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linus 04-27-2004 04:48 PM

well carol you are so like me when we fall we really fall youll be fine youve been so good all week ? havent you last week i had two fish suppers and a chinkie and three packets of chrisps and a packet of minstrels and i still lost 2 pound but i still imagine all the weight i could have lost if id stuck to plan so this week ive been a total angel and watch this ill have put on weight
if you havent got my email pm me and ill give it to you
right im off out with the dogs and see how far theyll drag me all ive done all day is cut in the gloss work in the kitchen and the housework the shopping and some washing so i need a walk
speak later

cat90 04-27-2004 05:19 PM

You've done a lot more than me Kirsty :lol: i'm not even dressed yet :lol: all i've done is eat and post on here :lol3: i'm not planning on doing a whole lot either as its too windy to do yardwork, if i try to transplant anything it will blow away before i get it in the ground :lol: i said i'd give the house a good clean up but i have'nt made a start on that either :devil: funny how you think you'll do or eat something and then you do something completely different is'nt it :?: maybe our brains are'nt as in control of things as we think :eek: so far i've discovered that my gob has presidence over my brain where eating and speaking are concerned, it gets everything it fancies and i've lost count of all the times i've blurted something out and then regretted it :o brain was definitely slow there but it worked fine for thinking of the sarcastic comment in the first place :shrug: :devil:

Carol, i don't know whats lacking in us or these diets that makes us rebel so much :dunno: i only know that my brain or my gob gets fed up with the monotony and decides its binge day :lol: but if we can keep them down to one a week or so we should win in the end.

BritinNJ 04-27-2004 05:45 PM

Helloooooooooooooo, AM, AM, AM being very good now. Have had a perfect two days so hope to show a loss on gloria tomorrow, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE. Who am I kidding, two days being good after a week and a half of being bad? LOL!
Am going to go and eat my very healthy dinner now :)

veggie 04-27-2004 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by Smiling Sal
Carol here and reporting for duty. The server change must have updated with me last, cause at 5:30 tonight I still couldn't get in and I was fantically searching for Kirstys email address as I know I have it somewhere, to see if you were all back on line. But just when I was about to send Jennifer and Suzanne an email begging them to let me back, the link updated and I got in. Am so jealous some of you have been here since Monday :( :( :( I really missed coming in here to chat and get some support. Had a mini crisis and I need you ...........

I was back here on Sunday night must of been the checking every hour I wore it down ;)

veggie 04-27-2004 06:54 PM


My eating has been cr@p. Personally I blame the sunshine. There I was cutting the grass on Sunday in the glorious sunshine, even got a little sunburnt and I was building up an appetite and being nice and healthy. When a little devil inside my head said "it is too nice to cook tonight, go book a table to the outside inn". So being an obedient girl I did, big mistake. Within an hour I had inhaled 3 glasses of wine and stopped on the way home to buy more. Then I ate the boys play pieces, 2 chunky kit kats (the easter egg is still in the fridge, so I still feel virtious ), a snickers, a packet of crisps and all the cheese in the fridge. All this on top of a chicken with chilli sauce and a gammon steak, not very slimming world friendly.
Did you carry on counting the syns? I have counted mine even when I've had nine billion glasses of wine at least then you can count them up and feel in control a bit.

Smiling Sal 04-28-2004 01:15 PM

Nope veggie had so much lost count :(

linus 04-28-2004 02:58 PM

hi all how are we all tonight ? fine i hope i got the secong coat of gloss on the kitchen today so that means i can emulsion tomorrow and the kitchen will be finished thank goodness for the smalest room in the house its taking such a long time papering undercoating glossing sanding :?: :o so ive emptied everything out so as soon as the kids leave for school tomorrow i can paint the blooming thing and be done with it and then i can put all my piggies back in cause it looks empty without them :ink: :ink: :ink: so what have we all been up to SAL MIND AND LET US KNOW HOW YOU GET ON AT YOUR WEIGH IN there i nearly forgot it thats cause im trying to block out mine tomorrow :sorry: :no: :doh: even though ive been absolutly totally on plan im at that time of the month and i think ive put on weight so really not looking forward to it at all so anyway ive not had my dogs out for there walk yet just the shops cooking cleaning beds made ironing and the rest so ive still got my walk to go anyway ill speak later going for a tour of the threads back later

peacock 2 04-28-2004 03:03 PM

Well I am off now from Thursday until Monday but already want to murder 2 bosses. Why is it when you are at your most busy, they "hover" and chat? One comes out of the intercommunicating door banging it, waits until I am trying to discipher phone messages or people talking to me on the phone and then wants to talk! One decided that "Go away, leave me alone I am busy" menat that he could invade my space and carry on his mobile phone conversations. Hello, you have your own office!!!!

I have to go away before I kill them!!!

Have a good Bank Holiday everyone!

Smiling Sal 04-28-2004 03:27 PM

Hope you didn't kill them peacock, don'tthink prison food would be that healthy :dizzy:

I only have Monday off and I can't wait have 2 horrondous meetings to get through before then. At least they are only half day ones. Have spent the last two days in team meetings is hard work, yesterday was bad enough because we were doin git for the first time and then today we had to repeat the whole process with the other half of the team. Roll on Saturday morning

Haven't slept well the last few nights, am tired until I get into bed and then I am suddenly wide awake. tonight though I could feel like I could sleep standing up, so hopefully I will get a really good sleep and feel the benefit in the morning instead of standing under the shower trying to wake mysel fup

Met two women at SW tonight who I used to see at WW. Is a small world. I couldn't stay for the class tonight as Ray was working and I had the boys with me. Susan says they can stay for the class but my two wouldn't sit still long enough or behave well enough to let me enjoy it. Will just need to look forward to next week

linus 04-28-2004 04:04 PM

at least your two didnt take pizza suppers with them and get you chucked out

cat90 04-28-2004 04:29 PM

Hey Carol, you maintained :cp: thats great ;) pity the kids would'nt sit still, i'd have given them what for :rollpin: or bribed them ;)

Right i'm trying to have a go at SW (in a fashion :rolleyes: ) i say in a fashion because i can't get Cadbury desserts and cakes over here :cry: so i have to get something that i think is close to it :dunno: i just had a FF choc pudd for after my lunch and i'm guesstimating about 5 syns :shrug: should be close enough. Its a pity there is'nt a formula to work out syns :crazy: if there is its eluding me :lol: i know that Veggie mentioned that she'd read that a syn equals 20 cals but i can't see that being right :spin: well, not according to some of the recipes that i have. Look at these for example :- Baked chocolate alaska = 6.5 syns on both red and green then this, juicy fruit crumble = 5.5 syns on both red and green. The baked alaska has a whopping 21.2g fat and is 450 cals and the crumble is 2.9g fat and 120 cals and yet there is only 1 SYN difference in these two desserts :dizzy: both serve 6 btw so its not the serving size :dunno: i just find it a confusing system :?: anyone else? I had Alphagetti pasta shapes with wholemeal toast for lunch only problem is in the ingredients they list cheddar cheese :eek: i don't think there is cheese in pasta shapes or spaghetti over there is there? does anyone know? :^: this could be my downfall if i don't watch things like this :lol: like all the extra syns i'm having like beer and desserts won't :lol3: does anyone know how many syns there are in trifle sponges? i call them Ladyfingers. I snack on them cos they're only about 30 cals each, mind you theres .5g fat in each of them.

veggie 04-28-2004 07:14 PM


Right i'm trying to have a go at SW (in a fashion ) i say in a fashion because i can't get Cadbury desserts and cakes over here so i have to get something that i think is close to it
I don't think you have to have cadburys anything on sw :p

Any free bits of for example juicy fruit crumble (umm the fruit?) would still be free and lower the syn value. I dunno what's in baked alaska. I have fruit that's free for sure. ;)

veggie 04-28-2004 07:25 PM

Ok I googled for baked alaska recipe. Eggs are free so they wouldn't be counted. So if 300 cals of it were eggs :?: that would make it similar syn value as the other one. :coffee:

2 quarts vanilla ice cream, softened
1 (18.25 ounce) package white cake mix
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon almond extract
8 egg whites
1/8 teaspoon cream of tartar
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 cup white sugar

veggie 04-28-2004 07:29 PM

Hmm I have just seen the word chocolate in between baked alaska good job there's none about :T

veggie 04-28-2004 07:32 PM

Me again ;) 4 syns in tesco trifle sponges.

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