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Old 10-29-2003, 03:25 PM   #1  
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Default Time For Serious Fun #36


We are a thread dedicated to making losing weight a pleasant experience. We laugh, cry and talk together. We have challenges, points for staying on program, drinking our water, and exercising. We have a daily topic to join in. Our only focus is to help us realize that dieting and all that goes with it need not be unpleasant, but can be fun. Come join the fun here at Time for Serious Fun! Everyone is Welcome!


Monday: Mission Monday New mission each week
Tuesday: Target Tuesday We target something to work on
Wednesday: Wednesday's Woes Our day to complain about anything and everything
Thursday: Time for Us Thursday The day set aside to pamper us!
Friday: Fabulous lbs Down Friday We get to crow about loss or ask for help
Saturday: Sunny Thoughts Saturday We share stories and jokes to help us smile
Sunday: Silly Poll Sunday A new poll to give your thoughts to every week





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Old 10-29-2003, 03:36 PM   #2  
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Boy, I can't believe we are at thread #36! That is just great!



I think that is a great idea. Let's all give a thankful list: Today's scare with my bil has had me thinking that all day:

I am truly thankful for:

An adorable supportive husband who has snow on the roof but fire in the fireplace!
My beautiful children, sil and soon to be dil
My gorgeous and ornery Thomas who is my treasure
The most beautiful group of overweight ladies in the world who bring light and laughter into my life
My extended family and friends
My health, which has improved greatly
My lifestyle, though not extravagant is perfect for us
My pets, who love me unconditionally
My home, which is always warm and welcoming
My husband's job, which is not glamorous but very well paying
A God given spirit that allows me to share in others pain and understand it
Talents that only God can provide me

I talked to Missy by e-mail today. She is doing fine except has fallen off the wagon so of course is not posting. I gently chastised her and told her to get back here no matter how badly she is doing. After all, let's face it, this group keeps us all motivated, doesn't it? I know I would not be as well off without all your support.

Here is another Lasagna recipe that was given to me and one for macaroni and cheese. I have not tried either so can't say how they taste.

Classic Lasagna
6 servings

3/4 pound Italian Turkey Sausage
5 1/2 cups chopped onion
4 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 cup Burgundy, or other dry red wine
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
1/8 teaspoon crushed red pepper
2 stewed tomatoes, undrained and chopped
1 4 ounce can tomato paste
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
1/8 teaspoon pepper
1 1/2 cups nonfat ricotta cheese
vegetable cooking spray
12 lasagna noodles, cooked
1 cup provolone cheese, shredded
Cook turkey sausage in a large saucepan over medium heat until browned, stirring to crumble sausage. Drain; wipe drippings from pan with a paper towel. Return sausage to skillet. Add onion and garlic; saute 5 minutes. Add Burgundy and next 4 ingredients; stir well. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer 10 minutes. Remove from heat, and set aside. Combine parsley and next 3 ingredients; stir well, and set aside. Spread 1/2 cup tomato mixture in bottom of a 13-x 9- x 2-inch baking dish coated with cooking spray. Arrange 4 noodles over tomato mixture, top noodles with 2 cups tomato mixture, half of the ricotta cheese mixture, and 1/3 cup shredded provolone cheese. Repeat the layers, beginning and ending with noodles. Spread the remaining 1 1/2 cups tomato mixture over noodles, and sprinkle with the remaining 1/3 cup provolone cheese. Cover and bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Uncover and bake an additional 10 minutes. Let stand 5 minutes before serving.
Nutrition Facts
Amount Per Serving: Calories 249 - Calories from Fat 105
Percent Total Calories From: Fat 42%, Protein 26%, Carbohydrate 31%
Totals and Percent Daily Values (2000 calories): Fat 12g, Saturated Fat 5g, Cholesterol 43mg, Sodium 450mg, Total Carbohydrate 19g, Dietary Fiber 1g, Sugars 0g, Protein 16g, Vitamin A 848 units, Vitamin C 19 units, Calcium 0 units, Iron 3 units

Macaroni & Cheese
8 servings

12 ounces low-fat cottage cheese
8 ounces lowfat sour cream
4 cups elbow macaroni, cooked
2 cups lowfat cheddar cheese, shredded
1/2 cup skim milk
1 green onion, chopped
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
2 egg whites
Butter-flavored cooking spray
1/4 cup dry bread crumbs
1/4 teaspoon paprika
Garnish: fresh oregano sprigs
Combine cottage cheese and sour cream in container of an electric blender; process until smooth. Combine cottage cheese mixture, macaroni, and next 6 ingredients; spoon into a 2-quart casserole coated with cooking spray. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs and paprika; coat with cooking spray. Cover and bake at 350° for 30 minutes. Uncover and bake 5 additional minutes. Garnish, if desired.

Check back in later ladies!

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Old 10-29-2003, 03:52 PM   #3  
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SandyB-thanks for the recipe I will keep in mind to try one of these days, maybe while my parents fly in I can cook for them...that'll surprise them and shock them too...my family don't pic me as a cook Oh I am kinda excited...my parents are flying in tomorrow...them being around will make things smoother for me.

Lisa counting blessings is a good idea...God knows I need to right now oh and hope all turns well for your daughter too.

Dorothy's Blessings:

1-Healthy(most of the time..PCOS is a lot better with meds)

2-Home sweet home

3-food on the table

4-family that cares about me

5-Gizmo, Kit, and Nemo(never lonely with them entertaining me
all the time-the rascals)

6-A job

7-a degree

8-at least 2 good friends

9-3FC website

10-you girls...thank you

11-losing weight

hey I had visited another thread a while back and they mentioned a 5lb reward box. You basically decorate a small box. Write up small rewards/treats on small pieces of paper that you fold up and then deposit in the box. Every time you lose 5lbs you get a piece of paper out and reward yourself. It could be anything, like a manicure, a nail poilish, an ice cream, a movie, etc.

Anyway, I thought it would be a fun idea to share with you girls.
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Old 10-29-2003, 04:04 PM   #4  
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Good Afternoon Chicksters,

pts for yesterday: 3 pts, no exercise, AGAIN!!!!! I am getting too lax in that area!! you are right Faye.....I use to do 6 days a wk, now I do 2.....and start to look for excuses when I do those!!! Gotta get back on track. I have done well, and I do not want to get to comfortable....remember the old adage, when given an inch??? Well in regards to food and not not taking care of myself I TAKE MANY MANY MANY MILES!!!! So, my pledge to you girls, right here and now...I will walk today, I will get out and exercise my body, and relish in this beautiful day God has given. I refuse to have to "start over", yet another time.....I did go weigh in today, I AM DOWN 2.1 MORE LBS SO THAT BRINGS ME TO A TOTAL OF 46.8.....THAT GOAL OF 50 BY 10/31....WELL, CANT LOSE 3.2 LBS IN 2 DAYS...SO, I AM LOGGING MY WEIGHT IN AS 309.2 TWOTERVILLE HERE I COME, ONLY 1O.2 MORE AND THEN IT WILL BE OFFICIAL...BUT NOT COUNTING MY BEFORE THEY HATCH (pardon the pun)

Welcome to you newbies, we are always glad to have you. You have found the most magnificent group of ladies here, I consider it an honor to call each of them my friend...looking forward to getting to know you.

later chickies, I will catch in before I turn in tonight

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Old 10-29-2003, 04:07 PM   #5  
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Wow... a list of blessings... here goes
I have my health and my family's health, a wonderful husband and children. A wondeful family both those related and those i chose. Wonderful friends, a warm and welcoming home. laughter every day. sorrow to make me realize just how blessed i really am. I loving a supportive group of women i would do anything for if they needed it and i am sure would do anything for me. Geez.. this could go on and on... i have an idea... why dont we list 3 things that we are thankful for each and every day on here. It will keep us in a good mindset and help to boost our spirits. What do u think guys??
Lisa... my thoughts and prayers are with you and your daughter... stay strong... love you all ladies!! u r FABULOUS!!

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Old 10-29-2003, 04:15 PM   #6  
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SandyB- that is a good idea indeed...what do u girls think??Faye?
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Old 10-29-2003, 07:13 PM   #7  
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Dot, I am a type 2 diabetic taking 2 shots of insulin a day. I have been diabetic for almost 13 yrs. I was a gestational diabetic, it went away as soon as Billy was born, and came back after a nasty bout with pancreatitis. Thank you for the low carb tips, I am devouring all the info I can.

Faye, Billy is my son from my first marriage which ended in divorce when he was almost 3. It was a good 8 years before I met my second husband Charles. We were married only 1 1/2 years before he died. Thru him I have 4 step-kids, and 3 step-grandkids (he was 11 yrs older than me) Unfortunately, I don't see any of the kids or grandbabies anymore. They figured that since their Dad is gone, they don't have to deal with me, they never really accepted me anyway. Believe it or not, they didn't like me because of my size. They couldn't believe their Dad fell for a "fat cow". Their Mom is super skinny, a drug addict, alcoholic, and she cheated on him often, but she was skinny so the rest was ok. It is a shame that they are teaching their kids that prejudice.

Thanks also for the desk exercise tips. I came home again today with swollen ankles. I will try them tomorrow.

Time to hit the bike!!
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Old 10-29-2003, 07:26 PM   #8  
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Hello All

I have been browsing around 3fc for a couple of months now and have been wanting to get back into a supportive community. This looked like a very happy and welcoming thread and I was wondering if I could join you all.

I've been concentrating on my weight for the past few months and have lost 24 pounds but still have 44 to go. I've gave myself till January 10, 2005 because that seemed like a good length of time to work on my bad habits, establish good ones, and ease out the excess weight. I picked that particular date because its my birthday.

Hope to join in on the fun
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Old 10-29-2003, 08:16 PM   #9  
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Welcome Susan... u will find a very happy and supportive group of women here. Each and every one of them is FABULOUS!! U can talk or gripe about anything here. Faye will fill u in on everything once she reads this...lol shes our fearless leader!!! LOL Looking forward to getting to know u...
Judy... thats too bad about his kids... but its there loss isnt it... and hopefully their children will grow up and make there own decisions about what and what isnt acceptable...
take care of u...

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Old 10-29-2003, 10:00 PM   #10  
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Evening girls...welcome Susan... I am sure you'll enjoy it here.

I got all 4 pts for today.

Okay, sorry for dragging on with this but this evening Andrew was taken by his mother (by his own will) to detox, which will follow with rehab. Of course he can sign himself out any time if he wishes to. His mom called me to inform me of this, she told me she had to actually get him drunk to get into detox and it began to get hard once he was drunk...anyway she asked me for prayers that he stays in detox and follows through with rehab, this has been the only time he actually done this...anyway so now i ask you to please keep Andy in your prayers because I guess its gonna take a lot of them to help him through this. Also, I'm sort of confused, mostly because deep inside I still do have feelings for him, but refuse to deal with him drinking, but my question to you all is should I stick around as a friend for him while he is doing this, right now (all he's really got is his mom and I). Or should I just get out now ASAP. And if I do stick around should I give him hope of us having a future together ....Oh brother I am truely sorry for dragging on with this I really don't mean to bumm anyone out here....I feel like a real party pooper

Very confused right now...help.
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Old 10-30-2003, 07:54 AM   #11  
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Morning Girlies,

Gratitude list:

1. My family, and their unconditional love for me.

2. My family here at 3fc. I am honored and blessed to call you my friends. Coming here and being with all of you has been one of the best decisions I have ever made, and I am most grateful for the opportunity to make it every day... Thanks to all of you for being here.

3. My home, and the energy and the stamina to keep it cleaner. (Faye you are inspiring me!!!!)....as always.

4. My job.

5. good nutritional food to eat.

6. For my ability to exercise now. and I am going to do it TODAY !!!

7. For the ability to feel hopeful again about my future.

8. For the discipline I have now, and the choice each day to follow through.


Dot, I hope that rehab helps Andrew, and I hope whatever decision you make for yourself will be the right one. You know in your "gut", what you need to do. That voice inside us screams at us, but we don't always listen. You deserve more!!! When you are ready you will realize that, but, IN THE MEAN TIME, IF YOU NEED TO JUST ACT AS IF, "ACT AS IF YOU DESERVE BETTER", AND ONE GOOD CHOICE WILL LEAD TO THE "NEXT RIGHT THING"... love and hugs to you girl.


Sandyb, have a healthful day... check in with you later.

later girls.
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Old 10-30-2003, 08:20 AM   #12  
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THURSDAY: Today is Time for us Thursday. Make time for yourself today girls! A GOOD WAY TO MAKE TIME FOR YOURSELF IS A NICE QUIET EXERCISE PERIOD! (HOW'S THAT, PAM?)

Boy, you guys got blabby yesterday. I got interested in a book and didn't get back here!

Susan: You are most assuredly welcome here! Check out the very first post on the thread to see what kind of challenges we have and how our points system goes. Below is personal info on all the girls pretty much. Tell us all about you, how old you are, family, etc. I will add your personal info to my list and post it every time we have a newbie.

Hi, my name is Faye, I am almost 50, have been married 31 years to a wonderful and totally supportive man, have two grown children, Jack, who is 30 and getting married next fall, and Kelly, who is 26, married and has given me an adorable grandson, Thomas who is 3. I have a Yorkie named Fortune and a cat named Butterscotch. I am not working right now, but have been looking. I exercise at least an hour 7 days a week and my stats are at the bottom of my posts. I have a website: www.freewebs.com\trexnonny/ Please visit it and let me know what you think!

SN: Honeyrose29
Real Name: Debbie Rose
I am a 32 yr old married mom of 5 kids ranging in age from 13.5 to 3. Four boys and a girl. My all-time heaviest weight was 232 and my goal is 130-135. I only have about 10-15 lbs left until I reach my goal but I am really struggling with them. I live in Ohio with my family and a house full of parrots . I do private rescue for unwanted birds and I enjoy and spend a great deal of time quilting which is an art passed to me from my grandmother and I think of her with every stitch . Thats my story!


35 year old, stay-at-home mom of 3 (9,8,and 4). I live in Maine with my husband and the kids. My highest weight ever was 265 (I was pregnant at the time). I started at 3FC at 241, am currently around 238, and my goal is to be in the low 160s. I am working toward a smaller goal of being under 200 pounds by the end of the year.

Carri ( Satine ) - Hi! I am a 29 year old female, married to my high school sweetheart for 9 1/2 years, no kids but one adorable little westie dog named Les. Have lived in Indiana all of my life. Started to gain my weight right after I was married, I got comfortable and lazy...anyhow have been doing a great job lately, focused and need to lose about 90 pounds for goal. Great to meet you!!!

Hi my name is Amanda. I am 30 years old and live in Sheffield, which is in the north of England, although I am hoping to move to Ireland soon. I have a long term partner, Nigel and a cat called Marley.I am a qualified social worker,currently unemployed. I am a Christian and a vegetarian. My hobbies are reading, especially thrillers, watching comedy on T.V and making cards. I also enjoy going to the gym, although I feel it is too early to call that a hobby!

I have just over 100lbs to lose, but seeing all the successes on these forums is a great inspiration and I know I will do it - and you can too!

Hope you can join us

I'm 37 and I have to kids 15 and 5. I've been married 19 years. I am about to start a janitorial business. I did that before and let it go, now the kids are bigger I'm going at it again. I weigh 170 and have weighed that since the first one was born. I would like to weigh 135 which is what I weighed before she was born. I live in Northa Carolina. I wonder are we close? I don't care if you post any of this. Thanks for everything--Debra Lee

43 years old-lived in the South all my life...and love it! I live with my partner Jane of 8 years. We have a booth at local antique mall, and we enjoy going on treasure hunts to find more....I enjoy reading, mostly books by Southern authors, but will read most anything except Science Fiction, or Harlequin Romances...I enjoy writing, cross-stitching, and other crafts. I love to cook....and now I love to exercise!!! (well I don't really love it....but I feel so much better, so I do it whether I want to or not, and it makes me feel great!) I am ever so thankful that I am able to do it now. I spend a lot of time with my mother, sister and my 2 beautiful neices, Nikki and Angie (21 and 19), they are the joys in my life. I currently work as a Switchboard Operator at an answering service where I have been for the last 2 1/2 yrs. Next fall I plan on returning to college (have to exercise this old mind too!) to obtain my Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology...I graduated from Athens State University....waaaaaaay back in 1985!! Well, ladies that's me in a nutshell!! I am loving life these days, and so very grateful to have found this forum and all of you wonderful gals!! Couldn't do this without you. Together we are a united force! Pam

single mommy of one lovey soon to be 7 yr old son going on 30. Lost over 40 lbs back in 2001 weight came back in 2002 when i discovered that I had endo. the pain meds and the lupron helped with that matter. restarted my weight loss on 2/6/3 date of hyst. sw 213 cw 177 goal 150. i am realistic in my goal i know with a large bone structure i will look awful if i go lower. i do ww bbut since june when i found out that richard was leaving i have just been aiming ot eat right, i am now able to get it back on tract and the workouts are in the process of getting to where they need to be but it is hard working 2 jobs and being a mommy to get it all in. Sandy/Gigglez

Hello,my name is Joy Lee,and I currently live in Sylvester,Georgia. I am 46 years young and I weigh 258 lbs at this time..I have been working out and watching what eat ,keeping it low fat and healthy as possible..I started out at 329 lbs,which was my highest weight ever...I have lost down to where I am now in about 8 months..mainly by the exercise and healthy eating..I do a lot of walking and strength training ,sometimes adding an exercise video..I am very active,as I have 5 children ,ages 27 to 7 years old,and a 2 year old grandchild{ girl}...I have 2 boys and 3 girls,2 of which are still at home...we do a lot of family activities,sports,family hikes and theme parks,so I really stay on the go and stay very busy. I have a goal weight of 180,which I hope to be there by summer of 2004 . I am looking for all the support I can get,and be able to give all that I can.

Hi! My name is Ritu and I'm from India. I have 2 children, a son 19 and a daughter 17. Both my kids are in college. Till recently I was a stay at home mom so I'm finding the 'empty nest' a bit difficult to handle. Fortunately, I started a small business of my own a couple of years ago, so that keeps me busy. I'm also very lucky in that I have amazing friends and family. I have been a yo-yo dieter for the past 18 years -I only put on weight after my pregnancy before which I weighed 110 lbs. I started dieting 18 yrs. ago at 150 lbs., and since have been up and down zillion times. I now weigh 176 lbs, my highest ever. I lost 32 lbs. last year and have gained them all back plus 5 more this year. But this time I know I will succeed.

My name is Sandy, and i am 40 years old. I have been married to my best friend for going on 11 years. We have 3 beautiful kidlets... a 10 year old daughter and 2 sons 7 and 4. I like to read and play on this machine... but my passion these days is painting and redocorating... i think i have painted almost every piece of furniture in my home...lol I only have a couple more to do... and i have to redo my kitchen table as my daughter and her friend decided to "do" their nails on it... so there are a few bald spots...Oh well... I am determinded to loose this weight and come out of my shell. I wish everyone the same ...

Screen name: mugirl213
Real name: Missy
I am 25 and currently residing with my parents in Reading, PA (like the railroad from Monopoly). I work in advertising for Boscov's, which is the largest family-owned department store in the US. I am not married, nor do I have any children, but I am coming off of some recent drama dealing with 2 boyfriends. Long story, but I'm on the straight and narrow now. I belong to a gym which I have been attending 6 days of the week (Saturday's off) and I count calories and try to stay under 1300 daily. I have 2 parents, 1 dog, some fish, a sister, a brother-in-law, 2 nephews, 2 grandparents and a partridge in a pear tree.

JUDY: I am 43 yr old single mom of Billy, my 13 year old wonderful son.
I have weighed as much as 308 when pregnant, and have gained and lost the same 50 pounds of the last few years. I was slowly and steadily losing weight until my husband died last March. At that time I had so many other things to take care of, I kind of got lost in the shuffle, and now I am back up to 298. things have settled down now, so I can take care of me again.

I am a Real Estate secretary, so I sit most all day.

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Old 10-30-2003, 08:43 AM   #13  
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GOOD MORNING BEAUTIFULS!!!!! Us blabby??? Faye u must have us confused witht someone else... We are not blabby.... LOL I literally laughed out loud when i read that....!! Points for yesterday.... all 4! I did the 2 mile watp video... wow... i just love those tapes. I have upped my calories to 1800 again... teh last few day i have been hungry... i think its the workouts... but i wake up hungry and stay. My body has changed some and i usually eat around 1600 give or take a few.... so i decided that if i set the intake at 1800 and just eat like i do... i wont go "over" and mess up mygoals on fitday.... its important to me to keep these goals so i will try this for a while... maybe in a week or two i will put it at 1700... but for now this is whats best for me. Well Faye, guess i was wrong... i am babbly... LOL!!!! Hubby comes home tonite!! YEAH!!! Think i will get out the sexy stuff and surprise him... where it under my pjs and robe... I got a new thingy he hasnt seen yet... i think that would be a nice surprise.... and my body is getting more toned so hopefully i will be pleasantly surprised as well.... hehehehe! WEll lovelies... have a FABULOUS day... rememeber to take care of u... i am going to do my toes today too... thats my for me thing... lol
I love you all....

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Old 10-30-2003, 08:59 AM   #14  
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Talk about blabby, just look at below!

This is your thread too ladies and you want to list things you are thankful for, that is great. How about, 3 things we will be thankful for that day, for example:

Today, I will be thankful for, God sparing my bil, Larry, I will be thankful that the last thing said to me EVERY morning of my life is I LOVE YOU, I will be thankful today that I have legs to walk anywhere I want and a mouth not to just put food in but to talk with friends and family.

Pam: Baby girl, you and I are going to have our own private challenge for awhile until we quit being sloppy. I AM GOING TO STAY OP AND YOU ARE GOING TO EXERCISE EVERYDAY EXCEPT YOUR DAY OFF. I AM GOING TO WATCH YOU LIKE A HAWK AND YOU GET TO DO THE SAME WITH ME UNTIL WE ARE BACK TO NORMAL!

Judy: You listen to me. Your stepchildren are ignorant, selfish, self- serving people obviously and you don't need them in your life if they have stupid preconceived ideas about what is normal and OK. You are a beautiful vibrant woman, you have a son you obviously adore and the memories of a man you love. You can ask the ladies here, but I am **** on wheels when it comes to people being pushed around because they are fat. No one but God makes the rules in this world and just because our size is not what someone else thinks is appropriate, doesn't me a darn thing. You stick with us kiddo and you are going to look and feel beautiful even more than you are right now!

Susan: This group of ladies is wonderful. I am fondly known as the as I push my opinions etc around pretty good, but all for everyone's well-being only. You can do this! I know you can. You not only have inner beauty but outer beauty just let it shine right out. We are going to help you get to the weight you want to be!

Dorothy: Whoa, girl, we are here for the bad stuff as well as the good and you are having a tough time with Andrew so you just yak away as much as you need to. No one can tell you what to do. You must search your heart and decide what is best for DOROTHY NOT ANDREW! Part of what you are feeling is pity that he doesn't have others besides you and his mom, but more than likely his drinking did that. Personally, I do NOT think it is healthy for you right now to be associated with him the way he is. He needs to dry out and come to terms with his drinking. He needs AA for one thing not just detox and rehab. You might truly benefit from Al-Anon and I would HIGHLY suggest it if you want to continue a relationship in ANY form with him. They can put his drinking in a proper perspective. Dorothy, just please consider everything before continuing with him in any way. Trying to lose weight and all it involves makes you pretty fragile anyway and I know you don't want to go backwards. Tying yourself up with someone with problems like Andrews could really set you back I am afraid. One last thing, HE NEEDS TO REALIZE you aren't there because he messed it up and if you continue to go to him, he is not being made accountable for his screwups and he needs to be made accountable!

The box idea is pretty nifty too! I like it! I do think however, that if you do it, you should choose non-food items for your box only because one of the things you want to learn is that food is NOT the end all of everything and one of the hardest things to break the cycle of is that food needs to be whereever we go, ie, parties, get togethers with friends, movies, etc. Think about it, how often do you do something where food is not involved? We go shopping and eat lunch out, we meet friends usually for dinner etc, we go to a movie and get food to watch it. If we can break the cycle that food had to accompany everything we do, that is a HUGE accomplishment for us.

I know this is long, but the above got me to thinking. Let's list all the things we almost always or always seem to have food at. This is a tough one ladies to look at, but I think it is important, really important:

Ok, here goes, confession time me first. I pretty much ALWAYS eat:

At friends homes
at the movies
when going shopping somewhere along the way
when I meet friends somewhere
at any kind of social function
any kind of shows etc like when we took T to the ice show etc
reading (this one has been a toughy for me)
watching tv (another toughy)

I probably will think of more. Now the good part is this is where I rarely eat anymore and for all these I used to all the time:

in bed
in the car
while on the computer

Ok ladies, fess up. When we look at this stuff we can see where we need to make improvements and believe me, breaking these habits is GOOD. I don't mean you can never go out to eat with friends, etc but that doing these things, in our heads means FOOD to us and we need to break the cycle. Let's vow to work on ONE area where we will not EAT everytime we do it ie, reading for me.

Faye VOWS that for the next month, I am NOT going to eat while reading or watching tv! NOT EVEN ONCE!

With that, I am out of here to get my chores done and finish the rest of my book WITHOUT FOOD!


Last edited by gma22; 10-30-2003 at 09:01 AM.
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Old 10-30-2003, 09:05 AM   #15  
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Morning Ladies!
Gotta be quick......wouldn't want to be accused of being BLABBY!

4 points again yesterday! Didn't exercise this morning yet. I got up with dh, but ended up taking a nice looooonnngg shower (ok, it was mostly shaving the jungle growing on my legs.... )
But I'm planning to move some more wood this afternoon and that's usually a good 45 minute strength session.

Pam, I know how hard it is to get out of that no exercise slump! I was in one just last week.......days and days of no exercise. Just do it one day at a time, babe! Maybe you need to try something new to inspire you?

SandyB--hey......you be careful tonight girlie, don't do anything I wouldn't do! Hmm, there's not much I wouldn't do now is there? I mean, I've belly danced in a supermarket.....so, where do you go from there? Seriously, glad your hubby's coming home and your squirrelyness can come to an end (yeah, right!)

Oooop, guess I'm being BLABBY Gotta go grocery shopping!

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