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Old 03-07-2005, 07:28 AM   #16  
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HI ladies, hope you had a great weekend.

Linda, so sorry to hear you are so stressed. I guess there's not much other than a new job for DH that will stop that. It's a tough time for you all, and of course you are bound to eat a bit more when you are in that frame of mind. I only have to think about stress to start pigging out. My prayers are with you all, you will get though all of this soon, I feel sure of it. As for my 'goal' on my scales, they certainly weren't showing the same result this morning. I have also 'eaten for England' this weekend. But that's because I have an awful head cold and I always do just have to eat when I feel like that, plus, TOM may be on its way, a little early, so that won't be helping.
I sat on Friday night, before the cold kicked in, and munched my way through the three episodes of American Idol that they show here, one straight after the other, but obviously a few days late. I'm a bit of an addict to it, I have to say, just like I am to our version when it's shown. I just have to 'pig' when its on though, I must try to beat that.

Ok, well I'll go and have lunch now, pitta bread with LC cheese, a little wafer thin ham and a LF yoghurt, and an apple. very healthy. Back later.
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Old 03-07-2005, 09:44 AM   #17  
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Hey girls can't really stop, WI today .8 down. It's ok, I'm actually quite happy.

I'll stop by later. Linda, big hug from me, I'm thinking of you, take care!!
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Old 03-07-2005, 11:56 AM   #18  
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Thanks for the hugs and kind thoughts! Seems so weird to have DH home, by the way. But, he is networking on the phone, letting people know he's left and hoping to figure out leads on jobs. Surely, he'll come up with something, but it's such a hard time.
Dawny, I find the scale dips for me once in awhile to a very low and exciting number, then it comes back up. Finally, it will settle to the lower number after awhile, but the "dip" number is usually a "tease" for a bit of time. Do you all feel that way sometimes? Our weight can fluctuate so much from day to day.
American Idol! Wow, Dawny, don't you guys have your own UK Idol thing now? I watched some of it, but the fact that it wasn't all on in one night made it tough to follow. I'm not big on evening TV, so I lost track and never saw the end of it. That guy Simon can be so mean, but he "makes" the show sometimes with his antics. He's the guy you "love to hate", I guess?
At any rate, off to make some soup (low point!) for lunch!
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Old 03-07-2005, 12:14 PM   #19  
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HI, only me again.

yeah Linda, We had 'Pop idol' here in the UK, before American Idol, it was the original that everyone copied! We haven't had any though for about a year, although we had a new Simon Cowell one called X-factor. Similar concept with auditions etc, but he and two other judges were 'mentors' for a particular group of finalists, such as groups, youngsters (below 24yrs!) and the older ones, 25+. Sharon Osbourne was one of the judges and was really good too. She and Simon were constantly arguing, more than he and Paula Abdul! I love your programme though, different kind of competitor than here, although the fair share of 'tone deafness' in the audition rounds!

Anyway, enough of the tv, Nat, great loss, its still going down isn't it? There will be nothing left of you soon! Don't go getting too thin will you? (that's what people always say to me, they have no idea!)

Ok, I'm off again. Bye for now.
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Old 03-07-2005, 02:38 PM   #20  
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Hey girls! Me again.

Thanks for the congrats on my loss, I realised today just how much weight I've lost, I feel so great about it! I'm really happy that I took that decision to start losing weight, I've never felt and looked better! Really, my mood has changed drastically, I'm happier and more relaxed and not constantly obsessing about how I look when sitting down, adjusting my sweater all the time and dreading walking in front of others.... I was really in a sh!tty place before, I know you're probably sick of me telling this all the time, but I'm so pleased with myself right now. I have the motivation to keep me going and I know I will look and feel even better when I'm done.

Dawny, you're so close to goal, and you really are an inspiration to me and all of us! Great job, you're the best!!

Linda, I'm sorry things are still kinda bleak, don't get too stressed, I'm sure things will be looking up in no time. Big hug again!!

I'll be away this weekend, I'm going on a trip with my friends, I hope I'll have some fun!

Take care ladies!!!
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Old 03-07-2005, 04:47 PM   #21  
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HI guys! I didn't realize that the UK had an idol show before the US American Idol, but it does not surprise me.
Nat, you have done so well, no wonder you are feeling so good! You are more than halfway to goal now, and so am I! We have to keep focused on that. Dawny sure is a shining example!
I just finished making a Lebanese Dish called Lubbi (sp?) for dinner. I think it's fairly low points, my next door neighbor at my last house used to make this all the time and my daughter used to eat it when visiting. It's essentially cubed beef (I used a top sirloin roast) sauteed with onions and a bit of garlic power, then one adds tomato paste and water and french cut green beans as well as allspice and S+P. It is served over top of plain rice or rice pilaf. It smells great in here! I shall let you all know how it comes out!
DH is busy working on networking. He started calling business accociates from the past today (did I tell you he has a list divided into A, B and C's in terms of prioirty?) and he got a lead on some consulting work. He is to write up a proposal and might just get some part time work from this one business.
He has an interview with a consulting firm tomorrow, but with that kind of work, the pay can fluctuate a great deal. I am not awfully comfortable with "peaks and valleys" in our income, but he isn't awfully worried. So, no official job today, but things are looking a bit more positive?
He also has a great contact with a guy who sells insurance to businesses and thinks that might be something he could try out as well.
At least there aren't all dead ends?
I was a "good" girl today, by the way, I have eaten really well and totally on program as well as got on my treadmill for 40 minutes this morning! Time to get back on track!
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Old 03-08-2005, 11:31 AM   #22  
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Hello, all! I’m back. Had a fabulous weekend and got to catch up some time with DH. Just wish we had longer than one day. The B&B was fantastic, especially the Jacuzzi tub! And, geez, did I eat! I did count points, but didn’t let them deter me. I used about 24 FPs Sat & Sun, so, I’m trying to be a very good girl now. I hadn’t had a Caesar salad in over a year! It was well worth the 10 pts too! Because of my cold medicine and his sleep schedule, we ended up wide away at 3 a.m., so we went to the tv room, snuggled up on the couch and watched a movie while we pigged out on the candy jar. It was definitely a great night.

I popped in yesterday, but didn’t get to post. It seems like I constantly have one health problem or another, but I went to the doctor yesterday for a sinus infection. Started last week as allergies and grew. And, I have my first cold sore that hurts like a dickens! I think they should dock my pay for all the tissues I’m using. Personally, I would send me home because I’m kinda disgusting to be around right now. Hack, blow, sneeze, cough, hack, blow, sneeze, cough…

Natalie – I’m glad you are enjoying your success! You have come a long way and I know you have to feel it. I love the feeling of my baggy clothes on most days. It is a great reminder and example of your progress! Enjoy your weekend away!

Dawny – I hardly ever watch American Idol, but since you mentioned it, I stopped to watch last night. I gotta hand it to Simon, at least he doesn’t feed them fluff like Paula does! Some of those people last night were lousy, or their song choices were. I can see how people get hooked though. There were 2 that I thought were particularly good. Now, I’m curious as to how far they will go. Darn it. I watch enough tv. On another note, have you decided if you are going to keep losing after you reach your goal? You mentioned it before, and it seems like it is about time to decide after your home WI. Great job, BTW!

Linda – That dish sounds wonderful! How did it turn out? And great job on the workout! I am now experiencing the inability to exercise due to sinuses. I gave it serious consideration last night but decided I was already having enough problems breathing. You will have to inspire me to get back on track as I mend! I’m glad your DH is taking active steps to find that new job that I know is out there waiting for him! I know it is stressful, but it will work out. He’s obviously a man dedicated to supporting his family.

Well, back to work for me. Gotta get as much done as I can, in case I can’t make it a full day and have to retire to my couch. That’s not my plan though. I just feel kinda bad touching stuff and being around everyone.
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Old 03-08-2005, 12:57 PM   #23  
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Hi there, Just a quick one tonight, Dear Stepdaughter is visiting shortly, with baby in tow, so I can't stay long.

Linda, glad DH is not hanging around with his 'networking', if he keeps on like this, he won't be out of work for long! Great job on the exercise too, I don't know how you keep it up!

Nat, i'm so proud of you at the moment, you just keep on going and watch those numbers keep falling!

Melanie, I'm so pleased your weekend was good. I love B&B's, like a home from home, but better! I know what you mean about the cold symptoms too, yeah, I've caught them from you, I guess its when we spend so long talking to each other, we get each others illnesses too. I do think that when I 'officially' get to goal that I would like to lose a few more pounds. I'm not going to push the issue, if they come off then great, if not then so be it. I am fairly happy now with how I am, but because I'm so tiny, although not particularly small boned, a few extra off wouldn't go amiss. Its the thighs I'm not keen on at the moment, a bit of exercise and a couple of pounds would probably help dramatically. The stomach is lousy, but its skin, nothing that a few thousand quid and a good aneasthetic wouldn't solve! I'll just see how things go and TRY to be happy with what I have - is that really possible? Time will tell. If you think I'm going on a bit for someone with guests coming anytime, you are right, just had a text to say they aren't coming now, so more time to play!

American Idol, I say, keep watching! Don't tell me how this weeks vote goes though as we don't get the 3 weekly programmes until friday. I also say, Bo to win.

Ok, I'm off now, really, I'll be back tomorrow. Take care all.
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Old 03-09-2005, 02:40 PM   #24  
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Hi there, its quiet here today! Anyway, can't stop, (really tonight), just got back from WI, it was rubbish - gained 1.5! TOM really has hit me with avengeance this month. I do think it seems to be one step forward and two back at the moment. Oh,well, I'll have it gone next week - again.

Back later.
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Old 03-09-2005, 05:58 PM   #25  
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Hi all, haven't been here in a while.....I keep teeter tottering back and forth with Core and Points, and of course my weight up two down one, up one down two ughhhhhhhh. Sometimes points just doesn't seem to be enough and Core I feel sometimes I am not a good judge....any advise???
Dawny you are absoulutely right, one step forward, two steps back.....oh and by the way....we're never satisfied regardless of the 1.5 you are doing GREAT!!!!
Melanie and you too Dawny....your stats are fabulous!!!!!!
What is your secret?? and how long??? Have you always stayed with Points??
Just curious because you are both inspirational and give me hope to get the blasted 10 lbs off (AGAIN)
Linda I hope all is well with you and that your husband soon finds his nitch. Sounds like he is doing a good job of networking....It will come. I'm pulling for both of you. Hang in there.
Will check back later this week...I had a bad 3 days.....why??? no real reason....why do we do that??? and then we're sorry....any tips??? sure can use some.....Thanks Linda (LJ)
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Old 03-09-2005, 07:01 PM   #26  
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Good to see you back, LJ, it's been awhile.
DH is nearing an agreement for an 8 week long consulting assignment and if he does, we can "breath" for a couple of weeks while he looks at other jobs. I hope it works out, we shall see.
I had a good day yesterday, but I had apple pie..... My birthday was Feb. 18th and a friend had a surprise birthday party for me yesterday, out of the blue! She baked homemade pie, what was I to do? Oh well, it was great but I am truly "behind" on my ww flex points for the week and yesterday was the first day of my ww week. I'm in trouble, but it was so special that someone took the time to do that for me.
I needed it.
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Old 03-10-2005, 07:01 AM   #27  
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Dawny, just noticed the gain... Sorry about that. I think I have put back on about 2 pounds since my last great weigh in. I've got to regain control and have not done well the last week and a half.
LJ, my advice to you is to pick points and stay with it, just my personal opinion. My advice is to journal like mad and drink tons of water and pick up some exercies. All these things I should be doing as well!!!!!
With that, this is a short post and I am off to the treadmill!
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Old 03-10-2005, 09:15 AM   #28  
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Quick question:

Is it possible to loose more inches than pounds? If so, will the pounds ever catch up, because my clothes are bigger and my body shape has really changed....
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Old 03-10-2005, 11:07 AM   #29  
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Hello all! Just time for a quick post really, but I want to catch up with you all! Being under the weather has zapped most my time. I want to be healthy again!!! I have hopes for the summer.

Dawny - sorry about the pesky gain! You were right though that you will get rid of it next week. The numbers are so close now, it's hard to put much stock in what the scale says at one particular time.

Linda – that’s great news about the job prospect! Hope it works out. Is it harder to stay on track, food wise, with DH in the house all day? My DH either tempts me to splurge or inspires me to do well. It’s up to me really. Maybe you can get him to go for a walk or do something exercise related with you! Hope you get to enjoy some extra time with him through all this.

LJ – Welcome back! I have been on FPs since June 2004. I lost the first 50 just before Thanksgiving. I’ve been struggling since because I’ve had one ailment after the other this winter, knee pain, burnt hand, sinus infection, flu-like bug, urgh! I feel like I’m ready to get back on track though. Either that, or be institutionalized! My biggest advice on losing weight, is decide how bad you want it. If you really want it, you will stick to the plan faithfully, decide it is more important than cake, and exercise. That’s why I’ve stalled out this winter. I have stuck with the points, but not been able to exercise the way I need to. Hopefully, that will change soon. I would like to say today, but don’t think I will be up to it, or have the time, but definitely next week when DH starts day shift and wakes up at 5:30a. Perfect time to drag me out with him. Besides that, I account the weight loss I have experienced to prayer because I know I have exhibited will power I do not possess on my own! Hope you keep posting!

Abirdee – Absolutely possible! I have heard 2 different opinions on if fat weighs less than muscle. At the least, I would say it weighs the same. You could be converting to muscle and that would drop you in inches, but stay the same (or gain) on the scale. Have you watched Celebrity Fit Club on VH1? Well, one of the largest guys (Ralphie) has been struggling because although he has stayed with the plan, he actually gained for 2 weeks and then suddenly dropped 14# in a 2 wk period. Everyone’s bodies are different. Sometimes, finally eating well and exercising shocks our system and it takes a while to figure out what it’s doing. Sounds like you are having a success to me!

Well, as for me, I proudly, and happily maintained at WI last night! After having 24 FPS on Saturday’s anniversary celebration, that was good news! Ahhh… the memories of those meals are still with me… :-P Oops! More than that! I just remembered I forgot to count the weekend’s wine!

Uh… did I say this post would be short? Oops! Bye-bye!
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Old 03-10-2005, 01:38 PM   #30  
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Hi there, everyone.

LJ, hi again. I've done points pretty much all along really, Jan 04 I started, so its taken a good while to lose this much, longer than it always does in the magazine success stories, but who cares? Mine will stay off, their's might not! I did try our equivelent of the core programme (Nocount) for one week only, when it was first introduced, and although I did feel that I ate more healthily, I also, for the first time since joining WW, felt as if I was 'on a diet'. My philosophy is this: Eat well, drink lots of water,exercise (although I have to say, I don't do nearly enough!), journal, weigh your food, don't estimate how much your portion sizes, and don't deprive yourself of the things you enjoy, that way, on the 'off days' or at holidays when you might eat more than usual, you will gain fewer pounds than if you never ate this stuff at all, then binged at the first opportunity. Just be sensible, listen to your body and then, a little of what you fancy really can do you good!

Melanie, great to have a maintain after the fab weekend you've just had - keep up the good work, girl!

Abirdee, ditto Melanie's comments, The clothes feeling and looking better should be a sure sign that there is something working in there somewhere, stick with it and it will be noticable on the scales soon for sure!

Linda, hi, fingers and toes crossed for DH! And glad you enjoyed the apple pie - sounds fantastic! Surprise parties are always the best, even if they put you over points. Get back on the treadmill, it'll be gone in no time.

Ok, gotta go for now, back again soon.
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