds. I didn't have it written and circumstances changed anyway. Some days I just don't know what's around the next corner. Randomly read from the green book-a reminder to stick with your written plan. Oops. I did accomplish a big task. Yesterday I was reading about practicing throwing away food. Tonight I attacked the fridge and tossed many items that were still usable but that we just DON'T use and are not for giveaway. *credit* I did enjoy myself because I fed DH lots of things I wanted to get rid of and knew he'd eat.

Cindy(M0vingon), to the Beck thread! Sensible eating (I call it food sanity) is practiced here.

BillBlueEyes, Yay! for NO CHOICE tree nuts AND for exercise while decluttering. Great that DD is so willing to part with things.

NatureGirl, glad you posted!*credit* Amidst your shotgun discussion, I do observe that you have been mindful through the holiday season even when eating was not 100% OP. Routines are always easier for me and your observation that you are looking forward to the structure of returning to work says to me that your life (and food plan) will normalize. Until then, safe travels!

Beverlyjoy, so sorry your other mother had such a bad fall. Great that you can be there for her. I hope she starts to heal and you are able to return to your comfort zone. Funny, for me home is my biggest challenge.

gardenerjoy, interesting that there is music to the silent film! Enjoy your evening and bag of popcorn. *credit* for planning ahead.

maryann, it IS great that we already have a solution! It will be so nice to wear your new clothes when you go back to work!

onebyone, great credits today, despite your thought that you are procrastinating. I have to remember that Rome wasn't built in a day when working on large and overwhelming projects. Too much at once and I cave. Slow and steady is my motto. *credit* for staying OP and another reminder that you will feel better and better every day that you eat healthy.

CeeJay, *credit* for staying OP and practicing your Beck skills. Only two items left on your list. Sending supportive thoughts as you anticipate talking with DH.

FutureFitChick, on your unusually painful day. I imagine that pain IS very distracting from the things you are trying to do. Great credits during your frustrating day.
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Old 12-31-2010, 04:51 PM   #258  
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Smile Happy New Year!

HAPPY NEW YEAR for 1-1-11 (or in USian 11-1-1) - my first post for this year will be in last year - oh well.

My weight today was scary - worse than I thought. I was really inclined not to change it because it made it more real but real it is and I have to deal with it. Another list suggested that it is time to “take the day (or more) to mull, ponder, scrutinize, dissect, chew on, and generally pore over 2010. Think long and hard – from where you were sitting last January 1st to now. What kind of year was it for your health and overall well-being? (... applause, sighs, groans?) What were your successes? Your failures? Unfinished business? New or ongoing excuses?” Time to reflect and take action. It is a great time to hole up inside and reflect and write - it will be over 37 and too hot to be outside.There is a plan to follow but I need to consider what I put in my own way that I didn’t achieve a lot in 2010. But I have to say I am RELIEVED that today I can start back on plan: don’t know who was stopping me mind. I am redoing all my weight charts for this year - too depressing to look at lack of progress last year so will have a bright shiny clean slate.

BillBlueEyes - Ouch for off-plan desserts. T’is the season to be tested. But you don’t appear to be doing badly.
Blue Daisy - Glad you sorted out your browser problems - computers can be irritating beasties. Well done with holiday season weight loss
GardenerJoy - Your plans for New Years Eve sound good and restrained - enjoy and celebrate your progress for this year. I laughed at your crush on Captain Jack Harkness - Torchwood is one of my favourite series and I hadn’t thought of looking at the books. Fluffy indeed
Debbie R(Lexxiss) - Well done for flexibly managing what is around the corner by switching around your plan a little to accommodate it. It is a good feeling to de-junk the fridge. I did it myself but didn’t have a DH there to clean up the left overs. The dogs enjoyed a bit of it though
Maryann - Congrats on getting below overweight! A great achievement for the year.
Onebyone - Your plans sound useful and your goals are being achieved so credit. I think the polar bear dip sounds like something to stay away from on thin ice - or any other circumstance for that matter! Good luck with the decluttering and meal planning. Great weight loss result
Shepherdess - Congratulations on your pregnancy! And you have learned so much about healthy eating and activity it will be so helpful as your pregnancy progresses.

Credits - little done because I am posting in the morning - will report back next year / later today

Have a great New Years Eve out there
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Old 12-31-2010, 05:15 PM   #259  
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Quick post to say Woohoo! to Shepherdess! I'm so happy for you and so pleased to see the healthy approach that you're taking to your pregnancy.

Also, since I mentioned tornadoes this morning and we may make the national news tonight, I thought I should note that we're fine. There is impressive footage of splintered homes in Sunset Hills, only a couple of miles away and across the street from the coffee house where my brother and I meet to write on Wednesdays. As far as I know, we just got rain -- but we were holed up in the basement so I wouldn't have noticed wind or hail.
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Old 12-31-2010, 08:17 PM   #260  
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Another quick check in tonight- heading over to the neighbours.

Happy New Years!!! May each of you have a healthy and delightful 2011.

Fourth day on plan. I ate egg whites for breakfast, plain yogurt and berries for morning snack, salad and ham sandwich for lunch, an apple for afternoon snack and not the healthiest dinner but it did include shrimp and veggies. I will not be eating anything at the neighbours tonight- I am full and done eating for the day. Better I don't get started on anything.

Credit today for:

eating on plan and mostly healthy
weighing in
planning food for tomorrow
reading advantage and response cards

Happy to say I accomplished all the goals I set to be done by tomorrow.

1. Clean out all junk food and trigger food from the house. DONE
2. Have heart to heart talk with DH about keeping the junk away from me at all times. DONE
3. Put aside some time with myself to rewrite my advantage cards and add new ones. DONE
4. Rework my food plan. DONE
5. Spend some time thinking about what I am going to do for fun this year and set some goals around fun time and vacations. Book some time off when I get back to work on Wednesday. DONE
6. Spend some time at work this week thinking about what is going to give so that I can bring some sanity to the number of hours I am putting in. DONE
7. Reestablish my no choice rule about a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise a day and doing weights every second day.Weights done twice this week, tomorrow I get back on exercise bike
8. Eat no sugar starting this very minute. No sugar for 4 days
9. Water, water, water Drank lots of water today

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Old 12-31-2010, 09:34 PM   #261  
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Thanks for being here, coaches, and I look forward to sharing our collective wisdom in the coming year.

A mediocre Beck day, but technically OP. I didn't read from a Beck book. I will do that before bed. We had breakfast out (planned) and I made a good choice. *credit* Determined I just do best when I start with my smoothie. I've been reorganizing kitchen cupboards all day. My new pans didn't fit. The kitchen is a mess right now but I decided it was time for iced tea and a post. I really didn't want to finish but remembered BBE's words regarding procrastination and off plan eating. Exercise was shoveling and hauling stuff up and down basement stairs.

BillBlueEyes, it would seem pretty darned difficult to not drift at a dessert party when you expected something different. Sometimes leaving is not an option. Hope your two parties in one night went better.

gardenerjoy, I'm watching the news soon. I hope everyone is ok. Your New Year's Eve dinner sounds great! Just a little decadent...perfect!

Cheryl(seadwaters), you said, "Time to reflect and take action." *credit* that you are here and that you know what you have to do. . I am reading from one of the books every single day. It does seem to help with staying the course.

maryann, your words to M0vingon were very powerful. I am working in that direction. Today was a day where I had to sit in the feelings and not overeat and feel crummy. I feel better right now for doing that. Have fun in Truckee!

Shepherdess, I'm glad you had a safe trip back. It has been an awful week for travel.

BlueDaisy, great that you're back! I think it is a very great strategy that you had for Christmas-5 days off, and right back on.

onebyone, Up and At 'Em! Great that you have both your list for today AND the big picture.

CeeJay, Yay! for accomplishing all the goals you set out to finish by tomorrow.

Good evening, all. I'm not staying up-I never do. Instead, I'll enjoy some reading and will be up before the dawn to ring in the New Year in silence..
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Old 12-31-2010, 10:14 PM   #262  
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Thanks everyone for the kind welcome.

I'm in overwhelmed mode tonight. There are a lot of new skills to work on! I did many of the items on the stage 1 checklist including reading my cards, setting a schedule for meals and snacks, eating mindfully (except while out for dinner with 6 & 8 y.o. sons!). I also did some activity and I'm starting to work on planning meals for tomorrow. Right now it feels like a lot! I'm finding that I am already challenging my old thinking- particularly around cravings and control as well as the feelings of frustration, anger, and obstinacy that come with learning to deny myself unplanned eating. Seriously, if I can figure that stuff out, I'll be way ahead of any diet I've ever tried! I feel good and as thought I've made the first step toward rewiring old habits of behaviour and thought.

Sorry, I know I'm not using the posting format everyone else is using, but right now it's too new for me. Thanks again for the support and wisdom!
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Old 01-01-2011, 08:42 AM   #263  
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Thumbs up Discussion continues on the January 2011 Thread

Please join us as this discussion continues on

Beck Diet For Life/Solution – January 2011 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach

You can find the list of previous (or more current) monthly Beck threads here on 3 Fat Chicks via:
List of Monthly Beck Threads for Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach

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