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Old 03-02-2002, 04:25 AM   #61  
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Default Just had an awful thought.........

I just read my signature as I was scrolling down a page and saw 72 lb to go and immediately I visualised 144 packets of lard dispersed all over my body, under my if that doesn't keep me on task this weekend I don't know what will. I have also added up how many there used to be......what do you visualise when you try and battle with the dieters demons ?
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Old 03-02-2002, 04:39 AM   #62  
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Thanks for the number Ali - that saves me raking around in slimming magazine in the newsagents for it. I'm going to drag the boys up town later - may need to bribe then with a McDonalds. They are typical males & hate shopping even for one small thing. We have a WH Smiths in town, not sure how good it is I very rarely go in, but I will have a look today.

I'm going out tonight - a once a long time experience. Ray has organised the baby sitter & everything & is working overtime today to pay for it... He's not quite in Sarahs Kevs league, but this is a big effort for Ray. We are only going round the local pub, but it's out of the house without the kids.

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Old 03-02-2002, 05:19 AM   #63  
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Have a great time tonight! Make the most of it and stay out as late as you can, think of me with my options
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Old 03-02-2002, 07:37 AM   #64  
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Morning all, hope you're all having a good weekend. We're looking after twin 5 year olds (and our 6 and 2 year old) they've been here since 8.30 this morning and I'm shattered already (I've only managed to escape here because I've just given them gifts). I promised weeks ago to take them to McDonalds today and I thought I'd be ok, but I wasn't I had a chicken sandwhich meal and then nibbled on the kids nuggets and then started on the chips - what's wrong with me? I have no control over myself in that place. Anyway I've only got to hang on until tomorrow about 7pm!!!!!!!!!!! I think I've had about 1,000 cals in McD's, so for tea tonight I think I'm going to have to have fresh air pie!!!!

Carol have a great time tonight, think of me trying to get 4 screaming kids to bed and Jano with her options drink - wow it doesn't get any better than this!!!

I'm going to get this slimming mag calorie counter - I have Thorsons calorie counting book but I don't think it's up to much.

Have a good day.
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Old 03-02-2002, 08:40 AM   #65  
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Well guess who has spent the whole morning online
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Old 03-02-2002, 08:55 AM   #66  
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Originally posted by tupperware queen
what do you visualise when you try and battle with the dieters demons?
You know peole say you should stick a picture of yourself at your biggest on the fridge to deter you when you go to get food out? I actually find it better to look at pictures of myself looking nice coz pictures of myself looking disgusting just makes me think Im never gonna be slim, whereas pictures of myself looking ok make me think 'I looked ok once, and I can again'! I also like to walk round the shops and look at all the nice clothes that I'll be able to wear, have you noticed the summer stuff is everyewhere? Bikini's in every shop! Also walking round the shops for an hour or so is better than sitting at home!
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Old 03-02-2002, 10:21 AM   #67  
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Well I've sweet-talked dh into taking 3 of the 4 kids to the park and told him to be at least an hour and I've put Sprog #2 down for her nap - phew.

Chichi - that's a good idea to go shopping and look at the nice clothes, I have a friend who went from 14 and a half stones to 10 stones by counting calories and just cutting back - we started together (about 6 years ago now) and she continued when I failed - when we go shopping now and she's trying on some gorgeous sexy dress or tight jeans I think "why did I fail and she didn't" - well now I am doing it and I am going to wear that sexy dress and tight jeans, yes it may be a year away but I will get there

I agree with you that putting a "nice" picture of yourself on the fridge is much more motivating than looking at a gross picture of yourself.
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Old 03-02-2002, 12:04 PM   #68  
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Originally posted by Delaney
I agree with you that putting a "nice" picture of yourself on the fridge is much more motivating than looking at a gross picture of yourself.
I know!! It so is isnt it?! What do the rest of you think?
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Old 03-02-2002, 12:34 PM   #69  
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chi chi i whole heartedly agree but ive never been slim to have a picture im really happy with so ive stuck my vitual model picture everywhere instead
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Old 03-02-2002, 12:47 PM   #70  
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I do the slim pics thing too, very embarrassed when people say "Who's that"?
Still I will be able to show them the real me soon eh...well not that soon like but one day!!!
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Old 03-02-2002, 03:12 PM   #71  
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Originally posted by tupperware queen
I do the slim pics thing too, very embarrassed when people say "Who's that"?
Still I will be able to show them the real me soon eh...well not that soon like but one day!!!
I know what you mean! I was in college yesterday & I found a load of old pics that me and my mates had done in a photo booth a year or 2 ago and one of my mates from college looked at them and said 'who's that?' & I ws like i'ts me!!' and she 'OH, I didnt recognise you!' Grrrrr!! Lol!
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Old 03-03-2002, 03:51 AM   #72  
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I can't comment on the best calorie listings - I have got a VERY old Slimming calorie list which is 20 years old - what I like is that it has got a very comprehensive basic food stuffs listing at the front of the book separate from pre-made products - really I only use those first 20 pages of basic foods and then I get the rest of my calorie counts from the packing of the products I use. Hope this makes sense. I have bought other calorie listings over the years but none of them had this basic food stuffs listing in so they got binned after a while.

LOL - the idea of sticking up a slim-line photo of yourself is quite funny if you live in our house. We have got a sort of collage of photos of ourselves and our families (dating from end of 1800s right up to date) in matching silver frames all the way up the stairs and right around the the landing (why keep nice pictures in an album only to be enjoyed just occasionally).... anyway - there are several photos of me taken when Vicki was small and Kevin keeps telling me that I will look like that again 'one day' - I keep telling him that I will NEVER look like I did 20 years ago, but, bless him - he keeps telling me I look better every day!

Another REALLY rough day yesterday at foster training - actually worse than last Saturday in a lot of ways. I ate stupid amounts - but then we all did - and by the look of the quantities of food it looked like we were expected to. I have 'confessed' on another thread what I ate. We did have some people drop out from the week before - but they had DOUBLED the quantity of food on offer. The obviously REALLY understand comfort eating.

I am not going to go in to detail about what we learned - you don't want to know and it wouldn't be fair to those of you with children. Anyway - only three more evenings of basic to go - Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 7 - 9.30 and then we start on the assessments and police/medical/reference checks....
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Old 03-03-2002, 04:34 AM   #73  
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Sarah, I just wanted to say how much I admire you. In the past I thought might foster, and DH is still very keen to adopt an older child (well, frankly he is keen to add to the number of kids in this house any way he can, and this is his best ploy as he knows I don't like being pregnant or looking after babies much)but reading your posts I know I simply couldn't do it, I start crying every time I see the kids charity appeals on the telly,and I guess that would be no help in your training. I really do wish you all the best.
I'm not doing at all well on the dieting front, although I am fine with exercise. I went out for a curry (again) with my brothers & sisters last night and was given some hope by my brother. He changed form a sedentary job to being a post man a couple of years back, and in that time has lost all of his excess weight. He says he still eats and drinks just as much as he used to (loads). If I can't get better control of my eating I think I am going to up my gym days. I have always resisted more than 3 times a week as I've been told your muscles need that day to recover but there are lots of people who go every day.
Also, I'm going to apply for a twilight shift clerical I mentioned DH took a huge salary cut to work near home and spend more time with his kids, he finishes work at 3.30now, so I could work late afternoon, or even better, some of the evening, which would stop me hitting the fridge so hard.I used to have a pretty swanky job so I feel sure I can get something.
Besided which the extra money will be needed to buy me all those slinky clothes I'm going to need!
Well, I'm off to drag myself through Sunday in the traditional 'oh God I need to sleep' mode....
Hope you are all having fun.
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Old 03-03-2002, 05:42 AM   #74  
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I was an angel for the beginning of yesterday. Had my bran flakes & banana for breakfast. Later I took the boys to McDonalds, we actually went in & I still only had a diet coke and no nibbling - sorry Melissa. It has taken months of hard work to get my willpower in McD's to this stage. Yesterday was the first time the boys got to eat inside McD's for ages as before I was only brave enough to try the drive thro' couldn't handle not eating if I could actually smell the food. So I grabbed a shapers sandwich from boots.

We went out for dinner & shared the Combo dip starter - not ideal but I eat less of it than Ray and then I followed it by salmon & boiled potatoes with veg and I put the butter packs that came with the veg off the plate - didn't even open them.

But after that it all went a bit array. The booze was flowing. Gin & Tonics, Watermelon Breezers & then vodka when we got home along with a bag of toffees - my favoutite sweets. Still I could have eaten bad & still drank that much - just as well I don't suffer from hangovers - although if I did that might make it easier for me soberer at weekends.

Had a taste of an amazing drink, a Dooleys I think it was called. Vodka & Toffee. Was yummy but very sweet & I think it would get sickly after a while. Might be a treat for christmas though - thats when we splash out & buy a bottle of Baileys so might get one of them then too.

So today I need to get the hang of the big sums in calorie counting. But I also need to walk up to the Co-op & replenish my diluting blackcurrant supply - have run out totally which is not good.

Today is a brand new day

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Old 03-03-2002, 11:46 AM   #75  
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Carol that Dooleys sounds nice, I once tasted vodka and dime bar (dime bar was crushed and put into voddy and then shook up) it looked eurgh but tasted yahoo!!

Well the kids are driving me mad now the little boy has trampled mud into house 3 (YES THATS THREE) times now, little girl has "got a bag on" for no reason. I spent 2 hours cooking a lovely dinner and pudding and all they could do was argue at the table and then leave before pudding saying they didn't want any more the little Their parents will be here by 7pm - can't wait. If you don't hear from me again it's because I'm in prison for throttling the little darlings..... Sarah, I bet you'd cope better than me, perhaps you should come over and have a bit of a practice

I've gone completely to pot this w/end - I'll have to get back onto it tomorrow - I have to get past this 17 stone barrier and into the 16's.

Enjoy the rest of the w/end everyone.
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