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Old 03-24-2008, 05:34 AM   #151  
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Hello everyone!

I am new to this site, and I've never joined any other site like it. I really felt comfortable joining this one and grateful to learn that there are many other women out there like me...single, no kids, have never been married...33. *^_^*

I am at the heaviest I have ever been in my whole life, and it depresses me. I have always been on the 'plump' side growing up and have fought a constant battle with my weight over the years. The problem is, everytime I gain the weight I've lost, back, I gain like twice as much more than what was lost in the first place! This past year has been the most difficult of all! I was down to 209lbs in April of last year, but have managed to get my weight back up to 236lbs this past January!

I am trying to lose weight again, but I am having that usual problem of 'getting started' with exercising. If there is anyone who can give pointers or words of motivation to a 'beginner-again,' I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
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Old 03-26-2008, 11:17 PM   #152  
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Hi everyone!

This is my first time to this part of the site. I'm here in this part to mingle with other 30-somethings like me. Unfortunately, I haven't had any luck with men, hence no relationship as of yet. But my own religious belief tells me my God has a man prepared just for me, and when the time is right for us to meet, we'll do just that, so I'm waiting for my prince instead of dating.

nini, I feel your pain. I'm at a level where my diabetic doctor says I am "obese", and I used to think that was a slam or a curse. I used to be very depressed until I was on medication. But I made a commitment years ago ( with a little tough love I gave myself) to really work at becoming a happier person, and it was excruciating, painful work, but it was worth it, for now I'm happier than ever!
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Old 03-27-2008, 07:36 AM   #153  
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Welcome Nini and Champagnesugar!
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Old 03-27-2008, 09:28 AM   #154  
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Hey Gang,

Sorry I've been away so long. Life has just been crazy!

Welcome to all the newbies!

Jenn, Glad everything is working out w/school. I've been working on my budgeting too! Of course, I just had to pay my taxes. UGH! And, I was so close to getting a refund...And, I know what you mean about being lonely sometimes.

I've sort of had a stall. I'm right at losing my first 25 pounds, but I'm so stressed out, I really don't care. I've been throwing a lot of junk into my body. Luckily, I'm still working out so there's no serious damage. I'm just not focused.

Work has been so stressful. I'm so tired of having to fill in for people not wanting to do their jobs & I seem to be the "dependable one." Totally sucks. I wish I could just once be the person who could blow off something.

Okay, I've done enough rambling for the morning. I'll try to be better about posting.

Take care everyone!
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Old 03-27-2008, 08:52 PM   #155  
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First time here. I am currently nursing a broken ankle but when I am better I hope to be out and about working out. What are some of the workouts everyone else does?
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Old 03-28-2008, 12:06 AM   #156  
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Hey peeps! I've been MIA too! Just caught in the hustle-bustle.

Nini- I'm a beginner again too and I'm having trouble sticking with a routine as well. I have been walking outside a lot though, it' really helps relieve my stress. Now I just need to get the in the gym thing going.

From the bits of walking that I have been doing, I've managed to lose 9 pounds, so I would say just start off with something simple like walking around - it doesn't take a gym membership and it will at least get you started. After feeling the difference that walking and eating right has made with my body, I'm no longer hesitant about going to the gym. However, I still have yet to consistently go. But I'm a terrible organizer. I'm hoping that I can just schedule it into my day like going to work and eventually going will be like clockwork.

Happy Friday Everyone!
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Old 03-28-2008, 06:18 PM   #157  
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Hi everyone,

It sounds like everyone has been a bit busy lately. I'm glad to know that I am not the only one, and I guess it is nice to know that I am not the only one out there under so much stress that they have just kind of "given up" for a moment. However, unlike you Jen I haven't been working out like I am used to. I hurt my should a while ago and finally went to the doctor. It turns out I have tendonitis of the rotator cuff or shoulder bursitis. This translates into I can't raise my left arm over my head, use it to pull anything off (like my shirt or g*d forbid my bra). Anyhoo this has left me very frustrated with the whole working out thing and aside from some major walks (3-5 miles) I am not doing anything but my PT exercises. This is all going to change tomorrow. I am sick and tired of feeling sorry for myself and of being majorly stressed about work and life. I am recommiting to myself and my overall goals. I am starting a modified Fat Smash Diet coupled with Dr. Andrew Weil's Healthy Living 8-Week Plan and a interval walking/running routine coupled with water aerobics and some weight/resistance training for my back muscles. I will weigh myself for the first time in 3 weeks tomorrow morning and I am crossing my fingers that I don't have a seizure when I see the number. After that I am giving my scale to my next door neighbor for 8 weeks. I am not going to count calories, but just concentrate on eating good whole food. We'll see what happen.

I am taking the next two months to really examine my life and the things I focus on. I have committed myself to no alcohol, no eating out (even good food) and no boys. Food, drink and men have been my focus for so long that I need to take a minute and figure out the other parts of my life that I have been overlooking. So I hope this program that I am going to follow will take the guess work out of my food and I don't have to think about it as much. I am sick of constantly thinking about what I can and can't eat, how many calories are in something, how many calories do I have left in my plan, how many calories am I burning. There is more to life. I am also tired of the whole bar scene and I was finding myself enjoying it a bit too much. I don't mind having fun and going out, but when it become the way I wind down from a hard day I am heading in a direction that only brings me pain. The boys thing hasn't been too much of an issue in the past, but it seems in the last few months (maybe this has coincided with my ever increasing libido ) I have become more and more aware of the men in and around my life, and the impact that they are having. Right now I think that I would be best served to figure out what I want before looking, instead of taking what is available (like in the past).

So that is what is going on with me. I would love anybody's input. Thanks for listening and I will try to be more regular in my postings.

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Old 03-28-2008, 06:22 PM   #158  
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I am so sorry I forgot....a warm to nini, champagnesugar, and kde!!
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Old 04-01-2008, 11:26 PM   #159  
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Hey gang! Hope everyone is doing well.

kde80, Welcome. I hope you're ankle is feeling better. When you are able to start working out, is there a pool you have access to? Water aerobics or swimming would put less pressure on your ankle. I usually walk on the treadmill. I keep telling myself I'm going to start weight training or swimming, but so far I haven't done it.

Wyoming, Congrats on the weight loss. You're off to a good start. I have trouble getting into a routine as well. I tend to work late & then when I go work out, I don't get home until 8:30 or 9:00 and I still have to eat dinner, shower, get ready for the next day. I'm trying to get out of work earlier, because I know the stuff will be there the next day!

Wendy, I'm sorry about your shoulder problems. I hope it's feeling better. Good luck with your re-evaluation. The alcohol & men aren't the problem for me. It's the eating out. Most weeks I only eat out one day a week, if even that. And, I've done really well most of the time in planning. There aren't any men & I can count on one hand the number of times I've had a drink since the new year. I don't really miss it. There are some nights I really want a glass of wine, but I don't keep it in the house. And the feeling passes soon. I had a beer for the first time in ages & it tasted so good. It was really a treat & I kept it to just one.

I'm heading to my parents this weekend so wish me luck! I did pretty well last time I went home. They are all very supportive of my efforts & try very hard not to sabatoge me. We're going to celebrate my parents' birthdays (their a week apart) so my sister & I will probably cook a nice dinner.

Work's been more stressful than usual. I'm just getting frustrated with some of my coworkers. I love my bosses & my job, but sometimes I have no idea what people are thinking & I get tired of having to do their jobs!

Have a great rest of the week everyone!
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Old 04-02-2008, 12:01 AM   #160  
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Jenjen - I think you deal with people like I experience at work- grrrr!. I also tend to get home late. Which right now is sabotaging my will power to work out, as I'm usually exhausted. So many excuses!

Hey Wenny, I totally feel your post. You know, I observed Lent this year and forced myself to cut stuff out of my life that was frivolous. It really helped me get more focused and disciplined, so I think you're on the right track! I'm sorry you've had pain, that sucks. KDE I'm sorry you've had injury too!

My body is doing weird things right now. I had pain in my neck today for no reason. I'm retaining water like a camel. What gives? Work is weird too - someone walked off the job today...eeek.

Happy Wednesday!
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Old 04-13-2008, 07:16 PM   #161  
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Hi Everyone, I've been mia as's hard to write every day.'s hard sometimes to write as well....miracles of miracles...I'm still losing weight...I've been at it about 2.5 months. I've lost about 12-13 lbs. And I'm thrilled. I've actually been committed and willing to let go of eating and watching tv at the same time! for 5 days now....See....I've cut my food intake to up to 2000 calories a the last 2.5 months I probly binged maybe 5 times...not too bad...But I was cheating...cause I was reallly eating very little all day so that at dinner, I could eat 10 low cal ice cream's amazing how I can fool now no more eating in front of the tv...and so I don't need to binge so much...

I'm also starting to date some one. Tomorrow is our first date...we've been involved in a working relationship since the fall...he's older than me, by about 10 years and much more successful...I'm very scared and very excited...the addict in me is already seeing wedding bells I have to remind myself that this is a date...nothing more...sigh...and then the other part of me is ...well if it doesn't work out I dont' have to worry that I have no money and am not anywhere near as successful as he is...

jen jen, I hope your weekend went well

wyoming: body pain...used to happen to me alot when I would first start losing weight...Its sort of like a release...emotions are why we usually eat and the pain gets trapped physically in your body...when you diet or are less medicated with food the pain is then felt/released....there is no way out except to feel can try breathing exercised...sit quietly...close your eyes and for about half an hour a day deep breath and breath into the painful gives it the attention it needs to heal. I used to get so frustrated cause it would stop my exercise routine when I would get these aches and pains.

kde80 & wennygrrl: I have tendonitis too...I can still exercise..but have to do 15 minutes of yoga b4 and after my runs...if you're not up to aerobics...just try yoga...I've read too that it's not really the aerobics that makes you lose's the amount of oxygen you take in and with yoga you can concentrate on your breathing...too.

Welcome to the new latest things that have been really good for me:
writing down everything I eat. If I binge write down all I eat with no judgement and what led up to the eating.

give yourself credit every time you do something good for your self

eating 6-8 fruits and veggies.

exercising ever day.

I've gone on a bit too much. :-) over and out.
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Old 04-13-2008, 07:18 PM   #162  
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Default Helllooo.

Hi Everyone, I've been mia as's hard to write every day.'s hard sometimes to write as well....miracles of miracles...I'm still losing weight...I've been at it about 2.5 months. I've lost about 12-13 lbs. And I'm thrilled. I've actually been committed and willing to let go of eating and watching tv at the same time! for 5 days now....See....I've cut my food intake to up to 2000 calories a the last 2.5 months I probly binged maybe 5 times...not too bad...But I was cheating...cause I was reallly eating very little all day so that at dinner, I could eat 10 low cal ice cream's amazing how I can fool now no more eating in front of the tv...and so I don't need to binge so much...

I'm also starting to date some one. Tomorrow is our first date...we've been involved in a working relationship since the fall...he's older than me, by about 10 years and much more successful...I'm very scared and very excited...the addict in me is already seeing wedding bells I have to remind myself that this is a date...nothing more...sigh...and then the other part of me is ...well if it doesn't work out I dont' have to worry that I have no money and am not anywhere near as successful as he is...

jen jen, I hope your weekend went well

wyoming: body pain...used to happen to me alot when I would first start losing weight...Its sort of like a release...emotions are why we usually eat and the pain gets trapped physically in your body...when you diet or are less medicated with food the pain is then felt/released....there is no way out except to feel can try breathing exercised...sit quietly...close your eyes and for about half an hour a day deep breath and breath into the painful gives it the attention it needs to heal. I used to get so frustrated cause it would stop my exercise routine when I would get these aches and pains.

kde80 & wennygrrl: I have tendonitis too...I can still exercise..but have to do 15 minutes of yoga b4 and after my runs...if you're not up to aerobics...just try yoga...I've read too that it's not really the aerobics that makes you lose's the amount of oxygen you take in and with yoga you can concentrate on your breathing...too.

Welcome to the new latest things that have been really good for me:
writing down everything I eat. If I binge write down all I eat with no judgement and what led up to the eating.

give yourself credit every time you do something good for your self

eating 6-8 fruits and veggies.

exercising ever day.

Oh and I'm terrifed to lose the weight! So no wonder it's hard. I'm terrified of the successes I'm having. and I'm scared to change.

I've gone on a bit too much. :-) over and out.
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Old 04-15-2008, 06:45 PM   #163  
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Hey gang! How's everyone doing?

Pam, Congrats on the loss. How did the date go? How exciting! It's always scary to start off in a new "relationship" & I too find it hard not to get carried away.

Wyoming, How's your neck. Hope you're feeling better.

Sorry I've been MIA. It's just been so crazy. The weekend at home was good. I maintained my weight over that weekend, so that was good.

I've applied for a new job--still at the same place, but it would be much more $$$. Keep your fingers crossed. It's not that I don't like my job, but this would be an awesome career move for me.

So far, I've lost 30 pounds since January. I'm excited & am proud of myself. Those days I really don't want to work out, I keep telling myself that it's necessary. Plus, working out really helps me with the stress. I just hate that I end up getting home so late.

Does anyone lie about how much weight they've lost? I usually tell people I've lost less than what I've actually lost--like right now, I tell most people I've lost 20 pounds rather than 30. I think some of it is because it's really not their business. The people I want to know, know how much I've lost. Am I just weird??? (Maybe you shouldn't answer that! )

Hope everyone else is hanging in there. Take care!
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Old 04-19-2008, 07:03 PM   #164  
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Yay for the 30something singletons!! New member here, and looking forward to having some support this time around! I just started LAWL a couple weeks ago, but I am such a self-sabotager!! Why is it I can't eat healthy for longer than 3-4 days at a time?? Anyway, i'm trying to stay positive, and I love hearing about everyone else's stories!!
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Old 04-27-2008, 09:47 PM   #165  
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Hi I'm relatively new here and I am single and SEXY, dammit! lol I have no children, unless you count my cat, Bella, and I like I said in another forum, I have recently decided to make a conscious effort not to apologize for who I am or how I look. I'm not putting my life on hold until I lose weight anymore! I'm going to get busy living... starting with... um... Let's see... Ok, I gotta think about this, but I'll be back!!! lol :P
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