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Old 09-05-2005, 09:22 AM   #91  
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Hi all,

Judy, let me know if I can do anything to help you. Letters, etc. I can do. What our country is doing as individuals is fabulous, but our government is a disgrace. I'm so far away from the area that it's like watching a train crash. You can see it's going to be a disaster but there's nothing you can do. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your brother. I hope he starts to get better.

Tired, sounds like you enjoyed your hike up the mountain. Isn't that a cool change from a year ago? See how far you've come?

DH promised to take the puppies and me on a hike on our mountain trail this morning. I'm having so much asthma trouble I'm hoping I can do it. After that it's back to the room project (which I'm starting to get resentful of since my kids aren't helping at all). DH has done so much work and I feel bad for him. I try doing stuff but I'm not bery good at construction (thank goodness for drywall mud from where I put the screws into the wall and pushed too hard).

My lungs are ready to go back to work tomorrow. No drywall dust there. I'm miserable with the asthma these days. I finally used my peak flow meter and lost a lot of lung capacity. At this rate I'll have to go to the dr for something stronger. I don't want to do that so I'll go back to work tomorrow and rest.

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Old 09-05-2005, 12:45 PM   #92  
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Hi, ladies--

I'm proud to announce that I reached my Labor Day goal of 229.5 This is the first weight-loss goal I've reached in six months, and so the number isn't as important as the fact that I really stuck to my program without a lot of excuses to explain away why I veered off my plan that day. I am working on a new goal: 222 by Columbus Day, or 7.5 pounds in five weeks. To do this, I'll continue to keep and food-and-mood journal; keep up the Curves and cardio, and add the once-a-week Pilates class which starts in two weeks, and remember that my little snail can't keep moving toward 200 if I wander slightly off course every day.

Marie, I'll be glad to forward ideas your way. One idea is to think of something you and friends could raise money for over time. These displaced folks are going to be homeless, jobless and in a bad way for months to come. Supporting the big national groups is fine, but the local nonprofits need our help, too. The city of Baton Rouge just doubled in size, and when most of these families leave the shelters in various cities, they will join the numbers of poor folks who are already straining the social service networks in those towns. If you read something about a particular school, church or shelter that moves you in some way, you could plan to send a sizeable donation to help them with Thanksgiving meals or Christmas gifts. Please don't send money to any group you can't check out on the Internet (

Tired--It must be hard to eat on a different track than the rest of your family. In some ways, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! Maybe your kids can be an example to you--I bet they're on the move a lot, running around, riding bikes, etc., and fidgeting away the extra calories. I think it's wonderful that you went mountain climbing together. My parents rarely walked down the block (and are both obese examples of how I don't want to feel when I'm in my sixties).

Today I had a weird apple-flaxseed patty for breakfast, and the rest of the apple for a snack. I'll have chicken-veggie soup for lunch, an afternoon snack yet to be determined, stir-fried catfish and broccoli for dinner and kefir with blueberries for dessert. Later this afternoon I'll head out for a long walk.

Hope you are all enjoying this day!

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Old 09-05-2005, 01:54 PM   #93  
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Judy congratulations on reaching your Labor Day goal. That's a great idea .. to have a small goal by a certain date/holiday etc. Hmmmm... I don't know what is realistic for me. I have to weigh myself when we get back home and hope I lost something over these 5 days in Orlando.
I had Cheerios, fruit and 1/2 cup skim milk for breakfast. 4 points.
have been drinking water and plain tea since.
Lunch looks like some plain chicken and a few saltines and more water. Then I'm headed over to the pool for some laps.
Happy Labor Day everyone.
PS: DH and I are dog lovers and wonder if there is anything we can do for displaced pets from Katrina. I'm sure people can't take their pets to shelters etc. I wonder if there is anyone we can contact to foster a pet or something like that??? Anyone know of anything??
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Old 09-06-2005, 06:11 AM   #94  
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Judy on reaching your Labor Day goal. I am so proud of you. And what a great realization that you can't reach 200 by deviating. You are doing so fantastic. Here's to Columbus Day. I finally have a temporary goal - 177 by Christmas. That's 15 pounds form last Wednesday's weigh in.

Leslie, good for you to do the laps. Its hard to exercise/eat well when you're out of town. I was a failure on the Alaskan Cruise a month ago but I use that I was so bored there was nothing to do but eat on the big boat. I don't know about fostering a pet but it's a great idea. Good luck with pursuing that.

Yesterday we made mudded and taped the drywall. Made major progress on the room. DH and I talked about both of our disappointment with both of our kids in letting us do this on our own. We changed our perspective about the room (temporarily it will be DS1 and GF but when they move out it will be our rec room/guest room. Changing how I was looking at it made me much less resentful to spend all three of my days off on something that DS1 and DS2 should be helping with. Anyway, I'm at a better place with it.

I can't sleep again (it's now 3:00 in the morning and I've been up a while) and I know I'm going to want to pass out by the afternoon. This is the only side effect of mania that I really don't like. And my asthma is out of control. Since I won't be working on the drywall and sanding (DH is doing it and my little bronchial tubes aren't allowed) I'm going to baby my lungs and see if I can get them better. I have a deadline for improvement by Friday or I have to go the dr. I hate doing that and having the dumb little machine tell me to blow harder when I can't - just makes me mad. Like I'd be blowing in the peak flow meter if I could brath normally. Ah, duh.

That's about it. Thanks all for letting me rant and rave about my sluggy children. It's been a frustrating weekend and I'm glad it's over. Back to work where stupid questions reign.
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Old 09-06-2005, 06:56 AM   #95  
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Leslie welcome to the site and I know you'll enjoy the support and friendships you'll build.
Marie congrats on the loss! Your room sounds like a fun project. Keep up your efforts their working for you!
Judy glad to hear your advocatiing that is so rewarding and benefiting the ones who don't even know your doing it for them! You keep it up! Congrats on the wt. loss and thanks for the input.
Tired glad you class sounds so good and hopefully they will learn a lot this year. You sound like a wonderful teacher. Did you pack your snacks for your desk yet?
Well this weekend I ate a few too many goodies that was for sure. I did eat some healthy stuff but limited. I THINK it was suppose to be reversed of that outcome. Oh well I had a good time. I caught the biggest catch a perch. It was fun and lots of relaxing. I had to hike up to the bathroom several times throughout everyday at camp. Now that was a calorie burner. I also unpacked the truck and packed it. Unloaded and loaded wood etc. So I guess maybe I wore some of the calories off. But today is tues. and I have plans to eat right and get some exercise in there as well. I will take the little grand girls for a new outfit after work today. Also need to buy something for the grandson too! I like to start them off with something special. That my help them to feel a bit special on their first day of school. The 5 year old is really ready the other two maybe a bit nervous they get that way. I went through it every year with their mom.
Well my plans for today: breakfast cereal kashi 190
snack apple 80
1/2 sandwich turkey on dark rye 400? deli size
snack apple
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Old 09-06-2005, 12:39 PM   #96  
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Good morning, ladies!

If you need a pick-me-up today, go over to the Success threads, where there are some nice posts, and Tani has before-and-after pictures now that's she's reached her goal (SW: 265, GW: 150). It's helping me visualize myself as a much thinner person, which is hard, since I have weighed over 200 pretty much since my mid-twenties.

Marie, what a drag to have able-bodied men around who aren't helping with the heavy lifting! But your son and GF will move out of the new space eventually, and you will have a beautiful rehabbed room to enjoy, so all this work is not just for them. I am concerned about the dust in your lungs, though. I hope you feel much better soon.

Leslie, I wonder if the websites for the ASPCA or similar organizations would have ideas for animal lovers who want to help the stranded pets. Also, I heard that New Orleans Zoo didn't lose too many animals, luckily, but they will needs lots of help, too.

Carol, I know you'll get right back on the wagon this week. Have fun shopping!

Okay, back to work. I got a few things accomplished this long weekend, but not as much as I'd expected. I'm heading to Curves shortly, and will take a walk this evening. Today I had a fried egg and some beets (beets? I don't know why, they were there), will have a large bowl of chicken-veggie soup shortly, and maybe a large salad w/salmon for dinner.

Hope you all have a wonderful day!


Last edited by judydc; 09-06-2005 at 05:13 PM.
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Old 09-06-2005, 05:15 PM   #97  
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I ran across this site on my way somewhere else, Leslie, with info about services for stranded animals: The Humane Society, among others, is organizing assistance.

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Old 09-06-2005, 07:14 PM   #98  
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Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. Thanks for the link Judy. We donate to the Humane Society and North Shore Animal League regularly.... I guess that's the best way to help now too. My heart goes out to the people who had to leave their animals behind. I saw several stories on the news today that left me so depressed and heartbroken for the people. That makes it hard not to hit the fridge. I admit I stress eat big time. I don't have to be hungry... if it's there and I'm stressed or down... I'll eat it. Seeing all the devastation from Katrina is so awful. We've donated but I wish there was something I could physically do to help. I've seen that kind of devastation first hand after Andrew here in 1992 .
Okay... didn't mean to be a downer to the thread. Right now I need to play on the computer and drink lots of water because I really have the munchies and want to EAT! I've been good today.... toast/juice for bkfst. Tuna sandwich and yogurt for lunch. Now I have to find something for dinner... when DH has his night class I never eat properly....
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Old 09-07-2005, 07:00 AM   #99  
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Leslie your dogs are so cute! Judy big congrats on that loss! How great is that? I can just figure your glowing right out of your skin! Keep it up!
I jumped back in as far as calories went yesterday. 1360 FOR the day! Thats not bad I said between 1300 and 1400. But one of my choices could of been better but only one screw up for the day. That was out on my stressful shopping trip. I didn't take the kids as planned as it was too crazy of a day. But finding cute things and in the size I needed and every family in the world was out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh stress! Anyways in the end cost didn't even fit into my thoughts it was size 6 in a girls outfit and one I knew she'd wear. So after I was finished and straving by then 6:30 I eat breakfast around 6:30 lunch at 11:45 oh yes I needed something. So somehow a snickers bar made it into my hands and it hit the spot. But I did add it in for the day! Today I will try to make some positive choices throughout my day. The scale day is coming up! Gotta get ready! Lets make it move everyone we can do it. Gotta fly to work need to pick up something healthy for my lunch on the way!
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Old 09-07-2005, 09:24 AM   #100  
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I took my 3FC advice and told my children how I felt about them. I told DS1 that I was resentful (and his father was too) and I thought that would make me feel better. Wow, mistake number one. I feel so much worse. DH says I just told him the truth but I don't like hurting my kids, especially DS1 who is mentally fragile. I doubt it will help any since he isn't here to help on the room and I hurt him. DS2 it seems to have waken up a little and he was more pleasant last night. He said he was going to do his chores - I guess he forgot. But he did do his FAFSA stuff so that he can go to school before basic training. It is what I wanted since floating around is making him so selfish. School will at least ground him some.

Thanks for being here everyone. I am really struggling right now and I don't know if it's because I'm off meds or just a lot of small stuff is hitting me and I'm not coping well. I'm not going back on meds so I guess I better start to cope better. Being here definitely is helping me think straighter.

Carol, I hate snicker bars and thought yours sounded good. I haven't had a good candy bar in a long time and I think you made the right choice in eating it. Supportive aren't I???? As long as you stayed in your calories, really who cares. It's not like you do it everyday and peanuts are nutritious. I too will make some positive choices today.

Disney, I too have a golden retriever. Her name is Goldilocks and she's an old girl - a little over 10 years old. She's a dumb dog but I respect her tremendously. To make a long story short, she's had a very tough life. I also have 2 huskies and they're my life, especially Blizzard, my Alaskan Husky. I was upset this morning after a nasty run in with the scale and a few kisses from her and I'm ready to start my day. I too think of all those abandoned animals and just want to cry. Some one would have to shoot me to leave any of my dogs. I'd easily die for them. If you find a good donation for animal care, please PM me and I will send my contribution there. Yesterday the boy scouts came to my house for a can drive for the survivors and I gave as much can food as I had. What I really wanted to do was give my dogs' canned food for the puppies. I love dogs!!!!

Juday, way to go on the exercise. Curves and a walk. You're doing great and you're helping me to stay motivated. After the run in with the scale, I didn't care if I ever exercised again. But reading your dedication is eradicating that errent thought.

Tired and Skinny, Ihope you're doing okay. Let us hear from you.

Again, thanks for being here. 3FC is helping me get my head together.
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Old 09-07-2005, 09:44 AM   #101  
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Disney, I just went to to donate to the Humane Society. The pictures on the page made me cry, still crying. Anyway, I thought I'd share the site with you.
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Old 09-07-2005, 05:36 PM   #102  
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Just a quick hello, I'm back at work and apparently they aren't paying me to hang out on 3FC I was off to a slow start, didn't get up and out in time for more than a 25-minute walk, so I will try to get at least that much in this evening. I'm "hungry" today while eating pretty much the same as I have for the last two days--but I'm back at my desk and feeling restless. And a little cold, it's always chilly in the office, which makes me want to eat! So I've been drinking more water and mint tea. I've managed to convince my tastebuds that mint tea means that we're done eating for a while, and believe it or not, it works! I also noticed that once I turn on the dishwasher at home, I'm not as likely to ramble around in the kitchen, looking for something to eat. Go figure!

Marie, I'm sorry things are so tough for you emotionally! I hope things settle down and you get your equilibrium back real soon.

Leslie--Good for you, fighting the munchies! Are you able to spread enough filling but healthy snacks throughout your day?

Go, Carol, go

Gotta run--judy
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Old 09-07-2005, 05:50 PM   #103  
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Judy, I had to laugh at your post. I'm getting paid to chat here this afternoon but I bet that they wouldn't like it. My office, too, is cold and I shiver year round. So today I said "screw it" and plugged in my heater. I felt better all morning. I dind't munch and was able to work so much more efficiently.

I feel better today. Sort of on the edge, but still hanging on to a good mood. I left work for 45 minutes and had my brows done. Owww!!! But they look so much better.

I think that I'm havnig a tough time right now is that school started (long time until summer and that's depressing), Hurricane Katrina worries (donated $$$ to the humane society and felt like I was doing good for puppy lovers), sluggish sons and the depression that I won't have an empty nest this fall like anticipated (DS2 not leaving till January and DS1 and GF moving in). I think it's everything at once that has me spinning. Realizing it's a combo of things has helped today. No one has been able to irritate me - I want to stay on the good side of the cliff.

Thanks for being here.
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Old 09-07-2005, 11:35 PM   #104  
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Hi everyone...
I think I better go to bed earlier.. the longer I am up the more I want to munch! Did well today. I am using apples and those 100 calorie packs of popcorn to snack thruout the day. I've also found 100 calorie pack Oreo crisps and they are fabulous!!!
Woody and Tink are my life too.... I would never leave my dogs behind, I'd rather die with them than leave them. They are our "kids" now that DS and DD have left the nest. We had an old man Golden "Rex" who we lost at the beginning of May.. and we lost Tink & Woody's mama "Jessie" last December. She was only 4 and it was very difficult for us. She had a rare form of cancer in her snout... and after 8 weeks and $$$$$ of radiation treatments and surgeries... it still came back with a vengance. At least she lives on in her babies and they are so special to us. Okay.. sorry, didn't mean to ramble on.
We donate regularly to the Humane Society, and also to a place called North Shore Animal League. They have a rescue team in the hurricane area and are doing a great job of rescueing many animals a day. I wish I could be there with them. The more I watch the coverage the more I cry about the dogs I see alone and scared.
Tomorrow I am going to try and walk 2 miles! Believe it or not last January I did the Disney Half Marathon and in January 2004 did the WHOLE marathon! I am determined to get back into shape so I can do it again!
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Old 09-08-2005, 06:08 AM   #105  
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Hi all, so many great ideas! Judy, I'm like you - signals can make a big difference such as brushing my teeth after dinner to signal eating is over for the day. Leslie, going to bed early helps me too as I seem to eat when I'm tired. Marie, you have a lot of change happening at your home. That's probably why you're feeling the stress. I'm glad that you can count on everyone here to work it out.

Life has gotten very very busy now that I'm back to work full time and my dh is back to work too. I'm trying hard to work toward balance. One good thing I'm doing is not getting overinvolved in things at work that are not related to my classroom teaching. That saves energy and stress. I'm also back to having my salad at lunch everyday - the lunchroom people prepare it and it takes a long time to eat and is satisfying. I'm eating dinner earlier which helps with the after school munching - I have dinner insteady. I've been going to bed early. So the eating is better. I'd really like to get back down to 170 soon so my clothes fit better. Thanks for all your support.

sw 210 (8/04)
cw 180
gw 150
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