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Old 05-03-2005, 08:26 PM   #196  
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When I first tried the elliptical I could literaly only go for 2 minutes. I just kept at it and am up to 30 now. Just keep trying!
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Old 05-03-2005, 08:39 PM   #197  
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I could barely do 5 min on the lowest setting 2 months ago, now i'm cross training for 35 minutes. I love doing it and I feel great afterwards. I never thought I'd be able to do so well. The more you do it the easier it gets. I used to talk myself into 1/2 mile then i would say to myself, one more 10th and then when i was close to 2 miles, I would just tell myself, ok, you can do this and wow, I'm doing it 5 times a week and putting more resistance to the workout.
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Old 05-04-2005, 12:20 AM   #198  
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Hello again. Just had to check in before turning in for the night.

Dawny - Hope the new yogurt drink is a magic as you've heard. Let us know! I think it might be the Tae Bo videos I have tried. Everyone else I've talked to loves the workouts. I can't keep up at all, and consider myself a fairly coordinated person! Do you WI every week now that you are at goal?? If so, hope tomorrow is kind to you!

BJ & Misty: thanks for the encouragemetn on the eliptical. For some reason, I just can't work the thing. Maybe I'm NOT as coordinated as I thought! I'll give it another try if/when I get to join the Y. Wish some kind person would get me a membership for my birthday! I think that DH will agree to a membership the next time they run the "no joining fee" special deal. Right now, our main priorites are getting rid of three debts so we will be in a position to 1) have kids w/ me being stay-at-home and/or 2) Seminary for DH or both. Until we get a bigger dent in the finances, DH just doesn't want to budget it in. Sigh...

Linda - Tell me to mind my own business at any time... but, when I was in the tub I was shaving my legs (don't worry, this story is going somewhere), which made me think how happy I am that they are smaller and it doesn't take as long, which made me think of this message board, which made me think of you and Jamie, which made me think of something else I thought I would suggest. What if everyone in the family went on the same eating plan that she has to go on? That way, it shows the importance of healthy eating for everyone and takes the focus off her. It could be a great build-up for the family and healthy for everyone. I know teenage boys love their Doritos and pizza, but it's a support thing. She might feel less like she has to change because something is wrong with her. And, if the chips aren't in the house, she can't eat them! Oh, and a belated congrats on the quilt guild challenge! Great job!

Well, I better hit the bed if I'm gonna workout tomorrow morning!
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Old 05-04-2005, 05:16 AM   #199  
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Misty, I hope you inspire me to get off my butt and get back working out! I've been so very busy these last few weeks, it's totally set off my routine. I am proud to report that I did not use a single flex point yesterday, stayed on exactly 20 points. This is HUGE for me. However, I have a quilt meeting today and I generally use flex points for the food that I can't resist.
Yesterday was totally thrown off, my son ended up having to go to the doctor and I didn't get to grocery shop, now today will be full of my meeting and the shopping, hate when days get so busy like that. I'll be gone all day. Hope I can stay on program for the most part.
Not much else to report today....
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Old 05-04-2005, 06:51 AM   #200  
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Hi, just a quickie this morning, off swimming soon, as soon as/if ever AJ finishes his lunch!

Just remembered Linda, that I forgot last night to congratulate you on the quilt award. You must be so proud. And a first time entry too. Well done.

Melanie, I'm still weighing in most weeks at the moment, and tonight I'm going to stay to the meeting I think. I will probably drop off some weeks after a while, and when I feel I have stabalized (sp?) a bit.

Misty, your work on the elliptical sounds awesome! Those pounds are just going to drop off you if you keep it up!

Oh, NSV, just been for my first ever bra measuring session in our local department store. (First time ever been brave enough!) I am apparantly several sizes smaller than I have been wearing the past few years, but only in the right places. The places that count are still in abundance I am happy to say, so a couple of nice pieces of lingerie are now on the credit card! (Don't tell DH!)
Back later.
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Old 05-04-2005, 12:08 PM   #201  
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Hi, me again, just checking in.

I've been a good girl today, almost... I did pinch a bit of AJ's candy earlier! I know, I know, it's not a good idea on WI day, or on a day when I had a dental appointment, but as that went all ok, I'm not too concerned. I'm ok about WI tonight too. I think I probably will have a maintain this week, which is good. And, its not bad going considering its TOM.

Well, tomorrow, is election day here in the UK, and I am not looking forward to it one bit. I find it such a boring time, its never off tv, and everyone talking about the personalities involved instead of the policies. I will glad when it's all over and done with and the country can get back to normal once again, (assuming there won't be huge change in the leadership, which might change things a bit!)

Anyway, I'm going again now, hope you have a good day all. See ya later.
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Old 05-04-2005, 03:23 PM   #202  
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That sums up the day I'm having! I'll check back after WI! Hopefully with some good news!
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Old 05-04-2005, 09:30 PM   #203  
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Never saw myself as inspiring but i'm glad I can help if I do. Did 1 hour in t he weight room (he made me work my biceps and triceps, i think my arms are going to fall off and did 300 crunches) then I did the elipticle for 25 minutes, I had such a headache I got off at 25 min mark but still happy that I did that much. I love the BF but he's going to kill me, lol. I've never stuck this long to an exercise program, it's been at least 2 months now so that is an accomplishment for me. I'm glad to hear everyone is doing great, thanks for all the encouragement from you ladies, it all helps. It is frustrating to go into the weight room when the few woman in there are Barbie dolls. Hopefully I'll be nice and toned here in a few months and won't be so self conscious.
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Old 05-04-2005, 10:46 PM   #204  
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Well, as you can see, my mood has definately changed! WI was great! Down 3.2#!!! I knew I was retaining water last week!!! I just knew it!!! Upping my exercise has really helped soooo much. Gotta keep at it!

Well, I was just reporting in. Gotta wrap up the day so I can get up bright and early to burn some more butter off the butt!
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Old 05-05-2005, 01:32 PM   #205  
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fab WI Melanie. It just keeps dropping off!

So much for my maintaining this week, I lost 1.5# The leader asked if she wanted me to put it down on my card - I forced her to, I'm not turning down a loss of any kind if I can help it!

Anyway, got to go and vote now, see ya later!
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Old 05-05-2005, 02:39 PM   #206  
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Wow! A loss when you weren't trying! Great! I would have made them log it also! Great news!
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Old 05-06-2005, 07:01 AM   #207  
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Good morning,
Down 1# this week, I'm happy with that. Last year I didn't work out and I lost more per week this time since I'm exercising so much the losses are smaller but it's still progress and I see the physical changes too. Glad to hear everyone is doing so well. Sounds like a great way to start the weekend. Well have to head off to work, we have a Northeaster going adn the weather is horrible.

Have a great weekend.
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Old 05-06-2005, 01:44 PM   #208  
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Hi all, not much to read or report today, oh well, I thought I'd just let you know that I am currently suffering with a severe case of the 'munchies', eating like a little piglet and I feel that it could go on with drastic consequences for the rest of the evening! I will be watching American idol later and eating my way through it I think!

Thank goodness our election is out of the way now. We may or may not agree with the result, but we can't change it anyway, so at least everyone can shut up about it for a change!

By the way, it took forever to get onto this thread tonight, maybe time to start a new one?

See ya later, have a great weekend!
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Old 05-07-2005, 07:22 AM   #209  
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I think we are all guilty of the munchies! I have started to give in instead of denying but I'm find that the grocery store is offering soo much more. Like Doritos come baked now, those are yummy, love the Quacker Quakes, the cheddar ones are great. I've even gotten the little ones and the BF to enjoy the baked foods over the fried, phew, that was hard. I just don't want my kids, they are 7 and 8 to end up with the weight problem that has plagued me all my life. They are healthy right now and I want them to continue to make better choices with their eating habits.
Wow, have to go to work! Have a great Mother's Day everyone!
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Old 05-08-2005, 12:48 PM   #210  
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Hi everyone!
I read most of your posts. I'm glad your election is over with Dawny, you have about the same attitude I have over here when we have elections, primaries and all that kind of thing - sure wish there was ONE tv channel and ONE radio station that would specialize in that kind of thing and leave the rest of us alone. I care, of course, who runs our country, but it is so overdone and so drawn out and I get so ready to scream.... I got to the point in the last election that I didn't even care who won in a way, just was anxious to get it over with and done. They all made me hate them!
Getting back to what we are here for....
sorry I was absent for a few days, the quilt show was a busy thing and it was so much fun. I feel FAT today, though. I pigged out (don't know what's come over me but I seem to have no control any longer) and celebrated. Jamie was in her play and then went off to see Phantom of the Opera in Boston last night. She looked beautiful and so grown up! Her boyfriend wore a tux and they were totally a lovely couple! Where did my little girl go?
It's mother's day here in the USA and I'm having a day I proclaimed as "an all about ME day". I did my work out and my treadmill this morning, I took a long hot bath and have caught up on over 200 unread e-mails! I plan on going for a Sunday drive with DH, maybe in a little while or sewing, not sure which.
How are the rest of you doing.
Great weigh in Melanie!
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