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Old 04-01-2005, 02:51 AM   #106  
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Hey all!

Well, I can safely say I'm back on track. I just had my brekkie, and now I'm having my coffee. I really want to see a loss, I'm kinda frustrated with all these gains but am determined not to change my sig to add lbs, just to subtract them..!

L.J., Dawny is the living proof that WW DOES work, so we'd better stick to it! We're in this together, and by motivating each other we can do it! The most difficult part about dieting at least for me, is getting started, seeing the weight drop off makes you even more determined.

Dawny, what more can I say? Again, huge congrats, I hope you embarked on a shopping spree to celebrate!! And thanks for the lovely tips!

Mel, hope you have fun with that new computer!!

Linda, hope you're doing great.

Frog, we all lose it from time to time remember not to give up!!!

Well, I really have to run now. Take care everyone!
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Old 04-01-2005, 06:11 AM   #107  
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Morning everyone!!! Well here it is Friday morning....New Month, New Day NEW CHANCE to start anew....and I AM..
I am all journaled for today, and feel good about it....
Thanks Frog! and Natalie....yes, we can do this....and WE will.....
My W/I is on Saturday......yikes that would be tomorrow, but I don't expect's next Saturday (after the ON PROGRAM) week I WILL have that I am looking forward to. May try and get some excercise in too.....even if I do my WATP tape, the 1 or 2 mile for starters......
Dawny has made me look at points all in a different light and that is a GOOD thing!!
Natalie.....keep the angels there as's good incentive....I might start a signature too, but I don't know if I should do it from my REAL starting weight to now or go from now...I'll have to think about that. I am glad you are back on track too....
Well, it's time to get ready for work....but TGIF. We are going out to eat and I am penciled in with eat and peel shrimp and I am good to go!!!
Well you all have a great day out there and I will check in when I get home...till later.............L.J
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Old 04-01-2005, 06:58 AM   #108  
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Good morning everyone. Is this site just for ww? I am really not on any diet by name just counting calories , exercising and trying to live a healthier lifestyle. I try to set goals for myself and I do a lot of reading to keep up on all the health info. So I guess you could say I have designed my own plan. I do my wt. on the scale on saturdays. I try to get to the gym at least 3 times a week and next week I am shooting for 4. I try to stay within 1500 calories or so a day. I also write down my intake and try to do preplanning. Your site sounds very supportive and fun. I will ck in again soon. Take care and keep up your good work!
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Old 04-01-2005, 07:21 AM   #109  
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Best of luck with the 'plan' your on.

For myself, I tried that. Did really well on keeping the calories at 1500. But didn't have much luck. Only been on WW for a while so don't know for sure what the difference is, but I am finally starting to lose a little. I think most of it was the types of food I was eating. I seem to be getting a lot more fiber and less fat now. So my advice would be, watch the calories, but be sure that you get ample fiber and that all your calories are not fat based.

Of course, you probably already know that!

Again, Good Luck!

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Old 04-01-2005, 09:33 AM   #110  
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Hello, ladies. Just wanted to start out the day with a quick post!

CC – sure, join in. We might bore you with all our WW talk, but I support anyone trying to live a healthier lifestyle!

LJ – I don’t have WATP, but I do have 2 of her other walk videos. I did 1.5 mi. this morning and feel great afterwards. However, I notice that there is definitely more bounce in my step if I workout in the afternoon, when my eyes are actually open! Great plan, having the day journaled in the beginning! Hope it works for ya!

Time to report a little NSV… I put on 2 pairs of size 12 pants last night that my MIL handed-down. Before, I could hardly zip them. Now, they are a perfect fit! I’m well chuffed, as I don’t remember ever having worn below a 13/14!

Dawny – are you still smiling??
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Old 04-01-2005, 11:56 AM   #111  
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HI girls, yep Melanie, still grinning like the cheshire cat!

Well, I can truly say, that it sounds as if everyone is getting their act together and trying hard to get back on track with everything. Good luck to you all, you all deserve so much after all your hard work, and thanks again to everyone for all your lovely words.

Melanie, I forgot to mention last night about your great loss this week! I can remember when you were stunned to get under the 200#, so this under 170 pounds now must feel fabulous - you must be grinning like me! And that NSV! The clothes thing is one of the things that kept me going, every time I got to a new size I was shocked but sooooo happy, I know your feeling girl, hold it in your mind, it comes in handy for the tough days!

Can't stop any longer today, in a bit of a rush, but to everyone else, hi, take care, hope you are all ok, back tomorrow. See ya.
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Old 04-01-2005, 01:02 PM   #112  
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Talking Weigh In

Well ladies, I weighed in today and I'm down 2.5.

I have to go (meeting at work) and I willl chat with you lovely ladies later.

Everyone have a BLESSED DAY!
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Old 04-01-2005, 05:41 PM   #113  
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Abirdee...2.5 in one week!!!! AWESOME!!!! More inspiration!!!!
Melanie.....fitting into a size smaller, what a great achviement...good for you!! Even more inspiration!!!
Dawny I know first hand that smile is going to last a long time, and good for you. You worked hard to get where you are...Wow 181.5 to 125 WOW!!!!! fantastic!!!
Frog, hope your day went well too. I was just ok!! Weigh in tomorrow.....I don't expect anything good thats for sure.
I'll let you all know.....
Linda hope things are ok there with you. How have your last few days gone? Hope all is well....
I am almost looking forward to my week ending....I wasn't 100% all week because I didn't come to a renewal until a few days into the week. April 1st I guess I played an April Fools day joke on myself and went a 'bit' off the track yesterday.....SOOOO much stress at work and sometimes that is all it takes. I am sure most, probably all can understand April 2ND.....(Saturday) Weigh In day starts my renew....
I did not do my WATP tape, totally exhausted when I got in....more mental stress than anything else, and it wipes me out. Don't even feel like going out to eat tonight, I am so we'll see. Maybe tomorrow night!!
Well all, have a great evening...
I will let you know the *bad* news :-) tomorrow.

Last edited by L.J; 04-02-2005 at 06:11 AM.
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Old 04-02-2005, 06:14 AM   #114  
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Good early Saturday morning..(6AM) I am up and ready to go.......I just wanted you all to know I have made the decision to do my Walk Tape today......and I am going for the 2 mile one!!!
Hope to 'see' some of you back here later and that we can regroup on a more daily basis :-) .........I have a busy day planned, starting about 8am'ish!!! Have a great day..........L.J
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Old 04-02-2005, 06:48 AM   #115  
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Good afternoon all, or good morning, depending where you are!

Abirdee, fab WI, you should be really proud of yourself! Keep going!

LJ, hi, what happened to all your good intentions yesterday, you even journalled in advance, I don't know what we are going to do with you! Anyway, you've started today in a good way, did you do the full 2 miles? I haven't seen these walking tapes, not sure if they are out over here or not, do you just have to walk up and down your living room for 20 minutes, or is it a bit more complicated than that?

Ok, gotta fly, got a childrens party to go to later on, oh, are you online yet Melanie?
Are you ok Linda, not heard from you in a couple of days?
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Old 04-03-2005, 04:34 PM   #116  
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hey all - hope everyone is ok......i am over at another board where there is more of a daily posting, which I need!! ........see you soon!!
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Old 04-03-2005, 05:27 PM   #117  
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Hi everyone. Here I am the day after I had TWO pieced of cake. It's been awfully busy and stressful and I"m not doing well at all guys.
I have been so busy, have not been able to be here and this site keeps me grounded, but I promise to do better.....
You all have the right to "yell" at me....
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Old 04-03-2005, 11:57 PM   #118  
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Yes! Finally! Greeting you from the comfort of my home! Like my robe?

LJ - Hope to still 'see' you around.

Dawny - It has been a horrible time getting the phone working. I had internet for about an hour on Friday, then our phones went out completely! Still not completely fixed, but this line is working. The Walk Aerobics video is a bit more complicated, but not confusing. You do kicks, wide steps, side steps, back kicks, knee lifts, etc, but the basic is walking in place or a few steps here to there. It's great for a small apartment, not confusing, and a good workout. I really like my video. I use Leslie Sansome, but I think there are a couple others. Hope you were well behaved at the party's snack table!

Linda - Darn. Sorry things are still stressful for you. Hope you get up to yourself soon. I know you want to continue your great work. You just gotta know that it is worth more in the long-run than that cake. So, why do we fall into that trap? If we can be of any help, let us know. Sic the diva on yourself!

Well, I'm gonna scat for now. It was an extremely strenuous night at church. I got into a heated discussion with the youth leader and I have to decide if I can continue working with her and her husband. I don't want to abandon the youth, but I do not think we can work together. I am NOT someone to agree when I don't mean it, so I sometimes get conflict. Luckily, I did not turn to food. Haven't even had dessert!

Rest well, everyone. Be back soon.
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Old 04-04-2005, 05:17 AM   #119  
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Well, at least I made it through last night without having MORE cake.... my self control is really suffering. Like my robe too, Melanie? I'm sitting here in mine, as I generally am each morning when I am on line. I get, have coffee and wake up with my computer each morning.
Just caught up on a few posts.... Abirdee, welcome back and where have you been? But, the loss was a good one, so wherever it is you've been, that is great!
LJ, sounds like you are really trying. I've got to fight my way back, I just have to.
Melanie, I hope you can work things out with the youth leader. It's so hard for people to work together if they have opposed thinking. Good luck with that. I'm glad you didn't run for the food, which is something I have to admit to lately.
I do so much better on weekdays, so today I am hopeful.
Though, this morning is my quilt guild meeting, once a month. There is always tons of food and I need to mentally rehearse my strategy for how I will cope with it all and be on track. I guess brining a 2 points bar is a good idea... maybe some fruit (which they always have there too) and only ONE treat? We'll see....
Take care, everyone, so glad to have you guys when the times get rough. We all have the rough times now and then and this is one of my bad ones.
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Old 04-04-2005, 07:22 AM   #120  
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HI everyone,
Linda, glad to see you back after the weekend, it does sound as if you still struggling there. I know as well as anyone that its always harder to get stuck back into 'it' after a bad few weeks. The motivation feels as if its back for a day or two, but it seems so much easier to go off track at the slightest thing. I'm not going to yell, I know it does no good anyway, but I think maybe if you really want to do this, and I'm sure you do, then you must stop making the excuses, get focused, get Frisky diva to start strutting her stuff again, and lets burn those pounds away. As for the quilt meeting, which you have probably already gone to by now, I like the 'bar' idea, I'm always in favour of those, and use them at every opportunity as a little filler. I've just discovered dried apricots too, not the chopped ones but the big ones, and find those quite filling as they are full of fibre, (pt values here are 1pt for about 7 of them.) Good luck with the meeting, and I would stay away from the 'treat' table, start as you mean to go on!

Melanie, great to see you online at home! Love the robe! If you saw mine you would just die, so probably best that this is not on webcam!

Oh, todays mail has just this minute arrived...slight pause while I check whats here... I got a congrats card from June, our WW leader, thats nice. AJ's opening the rest of the letters, I guess they are just junk, so he can keep them!

LJ, hope you pop in from time to time, good luck!

I got a full tummy right now, just had a wholemeal pitta, with 1pt of half fat cheese, some salad and .5pt worth of wafer thin ham. I'm stuffed. These wholemeal pittas are so much more filling than the white ones. And yummy. Oh, and I had a cereal bar too, 1.5 pts for that, I know that I'm only having a chicken stir fry for dinner tonight, which will be very low on points, so I need to make some up during the day. It's hard to get my head around having so many more points to play with, although, I have to say, I think its at least a couple of points too many for me, I predict a slight gain this week, I guess it will take a few weeks to find the right 'level' for me to stay the same. I still jump on the scales every morning, I suppose that's a habit I will never manage to break!

Ok, gotta go for now, back later!
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