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Old 09-18-2008, 08:58 PM   #241  
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Originally Posted by pengbear View Post
I had a kindly lady at Krogers (because here in the south you can't just pay for something. You have to discuss it with your cashier.) inform me that if I bought more ladylike foods, I may change the look of that ringfinger! Seriously? Ladylike foods? What, like roast beef with lace on it? I just stared at her, and said "I didn't know I could only buy the pink food!!" I was dumbfounded. Just shut up and let me pay for my food.
Ladylike foods!!! Next time, just go in and buy some nice big cucumbers, and tell her they're your "lady" foods

What? You can make cucumber sandwiches, put slices on your eyes...

Marms - I totally get the frustration, that's all I ever get too!
Peng - My younger sister has two kids, and whenever I tell my mom she should be happy she *has* grandchildren, she tells me, but they need cousins! It must be a mom thing!! Now my youngest (the baby of the family) is getting married, and will be a step-mom to boot... so I know I'm going to get it from all sides at her wedding. But I guess I can't back out since she is my sister. sigh.
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Old 09-18-2008, 10:32 PM   #242  
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wow... singles.... how wonderful to find this group.... but I do have a question for you... I'm 42, soon to be 43... mind if I join in anyway?
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Old 09-19-2008, 11:52 PM   #243  
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Originally Posted by pengbear View Post
Hey Marms, if you have any siblings, wait till THEY get married and have children. Then your folks will start giving you gentle reminders that your nieces and nephews need cousins, etc. And if you're really lucky, it'll be your YOUNGER siblings! Gah.
Nope, no siblings. Which is even more pressure, because I am the only hope for grandkids. I keep telling them that even if I do get married, I definitely don't want kids, so there is no rush.
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Old 09-20-2008, 05:34 PM   #244  
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Originally Posted by RebaR View Post
wow... singles.... how wonderful to find this group.... but I do have a question for you... I'm 42, soon to be 43... mind if I join in anyway?
Be welcome!
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Old 09-20-2008, 06:29 PM   #245  
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Hi. Feeling happily single today. Hope everyone else is doing well. In your 40s or otherwise.

Last edited by Ufi; 09-20-2008 at 06:32 PM. Reason: My emoticon didn't come out right. Hey, there are sure a lot of options in advanced!
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Old 09-22-2008, 09:19 AM   #246  
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Thought i'd say hello, i'm a newbie to this site, my name is Rachel and i'm single as well, nice to see there is a group of women here in the same situation
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Old 09-27-2008, 11:31 PM   #247  
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Single, involved and unhappy all at the same time here. Blah!
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Old 09-28-2008, 08:23 PM   #248  
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Hi Reba, Rachel and SBD Sass!

Marms-I can also relate to being the single one while your friends are getting married or are already married w/ kids. It's been one of several factors that has affected my social life as well, but oh well.

The more and more I think about it, I don't want kids either even though I do have siblings, my immediate family has come to accept that decision. The extended family, well sooner or later it'll sink in. Marriage is not a life goal for me. I do I do, I don't I don't. If I do it HAS to be right. If I don't get married, well more $$ for me, I can cook what I want and do what I want.

Cool that you're also in the Philly burbs! I'm in Levittown!

Pengbear-LOL...Ladylike foods! That's an good one. I've never had anyone make any wierd comments to me at the grocery store.

I just love this site! Only at 3FC can meet people who will accept you just as you are.

Well, I'm about 4 weeks into my first semester of college in a long time(13 years) and I'm just loving it! I like the challenge, meeting new people and using my brain. Cause the Good Lord knows I don't use the gift He gave me at work! I thought I'd never say this but I find doing my homework fun and relaxing!! Even if it is Algebra, which is not my strength. The work is not that difficult yet, but it is time consuming. There is a ton of work to do if you want to do well. It's just practice, practice, practice. So that's what I do.

And OMG!! Am I ever so glad I am SINGLE!!! I decided that I'm going to throw myself into my school work, losing these last stubborn 10-20lbs and try to avoid being laid off at work. The last thing I need is some guy whining to me about how I spend too much time on my homework and never have time for him.

School has forced me to cut down on the amount of time I have to spend at the gym, but I'm going to do what I can. Monday and Wednesday at the gym for cardio and Wednesday get outside and walk or jog while the weather still permits. I was watching an infomercial for Turbo Jam Max results and it looks like so much fun! I'm going to spurge and order it so it can be my new Wednesday workout once fall and winter set in and even maybe on a weekend.

Well back to the Algebra book for me!
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Old 10-30-2008, 12:13 AM   #249  
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I have been gone forever. I hope you are all doing well. I have alot to read to see how you all are and ugh some stuff to share. I did that whole thing of I am going to pretend I am not fat and make pretend I don't need to lose weight and be in denial for the last oh what has it been 6 months? Until I saw new stretch marks I think starting this morning. I almost puked!

Can I say though I met a guy-- been dating him this whole time-- he is so awesome and of course loves me the way I am-- which is GREAT! But I am finding it to be something that is making me say to myself-- ohh well I dont' need to work on this-- he loves me no matter what I look like-- so its ok.

Jenns I hope you are doing well!

To the other ladies-- have any thoughts on my mental insanity.
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Old 10-30-2008, 11:25 PM   #250  
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Hey, great! How'd you meet him?

I'm feeling kind of off balance myself lately, so I'm not sure I've got insight. But here's a for things getting better.
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Old 10-31-2008, 05:42 AM   #251  
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Hey belleamiee,
That happens to me as well when I start dating someone, actually in the beginning I lose weight, I feed from love I guess.. But then it´s the damn mindset of "oh well, he likes me as I am, so no need to go strict on the dieting, I can go slowly" and then that turns into not dieting at all... To prevent that from happening I put current and old (before I lost what I´ve lost so far) pictures of myself in places I have to see every day, so there is no way I can do the "pretend I´m not fat game" and remember all the hard work I´ve done and don´t want it to go in vain... the first couple of weeks are always hard, but then it pays off when I feel happy for taking care of myself

On my side, I have so much going on in my life that I just don´t want any more drama, so I´m trying to stay away from men, my life would be a very entertaining mexican like soap opera... and ok, not staying away from all men, I have a friend with benefits kind of relationship, but that´s been going on for way too long, and it´s getting to the point where the physical part is getting dull, so I think it´s time to end that as well... so much for not wanting drama, I´m horrible at breaking up with people, I have a block ... I just really suck at it, specially when it´s something like this where I feel there´s nothing to break-up from, but he seems to think otherwise.

And then there´s this man I have been in love with for what seems forever, he clearly doesn´t want anything with me, even got a girlfriend since the last time we were together, but he just won´t let me go... he won´t stop writing once in a while, or calling... I ignore it, but it´s like he can smell it, everytime I´m very close to putting everything behind once and for all, he finds a way to srew me up...
But I´m trying to not let all this affect my weight loss, I slipped for a little while but I´m back on track now, all that is left is going back to exercising, I´ve been leaving the office every day after midnight, but next week it should be better and I´ll definately start running again... I really miss it !

How are you guys doing ?
I hope all is well !
Have a great weekend !!
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Old 11-03-2008, 08:12 PM   #252  
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It's good to hear from you!!! Don't give up on having a healthy lifestyle!!!
Tell us about the guy!

Let's see it's gotten interesting for me lately.

Work- Well I was given an opprotunity that I could not refuse. I was transfered from one of the A/P dept. to General Accounting! It's no extra $$ now, but the work experience is priceless! I'm officially out of the "daily operational/entry level gettin no respect" dept. It's gonna be good too because it falls in line with what I'm going to school for, so I'll be able to apply school to work and vice versa! I start on the 17th! It's funny though because it's bringing out the green eye'd monster in people. People outside of my dept are happy for me, my dept welll...not so much. One person is, one said to me "I wouldn't want that position!" I thought to myself good cause they didn't ask you! I've been there 2 1/2 years they've been there 7plus years. Jealous Jealous!!

Other Stuff-Well one of the guys I met on Match, I've started IM'ing with again. It's not the lousy player Chemist though. This guy seems..just nice. We have a lot in common, both love workingout, both have lost weight, love music etc. He knows that I'm in school and it's a rough transition. He knows that I love it and would never give it up too! He's suggested that sometime down the road, we should meet up and go out. I said I'd like that. I enjoy talking to him. We talk about everything and yet at times nothing. He's not pushing for anything, he just seems to be there. I like that we can IM and get to know each other. If all it ends up as I have new friend that I can talk too great! You can never have enough of those!
Other than that, school is great, I've made some nice new friends. It's nice being able to talk to others who don't act like immature HS students at 40+(caugh current-co-workers) I didn't do so well on my second test...I got a 77! Thankfully though I have one more before finals to try and pull it up. I can only do so much.

I haven't lost much weight, it's been hard to get to the gym. I only go 2days a week and I bought the work out videos Turbo Jam and I'll do those on Wednsdays or weekends. But I keep to a healthy diet. I have decided that I'm just fine with myself as I am. I love me at the weight I am. I do however want to lose no more than another 10lbs. I want to settle into a comfortable size 10. I can live with having a body that has fat, because I can't afford plastic surgury to remove excess skin. I can live with it, because I know where I was and I'll never be there again.

Good to hear from you ladies!!!
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Old 11-16-2008, 04:31 PM   #253  
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Well aren't I a thread killer!
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Old 11-20-2008, 08:00 PM   #254  
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Originally Posted by ViolinJenn View Post
Well aren't I a thread killer!

nah, I hope the new guy works out.....I can't wait to read this entire thread. I am gonna turn 30 in a couple weeks have always been the single girl. I look forward to reading and chatting with you all!!
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Old 11-23-2008, 08:54 PM   #255  
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Well the new guy isn't working out. It appears he has a problem with the fact that I keep busy and he has no life. His life is work, the gym 2x's a day and a once a week choral rehursal. I have work, class 2x's a week, 3hrs a week on a train to get to class in the city(45min each way), homework, in the gym 3 days a week, laundry, house cleaning, and trying to keep up with friends when I can. So basicly he has no life other than work and sitting in front of a computer and I keep busy by any means. I'm finding my pace right about now(just in time for classes to wind up) and if I meet someone and we connect, click and spark great, but if a guy is gonna be with me he needs to keep up. I'm not going to be his source of entertainment or a life. Try new hobbies take a class regarding a new or current interest.

Men don't like girls that are needy and dependant on them, well...I don't like guys who are dependent and needy. While both of us should have our own interests outside of each other, we should also be able to share interests to spend time together and learn from each other. Sheesh is that to much to ask!

So I'm going to just do my thing, school, work, gym, internet friends, etc. I like to think that if you keep busy like this, follow your interests when you are not looking, have no time and no idea it's happening, we'll all run into the most fabulous men that are just perfect for each of us!

Thanks for listening to my rant.

SOOOO!! How's everyone?

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
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