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Old 06-14-2007, 01:47 PM   #121  
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Hi Girls,
It’s a beautiful day here. sun is shining, temp in the mid 70’s.
How could I complain?!
I am glad to see everyone is doing so well. I was back up 1 pound today.
that was the first time I had a real gain like that. I guess I had to much
sodium this week. It will be better in the morning.

I am so glad to hear your Dad is doing better.
I love this weather Paula, It is getting dry again, Good for me.
Not the farmers. My area like yours has many farms, so I do think about them.
Hope your dentist appointment went well.

I am so glad your dr. told you its ok to drink lots of water, unless you retain
it. Mostly I don’t. I do think my hormones are still out. the hot flashes are still here. Might that cause a water retention?
Who knows. I do know my legs and ankles are sooo thin now days. No retention there.

do think it would be worth my time to rent the dvd’s with the Sopranos?
I have no Idea what the show is about. Sure seems like all you
girls like it! Is it a show that continues or can you jump in and
understand it right off?

I am so glad you leg feel better,
How do you like your elliptical?
I think the longest I have been on mine is about 25 min. at the 2-3rd

Have fun looking at the lap tops. And scrap booking.

You mentioned a detox. How does one do that? And what are
the benifts?

I agree about brown rice. I am going to have to try your recipe.

Have fun with your vacation. Keep in touch. send pics.
WON’ FORGET YOU! How could I?
I am in with your challenge. I always up to a good challenge.

well I have to shower and be at work soon.

hugs to all.
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Old 06-14-2007, 05:04 PM   #122  
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Below is what Meow said, I don't think the other 50+ team has many people that post like we do. So I'm thinking it's a bust. We won't do it. But maybe we can do something ourselves. How about this. Let's post for the month of July every week. Our lose, gain, or stay the same. We can determine the winner for the week by %. I guess I'm inspired by the "Biggest Losers" because they go by the percent. Some of us don't have that much to lose and some of you have more to lose. Obviously you that have more to lose will lose faster, so the percent comes into place. Geeeeeez, can you understand what I'm saying? I'd like to have two teams, like the biggest losers, A red team and a blue team. We'd have to divide it up, etc.

Hi Bobbi . . . Hi Lynne . . .

Well now it would definitely be great if the whole 50+ could find a shared interest and I hope you hear from some more of the girls from this little group.

For me personally. . . I think I'll just sit in the bleachers and cheer for everybody. I get really stressed about challenges and have never ever managed to succeed at any I joined around 3FC.
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Old 06-14-2007, 07:19 PM   #123  
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Bobbi, I finally remembered to buy the Flat Outs at Walmart. Going to make the pizza one for lunch. I printed out the recipes you posted .... they all look yummy.....

I'll let you know how the pizzas go.

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Old 06-14-2007, 11:21 PM   #124  
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Thanks everyone -- I will pop in tomorrow before we leave (Oregon coast). I just saw Phyllis mention the Flat Outs -- if anyone has any other fav "good" foods think about it and post. We don't get a lot of the cool stuff here in the far north (LOL) so I got all excited when I remember your discussions about Flat outs -- I am taking a small cooler with my yogurt and some veggies and fruit -- but I am always eager to discover really cool new foods.

I will check here before we leave -- which would be about noon most of your times LOL.

I promise to take pictures -- is this a sneaky way to see the real Joanne????

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Old 06-15-2007, 07:12 AM   #125  
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Good Morning Everyone,

OK, each morning, I'll try to remember to post one of my new recipes -

Pork chop with ginger & mandarin oranges (really good & really simple) -

Brown pork chop in 1.5 tsp olive oil
sprinkle shaved ginger over the chop
put mandarin oranges (no juice if you want to cut carbs) on chop
cover and simmer

I had that with veggies (cauliflower & broccoli).

Hi Femme, I have copied your brown rice recipe. Thank you.

Hi Joanne, I hope your vacation is WONDERFUL! Enjoy.

Hi Bobbi, thanks for posting the challenge thread. There are enough of us to do 2 teams. The ladies on the other thread really ought to join up with us - I think there are only 3 people posting on that thread.

Hi Theresa, Unless you can tolerate a lot of violence and foul language, you probably would not like the Sopranos. I got so involved with the characters - GREAT acting & GREAT writing - that I was willing to overlook the rest. Some things are REALLY funny - especially the funerals. Sounds strange, but to see these murdering thugs standing around at funerals saying the same things we hear at regular funerals when the viewers know that they actually killed the guy is really funny. Now that I write it, it sounds terrible, I guess I must have a dark sense of humor.

I'm getting really discouraged. So far, this month, I have lost 1.4 lbs. This is without one day of eating any simple carbs. I think I'm going to start weighing my food. I MUST be eating more than I think I am.

Also - my blood sugar numbers are not getting down to where I want them. Beginning today, I'm cutting out coffee and artificial sweetner to see if that will lower it. I eat an awful lot of Splenda since I cut out carbs - probably looking for the sweetness. Maybe that's affecting my numbers.

Hair dresser this morning - then, maybe I'll drop by to see my dd. I haven't seen her since Sunday.

I hope everyone has a Happy and Healthy day,

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Old 06-15-2007, 08:22 AM   #126  
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Good Morning.
All right my gain of 1 pound must have been water. Because I was back
down to 162 this a.m. YeaH!

Joanne… pictures, Yeah, need pictures. Lots of pictures. might even get to see you?
Like I have room to talk. Never did like mine taken. I am going to have hubby take a new one of me soon.
I was hoping to loose 10 more before I brave a new one.

I will try the pork chops this weekend.
I do eat pork more than I eat beef. Pork chops, very lean or ham. once in a while pork chops with kraut. mmmm

you are right about the violence in the movies. I don’t like much of that. I prefer to have a good laugh. Can’t beat a comedy. or good chick flick.

Hang in there Lynn, you are doing what You need to do. Sounds like you
just have to have patience. Ouch. that is hard to get. I know I am not patient at all!
Maybe add 10 min. walking? just a little change could do it.

I have read somewhere that the splenda’s etc. do work in your body, the same as sugar, without the calories. It would be worth looking into.
I use Equal. but not more than 2 very small spoonfuls. Any other comes directly from the prepackaged foods.

Cape cod.
I really need to get out more. Cape Cod is a place I see in the movies, or read in a good book. sounds so fun.

I went over to see Jessie last night (dgd) She has been sick with a bad cold for almost a week.
I ended up taking her home with me.
Mommy had a funeral and daddy worked 15 hrs yesterday.
thank God he has today off! We sat on the porch swing till she got chilly.

That is her favorite thing. that and just walking around, outside. She is going to be a tom boy, when she finally walks.

Well its time for Curves.
back later if things don’t get crazy here.
have a sunny day.
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Old 06-15-2007, 08:46 AM   #127  
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You never did tell us your birthdate. I know it's coming up - when is it? You know, we all ought to list our birthdates so we can wish each other happy ones.

Mine is 4-11

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Old 06-15-2007, 09:39 AM   #128  
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My scale must be broken! It said I weigh 170 this morning. I got on it twice just to be sure. There is no way I lost 6 pounds. I'm not going to change my ticker until I check the scale again tomorrow.

my birthday is 4-4
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Old 06-15-2007, 09:53 AM   #129  
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Lynn, thanks for the recipe......I will try that soon. Don't worry about the weight, it will come off and sometimes when we are on a new med it mess our bodies up for a bit.

I finally dropped another pound and I think it was because I am making my portions even smaller and changing around my walking routine this week. Did 1 easy mile, 2 miles then 1.5 miles and today 1 easy mile. Yes, I am doing the WTPO dvd.

Theresa I bet you look GREAT, your weight is not that far from my goal....I would be OK with 160 but aiming for 150. I am at 189 right now. So be proud of all that weight you have lost and post a photo.....

Hey, Ella how ya doing? Like I said I am getting sick of chicken breasts and am eating 1 more meal of fish and adding a little more pork. I got a marinated turkey roll to put on the grill for Sat. night, they are very good and we get a couple meals out of's something different.

JoAnne have a great trip....yes yes take pictures....we would love to see ya! I am so jealous your going to my favorite place....the Oregon Coast, we spent a week in Newport on the bay last year.....I can't wait to see your photos.

Lyn, I never watched the Sopranos as we don't have HBO any more just basic cable. I don't usually like that type of show but I think I would try to watch it if they ever show it on regular TV or I could get a hold of the DVD's, my son might have them.

Femme, you must be a great cook. Love the rice you posted. I do try new foods but not everyday, seems I go in spells and get in a rut with food for a bit then I will get bored and change it up and start experimenting. I am making the Flat Out pizza today for lunch, even my dh wants to try them.

WOW Paula....I hope it is 6 lbs.....that would be so great. When was the last time you weighed? I weigh everyday....can't stand the suspence I guess! lol

Well, off to clean house and do a 1 mile walk.

Have a GREAT week-end everyone.....Phyllis
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Old 06-15-2007, 09:55 AM   #130  
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Okay…! Hello, then. ‘Tis me – Ella! Lyn! I rode my bike yesterday & forgot to look at the seat for a brand name! I’m actually not too sure that it’s important. WalMart carries a limited variety, so if you go there, you just pick a wide one, you know? Going to the Cape, are you? We used to stay in West Dennis at the Lighthouse Inn every year for a long time. With my older kids (I have four; the two middle ones are seven years apart.) we went up to York Beach in Maine, and by the time we had the younger ones, we had switched to the Cape. I’m happy, actually, ANYWHERE on the ocean. I was raised in a little seaport town next to Newport, Rhode Island, so we do the pilgrimage down there every year, too. I probably won’t get to the ocean this year until later next month, so I am extremely envious of your plans for the 4th.
Jo-annie!!!! And you’re off again! Ahhhhh. The infamous Flat-Outs. (Thank you Bobbi!!!!) Took me FOREVER to located my very own Flat Outs, but now that I have, I shall be making the drive out to the Super WalMart on a regular basis. Probably every two weeks, as I’ve discovered that they take to freezing perfectly well. I’ve done nothing more imaginative with them than making a sammidge, but they sure are good! Enjoy your trip, m’dear Jo-annie…and yes, pictures would be greatly appreciated. I, of course, WILL get some posted as soon as I get up the nerve.
LYNN!!!! Discouragement is simply not “you”, my lovely friend. Having been there, DONE that, and got the freaking T-Shirt, I feel qualified to step into this one. (Not to mention YOUR cheerleading when I was feeling lowly and frustrated with MY situation.) First, a hug - I know, I know. Next, a gentle reminder that feeling the way you do right now really IS a passing phenomenon. Our bodies are finicky and unpredictable creatures: sometimes they cooperate, and sometimes they don’t – not for any good reason that I can fathom, but rather because they “can”. (Sort of like our khat, Yoko). So, finally, we must come to accept their refusal to behave logically, and learn to “go with the flow”, eh? We do the right thing, eat the right stuff, move about even when we feel unenthusiastic about doing so, and eventually, our bodies give in and reluctantly drop a pound or grudgingly build a bit of muscle. In fact, the truth of the matter is that we must learn to love these unpredictable, flighty *creatures* precisely BECAUSE they are whimsical and silly, much like the zany roommate we had in college who rarely did what was expected of her, but ended up with a brilliant career, in a brilliant marriage, and happy as h*ll, nonetheless. Hang in there, m’dear. And stick close, here for the next little bit. Don’t stay to yourself brooding, whatever you do! Post a comment, a complaint, a moan or a groan whenever – and we’ll all moan & groan right along with you!
And, good for YOU, Theresa! That’s one of the reasons I HATE weighing myself. I worry that if I happen to be retaining water for the moment, I’ll weigh heavy and thus feel rotten. I am definitely the “ostrich-with-its-head-in-the-sand” type. (As I probably mentioned before, I don’t read the papers much or watch TV news because frankly, I don’t WANT to know all that bad stuff. Especially stuff that I have no control over. (like retaining water). But you, Theresa, are just moving straight ahead with only the occasional infrequent glitch, which is always remedied quickly and without much fanfare. Go, Theresa! (It cheers me just to watch your numbers consistently dropping.)
Hope YOU’RE feeling better, Phyllis! I was feeling energetic enough (and the weather cooperated) to take my bike ride last night, so thankfully, my lapse was a brief one. Tonight there’s going to be a cook-out at my daughter’s house because her son is graduating from kindergarten. Hard to believe I still have his “new baby” pics on my bulletin board at work! And I KNOW you’re enjoying that new puppy, Dr. Femme. Hope your Dad’s continuing to improve, Paula. You must take care of YOU, too, you know.
And now I MUST do some actual work…

TTFN – and Happy Friday!!!

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Old 06-15-2007, 01:39 PM   #131  
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6 pounds!! Yeah! I hope your scale in not broken.

I am bad, I weigh in every morning, before I eat or get dressed.

Nope! I don’t take off my jewelry, Shave my legs, or blow my nose,before I weigh.
I do go to the bathroom. Only because I would never make it to the scale if I didn’t

Nope I don’t even look very skinny yet. I am Too short! but its going to happen…
soon! Can you hear the determination?
how tall are you? I went under 5 ft this year. Yuk! I hate being short.

my bday is July 19.

Hello, everyone else. I have to get off here and cook and pack a lunch. Might even
take a shower today

here is my first set of now and then. the blue blouse is today. the other is last summer.
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Last edited by littlered; 06-16-2007 at 09:28 AM.
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Old 06-15-2007, 05:09 PM   #132  
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Phyllis- I weigh everyday too. That's why I think there is a mistake. My hubby weighed himself today and he said he had gained a pound so it sounds like the scale was OK. I can't wait until I see what it says tomorrow morning.

Theresa- You look GREAT!!! What a difference.
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Old 06-15-2007, 06:42 PM   #133  
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Let us know Paula.....hope it's true.

Theresa, you look good, the before picture really shows the difference. I carry my weight in my stomach & hips but my legs are thin and of course that is the first place I lose weight!!!!

Ella, I feel fine now...must have just been a 24 hr. bug but it sure didn't bother my eating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Old 06-15-2007, 06:46 PM   #134  
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Hi Girls.!
I used to be the gabbest person on this board, always kept up with everyone. Lately DH and I have been doing some "change of life" thinking. We're in the process of putting our beautiful home up for sale and will be moving into a new home in town. It's going to be a big change, as we're country people. I have my sweet hens to give up, plus all our fruit trees, (Apples, Plums, Apricots, Pears, Peaches) We are going to have a bumper crop of Raspberries too! We just have so much to do out here in the country and we want to down size. So I'm writing all you on this thread to say Good Bye for the summer. I was disappointed that the challenge didn't work out with the other 50+ group. I thought maybe we could still have it within our group, but that would be like competeing with all my friends. I've lost my weight, hope to keep it off this summer. If not, I'll be back in the fall. Please keep up the Golden Girls thread. I'll check in once in awhile. Whoever is up first of the month can just start it. We have a great bunch of girls on this thread and I'd hate to see it disappear.
God Bless, Bye!

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Old 06-15-2007, 06:50 PM   #135  
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Originally Posted by floridarusty View Post
Femme, you must be a great cook. Love the rice you posted. I do try new foods but not everyday...

Yep, I LOVE to cook (that was one of my problems,! )

Here a recipe I adapted the other day. It was for pork or veal cutlets, but I used turkey cutlets instead and changed around some of the fattening was really good! You could also used chicken..pretty versitile.

Pack of turkey cutlets pounded thin
(I put them in saran wrap and have a blast pounding on them!)
Olive Oil
2 cloves of garlic, pressed or minced fine
sage leaves (the recipe calls for 4 sage leaves chopped..but I just used some dried sage and just sprinkled till it looked right)
2/3 cup chicken broth
1 teaspoon brown sugar (I used splenda brown sugar)
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar (I had some pear vinegar here so that's what I used)
Whole Wheat Flour

Put some flour in a bag along with salt and pepper, add cutlets and shake till they are covered
Put some olive oil in a pan and cook cutlets until browned and cooked through. Removed the cutlets from the pan and reserve.
Add more olive oil to the pan if you need to and then add sage and garlic and cook for a couple of minutes
Add the chicken broth and sugar and let it reduce some.
Add the vinegar and the reserved turkey and let it cook a few minutes more to reduce and heat turkey again.

If you want you can sprinkle a little parmesan or mozzarella over them.

Good with brown rice or cous cous!

Last edited by femmecreole; 06-15-2007 at 07:48 PM.
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