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peacock 2 04-26-2004 08:08 AM

Linus - your friend Angie conjours up quite a picture. It is great when women have such confidence isn't it?

veggie 04-26-2004 09:07 AM

Chris you WILL WILL WILL be good. I on the other hand had a lovely bottle of wine last night :devil: :nono:

teel 04-26-2004 12:28 PM

Tut tut tut!
:rollpin: :rollpin: :rollpin: :yikes: I ruined it yesterday. I can't believe that on day 4 of a me get tough plan went SO to pot. I was alright all day. Then after dinner I had a sudden longing to eat that sliced ham in the fridge..:devil: :devil: .so I put the last 2 slices into a bread and margarine sandwich with the end of a mini tub of philadelphia light on it. But did I stop there? Did I as heck. :eating2: :eating2: Then I ate the rest of the panatonna chocolates (about 4 or 5 to finish the packet off) :s: :s: And then I had my last M & S hot cross bun that has been sitting in the fridge since Easter Saturday. Thank the Lord I have not got anything else lurking in my fridge that shouldn't be there. I am really ashamed.:sumo: :sumo: So back to it today with a vengeance. :coach: :coach: :coach: and I have been and swam 12 lengths...not fast, mind you, but 12 all the same! :drill: :drill: :drill: Actually it might well have been 14, I cannot remember.!!

veggie 04-26-2004 01:42 PM

Getting tough doesn't work for long does it when you have stuff left around you want to eat ;)

pippie 04-26-2004 03:36 PM

you don't have to tell me, my mam turned up on Sunday with one of those giant easter eggs full of minature heroes, i nearly passed out on the spot. She knew i'd gone back to ww and i was really fed up with her chocolate is my downfall i love it more than anything. She said it was for the kids but they didn't even want any of it. I ate four of the sweets and a bit of the egg but felt really miserable after it. However I have walked for England the last few days and been really good every day except Sunday so hopefully i haven't ruined everything.

peacock 2 04-27-2004 03:44 AM

Teel, don't beat yourself up about it. Sometimes you just have to do it. Look at it this way - you cleared out the fridge!!

TracyLangford 04-27-2004 03:54 AM

Hello, I'm back again!!!

I have been working lots of overtime lately as i am standing in for my manager who went off sick for two weeks - that was 8 weeks ago and she is still not back so instead of working 10 hours a week I am working full time and also fitting in work for my own business in the evenings and weekends. Weight wise i am not doing too well - i haven't gained but i haven't lost. I have got into bad eating habits though - started eating bread again (which i shouldn't be eating as i have a wheat allergy) and just generally havent had time to plan proper meals. I am hoping to get back on plan and also incorporate some exercise starting from today. Have taken today off as i have loads of housework etc to catch up on so hopefully that will be a good start.

Hope you are all keeping well and that your weight losses are going in the right direction!!


amber1977 04-27-2004 10:17 AM

Its so hard when you're busy to try and be organised with making healthier options to take to work etc.. it's so easy to think ach I'll get a healthy sandwich or a salad from the shop, but then you're faced with pastries, pies and sandwiches full of additives and tons of mayo AND margarine!! You're better off with one of those ginsters filled slices than the average packaged sandwich!! I started this diet on Saturday, and the first week is basically detox, but today at uni I got really jittery and shaky hands and not to go into too much detail, but some things have gone a grassy shade of green. I thought, I need something other than fruit and veg here, so I wasnt too bad, got myself a bag of golden lights, bottle of water and a chicken slice. Feel a lot better for it. Recovering now. I weighed myself just to make sure it was doing something and I have lost 3 pounds since saturday which is keeping me going-I know I shouldnt have weighed myself so soon, but needed reassurance.
Hope you can sort something out Tracy and use tha fact that youre so busy to your advantage-if your busy, food seems to go to the back of the mind!...Amberxxx.

TracyLangford 04-27-2004 11:34 AM

Being busy has certainly taken my mind off food at the time - it is just when i get home that things go pear shaped! I am so tired i cant be bothered to think too much about cooking and takeaways seem to be featuring in my diet too much lately! Glad you are feeling better, amber - dont make yourself ill with the detox!

linus 04-27-2004 11:35 AM

finally yeah!!!!!!!!!!!
so glad youre all back again ive been lonely and ive had to do horrid stuff like housework and decorating the kitchen to keep occupied so now your back ive got a great exscuse to sit on my backside and talk to you lot anyway ive been so good i am determined to lose that last three pound and be under sixteen stone and i will i lost two pound last week with all that cheating watch this ive stayed on plan and not even used up all my sins and ill probably put on weight sods law anyway glad your all back
speak later

veggie 04-27-2004 11:43 AM

Welcome back Tracy :cp: I missed you :)

Kirsty I was just about to report you missing ;)

linus 04-27-2004 11:59 AM

veggie my connection was not on at 9 last night but was there at 12 today but wasnt feeling to good so went to bed instead ill post anice long chat later to make up for it
so i8 didnt go awol so you can call off the search by the way my connection is absolutly flying just timed it only 4 seconds from when i press the post button to coming back to the thread so i might tackle the arcade later

veggie 04-27-2004 01:38 PM

It's slow loading for me. Carol hasn't been since the server change at weekend have to call out search party for her. ;)

cat90 04-27-2004 01:54 PM

Hi Girls,

:rofl: @ Kirsty's description of Angie :lol3: i cracked out laughing at the "built like a brick *hithouse bit :lol: they sound like the sort of friends that my hubby has :eek: you know, the kind that you think "whoa" when you first see them but are in fact very nice when you get to know them :D

Sheila, looks like you missed out on the easter egg :( Carol should have hid it from the kids :lol:

Carol what sort of bacon do you use? we can only get streaky here and its impossible to remove all the fat :lol: and the canadian back bacon is bloody awful :p it does'nt even taste like bacon :( i always enjoy my bacon butties when i go back home.

Amber, i don't like the sounds of that diet you are on :eek: i'm glad that you had the sense to grab some protein.

Helen, i'm sure that bit of chocolate won't have done too much damage ;)

I had a really busy weekend out in the garden with hubby removing broom and a humongous gorse bush :yikes: good job we have equipment to winch it out otherwise we'd have no chance :lol: i've got a bloody good sunburn for my efforts too :( today is not so nice, windy and a few showers but we really need some rain because its so dry around here. Its brightening up a bit now and the sun will be out for the rest of the week and at the weekend we are forecast temps around 28* :cb: i'll make sure i wear sunscreen for that one. I think i'll start some more seed trays today, its a bit late but it'll be OK, i bought a load more shasta daisies and black eyed susan seeds yesterday this place will be a field of daisies :lol: but i'd sooner look at them than scotch broom.

Smiling Sal 04-27-2004 04:36 PM

Carol here and reporting for duty. The server change must have updated with me last, cause at 5:30 tonight I still couldn't get in and I was fantically searching for Kirstys email address as I know I have it somewhere, to see if you were all back on line. But just when I was about to send Jennifer and Suzanne an email begging them to let me back, the link updated and I got in. Am so jealous some of you have been here since Monday :( :( :( I really missed coming in here to chat and get some support. Had a mini crisis and I need you ...........

My eating has been cr@p. Personally I blame the sunshine. There I was cutting the grass on Sunday in the glorious sunshine, even got a little sunburnt and I was building up an appetite and being nice and healthy. When a little devil inside my head said "it is too nice to cook tonight, go book a table to the outside inn". So being an obedient girl I did, big mistake. Within an hour I had inhaled 3 glasses of wine and stopped on the way home to buy more. Then I ate the boys play pieces, 2 chunky kit kats (the easter egg is still in the fridge, so I still feel virtious :angel: ), a snickers, a packet of crisps and all the cheese in the fridge. All this on top of a chicken with chilli sauce and a gammon steak, not very slimming world friendly.

Was working in Dundee today and I figured if I had ran all the way there, it's only about 60 miles, I might have burnt off what I ate on Sunday. Why do we do this to ourselves. So today I had a buffet lunch to survive as well. I had the smallest sndwich there with spicy rice (??) and an onion bhaji and most of the fruit bowl. Am dreading tomorrow night but it has to be done, I ate it, I have to live with the consquences when I stand on those scales. Logic is telling me it won't be that bad, but i have a very vivid imagination.

tomorrow will be a much better day eating wise :)

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