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Old 06-09-2007, 09:35 AM   #76  
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Hey, Femme the Maytag man should come quickly....they are never busy!! lol
At least that is what the tv tells us....hope your son heals fast, sounds like he is a good patient.

Paula, I had a tornado hit 1 blk. from our home when I was in the 8th grade. It was terrible destruction but our place was fine. So now I still am very scared of wind, hurricane season about does me in down here, but it is a whole different type of storm but so erie.

Lynn, I am going to look at that book but my understanding is you don't have to have the book to be in the discussions as they are posting the parts they will discuss, anyway I will check it out.

JayJay, your total weight loss is amazing girl....36 lbs. Keep up the good work!

Ella, your doing so good. We all have our down days and this is the place to come and vent as we all understand. We ate Ky. fried chicken last night....I must have been out of my mind!!!! Up a lb. this a.m. but that is mainly from salt in their food. But I will tell you it tasted WONDERFUL.....WE HAVE TO LIVE!

Ok, back to the real world and real food today! lol We have a party tonight and I am taking Deviled Eggs and raw veggies/low fat dip....I WILL BE GOOD!!!

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Old 06-09-2007, 10:38 AM   #77  
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Good morning girls

I love your patio that is just beautiful. And your clothes line is interesting to say the least. How inventive.
Is that a fire pit, with plants in it? Never would have thought to do that at all. It all looks so lush.
Your son looks pretty well cared for.

I saw the news on TV! And the hail… wow. I am glad you guys are ok.
We had lots of rain and strong winds. But the bad stuff was not by us. Thank God!

The news showed the sky lights of a church busted, cars all busted up. Nasty stuff that hail.

I am glad you have had more rain. We don’t really need anymore for a few days at least.
The ground has been saturated for a week. My back yard is still wet.

We don’t get many tornadoes here in town.
I am half of a block away from lake erie. It seems to create a different pattern of weather. Because of the lake temps. Kind of like a bubble over the town. That’s why its always cooler here on a hot day. At least 10 ° cooler. I grew up away from the lake. but I love the difference in temps on a hot day. Yes, you can feel it change when driving down the road too. Its like a curtain of cooler air. So neat after driving around Elyria, where its always hot.
We did get the Muffle heads again today. Came in with yesterdays storm. YUK!

Oh kfc! one of my favorites. I have not had since last winter. Oh! I might have to get a pc of chicken from them.
Maybe just have a free day. Not count. Cause if I do count that one. I won't eat it. Yummy.

Well, I have food to get prepared for the graduation party later. 2 veggie trays and the ice cream cake I posted yesterday.
Oh. and you have to have onions, tomatos and lettuce for the their burgers. So I am taking that too.

I was going to take some chicken breast for the grill, I have not bought any yet. Still might run to the store for that. No burgers and hot dogs if I do.

later ladies.
have a great week end.
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Old 06-09-2007, 10:48 AM   #78  
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Originally Posted by littlered View Post
Good morning girls...I love your patio that is just beautiful. And your clothes line is interesting to say the least. How inventive.
[SIZE=2]Is that a fire pit, with plants in it?
No, it's not a fire is a reproduction sugar the old iron ones used on sugar plantations that they cooked down the sugar cane with. I've been wanting one for years...of course the real ones are hard to find now and are a fortune if you can find one. I have a solor fountain in the middle of it, but the sun wasn't out when I took that picture this morning. The iron stand underneath it was from a fire pit we had...didn't use it much, so the copper pit now has plants in it out in the garden and the stand went under the sugar kettle!
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Old 06-09-2007, 11:11 AM   #79  
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Really nice pictures, Karen! Yep - your Dad does look like quite the rascal, doesn’t he? It must be fun visiting with him.
And thanks for the “green light”, Lynn, for letting it all hang out here in our “safe space” with the GOLDEN GIRLS. I suspect some of us need it. I, too, have a sister who has never weighed much more than 120 pounds (and that’s now - when she’s 70+ years old, and is having trouble “maintaining”. She’s been @ 110 all of her adult life.) Where did we get these sisters? She’s 5’2 (I’m 5’6) and if we didn’t look very similar in our faces, you’d certainly never connect us as members of the same family if you just looked at how we’re built. It’s weird, because my mother had a skinny sister, and my mother always was battling her weight.
Dr. Femme! Is that your patio? (Dumb question: I assume you wouldn’t be setting up your clothes line on somebody else’s!!!) That’s just beautiful! You know, that’s ONE of the things about living in the south that we just can’t match up here in New England no matter how hard we try - all those gorgeous, gorgeous flowers that just thrive and grow in such proliferation down there. Every time we’re in the south, I swear I want to move there! Can’t seem to talk DH into it, though. And, of course 75% (3 out of 4) of my beloved offspring live here in Massachusetts, which would mean that I wouldn’t get to see them nearly as often as I do now (every week or more) so I guess I wouldn’t really want to move myself, but I am soooo tired of snow, and such short growing seasons, and having to practically get down on our knees and BEG our flowers and shrubs to bloom and look nice for the small little bit of time that they actually do flower for us. Ahhh, well. It is what it is. But your patio picture evokes more of those wild yearnings in me to abandon New England for a warmer, more welcoming climate, I must say. (I couldn’t see the pics of your kids: when I clicked on them, I got “access forbidden”.)
So, you’re still into that “boot camp” stuff, Jo-annie....jeeze. You’ve certainly got more stamina than I have, girlfriend! Must be that invigorating British Columbian air or something, eh? (‘Course I’m older...) A week off? Niiiiice. Whatcher gonna do?
So, it’s raining like mad out there. Getting worse every minute. Wasn’t coming down so hard at 9:00, so I put on DH’s big old hooded rain jacket and headed out on my bike. Yes, I did! Intrepid! That’s me! Planned on doing an hour this morning because it’s Saturday, I don’t have to go into work, and I always try to do a little more on the weekends. BUT, only did 45 minutes. The rain was getting into my eyes and stinging them , and it was starting to come down harder, and thundering and lightening to boot! So I was forced to cut it short. Tsk. BUT, I am happy to report that I seem to be doing my route faster and more efficiently now, so that what took me a half hour when I first started is only taking me fifteen minutes!!! So, I do it three times around now...or, conversely, go farther sometimes to break up the monotony, but today wasn’t a good day to venture into uncharted territory. Later today I’m heading out to find a better bicycle seat, tho. I got a gel cover for mine, but it still hurts my bum, and I think it’s time for something with a little more sophisticated design, since it looks like I really am going to be biking consistently, and wasn’t sure about that when I got the bike.
Hey I said, we all need our “alone time” every so often. Enjoy!!!
And Theresa, Phyllis, Bobbi (isn’t today the rummage sale?????) Lyn, and ALL the loverly GOLDEN GIRLIES... Have a wonderful day!


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Old 06-10-2007, 09:49 AM   #80  
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Well, ladies after an Fri. evening meal of KFC and a party last night I am up 1 lb.!!! I didn't eat badly last night but I had 2 drinks!!

Oh well, right back on track today and I'll drink lots of water to try and flush out some of the BAD stuff.

Sunday is usually my day off from exercise but I may do 1 mile today anyway.

Just a quiet day planned, may have to run to the grocery. I am trying to finish a needlework baby quilt (with little success) so I may get started on that again today.

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Old 06-10-2007, 11:36 AM   #81  
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Originally Posted by floridarusty View Post

Sunday is usually my day off from exercise but I may do 1 mile today anyway.

Is that a mile outside??? If it is as hot and humid there in Fla as it is here in LA today, you'll either drop or sweat off that KFC lb!

Tell you what on the storms you mentioned earlier...this is supposedly going to be a "bad" hurricane if one aims for you, I have a guest room ready for you. I am inland about 50 miles north of N.O., so we did not evacuate for K...I'm the one who ends up with all the relatives here and I don't mind a bit.
I'm dead serious on that offer. I know finding a hotel can be impossible sometimes.

Nothing much happening around here today. All of my visiting kids have scattered to go play golf for a few hours, so I am just tidying up and will start Sunday dinner in a bit. I found a way to cook their favorite Sunday chicken fricasee that is South Beach friendly so I can enjoy it too. Will also put on a pot of my daughter's favorite hericot vert, but will use turkey bacon in place of regular bacon. I made chocolate chip cookies for them all last night and it would have been so easy to pop "just one" in my mouth, but I didn't and had a SF fudgsicle/peanut butter/cool whip treat instead and was perfectly happy ONCE I started eating it!

Ok, a "funny" story. I was at walmart on Friday and decided to pick up a pack of new underwear. When I started SB I was a 16 and am probably around a 12 now, but refuse to buy new clothes till the fall...but my underwear is really sad looking and I have to pull them up and fold them over the top of my jeans so they won't bag so much.(yeah I wear a long shirt over them..I'm not that proud of my baggy drawers!) So, I grab the underwear quickly at walmart and chose a 14 thinking they would work just in case I was not quite a 12 yet. I get them home and went to wash them. It seems that I should have looked a little closer on the package...a size 14 underwear fits a size 34 now I have a nice new clean pack of 5 new dusting cloths! I just used one for dusting and it worked just great.
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Old 06-10-2007, 02:14 PM   #82  
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Tornadoes? Jeeze, I should start watching the news, I guess. If it’s not in the headlines when I log onto AOL to check my e-mail, then I don’t know about it. And to think that I used to be so active and involved! <sigh> Well, I sure hope all of our GOLDEN GIRLIES are safe! Of course, with you in Florida, Phyllis, I do have to say that storms are always in the back of my mind for down there. Good that Dr. Femme has accommodations available! Such pretty ones, too!!!
BobbiBobbiBobbiBobbiBobbiBobbi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FOUND Flat Outs!!!!!! At the super Walmart that they just built a few months ago a few towns over. I got some of each kind and put them in my freezer since I already had some multigrain flatbread to use up! I was so excited! Practically knocked over the poor woman standing in line for her deli meat. (Apologized, of course ) AND...TA DAH!!!!!.....I found myself a new bicycle seat!!!! Yay!!!!! It’s a few inches wider than the old one, and has separate humps sorta, for your bum. DH was laughing when I showed him how I tried fitting it to my bum in the store to see if it would be big enough...and it is!!!! It feels greeeeaaaat!!!!!! SO much better than the older, narrower one . Did an hour on my bike this morning with no strain whatsoever. It’s a nice day, today, too. Sunny and bright even though the weather folks predicted rain again. I LOVE it when they’re wrong in our favor, yanno? I encouraged all of my kids to become meteorologists. Unfortunately, none of them had any interest. But for goodness’ sake .....isn’t it about the only job where you can be consistently wrong and it just doesn’t matter?
I FINALLY put the primer on the walls in the spare bathroom so that I can hang the wallpaper. I’ve been meaning to get it done for weeks, but just haven’t gotten around to it. But today, DH seems to be fighting a head cold (is napping, now) and it’s pretty quiet around here.
Sooooooo, I had myself a little lunch (will post on the “challenge” thread a little later) and am now getting ready to head out again on my bike. My goal today is to use up at least 500 more calories than I eat.
OMG, Dr. Femme!!!!! What are you doing buying size 14 undies????????????? I haven’t bought any in a while, but I still remember how the sizes run!!!! Underwear and shoes - that’s what I’ve always liked buying, because I can buy in the single digits, if you know what I mean, while when it comes to regular clothes, you can FORGET the single digits for this old dame. If I end up in a size 10 clothes, I’ll feel like I’ve died and gone to heaven!

Okay, heading out on the bike again...


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Old 06-10-2007, 03:24 PM   #83  
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Hi, Girls,
femme, just have to say... I love your new dust cloths.
I like the silky ones at walmart. they are hanes your way. The cotton panties fell apart so easy. These I have had for over a year. and they look good still.

Ella, I agree, love those single digits. Boy. size 10! Gee, that was 1979 the last I saw those! Just before I started a family.
I wore a 9 pants and 11 tops. My goal is to get into the 11's at least. hopefully 8-9's. Do they still have 9's?

Well I did not gain more than a few oz. after all those goodies yesterday. lucky for me, that I was keeping my calories on the lower end all week.

I remember when bikes ALL CAME WITH a large seat. Why did they change that. I hate those little crack killers...butt busters...butt bruseres. If I keep doing well on my elliptical... maybe I can get a bike too. That would be a blast.
My knees are doing much better, since I started using the elliptical.

Sisters that are tiny... I think we all have one.
One of my sisters has actually gone to the dr. to gain weight! At 9 months. she weighed almost 120 lb. normally its about 95. she is taller than me to. I want to be little...not that little. She can wear kids clothes.
I have always been the big one. (Around) I am GOING TO CHANGE THAT THIS YEAR. or try my darndest anyway.

Only 40 pounds to go.
I think I can. I think I can....

well enough for right now. its time for work.
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Old 06-11-2007, 10:45 AM   #84  
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Thanks Femme, I love your offer and will keep it in mind but hopefully we will be safe here this year.

Oh those bicycle seats are terrible aren't they....glad you found a more comforatable one Ella.

I do my walking in my family room in front of the TV with a DVD. It is too hot outside unless you like to get up at 5 a.m......which I DON'T. I stay here in the air conditioning and walk with the ceiling fan on and still sweat!!!!!

Put on a lb. this week-end with wrong food choices and a couple of always amazes me that just 1 bad day can do so much damage!

Bobbi, you did really well with your sale......that's a lot of money, you must have had a lot of things and some nice ones too.

Off to do my 1.5 mile walk, I am trying to up it a bit.....

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Old 06-11-2007, 11:39 AM   #85  
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Hello, Good morning, How are Ya?

I want to THANK YOU. from the bottom of my heart. I am sitting here
chilling in front of my new WATER FAN. It is pretty cool.
You are great. Hugs and thanks.

that is a good amount of money for a rummage sale, Congrats.
Are you rested yet? sounds like a lot of fun. and good exercise.
I wouldn’t be surprised if you lost weight too.

keep on trying , it will come back down. Your probably just retaining water.

Well I made it through the week end. Ate to much junk. but…drank 15 glasses of water on Saturday. I am down to 163.4 pounds. I feel lucky, cause I really enjoyed all those goodies.
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Old 06-11-2007, 11:41 AM   #86  
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Hi all you wonderful GOLDEN GIRLS once again I am able to get on and yak but I haven't written down all my responses I want to say to everyone. So much going on -- hot weather, tornados -- weight gained -- weight loss -- bikes ridden and gorgeous pictures -- I really need to add some to help with visuals.

I had a busy weekend -- tore the fridge apart and cleaned it top to bottom - we were down on food (getting ready for vacation) and the weather was cool so the timing was perfect. We pulled the fridge out thank goodness its on wheels so that was easy. I had to get my darling sweetie to clean the bottom -- knee injury you know Sunday I finally went out and bought some plants for the back -- I just have to hope we don't get too hot next week while we are gone. My mom is going to come and water but I don't want her to have to do it every day. Its tough I dont' really know our neighbours -- funny neighbourhood and I am part of the funniest LOL. My mom is the only family member that lives close by and all my friends work late so thank goodness mom is ready willing and almost able.

Yesterday I went and bought a knee brace for my classes -- its very dismaying that even buying the largest one its too tight. I had a bit of a rant about how so many companies are prejudiced against "fat" people from exercising. I ended up buying a tensor bandage that "guarantees" it won't slip during extreme exercise -- we will see at bootcamp tonight.

Phyllis - I have only been to Florida once and found the weather too oppressive - that's the only thing I hate when it gets too hot here -- you can't go outside and we don't have air conditioning.

Lynn - I work for 40 Electronic Engineers (feel sorry for me LOL) my job is to make them happy -- I do the buying for our department. A couple of years ago a position opened up similar to mine in the School of Health -- I decided i would rather work for 40 male engineers than 40 female nurses.

Ella - congrats on the new bike seat -- you really rock girlfriend. We are off to Oregon starting Friday so everyone will have to behave in my absence LOL.

Theresa -- I just love your upbeat notes

Femme -- what a beautiful family and gorgeous backyard -- our river might flood can I come and stay with you (LOL I live 3 miles from the river and there is zero chance of danger for me -- but what the heck)

Paula -- very cool that you did the Relay for Life -- I hope you enjoyed your downtime and have a nice visit with your dad.

Karen, Bobbi, and anyone I missed I hope all is going well with travels and rummage sales LOL.
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Old 06-11-2007, 12:18 PM   #87  
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Default The Sopranos

Did anyone else watch the final episode of The Sopranos last night? Want to discuss?

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Old 06-11-2007, 12:26 PM   #88  
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Default Rethinking Thin

This book should be titled "If you're overweight, read at your own risk - If you're normal weight, you MUST read."

Some of the claims in this book -

There are NO psychological differences between overweight people (regardless of how much overweight they are) and non-overweight people.

Your weight is genetically determined.

The most you will ever be able to lose and keep off is 10-15% of your weight.

The reason you will always return to a specific weight is because of hormones and brain chemistry - NOT a lack of will-power.

There is a hormone that people produce that works on a part of the brain to let us know that we have eaten enough. Overweight people produce the hormone (leptin), but for some reason our brain does not recognize when we have eaten enough.

Society has conditioned all of us to have unrealistic expectations in terms of being thin.

There was no difference between a group of people involved in a 2-year study who went on a low-calorie diet and those who went on a low-carb diet - both groups gained back all the weight they had lost within around 10 months.

It is a VERY interesting book, but also VERY upsetting. Luckily, I have a friend who lost 50+ lbs over 10 years ago and has kept if off. She cut simple carbs totally out of her diet and has never re-introduced them. She was close to 200 lbs when she began to change her eating & is now maintaining at 135.

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Old 06-11-2007, 12:56 PM   #89  
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Originally Posted by ladyinweighting View Post
This book should be titled "If you're overweight, read at your own risk - If you're normal weight, you MUST read."

It is a VERY interesting book, but also VERY upsetting. Luckily, I have a friend who lost 50+ lbs over 10 years ago and has kept if off. She cut simple carbs totally out of her diet and has never re-introduced them. She was close to 200 lbs when she began to change her eating & is now maintaining at 135.

thanks for posting that last paragragh! I was starting to think... why are we doing this?
I WILL be one of the few that does keep it off.
I darn well try to be.
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Old 06-11-2007, 01:17 PM   #90  
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Lynn - to your first question -- I have never seen an episode of the Sopranos (they scared me LOL).

Wow I have to admit I am glad I didn't buy that book yesterday -- if someone said you can only lose 10% and maintain that I would have thrown the book across the room. I guess its all just "averages". Maybe its just as well I won't be here for the discussion and I can be blissfully ignorant of the fact that my genetics and brain chemistry will keep me fat. I refuse to believe that -- I just know that sometime before my 55th birthday I will get into a size 12 dress.

Oh and talking about sizes where can I buy size 14 underwear that is too big??? I guess I have spent too long buying large or X-large panties the concept that size 14 would be huge is beyond my reasoning. Please let me know I will be doing some American shopping next week (YAY -- you all have no idea how lucky you are!!!).
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