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Old 03-04-2002, 02:25 PM   #91  
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Read the announcement bit Sarah its been took of for a bit cause of a problem.
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Old 03-04-2002, 02:38 PM   #92  
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I refuse to watch Lady Victoria in principle - but will expect a full blow by blow account to be posted here later
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Old 03-04-2002, 03:24 PM   #93  
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At the swimming last night there were two girls, probably around about 14 or 15. They had 3 bikinis between them & couldn't decide which ones to wear as 'Martin' was in the pool - who ever 'Martin' is. They too put on their makeup before going into the pool. They kept me & Sean entertained while we got changed. He couldn't take his eyes of what was inside their itsy bitsy tweeny weeny ...... bikini tops. That boy is obsessed

'Dynamic Gerald' in wee willy winkie pyjamas and a bunny hat. yes I can see that happening. I'm only going to his workshop in the afternoon tomorrow - thank goodness

Have eaten like an angel today & got up early this morning to do my Tae Bo vid. Ending up having an audience as the boys got up early too. Don't think me working out should be allowed to be a spectator sport

Best go get my boys to bed. Then I'm off for a walk once they are settled. Watch tonight they will be awake until nearly midnight

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Old 03-04-2002, 05:05 PM   #94  
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I don't think I could come out of the changing room in an atmosphere like that! They have the odd official singles nights in Supermarkets here, but apparently Wednesday is gay singles night at Waitrose and one of my friends tells me there is a code depending on what you have in your basket!I will resist making jokes about a salami and a couple of scotch eggs.....
Although my diet has been right down the drain this week, one of the superfit women at the gym, who has never spoken before told me I was doing really well and looking thinner, which really cheered me up.
Might even go again tomorrow.
And yes, I do get on well with my Mum now, although she does wind me up sometimes I'm mature enough to understand she's not being nasty on purpose, like all of us she is a product of her own upbringing, which was even worse than mine.
On the otherhand, I loathe my Father, but don't get me started..
I too want to hear what the celebrity rake has to say, but won't be watching.I watched parkinson and she drove me MAD, mainly because of the way she kept sticking her fingers in her mouth...too polite to stick them down her throat in public.Ouch..sorry!
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Old 03-04-2002, 05:26 PM   #95  
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Default Can someone please explain....

how comes Victoria B has gone down a dress size but mysteriously her boobs have grown. (Sorry watched the last 20 minutes - how tragic am I )

I'm sorry that's a boob job if ever I saw one - why won't she just come clean and admit it.
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Old 03-05-2002, 02:23 AM   #96  
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maybe david, is still breast feeding from her
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Old 03-05-2002, 02:36 AM   #97  
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why dont you lot wake up earlier and post early , it means i have a lot to catch up on when i get home tonight , i like to read some of bpb's wit before work keeps me going and sarahs encouragement reminds me not to nibble on the extra toast and the pie and beans , and carol and her walking (try to close my eyes at that bit) how does that woman do it, catch up with you all tonight........BE GOOD
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Old 03-05-2002, 03:24 AM   #98  
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Theres def been surgery involved I dont blame her not admitting it stuff like that your supposed to lie about!! It was all very alistair mcgowan very funny.
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Old 03-05-2002, 03:59 AM   #99  
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Can fat slid on retroactively????? Last week I lost 1lb and had two really BAD days (or good days, depending on how you look at it, LOL). Yesterday morning I weighed 13.5 - this morning I weigh 13.7 - but yesterday I was REALLY good with my calories - I ate exactly the right amount and I walked off 550 cals and then went swimming and burned off another 450 - so thats 1000 cals gone in exercise and I only ate 1370 incl veg and fruit (lack of time).... SO WHY HAVE I GAINED WEIGHT??? It must be retroactive fat! Sob!!! In the words of Bridget Jones... 'Why? Why?'

I loved it at swimming last night... it was really entertaining - there were a bunch of really gorgeous 18-25 year olds (all sunbed tans and blondish hair with skimpy Italian style trunks) and no corresponding 18-25 year old females at all. Not one. Most of us 'girls' were in our mid 30s - mid 50s and mainly with our husbands/ partners - and these lads were still making 'eyes' at us. Very flattering - until I saw myself in a mirror - bright red face and hair sticking up here, here and everywhere - OMG they must have been desperate. Kevin got all macho and possessive and kept on trying to swim by the side of me - which in itself was hysterical because I am the stronger swimmer and he needs little rests between lengths, so he nearly collapsed and I had to tow him to the pool side jacuzzi to recover. He managed more than he did last week and so did I - 40 lenths in 45 minutes (but they are the shorter lengths - 64 to a mile ones)

Last night there were a group of three women who were there last week. I don't know how they do it. They swim abreast of each solidly for 45 mins (no little breaks) and they talked constantly (last night it was all about decorating). I cannot swim and talk - not enough puff!
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Old 03-05-2002, 04:18 AM   #100  
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It could be that, with all the exercise you did yesterday, that you did not eat enough so your body thought it was being starved. It is probably just a blip and if you carry on as you have been, it will disappear as fast as it came.

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Old 03-05-2002, 05:54 AM   #101  
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Hi everyone

well I'm sad too I watched the victoria B thing last night too, not all of it but most of excuse is I have the flu and the remote control was on the chair at the other side of the living room and I just couldn't be bothered to get up and fetch it

I agree that is definitely a boob job, if it is just the effects of eating a sensible diet and not surgery, then why the **** don't mine look like that

Well I have to say that I feel pretty ropey just now, I'm not feeling like eating anything, which isn't a good thing, but hubby is being a little darling and making sure I am having my calorie allowance...god bless him

I don't feel like working today, and I would love to be able to use the excuse that I don't want to pass this flu onto the kids so I don't have to go, but in fact I caught it from them in the first place
every single kid there has had it or has still got it, sometimes it makes me wonder about the thinking with these parents...I know it must be difficult sometimes when you have kids and a full time job to take time off, but when they are as sick as some of them have been this past week, if they were mine I would be staying at home to look after them, not sending them to a nursery.

Anyway enough griping, I better go and pull myself together

Have a good day everyone

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Old 03-05-2002, 06:21 AM   #102  
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it's def surgery. she paid for her sister to hsve a boob job, so she can't object to them.anyway, real boobs move when you dance she said she fed the baby so she should have a set of pitta breads now.
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Old 03-05-2002, 07:11 AM   #103  
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Now you're going to think I'm a right saddo because I got the Victoria book "learning to fly" for my birthday - I'm half way through it - yes she's had a boob job and yes she paid for her sister's too.

Sarah - I was told about 4 years ago by my Slimming World woman that it takes about 2 days for your weight to catch up with your food intake. What she meant was what you eat today will tell on the scales in 24/48 hours - it's not immediate. I don't know if that's true though because I have to say if I've had a great day, the next I've lost - it's as simple as that for me.

I'm determined to have a good day today I have had a glass of water, a pear and some sugar free gum so far and I'm starving, going to go and have a turnkey and coleslaw sandwhich now, see you later.
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Old 03-05-2002, 07:20 AM   #104  
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I wannna read that!! Ive already read Geris. From the library in my defence
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Old 03-05-2002, 08:06 AM   #105  
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I watched it from my sick bed, well after buzzcocks I wasn't really taking any notice . She has had a boob job and I think Mel B has too, no matter what they say, why not just come clean!!

I say my sick bed but really i just have a sore throat stinking cold etc, had it since Friday and just seem to want to sleep all day. I got mine from the kids at school too, little darlings.

Doing well with the diet this week but no exercise since saturday, far too ill ha ha.
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