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Old 06-10-2003, 09:00 AM   #1  
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Thumbs down Time for SERIOUS FUN #3

We are a group who supports each other through all of life's ups and downs, not just weight loss.

Please join us!
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Old 06-10-2003, 09:04 AM   #2  
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Jana: Please forgive me, I messed up my job already , thanks for taking the initiative to start the new thread.
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Old 06-10-2003, 09:12 AM   #3  
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Hi ladies, here it is! Peek, maybe you could list the challenges - I wasn't sure how to do that....

Faye - oh, I sure hope you get that job! You would be perfect for it!!

Michele - bet your flowers look nice. When my DH is gone, I use the time to do stuff he doesn't care for - like watch chick flicks, have our daughters do pedicures, etc. Hope you don't get too lonesome.

Missy - glad your throat is better, and see, Father Knows Best, lol.

Peek - the Daisy Scouts sound like so much fun! How many girls are there in your group? WOOHOO on the 4.5 pound loss!!!

Lori - Tell us more about your on-line love....

Deon - I haven't had heartburn for awhile now, and I sure don't miss it!! Hey, if you find that money tree, could I have a "start" of it for my own yard?

Sandy - Hope you are starting things out and feeling a little bit better.

Well, I have some extra time on my hands today. My sister was supposed to come in town, and didn't . My other sisters and I haven't seen her for a year so we miss her. My parents had 7 girls, no boys, and there are 5 of us left. All but the one live in the same area.

I have been totally OP. I quit doing the WATP due to the shin splints, but still have them, and have had them ever since I went to Disney World in May. So I don't know what's going on.....

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Old 06-10-2003, 09:15 AM   #4  
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Peek - good morning! You were posting your note while I was typing mine, lol. No problem about starting the thread. See you later!
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Old 06-10-2003, 09:28 AM   #5  
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Tuesday: The target for this Tuesday is attacking those things that stand in your way of weight loss, be it emotional or physical!
My target for this week is to try and control my eating from boredom better. I have to try hard and concentrate on keeping busy (one of those jobs would help! ) learn not to immediately grab for gratification when I am bored!

Sandy: You must think I am a total idiot! I guess I got you mixed up with a couple of the younger women here. I am very sorry for being so dense! As for you, you are strong and beautiful and courageous and can work through this. I can see it in your postings. The man is going to be sorry one day for what he is losing and then it will be too late. You hang tough and come here to let us be an ear for you! THIS IS NOT COMPLAINING BY THE WAY!

Deon: I am glad your hubby is on the road to recovery. As for the finances, as I once told my sister, take care of what you can and prioritize. If it comes down to the light bill over the Saks Fifth Avenue charge card or the payment on the Lexus, go with the light bill! Seriously, you can only do what you can do and no more so do what you can and let go and let God! You still have me praying daily for you and for Sandy up there!

Peek: Eeekkk! Just thinking of letting kindergarteners alone for 2 seconds is scary! I assume that is about their age maybe 1st grade? They are creative little devils and can create right on your walls! No, I am sure that this group of girls are adorable little angels. Hey at least you WEAR jammies. We would not only be calling for another bus but an ambulance for John at my house as I DON't WEAR JAMMIES! Oh and yes, those are the chocolates I am talking about. The things literally melt in your mouth but are very very dangerous!

DH had to go for his recheck so I made him and I breakfast this morning together which was nice. Normally, he eats on the run or has a bowl of cereal. I would have to get up at 4 am to feed him I may be a good wife, but not that good!

Jana: Good morning to you. Looks like you are keeping on your program pretty well these days! How is the mommy to be coming along and the twins?

Well, I need to get the bed made and over to the pool.


Last edited by gma22; 06-10-2003 at 09:44 AM.
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Old 06-10-2003, 09:30 AM   #6  
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Talking Woweeeeee.....Tired......

Good morning to all

I am one woman today! My dear best friend called me last night at 11:30. She knew I was home alone and that I don't sleep much. We were on the phone til 2:45 this morning!! She is such a sweetheart! She has to work today, too. I kept telling her that I was fine, that I didn't want to keep her up all night. We were like 2 teenage girls giggling the night away. She is in CA and I haven't seen her in ages, so it was a nice talk we had. We really had a chance to catch up. Her 2 kids were long in bed by then. By the way, her little boy's name is Evan, too, Peek.

Missy: How is that sore throat this morning? Did you try Faye's recipe? LOL!!! You know what, my best friend's hubby does the same thing with the vinegar. In fact, the minute he starts to feel sick with ANYTHING, he does that. And, he make his 2 sons do the same. It works for them. At any rate, I hope you are feeling better. Did you just have the sore throat or anything else going on? The sore throat can go hand in hand with the thyroid thing as well. Hope you can find out about that soon!

Faye: about all the stuff your hubby used to bring home to you!! But, hey, you scored with the chocolates We have a Lindsor chocolate truffle outlet not too far from here, but I have only been there once. I like the raspberry ones. Yummy.

Lori: Haven't "met" you yet, here. Have I been missing your posts??

I share your love of the Girl Scout's thin mints. It is very dangerous to have those around in my house!! I have a candy recipe that I discovered where you mix crushed oreo cookies, chocolate chips, rice krispies and mint extract that actually tastes just like the cookies--even better. I make it every year at Christmas and that is my "thin mint" fix. yummy!!!

Where are you from, Lori? Are you on any plan like WW, or just doing your own thing--like me? Good to have you here

Deon: The graduation sounds interesting, I am glad that you made it through the day without pulling your hair out! Sounds like a recipe for disaster.

I am praying that your husband is feeling better in no time and can get back to work. I understand his fear of losing his job. It has to be pretty stressful for him right now :

Sounds like you are determined not to gain back that weight!! It can happen so easily, unfortunately!! Stay strong

Gigglez: Wow, you sure have had some tough times. Good for you for having the courage to leave that first abusive relationship! You put your son first and that is great!! I agree. If he can hit you, what is to stop him from hitting your child. And even if he didn't it isn't the sort of environment you want to raise a child in. AND you deserve better. Hang in there, Sandy. We are all sending lots of : your way

Peek: Peekaboo, the bus driver saw you.....in your jammies, I am glad for you that it was a female, too!! I would have been mortified!

WAHOO on your 4.5 lb. weight loss!! You guys are doing great!! Big pat on the back for you, Peek Keep up the excellent work!!

I guess my target for today is to just keep from bingeing as I am quite tired. I am moving like a today. I haven't worked out yet. I am not sure I have the energy to get a workout in. At least not my step aerobics which is quite intense. I might opt for a nice gentle walk instead!

I have been meaning to ask you all.....do you guys have pedometers?? I got one and I think it is an EXCELLENT way to gauge how much you are moving throughout the day!! You are supposed to get in at least 10,000 steps per day. Is this something you gals are interested in doing? Then we could get some goals going that include getting a certain amount of steps in per day. Just a thought. Mine was $25 at Olympia Sports in the mall. I know that seems like alot, but I figure my health is worth it!

It is beautiful and sunny today. Highs should be low 80's. I will TRY to get some work done outdoors today. I am sure I will get some more energy as the day goes on. I better get off this computer if I expect to accomplish ANYTHING today!

Have a great day peeps You are all doing amazingly well!!!

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Old 06-10-2003, 09:42 AM   #7  
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Michelle: You were posting while I was posting and we crossed in the mail so to speak! I rarely binge, but honey when I do, it is a binge to end all binges. You hang tough today and I know you will get past it. Hope you had a great gab fest with your friend!

The vinegar thing reminded me of the dad on My Big Fat Greek Wedding. He used Windex to heal everything! HEY, MISSY HAVE YOU TRIED WINDEX?

Well, enough nonsense from me! Better get things ready to get into the pool!

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Old 06-10-2003, 09:46 AM   #8  
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I just got off the phone with my sister, and after much urging from her, I decided to go up to visit her since she can't be here.... I'm so excited about this!! My luggage is still warm from my last trip, lol. Take care and Keep OP!

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Old 06-10-2003, 10:56 AM   #9  
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Thumbs down I'm Back......

I am stopping by again to report that even though I felt really wiped out, I MADE myself do the 2 mile WATP tape. No biggie, I know, but instead of copping out and using the "tired excuse", I gave myself a kick in the arse and just did it Yay for me!

Jana: How long of a trip is it to your sister's house? Do you have to fly or drive? Have yourself a wonderful visit with her You sound excited. It is nice when you get along with your siblings

Faye: That Windex thing in BFGW was a hoot Do you know how many people tried it for real after that!!!

I hear you on the binge thing. Afterwards, you are like, what the heck just happened I am determined that there will be no overindulging for me today!! I already have my meals planned out, which is very helpful.

Have fun in the pool, Faye!! We are still working on opening ours up!! Wish I could join you

The 2 mile WATP works out to approximately 3,859 steps for me. I forgot to put my pedometer on first thing this morning, so I have some steps missing. Not to worry. I feel much more energized after working out, too, so the day is shaping up to be better than I thought it would

Feeling Feeling energized

Talk at you later girlies
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Old 06-10-2003, 11:20 AM   #10  
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btw: Michelle, it is TOO a big deal that you exercised. Anything no matter how small that we do to improve our health is a very big thing. Yeah for you!

The pool is starting to warm up, but of course it will now rain and cause it all to get cold again. It was nice and refreshing this morning, but you sure are pooped after your shower! We are finally getting into our seasonal weather of upper 80's so if the rain will hold off (we have had about 30 inches so far this year ) we will have some very nice swimming. Dh wants bath water to swim in. Men are such big wusses!

I just read on my internet site that the hunky Australian that played Mic Brumby on JAG and does those floor cleaning machine commercials committed suicide last night. He was only 37 and has 2 little boys. How very sad!

You guys all get your water in, your exercise, and proper food! See you on the flip side!


Last edited by gma22; 06-10-2003 at 11:43 AM.
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Old 06-10-2003, 01:01 PM   #11  
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OK, since I can't go back to the stuff in the other post, I'm just gonna answer things that are here. This is all very confusing LOL.

I had a pretty good day yesterday, finished off with my pork and kraut (and btw, I forget who asked, but yes, I am half German, half Polish...weird combo, eh!!) and then...a piece of cheesecake!!!!!! I know, it was bad, I slapped my wrist, but I feel it's sorta a trade off because, I was feeling so sick yesterday (my throat eased up actually and I just had that spacey/woozy feeling), but I did my 2 mile WATP anyway...so the cheesecake was my reward. So I think that's ok. LOL

Today I'm doing pretty good as well. Feeling better, got some good old amoxycilin (sp?). Here's a funny story for you all....I absolutely HATE pills with a passion, so my mommy called and got me a prescription from the doctor and told them to get me the liquid amox. (which actually tastes good). Well she dropped it off for me at work so I could get some in ASAP, and instead of the little medicine cup, it came with this injector type thing designed for giving little kids meds!!! LOL...I guess they thought...hmmm no adult requests liquid meds. Oh well! I'm a child at heart!

My goal for the week will also be that boredom eating. I just get to the point where I'm like...SCREW THIS...gimme some junk!!! And then it's like gimme whatever you got! Like the cheesecake, but I'm trying to learn the group mentality and that it's not a failure...it's just me having a little treat. I did stay quite OP yesterday, so I think that shows me something. Right? I do have quite the taste for sweet stuff though. I'm back to the 1.5g fat Graham Crackers as a snack. For 2 full sheets it's pretty good. But I know how you feel Faye, once i get home and I'm watching TV it's so hard to resist the snacks! But, I'll snack well if I must and cut out snacking all together where I can. So yay me.

Now for my replies to the posts...thanks to all for your well wishes!! I really appreciate them. And all the suggestions. Now granted I never got to try that yummy sounding sore throat cure..but next time, when it gets really bad, I definitely will! LOL

Peek ~ Congrats on your loss!!! You must be on ...and where is peek BTW...has she not found her way over yet. Come back peek!!!

Jana ~ You are so right. I'm glad that someone else uses this saltwater cure though. I was beginning to think he was a little off his rocker! Hope that you have a safe and fun visit to your sis's!

Faye ~ I have NOT tried Windex as my cure all...LOL...I think i'll deal with the sore throat. I can only imagine the number of idiots who HAVE started using windex for that after they saw it in a movie!

Michelle ~ I didn't know that sore throats run with thyroid...I have had an awful lot of them in my lifetime...so maybe that explains something. I talked to a woman here at work yesterday, turns out she has hypothyroidism and said from her opinion sounds like what I have too. I'm just wondering though because at my first blood test, the doctor said it was 'slightly underactive,' and I'm wondering, would I feel SOOO tired from only "slightly"? But I guess that's what the second test is for...only 8 more days until that. So I guess we will see. :

I don't have a pedometer, but have been considering getting one. Do you think it's worth it? I mean do you feel that it motivates you a little more? Also, I'm just curious...you said your 2 mile WATP tape was like 3,800 steps...I was talking to someone before...someone who annoyed me!!! And he said, "How can you walk 2 miles in your home?" So I explained WATP and then he said, "Well a mile is 5,280 steps...do you walk 2X that?" And it's kinda a good point, cause I don't think I do. But I'm still glad I'm moving and stuff. But does anyone know what Leslie bases her 1,2,3 mile estimations on? Is that b/c arm and leg movements add to that step count...or? But a BIG congrats on working out...I know it was difficult for me to get through Leslie yesterday! Or as she says LESlie. LOL

Lori ~ I think I was missing your posts too! Sorry! Welcome though and glad to see you stopped by!
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Old 06-10-2003, 01:05 PM   #12  
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OK, since I can't go back to the stuff in the other post, I'm just gonna answer things that are here. This is all very confusing LOL.

I had a pretty good day yesterday, finished off with my pork and kraut (and btw, I forget who asked, but yes, I am half German, half Polish...weird combo, eh!!) and then...a piece of cheesecake!!!!!! I know, it was bad, I slapped my wrist, but I feel it's sorta a trade off because, I was feeling so sick yesterday (my throat eased up actually and I just had that spacey/woozy feeling), but I did my 2 mile WATP anyway...so the cheesecake was my reward. So I think that's ok. LOL

Today I'm doing pretty good as well. Feeling better, got some good old amoxycilin (sp?). Here's a funny story for you all....I absolutely HATE pills with a passion, so my mommy called and got me a prescription from the doctor and told them to get me the liquid amox. (which actually tastes good). Well she dropped it off for me at work so I could get some in ASAP, and instead of the little medicine cup, it came with this injector type thing designed for giving little kids meds!!! LOL...I guess they thought...hmmm no adult requests liquid meds. Oh well! I'm a child at heart!

My goal for the week will also be that boredom eating. I just get to the point where I'm like...SCREW THIS...gimme some junk!!! And then it's like gimme whatever you got! Like the cheesecake, but I'm trying to learn the group mentality and that it's not a failure...it's just me having a little treat. I did stay quite OP yesterday, so I think that shows me something. Right? I do have quite the taste for sweet stuff though. I'm back to the 1.5g fat Graham Crackers as a snack. For 2 full sheets it's pretty good. But I know how you feel Faye, once i get home and I'm watching TV it's so hard to resist the snacks! But, I'll snack well if I must and cut out snacking all together where I can. So yay me.

Now for my replies to the posts...thanks to all for your well wishes!! I really appreciate them. And all the suggestions. Now granted I never got to try that yummy sounding sore throat cure..but next time, when it gets really bad, I definitely will! LOL

Peek ~ Congrats on your loss!!! You must be on ...and where is peek BTW...has she not found her way over yet. Come back peek!!!

Jana ~ You are so right. I'm glad that someone else uses this saltwater cure though. I was beginning to think he was a little off his rocker! Hope that you have a safe and fun visit to your sis's!

Faye ~ I have NOT tried Windex as my cure all...LOL...I think i'll deal with the sore throat. I can only imagine the number of idiots who HAVE started using windex for that after they saw it in a movie!

Michelle ~ I didn't know that sore throats run with thyroid...I have had an awful lot of them in my lifetime...so maybe that explains something. I talked to a woman here at work yesterday, turns out she has hypothyroidism and said from her opinion sounds like what I have too. I'm just wondering though because at my first blood test, the doctor said it was 'slightly underactive,' and I'm wondering, would I feel SOOO tired from only "slightly"? But I guess that's what the second test is for...only 8 more days until that. So I guess we will see. :

I don't have a pedometer, but have been considering getting one. Do you think it's worth it? I mean do you feel that it motivates you a little more? Also, I'm just curious...you said your 2 mile WATP tape was like 3,800 steps...I was talking to someone before...someone who annoyed me!!! And he said, "How can you walk 2 miles in your home?" So I explained WATP and then he said, "Well a mile is 5,280 steps...do you walk 2X that?" And it's kinda a good point, cause I don't think I do. But I'm still glad I'm moving and stuff. But does anyone know what Leslie bases her 1,2,3 mile estimations on? Is that b/c arm and leg movements add to that step count...or? But a BIG congrats on working out...I know it was difficult for me to get through Leslie yesterday! Or as she says LESlie. LOL

Lori ~ I think I was missing your posts too! Sorry! Welcome though and glad to see you stopped by!

Anyway, that's all I have to say for now, I'll check back in later...
Ciao sexy ladies!
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Old 06-10-2003, 01:05 PM   #13  
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Good afternoon to all!

Deon--hang in there, you are loved! Let the chips fall where they may; don't stress too much--you've come too far already.

Michelle--GREAT JOB!!! You go girl!!!!

Peek--I got to love a person that can be in a room with a group of five year olds and not go insane! Anyway, congrats on the 4.5 pound loss!

For everyone else that don't know me, I am a 41 year old single gal located in McKeesport, PA, about 13 miles southeast of Pittsburgh. I have two very spoiled cats, Tigger, 5, and Noah, 3, that I had taken in as strays. I also model part time and freelance as a journalist, in addition to being a Mediation Panel member for the Pittsburgh Mediation Center, a program that decides on the appropriate channels on a case-by-case basis for juveniles convicted of first time, non-violent offenses. I also volunteer for one of the local no-kill animal shelters.

As for my plan, I am currently on a 1500 calorie American Diabetes Association-endorsed plan, but it works for anyone--it's more common sense than anything else. I also do a lot of walking when the weather is nice, as well as a 30 minute general workout daily (though I went 45 minutes yesterday), and 100 tummy crunches and butt lifts each morning. In addition, I also use Fitday.com to record my daily food intake and activity for each day; it keeps me honest and focused on my goals. On August 25, I have an appointment for an initial consultation with a weight loss surgeon that came highly recommended by my PCP.

My peak weight as of March 1, 2003 was 351 pounds ; I am currently at 316 pounds--I'll do my weekly weigh in tomorrow, so that may change however slightly.

Hmmm....now who asked about Brian, my online love? Well, he is 24 years old, 5'8, 180 pounds, with a mop of blond hair and pale blue eyes (Funny thing is, I usually go for the tall, dark haired ones ). He is currently studying pharmacy, and for the summer working as a lifeguard (and strips for private parties ). He's got a killer sense of humor and is very sensitive....not to mention a killer butt ! He's rolling into town this weekend.

For my goal today; I will ask myself before I eat anything "off limits":

*Do I really need this?

*Am I really hungry or is there another reason I need to eat?

*What can I do that would be better?

*Am I eating to live, or living to eat?

*How much activity is required of me to burn this off?

Last edited by loranden; 06-10-2003 at 01:09 PM.
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Old 06-10-2003, 01:13 PM   #14  
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Oops, I am an idiot. I posted twice. You get the idea. LOL

*Crawling under my desk for a noon day nap.*
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Old 06-10-2003, 01:38 PM   #15  
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Missy, I started reading your second post and began to laugh to myself saying "did I not just read this?" I had to scroll back up and look? about going back to the past thread, alls you have to do is see up top here on your browser where it says FILE? hit that then hit New and then window and it will open a second window to the exact spot you are at and you can use that second window to go back and look at stuff while your posting on the first window. Does that make sence? A lady from another thread taught me that trick and I use it often.

Jana: To put the other stuff up you just have to copy and paste the first post of the thread. Took me a long time to figure it out? I'm a blonde what can I say?

Lori: Do you know if this new guy you've met on the net is for real? Have you talked to him other than on the computer? I would hate for you to get hurt. Please take caution and meet in a public place, you just never know now-a-days. There are some real crazies out there. Don't mean to burst your bubble, and I hope all works out for you, just looking at it from a different angle I guess? I trusted someone once on the net and got burned big time, now I tend to be very caustious of people. Guess it hurt when I got burned. But good luck to you with it. Good luck with your weigh in tomorrow too.

Michelle: I'm with Faye round of applause for you and your exercise!!! I have still yet to do mine today.

Faye: Hope the pool was nice to you today?

Well when it rains it seems to poor. I told you all the bus thing this morning. Well then I get showered/dressed to go visit with my hubbys grandma (long story, she has alzhimers and dimensia) anyway then after I leave there I go visit my newest neice she is 2 weeks old....what a cutie, then I go in to town to get a few things at the store and come home, I'm not sitted down for 5 minutes and the phone rings and Alexis is at school sick. So, back in the car a back to town to get the girl. So, on my day off when I like to make zero trips to town I have made 2 already . A moms job is never done....

Now, I am gonna go make meatballs for supper, Waki-weekie or something like that....kinda like a sweet and sour type thing.

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