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Old 12-22-2005, 12:00 AM   #511  
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Hello Ladies,

Nita - I didn't realize you were still having problems with the vertigo. I glad the medicine is helping. I agree with taking it easy this week. Gosh you have lots of parties to go to. At my work we had a luncheon and that's been about it for me with holiday parties. Have fun at your bowling tournament.

As for me. Taking thursday and friday off. Getting last minute things done. Hopefully tomorrow do all my running around and friday focus on house. I'm hopeing to have everything done by friday night, so saturday I can relax and enjoy the celebration.

Hope everyone is having a good evening! Gosh just realized the time. I'm sure most are in bed sleeping. Sweet dreams..
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Old 12-22-2005, 04:43 PM   #512  
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Morning all,

It's been a hectic week so I haven't posted regularly. I guess everyone is feeling the same way - I'm so over the 'festive season' and the heat and the crowds. I'm now waiting for next week when I can get some good food back in the house and start eating properly again. Our weather is predicted to be hot and sunny for Christmas Day 37C (104F) and 36C and storming for Boxing Day. What fun. I should check out Adelaides weather since that is where I will be for the next few days. It can get stinking hot down there too.

Cat - Hope the Church plan works for you. I guess all plans work so long as we work at them, but this will give you physical support as well. That can make all the difference sometimes.
I hope the professor is doing okay and on the mend. So easy to happen, so hard to mend.

1day - I'll get you my address shortly, through PM since I don't have your email addy. You used to be able to get them off the site, but I can't find them now. I too haven't got many of my cards out this year. I did manage the letter and the e-mail card to most folk overseas, but those who don't have an e-mail address didn't get one. I think I will be spending much time on the phone over the next week or so.

Hal - Sorry your card is on the waiting list as well. I just ran out of puff this week. Too many things on, too many things to finish at work etc. On the subject of Nicole and Keith - well I'll believe the baby when I see the proof. I can't believe she would go for the wild child. She will have fallen off the Grace Kelly pedestal now for sure. We haven't had mention of either of them for ages and usually the 'Australian Stars' have all their doings mentioned ad infinitum regardless of whether it is the truth or not.

Mooz - how's things going. Guess DH is getting ready to put the wine in the 'cooler' outside the front door soon? Best wishes to the family and Mum!

Nita - the bowling tournament on Christmas Day sounds like fun for you. I think it is a great idea. Good luck with all those dinners and lunches. Maybe one day soon you will be with your own family for Christmas. I sure hope the sister is now okay.

So I probably won't get near a computer for a couple of days from tomorrow (Saturday) so I'll take this opportunity to wish you all the best for a grand and happy Christmas, be it with loved ones, on the bowling alley, in the snow or cruisin' along. I hope that you all have a wonderful, wonderful day.
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Old 12-22-2005, 11:37 PM   #513  
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Just a quick hello.

I'm off today and tomororw trying to get things ready. This morning received a phone call from a good friend, her mother passed away yesterday. She had been ill for the last year and in alot of pain. Changed some plans but was able to drop by this morning and then again this evening. Tomorrow just focusing on the house.

Shad - Wow it's hot where you are? We are actually experiencing some very warm weather too. It's suppose to get in the high 60's this weekend. I too need to start eating properly. I'm sending all my leftovers with my parents or whoever will take them.

talk to you all tomorrow.
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Old 12-23-2005, 07:36 PM   #514  
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Just bringing us to the top!

Cleaned house and got out all the dishes and plates I'll be using tomorow night. I' think i'm set. Now I wish I had scheduled a massage for tomorrow, sure could use one.

Wishing everyone a safe and Merry Christmas!
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Old 12-23-2005, 11:24 PM   #515  
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Wishing you all the best for Christmas!
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Old 12-24-2005, 12:35 AM   #516  
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Default RE: Merry Christmas...!!!

Happiest of Christmas Eves to each and every one of you!

This would be post number two for me today. I spent just over an hour writing a long post to each of you, and then I simply closed it without posting it? Sometimes I scare myself. So with that said, wish me luck as I attempt to do this once again..!! My tree is up! I still have to plug the top into the middle into the base and then into the wall. It is rather dark in the corner where it sits, so in the morning I'll do that and decorate it while Rocky is being groomed in the morning. He's a bit timid about the tree for now, and that works for me! It is really too big. I had NO idea. I think it must be close to 4 foot wide at the base. I hope it is as pretty as I think it is going to be!

Today was my second day off, and I honestly did not do half of the things on my list. Tomorrow will be busy, busy, busy early. Our weather has warmed nicely and it is not bitter cold as it has been.

Nita: Bowling on Christmas sounds like fun. I like it that you are going to get out and do something. If we have events like that here I am now aware of them. I hope you are feeling better with the vertigo. My Grandmother use to suffer with it also. She was diagnosed with Meners Snydrome. I remember staying with her during my semester breaks in college and she would be so ill she would be in bed the entire time I would be there. Her doctor actually came to her home to give her dranamine shots - I believe. Anyway I saw how sick she was, and hope you are not experiencing that. I LOVE your holiday card, you are so creative. Thank you.

OneDay: I had the last two days off and I wish I could say I just had to get the dishes out! Really, I'm in pretty good shape. You are right a massage would be a really nice touch just before we all kick back to relax for a few. Even a pedicure and manicure, hum...! Rocky has a new penguin Santa toy for Christmas morning. A friend gave him some doggie chocolate chip cookies I'm holding for the holiday also. May you and Blackie enjoy the day! Sounds like you will be cooking also - good luck!

CatLover: Hip replacement surgery is a pretty long recovery. My Grandmother had that also. Your friend will need the best of the best to regain his old lifestyle. Anyway... I hope your holdiay is the best also.

Shad: It is hard to imagine the temps you have during Christmas holiday. Now I know where the tropical Santas come from. I've noticed quite a few of them lately. So, what kind of 'bad food' have you been enjoying. Mooz use to tell us about chocolate bisuits she would have. Dont' worry about the card, no big deal at all. I like to write and send them. On Keith and Nichole, evidently they are hanging here in the states in Nashville. His parents are here, and hers were also, I'm not sure if they are all still here - but reports are they are all spending the holiday together. Stay tuned! LOL...

Mooz:: What can I say. Have a wonderful holiday my friend. It is always great to hear from you. I know you are busy with your family during this special time of year.

Todays news reports of potential dates of troop withdrawls from Iraq certainly are encouraging. Hopefully holiday wishes of Peace, Love and Hope can be long term wishes that come true for all.

Now to withdrawl some of this body weight, in a most serious fashion - with the same peaceful plan, love of self and hope for the best. Oh how I hope and pray.

All the best girls!
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Old 12-25-2005, 09:39 AM   #517  
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Old 12-26-2005, 04:51 AM   #518  
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On Boxing Day here's a special gift ..................

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Old 12-26-2005, 05:45 PM   #519  
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So did we all have a nice time? And did we all behave? And did we all shed a few tears because it's all over for another 364 days?

I had a nice time in Adelaide. Met so many people it took some time to sort out the various relationships. I sat with Tullah - DS1's g/f Mum and she was talking to everyone - Greek to the SIL's mother, Italian to the woman across the table and English to me. All in the same breath. Every one else talked at once as well, I guess it saved time. The tables groaned with every type of delicacy imaginable. Steak, sausage, chicken kebabs, greek salad, pork, prawns, pasta salad, coleslaw (all with cream based sauces and heavy on the garlic). The prawns had a side dressing of cream, garlic, tomato, brandy. Then there was Almond Torte, Pavlova, Baklava, fruit, cheese, biscuits and of course the drink. Anything from soda to scotch with Retsina, brandy, wine etc in between. And that was just dinner! Supper was yet to follow.
At given times, some one would come out and say have you finished with that cheese platter? and take it away and come out with another, and another. Different cheeses - how can I tempt the palate??? The fruit platter got replenished and we were urged to eat the pav and torte because there is more in the fridge! I think we need a smilie of a stuffed Shad about here. Very nice, very hospitable.
It was a joy to see the DS1 and see where and how he lives. Actually I am not quite sure that this is my kid? He is so neat and tidy! He really does look after his things. Doesn't have a huge amount of stuff, but it is all good stuff - as I would have expected from him.
I got to meet his new ladyfriend and the 20 or so of her immediate family. Let's see there was Tullah the mother, 3 sisters of the G/F, three husbands, at least 2 kids each, one of the husbands Mother and Father, and the sister of the husband, plus her DH. It took a while to work out which sister was attached to which husband and I never worked out the relationship of most of the kids. I'm sure there was more than 6 - or maybe it just seemed that way. That was through dinner and the evening. Others came and went and sometimes I couldn't even tell the difference. The DS1 is happily accepted there and they think he is a wonderful 'boy'. I did like the girlfriend. She is a very bubbly and extroverted lady but has her head screwed on fairly sensibly. He could do a lot worse.

Yesterday early, I went for a run around the neighbourhood. It was pleasant and not too hot. I'd worked up a good sweat when I got back. Later, I took the G/F, Mother and DS1 out to lunch and then we wandered around the city of Adelaide and the botancial gardens until it was time for the plane.

So here I am back in my quiet little space. Well it would be quiet if the cat ever shut up. There are times I swear!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, that's more or less the Christmas tale done for this year. Way past time that I should be dressed and doing something.

As big Arnie said - I'll be back.
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Old 12-26-2005, 10:10 PM   #520  
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Hope everyone had a pleasant Christmas. Mooz--love the card.

We had a quiet but pleasant Christmas. Kids got me Reading Lolita in Teheran, which I had meant to read for several years. Not far with it yet, but my it is amazing!!

Had gotten so far behind with my exercise with the cold and busyness. I think I need to accept I won't get my full half hour walking when it's bitter cold. Hurts the old arthur, and I am afraid of falling. So I need to look from some supplements to do inside--vigorous yoga, pilates or something.

Today I did get more than 1/2 hour brisk walk, and a good yoga practice. Yeah!

You'd think we'd be just swamped at work with people asking about the drug benefit. Of course, I suppose people may have thought we were closed. Others I think just hope if they close their eyes it will go away.

Love to all--
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Old 12-26-2005, 10:32 PM   #521  
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Default RE: Ahh, the holidays!

Good evening everyone!

It was nice here for the holiday. No snow, but rain and warmer temps in the lower 40s and upper 30s. I got out today to shop for wrapping paper, ribbons and cards at a discount. I snagged an ornament for my nephew with the Grinch, and Grinch stuffed animal, and some wrapping paper. No cards. Oh well. I'm trying (TRYING) to talk myself into going to a WW meeting tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon. I have to do something. I am not into any type of surgery for weight loss, and know I am the only one that can shake this up. I have two New Years parties I've been invited to, and to be honest don't think I'll attend either. In the old days... LOL

CatLover: Guess what? When I read your post I thought, hey... that is the book I am suppose to be reading for my book club this month. I pulled out my list, and sure enough. We meet on January 24th to discuss it. Reading Lolitta in Tehran by Azar Nafisi. I may venture into town for a bookstore to pick up sooner - or I use amazon . com for lots of ordering books. I received your card on Wednesday, and it is very pretty. I just love cards. Thanks!

Shad: Thanks for the food report. It is always interesting to hear how different foods are used for the celebrations we share. I bought a honey baked ham for Christmas, and just say YUM. I can only eat it in small amounts as I have to watch sodium. You do well, working in a run with all of the food. I really enjoy reading your posts - all of them here are helpful.

Well girls I'm going to call it a night for now. I hope this finds everyone doing well.
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Old 12-27-2005, 12:36 AM   #522  
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Hello Ladies,

Just a quick post. Just got in from my sister's went over for dinner. Christmas Eve celebration was great. There was plenty of food and lots of family. I was so prepared for saturday evening I was able to go to one of the early Christmas Eve services. Sunday spent the day resting. This morning I was up early to catch some the sales. Really didn't need anything but took my mom to get a few things.

Will post more tomorrow, going to call it a night tonight.
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Old 12-28-2005, 07:35 PM   #523  
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Default RE: Just say ahhhhhh....!

Happy Hump Day!

I hope this finds everyone enjoying short work weeks. I'm going in tomorrow to finish grading final exams and post semester grades, but that is it. It will take a full day to complete the task. I have two classes that are new next semester I will have to prepare for also, but that will wait until Friday. I've enjoyed staying up late, and sleeping in - if you call 7A sleeping in! Guess what, I've been exercising. My Christmas gift to me, I feel better. I read the thread on the front page of the 3FatChicks page about Sandi and her weight loss saga. It is really good for anyone else that may be interested in reading it. This website really is awesome.

Well girls, I hope each of you are enjoying the last few days of 2005. I'm not one for resolutions. How about you guys?

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Old 12-29-2005, 04:24 AM   #524  
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Not much for resolutions myself Hal. I tend to try to challenge myself frequently during the year and not waiting around for a special day. Just now it is a challenge to get through the day - we're still sitting on 102F and it is 7.15pm!!! I try to only use the aircon during the nighttime as I am in and out during the day. I don't like the feeling of going out and getting hot and coming in and getting cold. So once I have finished out there for the day the aircon goes on and stays on overnight.

There must have been a mail plane in over the weekend as I got cards from Nita and Hal today, along with a few others from the States. They seem to come in bursts. Thanks for the lovely wishes and the photo.

If I have been a positive influence on anyone, then I am pleased. That's what we are here for and the more support, the better the achievements I say.

Time to get out there and do the dishes and clean the kitchen. Tomorrow I start looking at the renovations again. Too much time has been spent dwelling on the DB2's problems and getting stressed about the amount of money he doesn't have. See you all tomorrow.
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Old 12-29-2005, 08:55 PM   #525  
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An old friend died Christmas Even morning--heard about it that night. So went to the funeral today. He was 57. A long tough fight with cancer, and a release--still, it's very sad.

Interesting-looking article on intentions/vs resolutions in Yoga Journal. Should read it before end of year I suppose--will share if it looks good.

Best to all . . .
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