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Old 05-02-2005, 03:37 PM   #46  
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Hello everyone Thought I would drop in and see what was going on.

I stepped on the scale this morning and found that I had lost 3.5lbs! WooHoo! s:

Needless to say I am happy

Now to find something to eat
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Old 05-02-2005, 03:50 PM   #47  
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I haven't really selected a 'diet' per se, but just modifying what I am eating. Mostly switching back to skim milk (which I used to drink), eating whole grain breakfast, like toast or oatmail and some fruit (which I have been skipping for eons), low-sugar or sugar-free items (like sugar-free candy drops with a glass of water when I think I'm 'starving', and trying to choose non-deep fried items. Small baby step changes. Like, the long lost art of water drinking!! I've started to exercise. I carpool to work in the morning, but then I walk home in the afternoons, It is almost an exact mile walk, which at first was overwhelming, because it does not seem that far in the car...but I keep a steady pace and do the best I can.
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Old 05-02-2005, 04:14 PM   #48  
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kclay - GONGRATS!!! on 3.5 lbs . You go girl . I'm so happy for you.

looking2lose - Welcome. You crack me up . I am also trying to eat healthy and drink lots and lots of water.
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Old 05-02-2005, 04:25 PM   #49  
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Originally Posted by kclay61
I stepped on the scale this morning and found that I had lost 3.5lbs! WooHoo!
WAY TO GO!!!!...

looking2loose: even baby steps can get you around the world.. keep up the good work..
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Old 05-02-2005, 04:42 PM   #50  
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Gday my fellow PICers !! This group is growing.. that is awesome !

I have the week off work and school (i work full time and go to school at night), so working on relaxing and taking some time for myself. I am also going to spend the week exploring WW online and getting ready to change my lifestyle. I know it will take alot so getting myself fully prepared and then jumping in with both feet on Sunday.

ASHAVISON ~ i was attending WW meetings before, but got so busy and so off track that I stopped going. I am glad that there are others here following WW as we can keep each other on track.

MINNIE ~ Welcome ! You have found a great group of people and we are all here to share and support one another.

DEEROD ~ great plan with the spa... you will love it ! I am treating myself to the spa on Friday (massage, facial and pedicure)... You will be treated like a queen and will love every minute of it What a great goal to work towards.

JENNIE ~ congratulations on your loss, sounds like you have had a hectic few days. I don't know how you moms can keep it together.. all the respect to you

LOOKING2LOSE ~ Welcome to the group... sounds like you will keep on laughing Great medicine for us all !!

KCLAY ~ yahoo, you big loser (and i mean that in the best possible way) !!! We are all doing the happy dance for you. Keep up the good work !

Well ladies I am off to enjoy a nice warm cup of coffee The weather here has been dark and dreary all day so will curl up on the couch with the puppy and see what's on TV.

Take care and TTYS
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Old 05-02-2005, 07:25 PM   #51  
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Thanks everyone - I feel so proud of myself - I'm really sticking to my guns this time around - I guess the Dr. really put the scare into me
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Old 05-02-2005, 07:57 PM   #52  
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Hi everyone. I have also been looking for a place to call home and this looks like it may be it. I don't have one of those cute weight loss meters at the bottom of my post but I need to lose about about 80 lbs. Here's my intro:

name: Mary
location: PA
gender: female
marital status: single
age: 39-really!
highest weight: 265
current weight: 235
goal weight: 150
kids: 0
pets: 2 dogs, Kobe and Buddy
diet: low carb- closest to Atkins although I didn't start out this way. I am having a hard time losing weight on this diet although I am having an easy time sticking to it. I have tried numerous other diets in the past and did weight watchers for a long time and was very successful (I lost 50 lbs) only to gain 30 of it back.
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Old 05-02-2005, 08:51 PM   #53  
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well ladies I made it through my first week. Stuck to healthy eating and worked out everyday but Sat. I was so tempted to weigh myself tonight at curves but I am so scared to be disappointed . If I wait until my first weigh and measure I won't know what's going on until the 20th . Oh well I will try to be good .

Petra - welcome

kclay - you are getting really close to having that grandbaby (well not you technically). You must be so excited .

Last edited by momX3; 05-02-2005 at 08:55 PM.
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Old 05-02-2005, 09:39 PM   #54  
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I just wish my g'baby would want to be here - he is hanging on for dear life - and he's making his mommy very miserable.
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Old 05-02-2005, 11:05 PM   #55  
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Hi and welcome.. make yourself at home..

Originally Posted by petra65
I don't have one of those cute weight loss meters at the bottom of my post but I need to lose about about 80 lbs.
if you want one, you can just click on the quick links tab in the purple lines towards the top.. then click on edit signature and it will tell you how to do it step by step..

Originally Posted by petra65
diet: low carb- closest to Atkins although I didn't start out this way. I am having a hard time losing weight on this diet although I am having an easy time sticking to it.
I did really good on atkins the first time I tried it 60lbs lost.. but I'm not a big meat eater, and I love startches and fruits and vegetables.. I've never been able to get back on that wagon.. little things on that diet can stall your weight loss.. I wish you the best on your goal..

everyone on this thread are wonderful people.. feel free to vent and share anything you want..
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Old 05-03-2005, 09:09 AM   #56  
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Today is the day. I am actually going to start journaling what I put in my mouth today. Physically writing it down so I actually have to look at it. Instead of binging on it and spending the day in denial that it occurred. Filled up my 1st jug of water for the week, and am ready to roll.

Have a wonderful day everyone!!

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Old 05-03-2005, 09:52 AM   #57  
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I also keep a journal.. Its a little but fat notebook that I carry with me everywhere I go and right beside it I have the calorie kings calorie, fat, and carb counter.. I will not eat anything unless I know the nutritional content of it. It helps me to stay on track..
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Old 05-03-2005, 11:35 AM   #58  
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Good Morning PICs !!

Not sure why I am up so early on my holidays, although I find sleeping in near impossible. Oh well, I will have to have an afternoon nap

I am pretty happy this morning. I wrote 2 final exams a week and a half ago and my marks were finally posted this morning... and I passed both classes.. phew. I am on a pretty tight school timeline, so failing was not an option. So another week off and then back to the books.

PETRA ~ Welcome Aboard. You have found a great bunch of ladies to chat with and share good and bad times.

MOMX3 ~ congrats on making it through your first week. Keep up the good work and it will pay off on the scale.

LOOKING2LOSE ~ journaling is a very powerful tool, as long as you write everything down... if you bite it write it. I find that when I start to get off track it is usually because I am not being honest with myself. Even if you gain, at least if you have your journal you will be able to look back and figure out where you went wrong. Good Luck.. you can do this !

DEEROD ~ how's it going girl ? You have such a great attitude and are very motivating... keep with it !

Well, I will check in later. Have a great day and keep on keeping on !!
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Old 05-03-2005, 12:37 PM   #59  
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Hello everyone.. how are you all doing today??

clipclop.. congrats on your exams... I am so proud of you and thanks for all the kind words.. I try to be motivational because I know how hard it is to lose weight when nobody believes in you.. and I believe in ALL of you...

I hope everyones day or night is going well and I cant wait to hear from all of you...
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Old 05-03-2005, 01:33 PM   #60  
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Hi Ladies,
How are you all doing? Last night I was so hungry and for dinner we had meatloaf, with mac and cheese, and a spinach salad. I didn't each a whole lot of it but I got so crazy full feeling. I havn't had anything quite so heavy in a while so even with the smaller portion, it was to much. Crazy to think how fast your stomach can shrink or what ever.....

anyway, I got up earlly and went to the gym before work. I ussually have a hard time getting my son to school early and getting to the gym but I always want to. It was a good work out, I did 55 min on the treadmill, about 3.75 miles. I'll do pillates tonight at home to. I love pillates, it makes my big fat legs look longer and leaner.

I'm still journaling strong. I think its a really good thing to do its just one of the hardest things to get started.

Hope everyone has a great day and keep up the good work.
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