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Old 08-05-2003, 11:59 PM   #46  
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Hi Ladies,

AngieMe- It seems as though the one other forum I hang out in is a but slow right now so after peeping you and a few buddies (melekalikimaka, Kempyd) I decided to barge in on this one. Hope You all don't mind.

melekalikimaka- First of all welcome back from Maui And I'm with you on the carb thing. I need carbs in my life. I'm in Italy for goodness sake! Say no tp the pasta, rissoto (rice) and breads?? That is cruel and unusual punishment
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Old 08-06-2003, 08:31 AM   #47  
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Lets see....My week foodwise has sucked so bad. I have eaten everything and anything, Last night I made potato skins for supper...potato skins with monterey jack cheese,cheddar cheese and bacon with sour cream. I am never going to lose weight like this!!

Jay brought home a pomeranian dog the other night. His tag was from an out of state school for the deaf so we thought we had a little houseguest until we could find his people. Luckily he found the owners that same night. The poor kid was out crying and looking for his Tickles. His mom said he has gotten away twice and the kid says "maybe Tickles doesnt like us he keeps trying to run away" Tickles had a ball at my house playing with Candi and Rebel. I didnt let Cappie near him because he has been growling and chasing the cats alot lately.

I called Keeshond Rescue to see if they can help me place him into a home without cats. I am afraid he will connect with them one of these times and hurt one. Meanie is 11 and Cappie cornered him beside the fireplace yesterday and wouldnt let him move. Then he growled at Shadow while he was sleeping on the coush and when he got up to leave Cappie chased him outside growling. I just dont know what to do with him. He also growled at me last night while I tried to get him off my bed. He is such a strange dog because most of the time he is so sweet and loving but if he doesnt want to do something then he will let you know. I have no idea why he all of a sudden decided it is okay to harrass the cats.

IT IS SO MUGGY!!!! I have been doing 3 miles in the morning but by afternoon it is so muggy I dont even bother. Last night it was totally grey out with all the wetness in the air.

Noelle, Glad your back and you had fun.

Dips, welcome. Me,Noelle and Kempy have been here since October.
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Old 08-06-2003, 11:21 AM   #48  
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Hey Ladies! I haven't caught up with reading all of the posts, but, I wanted to check in. Still haven't been able to purchase a computer for home, probably won't for a few more weeks .

I have been MAKING myself avoid junk food at all costs. Yesterday I was soooo tempted to stop at McDonald's and get an ice cream cone, but, quickly changed lanes to avoid my urge. Surprisingly, I didn't even go home and eat a skinny cow! I walked 6 miles for the first time yesterday, and, boy, is that alot of miles in one day. AngieMe and Noelle, I give you TONS of credit for being able to walk that much so often!

My husband and I weighed in together this morning because he was convinced that our new scale was broken! He said that the number it read for him was too high. So, I weighed myself (didn't let him see of course ), and it said 151.5! I said, nope, it looks good to me. So, he weighed himself, and it read 238. He said he still thought it was broken, lol. I told him I have lost 4.5 pounds since July 14, and he said, "I haven't".

The weight is coming off, SLOWLY, but surely, though every meal, every day is a huge challenge for me. I have found that I like food waaay too much, and, not the right things.

Hope you all have a great day!

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Old 08-06-2003, 12:01 PM   #49  
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I am debating my starting weight. I actually started trying to lose weight after the birth of my daughter on 8/8/01. At that time, I weighed 180. I did not lose weight quickly after her birth, and was at 167 until the spring of 2002. I have been at 155-156 pretty much since then. I hit 152 once, but, it didn't stay off. Now, I am currently at 151.5. What should I say my starting weight was? Thanks!

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Old 08-06-2003, 12:39 PM   #50  
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Holly- only you can decide...I've started over many time. Last time I officially started I think I was 210- now I'm 235ish. I think you should give yourself credit for losing all that weight even though it was before you "officially" started this time. Clear as mud?? lol

Late for swimming lessons..bbl

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Old 08-06-2003, 06:49 PM   #51  
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Hi girls, I have been MIA for a few days, been hectic. How are you all doing ? Noelle, glad you had fun on your vacation

I have been doing pretty well, 3 days in a row of OP.

when I don't obsess about it as much I think I do better, anyhow, clothes are getting baggier, scale isn't moving, but that's what I expected when I changed my goals around a little.

Today was so stressful. My daugther is already in school, and it gets out at 3:55 pm.. so at 3:45, my babysitter called and said that my daughters school had called my house, and that my daughter had wet her pants at school... and I needed to go get her. Well, it takes me about 30 minutes to get to her school from my office. But instead of keeping my cool, and calling the school and asking them to just put her on the bus, I flew out of work, and got stuck in traffic, and as I neared my house, which is on the way to the school, I decided to just run in, and call the school, and see if she got on the bus since the bus would be at my house in the next 5 minutes. Luckily I decided to do that , because they said they did put her on the bus. Geez! I would have driven all the way there, and had to turn around and come right back home, and she was already upset about wetting her pants, and then there would have been no one at the bus stop for her

I am also sorta mad that she wet her pants, she never does that. She told me that her teacher lets them pick a prize every week if they only visit the restroom during class twice or less during the day..... so I think she was holding it so she could get a prize.. I just think that is wrong. I mean some kids don't need to go as often as others, does that mean they should get rewarded ?

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Old 08-06-2003, 07:50 PM   #52  
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Talking Yummy dessert last night!

Hi Everyone!

~NOELLE~: Ah, Ume, yes the other day a dear friends mother gave me a whole container of the big plump rid Ume`s and the brown one they color it will ( bare with my while I scrample for Nihongo) ......ah, the redish purple leaves? Similar to the green one`s that taste similar to mint! It was such a nice gift considering the time ,and effort and they saved my like 4000 yed or nearuly 40 bucks. I tasted a 20 year old Ume... Wow, Sumai! Yikes!

Everyone, I had the best sinfull-free dessert last night, I got from SBD!

Ricotta dessert! Oh, I could not believe it was so Yummy!

I am sad, I missed my walk yesterday, I think I lifted to many weights and woke up with a severe headache , either from lifting and hurting my schoulder, or I slept wrong. Today I over slept. Please sometime give me confidence and tell me walking five days a week is enought ( nearly 3 miles) in hot weather dripping with sweat! And this is in the AM!

Oh, I am babbling today, eh???

Angie, you can do it, get back on the horse! Look at your before pictures, that will keep you focused, it helps me, actually I keep a double DD bra in front of me! To keep me from cheating.

On SBD, for brefast I had Two Eggs in Olive oil extra virging.

With a sprinkle of cheese
and Two thin slices in Loin Ham!

I think if anyone has been to Japan, they will know what I am talking about when it comes to thin slices on lunch meat, I mean thin and circular one peice is enough to barely cover one egg cooked!

SBD is really a way of life, and not so bad once you get through the detoxing period!

Ok, I will stop chatting now, before I drive all of you crazy and we all start running for donuts!


Last edited by Cosmopolitan Girl; 08-06-2003 at 07:56 PM.
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Old 08-06-2003, 11:51 PM   #53  
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Busy day...busy week. Now Jim is trying to get ds #2 to sleep so we can watch a movie and relax a bit. He's a fighter and will probably out-last us

I'm doing terrible on my challenge! I just don't know what to do with myself (slap, slap)- I don't want to come on here and whine about how I lack motivation...I just really need to find it within and DO IT!! Holly, I'm so impressed with you changing lanes!! I have found myself giving into my cravings and getting the large instead of the small. What am I thinking?!

CG- post your awesome dessert!

Tonya- That is too bad about your little girl I don't think potty issues should be rewarded either...IT's really like getting a prize for having a big bladder! Weird, imo...

Noelle- welcome back! Glad your little boy likes his new school. I can't believe my oldest starts kindergarten in a month now!!!

Angie- I say as long as you are getting your walks in still you enjoy your food- you deserve it! You're just a few lbs away- I'm sure it will happen for you!

Hi to everyone else!! I'm going to go watch a movie- kids are all asleep!! YAY

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Old 08-07-2003, 01:04 AM   #54  
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The Dessert

Smooth Ricotta
About 2 200g container

Two nice teaspons

Real Coco Powder
I put in like five tablespoons ( to taste)

Any type of 1/2 cup milk to make the texture a smooth consitantcy (sp)?

I used skim powdered milk and mixed it with a cup of water SBD approved.

Plus your Pal Sweet, or Equal, or any type of non-sugar subsitute.

When finished mixing. Take a tad bit of the mixture and add some instant coffe to have a somwhat moha taste. Put that 1/2 cup aside.

Take any type of nuts and crush them slivered what have you!

Line the botton of any type of dessert dish/cup with the nuts, then add the choco mixture, then layer the mocha, and so forth.

Lastly top it off with the mocha, and nuts, if so desired add some dairy free or fat sugar free topping.

serves 3 320 cal. Give you take, I think it is a bit less though depending on your ricotta everything else is 0 calories except for the nuts!

Enjoy, let me know if anyone makes it. It taste between a choco mocha cheesecake and pudding...just awesome.

Make sure it is the smooth ricotta!
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Old 08-07-2003, 10:11 AM   #55  
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Cappie went after the cats all day yesterday every chance he could get them. they now wont come in the house unless we escort them to their food and they want to leave as soon as they are done eating. I can not keep Cappie. What would happen this winter when they all have to be inside together and I am in the bakery? If he hurt one of them I would never be able to forgive myself. It is like having to pick one of my kids to give away. It is so hard to do. I just want to cry when I look at him because I love him so much but I also know that I cant train him not to do it because we have been working nonstop for 6 months trying to get him to stop barking like a maniac with no luck. He is very stubborn. He deserves a home where he can be himself too. I just feel like a total slug!!! I hate people who give up on their pets and that is what I am doing.

Diet is nonexistent!! I will get it Sunday hopefully. I have to. I am getting bigger and bigger and I am out of control!!! Why do I do this to myself when I get close to goal.

I am proud of everyone who is doing great!!!YEAH!!! I hope to join you soon.
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Old 08-07-2003, 10:15 AM   #56  
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Default Cappie

Here is my sweet boy.
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Old 08-07-2003, 01:20 PM   #57  
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Angie..What an adorable dog! Does he shed alot? Try not to worry so much about getting bigger. You are continuing to exercise, right? I know how frustrating it can be to fall off the wagon. I too gain weight sooo eaily, it stinks! Have you stepped on the scale? Sometimes I swear I have gained, but, to my surprise, I step on the scale with little to no change. I have been exercising like crazy, like 1 1/2 hours a day, eating well, and here I sit at 151.5. I think it will take me many, many months to reach 140.


I think I will say 180 for starting weight, because that is really how long I have been trying to get this weight off! I didn't start eating right (healthier) until a couple of months ago, but, I have been exercising since I was at 180. Thanks for the good job on avoiding the ice cream cone. This afternoon will be a test for me. I have to go to the grocery store to order my daughters 2nd birthday cake, buy some beer for the hubby, and a few other items. The grocery store is such a challenge for me because it is FULL of junk, and, hey, no one there is going to be the diet poilce and not allow me to buy junk, lol!!


I too had an episode of my son messing and wetting his pants at school. He's 6!! He had a bad case of the runs, tried to tell the teacher he had to go (they were on the playground at recess), but, the aide told him he had to hold it until recess was over!! So, of course he messed his pants given the tummy troubles he was having! I was FURIOUS!! I agree that awards should NOT be given for restraining from using the bathroom. Sounds ludicrous!!

Hello to Kempy, Noelle, CG, GEM, Dips n Twists, Summer, anyone else I missed!!

I have decided I like one of Denise Austin's sayings..."If you rest, you'll rust."

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Old 08-07-2003, 02:11 PM   #58  
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HI girls! Hope all are well. I ate lard for lunch, and I"m comntemplating what i"ll eat tonight. Usually I"m pretty good about my food, but I"m feeling depressed, and wanna just screw it all.

Had turkey salad at a diner for lunch, I could tell the mayo was full fat. Then, french fries, like burger king, with the crumble son it... could see the oil coming off it. I died, but ate it, wiht vinegar all over them. Then, some split pea soup. I asked hubby if it was fattening, the soup. We weren't sure. I are it anyway. Came home, and I"m already ready ot eat again. Ever feel depressed, not sure why but wanna stuff it down with food? that' sme today. Man, I've been in a slump.

Send me some encouragement girls!!!!!!
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Old 08-07-2003, 02:43 PM   #59  
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Hi All!

Svelte I completely understand that notion of emotion and food connection. You have come so far! You have so much to be proud of! Everyone has an off day where they eat what they know they shouldn't just don't make it a big slip up. THis weight loss thing is a day at a time. You are inspiration and as you said you love the taste of being thin.

Angie I am sorry to hear about Cappie. There are some things you cannot do - we want to mend things but some things are not meant to be and that is lesson hard learned wherever. The picture of your dog is so cute. I will have to learn how to paste a picture and we can compare notes.

Noelle welcome back!

CG I love the ricotta deserts! be careful with any sweetners with aspateme they have same effect on your metabolism as sugar. There is some interesting and enlightening research on that. Try Splenda it does not have any of that in it!

Emily remember every day and every meal is a new slate. Don't give up! Prayers are with you that you may be motivated.

Welcome Dips'n'twists! How are liking Italy?

Holly congrats on the weight loss thus far!

Greetings to everyone else - Summer, Tonya and Kempy and anyone else I may have missed!

Have a great day

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Old 08-07-2003, 04:51 PM   #60  
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Angie, so sorry your pupper is being difficult. Are you really gonna get rid of Cappy?

You are so close to your goal, and you'll make it if you stick stick stick to your plan.... get back up.. man, I gotta take my own advice. BUT, You ARE close, and I believe in you. Remember how good you feel when you're being a good girl? Let today be bad,a nd then start tomorrow... not Sunday.

Gotta go eat dinner... be back in a sec.
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