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Old 01-12-2004, 12:52 PM   #1  
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Default Time For Serious Fun #48


We are a thread dedicated to making losing weight a pleasant experience. We laugh, cry and talk together. We have challenges, points for staying on program, drinking our water, and exercising. We have a daily topic to join in. Our only focus is to help us realize that dieting and all that goes with it need not be unpleasant, but can be fun. Come join the fun here at Time for Serious Fun! Everyone is Welcome!


Monday: Mission Monday New mission each week
Tuesday: Target Tuesday We target something to work on
Wednesday: Wednesday's Woes Our day to complain about anything and everything
Thursday: Time for Us Thursday The day set aside to pamper us!
Friday: Fabulous Face and Body Friday We need to take care of our bodies with facials, pedicures, whatever
Saturday: Sunny Thoughts Saturday We share stories and jokes to help us smile
Sunday: Silly Poll Sunday A new poll to give your thoughts to every week




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Old 01-12-2004, 12:53 PM   #2  
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MONDAY: Today is Mission Monday. Our mission this week is need vs want. When you feel like hunger is upon you each day this week and you go for whatever it is that you want to eat, before biting into it, reflect on whether this is a NEED or a WANT. Am I really hungry or just want to eat it, is it visually appealing so I want it, is it high caloric and fat where it would bite into whatever program I am using, do I want it because my mind "tastes" it? Take time to consider all these things before going for that cake, pie, candy, snacks or even sandwiches, bacon and eggs whatever. Work on your "weigh loss stamina" by leaving whatever it is alone for just a few minutes. Occupy your mind with something else completely and DO NOT think about food. After 15 or 20 minutes do you still desire what it was that you were going to put into your mouth, or has the urge to binge lessened? Many times, you will find that holding out for just a little while will lessen the desire to eat something you don't need. The more we work at eating for need instead of want, the more successful we will be not only towards our weight loss goal, but for keeping it off!

Morning/afternoon ladies depending on where you are. Looks like they have things back again. The upgrades are really great once you get used to the changes, especially when you do what I do everyday with fonts, colors, etc.

Please continue to post points today, but I am not posting smileys. I will resume tomorrow. The posts didn't have dates so I don't know what days are what so we will start fresh tomorrow. Congratulations to those of you with 4 pts and to anyone who has achieved pts at all!

Ok, chat is tonight at myfamily at 7:30 pm central, 8:30 pm eastern. If you have not already joined and several of you have not done so, I will need to resend you an invitation so you can chat. I will do that when I leave here. For those of you wanting to chat, you do not have to have a "leader" so to speak, for example, I don't have to be there every week to get things started. Just go into myfamily and look for chat and follow the instructions. When you get into our chat room it shows who is there once you have logged in. As I said before, I have not been successful using myfamily chat from this computer, but I will try again. I usually can log on, but when I post a message, my computer completely shuts down! Anyway, the chat is completely private and no outsiders will be there, just our Time group who belong to our site.

Have a great afternoon.

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Old 01-12-2004, 01:12 PM   #3  
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Hi Ladies,

Well, i got 1pt for exercise yesterday but i'm aiming for at least 3 today ( i never was good at drinking water ) but i'll work on that too

Gosh, there are so many good bodies out there that its hard to choose is'nt it ? Beyonce never entered my head even tho' i love her and YEP that is a good choice and Marilyn too even tho' they reckon she wore a size 16!! I for one don't believe that

Faye..have you lost nearly 100lbs? WELL DONE! thats amazing!
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Old 01-12-2004, 01:30 PM   #4  
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I think i am going to copy monday mission to the fridge, I think that would help us all if we do that daily, I know I eat not because I need it . MOst every thing I eat is because I want it. I think that this Monday Mission will be my dieting goal for the year!!!

Faye ,
I have not been here but a couple weeks , I have not felt more welcome on any forum, than you ladies have made me feel here.To you all Thanks!!!
I would also like to say to FAYE:
MANY THANKS for all the time you devote here. You do make a difference in alot of peoples life!!!
How about girls, lets all give Faye a BIG Thank You!!!
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Old 01-12-2004, 01:59 PM   #5  
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AN OPEN LETTER TO MY FRIENDS:You are so sweet, but the truth is, this helps me as much as it helps you. For everytime I post a mission or a target and for everytime I have to think up another one that I feel is helpful, I have that finger pointing back at me first knowing that I must do what I encourage you to do. I don't care if you have 10 or 200 lbs to lose, we still all fight the same fight. Was losing 100 lbs easy? Heck NO! It was a fight everyday. It is hard to explain to people who can put on there socks by lifting a leg up or tying their shoes without having to sit sideways in a chair or on the bed so you can reach your shoe. No one but a hugely obese person understands what it is like NOT to be able to walk from a store parking lot but having to be left off at the door. I couldn't walk my dog, I couldn't tie those shoes, put on my socks, carry my grandson at all, I still cannot run. It would take me a rest period to go up a flight of stairs. I still have 170 lbs to lose, but I darn sure am going to do it if it takes 5 years and I slip and slide all the way. Those 100 lbs that are gone have enabled me to carry that 3 year old, walk up to 3 miles at a stretch, take my dog out, I can cross my legs! So, sweet dear friends, this thread is not just to help you though I really would do anything I can to get you where you want to be in any capacity, it also keeps me on the straight and narrow and helps me to see that others struggle too, maybe not in the same way, maybe with not as much difficulty, but struggle you do. We are in this together and together we will win. I won't let you lose. I will fight every inch of the way to help you stay focused so you can be healthy and happy and be around when those of you that are young have families and they grow up, when those of us who are older can see those grandbabies graduate from high school. I am lucky I even lived long enough to see my darling boy be getting married and I darn sure am not going to die because I am too fat. If God is gonna take me, it is because it is something out of my ability to stop it and I can say without a doubt that weight loss WE CAN DO!
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Old 01-12-2004, 02:08 PM   #6  
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I sent everyone an e-mail from myfamily as to how to use the chat, but it looked like none of the aol subscribers got their e-mail. With that being said, here are the instructions for using the chat.

Log on to myfamily, go to chat, join a chat, right column is group chat and click on launch a chat and you should be launched. You name will appear in the left hand box if you are logged in.

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Old 01-12-2004, 03:06 PM   #7  
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hi girls!

Sorry i haven't posted...was gone for the weekend. Andy and I visited his mom upstate and spend most of the weekend there.

I stay o/p all week, Saturday was a close one, but I believe I pulled it off. Sunday I had chinese food, but it was basically my only meal so that was okay. Today I weighed myself and found I lost 1.5lbs. Which makes me happy because I want to lose 4lbs by my b-day on the 31st. So I might actually make it.

Happy Belated B-Day Susan- Hope you had a blast!

Welcome newbies hope you like it here.

Oh by the way Faye, you did give me some good pointers on the vacation planning. I was interested in like a beach vacation. Out of State. The mystery weekend sounds fun though too. I also wouldn't mind a b & b.

Take care girls...I will talk to you later.
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Old 01-12-2004, 04:37 PM   #8  
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Hi Girls..

I have had a tough day with food issues today. I just want to eat everything in the house. I have caved to a snickers bar, potato chips, and 2 huge chocolate chip cookies. Yesterday was such a good day and I got all 4 points.. but today.. ughhhhh. I have no idea what's causing it but I sure hope I get rid of it soon. I am making whole wheat pasta with a homemade low cal tomato sauce tonight for dinner - I may just pass on that for a salad since I feel so bad about all the junk I have eaten.

Hope everyone is doing well and feeling great

Til Later..........
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Old 01-12-2004, 09:42 PM   #9  
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Good Evening ,
I have had a really good day today, Got all the housecleaning chores done!!!
I get 4 points for today, I got the vcr connected and done the one mile walk,
That is a major accomplishment for me.
Got to work tomorrow , So I hope every one has a great day tomorrow
Good Night, Donna
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Old 01-13-2004, 03:38 AM   #10  
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I got 2 pts today, only because I didn't write down all my food. I guess I could record things now...ok, I did it. My current plan is just to write it down, so I guess I get 4 pts after all. I am restarting very slowly, as I have gone on and off diets in record time lately. So congrats to all of you who are doing so much. I hope one day to have a handle on emotional eating, but for now, I am doing what I can just to be AWARE of it. I like this week's mission, for this week I will try to meditate on what emotions are present in driving me to food.
Looking forward to tomorrow!

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Old 01-13-2004, 06:14 AM   #11  
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TUESDAYoday is Target Tuesday and we are continuing the series of How to Stop When you are full. #6 is Pick a taste. Different Flavors stimulate the brain's appetite center, which makes us eat more. Our brains are designed to be full in one flavor category and still hungry in others. Limiting yourself to one taste (all sweet or all salty say) prevents the appetite center from going wild with diverse temptation. Gosh, now we know why there is always room for dessert!

I found today's topic particularly interesting. I never thought about mixing flavors causing you to eat more, but think about eating a candy bar and then wanting potato chips to counteract the sugar. Ever done that? I have more times than I can remember.

For those of you ladies who have AOL9.0, have any of you received your invitations to myfamily? I ask because Donna can't seem to get hers and I have resent it about 4 times. She thinks maybe it reads it as spam.

Everyone have a great morning and I will check in later with points.

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Old 01-13-2004, 09:28 AM   #12  
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Good morning ladies!

Four points for yesterday! I ate sugar, but it was those merangue thingies that dh thinks taste like spackle They only have like8 calories each, so I'm not worried that I overate.

Today is looking good, too. Tons of stuff to do.........I like the target today. I never thought about combining flavors either. Faye, where do you come up with all this stuff??? It's like you're a walking weight-loss encyclopedia! Or do you look it up online, and then post it here? Doesn't really matter, everything you post helps us think!

Kim--I think it's great that you realize you need to go slow! Focus on things you CAN accomplish, like just writing down what you eat no matter how much it adds up to. The more you write, the more you will be aware, and then your brain will start to shift its thinking all by itself! It happened for me. I resisted the food journaling hard, and never lost weight. Then I did it for just one week because Faye said so and it worked! I've lost over 30 pounds since the summer just because I was writing down what I ate! Awareness, it's all about awareness! You can do this, I know you can!!

Donna--Congrats on all the accomplishments yesterday! It feels so good when we get things DONE, doesn't it??

Dorothy--Congrats on the loss! You'll get pound at a time!

Well, hope everyone else is feeling today! We're supposed to get record cold tomorrow (which is really saying something for January in Maine!) Guess some of my exercise will be hauling in wood today.

Gotta fly........
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Old 01-13-2004, 10:13 AM   #13  
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Julie: Usually I just "know" things and create the topic, but the target Tues are from an article in Self magazine, which I subscribe to called, "How to Stop When You're Full" and I thought they were worth posting here every week.

SandyB: Sorry I missed you just by a couple minutes at chat last night. Jack was playing a game and he HAD to finish this dumb yahtzee game online so I was late getting there. We will try again next week!


Asian Grilled Chicken

1 can (14 oz) ff chicken broth
2 tbl low sodium soy sauce
1 tbl vinegar
1 tsp slenda or sugar
1 tsp garlic powder
1/8 tsp crushed red pepper, or cayenne
4 boneless chicken breasts

Mix all the ingredients but chicken in a non-metallic pan, add chicken, turn to coat and marinate covered for 1 hour in the fridge. Remove chicken from marinade and broil or grill for about 15 minutes turning often and brushing with marinade. Heat remaining marinade and serve with chicken. Serve with rice and a vegetable Serves 4

Gotta go and get my walk in girlies!


Last edited by gma22; 01-13-2004 at 10:17 AM.
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Old 01-13-2004, 10:14 AM   #14  
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Morning ladies!

Pretty gloomy day here...boss is also in today so i won't be able to check in until tomorrow, but just wanted to quickly say hi.

I got 3 pts for yesterday. Where is everybody? Kinda queit in here huh?

okay take care.
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Old 01-13-2004, 10:15 AM   #15  
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