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Old 03-23-2005, 02:47 PM   #61  
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HELP! I'm feeling more bloated by the second! I've gained 327# of water! Don't want to WI!!

= me
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Old 03-24-2005, 09:31 AM   #62  
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Hmmm... Oh, well. I guess I'll just post 3 in row!

As expected, WI was not grand. But, I maintained. I expect to have a good drop next week, since I will surely get rid of some water when TOM goes away.

NSV!!!!!!!!!!! I upped my workout this morning. I did 2 miles on my walk-aerobics video. I usually only manage 1 - 1.5 miles in the morning workout. I was soooo excited when they announced 2!

How is everyone else? Come talk to me!!
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Old 03-24-2005, 11:34 AM   #63  
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Hey Melanie, I'm here although in a very bad mood. I'm doing terribly these past couple of weeks, I can't control myself. I have to regain my confidence and self-control and motivation back, I'm afraid I'll undo all my good work. Today I've been good so far, and am determined to make it. Wish me luck everyone and send me "thin" vibes, I really need them at the moment!!

Mel, good job on the exercise!! You'll be running marathons in no time!

Linda, how are things? Everything ok? Did you regain control? I'm sending you hugs and good vibes!

Dawny, I hope your WI goes well, you seem to be doing very well. Take care!

Well, I guess that's all from me. I'm frustrated right now, I don't know why I can't get back on track, I'll do my best. Take care ladies!!
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Old 03-24-2005, 12:53 PM   #64  
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Natalie - hugs and thin vibes coming your way! You've came too darn far to give up now. Go find something that weighs 45# and carry it around for a few minutes. I expect you will not like having that weight back on you! You’ll stay strong! We’re here to help, just say the word!

Well, I’m struggling to have a good day. I’ve got a conflict going on with a co-worker and I hate conflict. But, sometimes, ya just can’t avoid it. Oh, well. I can stay in the dumps or struggle to get out. Today, I choose joy. And, it’s almost lunchtime, so I can escape for bit. Wish me luck.

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Old 03-24-2005, 01:29 PM   #65  
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Hi there, well, WI was ok. Didn't get goal - surprise, surprise. Still .5 down though, leaving .5# to go. Maybe next week - I never was one for doing things in a hurry!

Melanie, Hi, nice NSV. Photos that look thin are a great sign, don't they say you can gain several pounds in a photo, so to look fantastic in one is a great boost. Nice one.
You do so well with your exercise. I like manicures as a treat too. In fact, I'm having nail extensions next week for the first time ever, first time I've felt wanting to show off I guess. I think a manicure or mini facial will be a good reward, and not too expensive, to use as a treat if we can keep up this fitness regime for the month of April. That's my personal challenge anyway. Sorry you have been a bit down at work. It's a pig if you don't get on well with someone you have to see every day. If you can't completely avoid them, the only way you can really deal with it is to keep smiling and hope that that REALLY gets on their nerves! Good luck. How long do you get off work for the Easter Holidays? I've finished today, and don't have to go back until next Thursday, normally, I would be back on the Wednesday, but as that's my normal rota'd day off, I get that too! Lucky me. DH has to work saturday, so that's a pain, but we will try to get out somewhere for the day tomorrow. Tuesday, AJ will be back at nursery and DH at work, so I will have a lovely day to myself, to shop, (window shop at least) and have the nails done.

Nat. Hi. I am sending you skinny thoughts as we speak. I know you can get back on track. Start checking you are writing everything down again. Check your portion sizes, and if you can start to get in control of all that, you will soon be in control of your weight loss again. You can't give up now. You have just come so far. Get out an old photo if you have one, from before you started losing weight, if that doesn't motivate you to get started again, I don't know what will. Good luck.

Linda, no news from you today, hope you are alright.

Ok, so whats my plan for Easter? To avoid the multitude of Easter eggs that AJ has been given. Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate. We were told at last nights meeting that one easter egg and its contents averaged about 20 -22 points. Thats just the normal sized ones. I love Easter eggs. Please Diva Tiggy, keep me well away from them all. Do you guys have Easter eggs? Or just Chocolate in general? I hope you all abstain as much as possible, and if you don't, enjoy! You can always make up for it later.

Ok. I'm starving now. I'll go and contemplate my dinner for tonight, unsure what to have - how about that for planning, and the cupboard is almost bare. Please, Tiggy, also keep me away from the take outs that tempt me so much! See ya later. Have a good Easter everyone.
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Old 03-24-2005, 04:54 PM   #66  
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Hi All.....just stopping by to see how you all are. I dont post much but I do read.
I guess I wonder how you all stay focused on Flex. I am having a hard time. Flex has been my downfall....tried and am trying Core but nothing is really satisfying me.
I refuse to gain any more something BETTER give. I am beginning to dislike the program. Both of them....yikes!!
Again how do you all stay so focused on FLEX?????
Linda I hope you're ok, didn't see you here much these past few posts.
Dawny your stats still amaze me.
Have a great day. Not much posting goes on here but I'll check back in a day or two.
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Old 03-24-2005, 08:02 PM   #67  
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Hey there. Was wondering if I could join this thread. I'm new to weightwatchers, just had my 3rd meeting. I lost 1/2 # my first meeting, 1# my second. Its frustrating at my meeting. My daughter is in WW in another town and they are always sharing recipes....haven't gotten one recipe yet from my group. But I'm not giving up! Keeping up with the flex plan hasn't been that hard for me. Actually, for the most part I am having trouble eating enough, now that I've cut out all the junk food. Of course, not eating enough is a problem also. I'm getting all my groups, milk, vegs, etc...just usually have points left every night.
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Old 03-25-2005, 09:10 AM   #68  
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Great news Dawny! You are almost there!!! Show us how it's done, girlfriend! You're awesome. And, yes, we do have tons of different Easter candy to avoid! I will have to go get some treats for DH, but stay away from them myself. I don't think we have the candy you are talking about though. We have Cadsbury eggs, but those are just about 5-6 pts each, I think. Yours sound absolutely sinful! But, we do not get time off work for Easter. The regular old hours. If I had my rather's I would be off Maudy Thursday and Good Friday too. But, that's just not how it goes here in most cases. Hmm.. When I rule the world...

LJ, Good to hear from you. I haven't really had trouble staying on FP, so I don't know what to say. I just decided I was gonna do it and now it's a way of life. When I look at food, I see points. If anything is the key, I think it is viewing the process as something wonderful you are doing for yourself, not something you HAVE to do like a punishment. And, I want to be healthy. Eating right and exercise is part of that. Now, I don't really want most fried foods or fast food, because I've been away from it for so long, it upsets my tummy anyway. Just take it a day at a time and you can manage.

138gtwin -Sure, the more the merrier! Join right in! If you want recipes, I'm sure we have them. Uh, except maybe Dawny, who proclaims not to be friends with her stove. Do you have another name you can go by on here? 138gtwin is kinda hard to remember. It's great your daughter is doing the program too. You can really help each other. I'm sorry you aren't very happy with your meeting. I, myself, do not go to WW meetings but do the program on my own and meet with a group at church each Wednesday for support and Bible study. Sometimes, you have to find your best friends and support outside the meeting. I think one of the biggest helps I found was searching other people's journals to see what other people are eating with their points. If that would help ya, we can list our days for a bit. Just say.

Well, enough chatter for now. Gotta run. But, I will be back. Yes, I will.
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Old 03-25-2005, 12:50 PM   #69  
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Hi, just popped in for a minute, as AJ is having his tea. We've been off for the day, the whole family for a change, and been to a farm out of town, feeding sheep, llamas, guinea pigs, chickens and just about anything else to be found on a farm. Great fun, and hopefully a couple of bonus exercise points into the bargain after all the walking.

Welcome to you new member 'twin' I will call you until I know different. Melanie is right, don't ask me for recipes, but anything else, I'm here.

Melanie, we get Cadbury's cream eggs, and the caramel eggs too, they are made over here anyway. I love Easter eggs in any shape and form, just keep me away from them!

Gotta go for now, back later.
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Old 03-25-2005, 01:09 PM   #70  
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Red face Afternoon

Afternoon Ladies

I know it's been a couple of weeks since my last post, but I have been crazy busy.. I didn't weigh in last week, that's just how busy I've been but I did weigh in today and I only lost 2 pounds(but I've lost sooo many inches) ....I haven't had time to catch up on everyones post but I will this weekend (so you may hear from me again).

Everyone have a Blessed Day!
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Old 03-25-2005, 05:54 PM   #71  
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Would love some recipes! And posting some of your flex journals would help! My 'name' means 138 is my goal to win 138gtwin! Sorry. Do I need to change my sign-in or just give ya a name?!!! If name, how about Frog?
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Old 03-28-2005, 08:19 AM   #72  
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Hi, I just thought I would test this out, to see if all is working again! So hopefully I'm not typing in vain!

New NSV today, (non-scale victories to the newbies), bought two new skirts this morning in a size 8 (UK size of course, unsure what the US equivelent is), My DH pointed out to me that I had that size in my hand, thinking I'd picked up the wrong one, and I said I would buy them anyway, without trying them on - they fit lovely! I am well chuffed!

Hi Frog, like the new name, hope you stick with us.

Abirdee, glad you see you back, 2# loss is great, well done, and even better if the inch loss is showing. Good on you. You must be sticking with the exercise.

Melanie, hope you avoided all the Easter chocolate, that goes for the rest of you guys too! I had a tiny bit, but did count the points. We have today what we call a Bank holiday, so most people, except the poor shop assistants get the day off work. We get about 6 of these days a year, not half as many as we should I think! In fact, if most mondays we didn't have to work, wouldn't the start of every week be so much more fun?

Linda, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. You and your family need a break, I'm sure you had a better, more relaxed weekend than of late, If you sleep better, you lose weight better, I'm convinced of that.

Ok, going to go now, see if this message works or if I just typed it all for nothing! Back later.
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Old 03-28-2005, 08:36 AM   #73  
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Well, WI is tonight, not looking forward to it.

Stayed away from the Easter candy but had a double portion of Chips last night. Am going through some pretty heafty emotional stuff in my marriage and food has always been my Solice!

Way to go Tawny, keep those dress sizes coming down!!

Found some pretty good recipes on if anyone is interested.


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Old 03-28-2005, 10:14 AM   #74  
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Hi Frog,

We are glad to have you, I'm sure you will do well on your WI tonight (got to keep a positive attitude). The emotional things your going thru in your marrige will get better with prayer (trust me, I've been there)...But instead of eating try cleaning up, reading, or working out. One, it will keep your mind occupied from thinking about eating and two, you wont focus so much on the problems within the marrige (because it can drive you )....

Dawnydw, great job on the smaller size we are all proud of you and I know you are. Keep up the good work.

Have to go for now, everyone have a BLESSED DAY!
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Old 03-28-2005, 10:35 AM   #75  
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Hey guys!

Dawny, you really are a star!! Size 8?? Gosh, that is so, so great! I'd love to be that size, I'm really happy for you I can't imagine how chuffed you'd be to buy them without even trying them on! You really are an inspiration to all of us, great job!!

Abirdee, good work on the 2 lb loss! Keep it up!

Frog, I'm sorry to hear you're having problems, keep a positive attitude and stay focused!

Linda and Melanie, I hope you're both doing fine.

I'm not doing fine, on the other hand. I've been bingeing for about 3 weeks now, it's awful. I don't know why I can't stick to my points anymore. I'm feeling low, I'm determined to make a clean start tomorrw though, cos if I continue this routine I'll be back to my starting weight in no time and I really don't want to go back there again. Summer is coming, and for all these years I've been avoiding going to the beach with my friends, making up all sorts of excuses. But now, I don't think I can get away with it any longer, I'm sure I'll be "forced" to wear a bikini this summer and I have to look my best, my best possible at least. Well, that's all from me, wish me good luck for my fresh start tomorrow, I really have to make it this time!!

Take care everyone!
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