3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Smiling Sal 04-18-2004 02:32 PM

WW - yah boo humbug - she says boldy after 4 days on slimming world. I have never eaten as much as I have this week, ray is convinced there will be a gain on the scales on wednesday, I know there will be a loss as I am an angel. Phoned the consultant last night for advice on how many syns there are in a chinese curry sauce - 10 if anyone ever needs to know

Four apples at midnight :) :) :) I ate half a packet of bacon earlier, trimmed off the fat along with a two egg omellette and some mushrooms and beans, would have practically been my whole days allowance on WW. Am just defrosting the beef for tea.

Have been at Ratho Adventure today, is a climbing wall place that has ran out of money half way through development so it is only half finished, the building is there but some of the niceties aren't done, like the lift. The boys and ray went on the sky ride, which meant they dangled from a harness 100ft above the floor and went over logs, ropes and free rode around the roof space. My heart was in my mouth but they loved it, needless to say I stayed in the cafe and had a coffee. Have promised I will do when I weigh 11 stone again. Am hoping the boys have forgotten all about it by then

No luck Kirsty,my two are back at school tomorrow, need to get them bathed and tucked up for an early night - will be fun - not .......

BritinNJ 04-18-2004 03:06 PM

Wahoo! We found a dress, yes a dress for the kid that has fought against wearing them since she was two years old.
I'm so happy and now we just have to find a nice pair of sandals, that shouldn't (hopefully fingers crossed) be too hard. I'll do that next week.
It's so beautiful out today, I'm wearing a sleeveles top with my faithful dungarees which Hannah has told me are horrible cos they make my bum look bg cos they;re baggy now :) Will be hard to part with them.
Am completely off diet now, just went by McDonalds and bought a milkshake for us on the way home. Haven't had one in years. It's bloody yummy delish :) Will go for a long walk tonight with the dogs although I don't think that will rid the 9 points it's costing me. SW soiunds better by the minute seeing what you lot are chowing down on.
Right, had better hoover, my friend arrives back from Scotland today and I'm doing dinner for her, she's bought out Tescos apparently........ goodies for all.

cat90 04-18-2004 03:10 PM

Hi Everyone :wave:

Carol, is'nt that plan amazing :eek: i know when i did tried to do it i had a full tin of pasta shapes with a slice of toast for lunch one day and i thought "how can i possibly lose weight eating all this?" the can of pasta alone is about 300 cals + :yikes: not to mention all the other stuff i ate that day but i lost 4lbs that first week :D i'm tempted to give it another whirl ;)

Chris, you can get general info at www.slimming-world.co.uk :D including a sample 7 day menu. Glad you had fun with your friend :)

Out in the garden for me today assembling pathway lights :rolleyes: bought a new set, i took the old ones out last year to get at the weeds and broom and hubby and stepson have been throwing them around under the deck ever since :rollpin: neither of them is known for their finesse when dealing with delicate objects (me included) so they're not working now but i think i'll be able to get them going again if i change a few light bulbs. Got to transplant some plants out too.

cat90 04-18-2004 03:22 PM

Hmmmm :chin: just been to look at SW and the featured recipe is CHOCOLATE Hot Cross Buns ;) 7 Syns each. Have any of you made these?

Smiling Sal 04-18-2004 04:31 PM

Have looked at them too, Cat but haven't tried them, yet.........................

linus 04-18-2004 05:11 PM

hi all have spent most of the day sleeping and now feel semi human well more semish than usual{ my kids swear im an alien } ive been having thoughts about a thread for hints and tips for making dieting easier i think with the amount of varied backgrounds we all come from we should have some amazing tips for each other of course top of the list would have to be" ask veggie " who has been absolutley invaluable to me and god knows what id do without her CAROL this just means that later on your kids will be off school and mine wont im in the enviable position of having mine at different schools as conner is still at primary till after the holidays {summer} and even though the schools are five minutes apart they still have lots of different days off and its really hard to get one to get out of bed when the other one doesnt have to get upwell im going to tour thw site now to see if my probs are just on the threads and journals and arcade
speak later kirsty

veggie 04-18-2004 07:35 PM

My food journal is rather full today. Tonight I had 2 apples, banana, 6 light babybels, 4 crackers and 2 slices of little toast :p

linus 04-18-2004 08:29 PM

i had the apple but baked fish is all my stomach would handle must admit i feel a lot better now

BritinNJ 04-18-2004 08:51 PM

My on plan day went to he!! earlier with the milkshake and my friend arriving home from Scotland with millionaires shortbread hasn't helped at all either.....LOL! It is delish, I've never had it before and she's always gone on about it. Will be off plan for the rest of the night too as there's topics shouting my name with a good cuppa later.
WILL BE SUPER GOOD ONPLAN FROM TOMORROW! I WILL, IWILL! :) Nearly time for 24 now, must go, they're trying to confuse me putting it on a Sunday this week, buggers that they are!

cat90 04-19-2004 01:36 AM

Know what you mean Chris :rollpin: i forgot the day was changed this week and when i put it on Kiefer was just executing that guy and i've no idea why :dunno: i've been out on the property most of the day, hubby had a good idea to attach a cinch to the bucket of his excavator to pull broom out of the ground and seeing as i have'nt run the machine for 2 or 3 years i had to play around in it for a while :lol: great fun it was too and i'll be doing that tomorrow :cp: i can't wait :lol3: what a sad life i lead these days :rolleyes:

linus 04-19-2004 02:27 PM

well my kids actually got upat 9 this morning so have been shopping and in record time left the house at 9.50 got bus into town into st james centre one shop two pairs of trainers second shop big ones hooded top third shop two tops for big yin two pairs trackies for big yin football for big yin pair navy joggers for wee mans school fourth shop yu-gi-oh for game boy advance greggs sausage roll for big yin down the road to leith newspaper another sausage roll for big yin {dont know where he puts it }pie for we man into comp shop blank dvds for hubby into taxi and home back in house for 11.45 quickest shop ever and of course because we got back so early i decieded that i had no exscuse for not doing housework so thats what im still doing now im just waiting on the floors drying and then hoover kids in shower make sure they have everything ready for school and get them to bed dogs out shower for me {by then ill need it really really badly}and then i can collapse
speak later kirsty
eating going well havent had time to snack

Smiling Sal 04-19-2004 04:38 PM

Chris, Millionaires shortbread - it's too die for. Glad you enjoyed it.

Kirsty I'm worn out just reading your post. My day has been busy at work then once then have been running around at home. I am still eating plenty and sticking to plan. Am going to have soem fruit and a muller light shortly then tuck myself in for an early night.

See you tomorrow

linus 04-19-2004 05:17 PM

sal if your still on if youve got sky go to channel 452 its duran duran night on magic cant stand them personally but knowing your wee fancies it will give you pleasant dreams well im finally sitting down and having a lovely coffe the plan worked dragging the kids out of bed early this morning they are now knacked and drifting off to sleep as we speak {or as i post anyway} hi SUPER i take it your schedule is being a bit nicer to you now certainly hope so ,well peace and quite tomorrow the horrors are back at school and i can start getting organised again ive already defrosted the beef and roasted the peppers for tomorrows goulash i promised the kids that id make it and apart from the cornflower its all free on red the only thing is it takes half an hour to make and then has to simmer for two hours to tenderise so i thought id get a jump start on it so all ill have to do at teatime is cook my rice and their potatoes and bobs your uncle and everybody eating the same meal finally
im going for a quick flick through the threads take my meds and hopefully off to bed before three oclock tonight as i have to get up at 7
speak later

veggie 04-20-2004 09:05 AM

I got to bed before three as well :lol: :coffee: Chris you better be super onplan I had 34.5 syns yesterday that's nearly onplan. Anyway with sw you can't go off plan (this is what I tell myself) I just had flexi syns and it says on the website if you have over three stone to lose you can have more than 15 a day. I have three stone times two plus :devil: so I must be allowed loads.

linus 04-20-2004 11:38 AM

veggie i was wondering about that as when i started two other girls came back on the same night one only had 10 pound to lose but they had the same sins as me set and thats ten but when i went on the site it said that your sins are set with your weight loss how many are you on i mean ive got 7 stone to lose

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