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Old 05-08-2005, 10:59 PM   #151  
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kclay -It sounds like you are feeling better. Good choice on the veggie plate . Good luck on the weigh in tomorrow .

Petra - Glad you stayed on track with the eating and got some exercise in. I know it can be hard to do when you have company .

Dee - I did not exercise at all this weekend so I'm right there with you

I will be back on tomorrow as well.

Goodnight my friends.
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Old 05-09-2005, 11:57 AM   #152  
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Good day all, I'm not sure where everyone went. I was out of town this weekend with partners parents, and then to my parents...but I wanted to get in and say HELLO to everybody before I have to get back to work, as I had not checked in all weekend.

Stay strong my friends. TTYS.

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Old 05-09-2005, 03:03 PM   #153  
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I stayed the same this week, which is alright, atleast it wasn't a gain -

My son's gf is going to the hospital tonight - so, hopefully, he will be born soon
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Old 05-09-2005, 04:01 PM   #154  
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kclay - I'd say with all the stress your under right now no gain is excellent.

I really hope to here the baby is here by tomorrow.
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Old 05-09-2005, 06:18 PM   #155  
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Have a good night everyone..Hopefullly will here from some of you tomorrow!!
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Old 05-09-2005, 07:19 PM   #156  
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O.K. ladies I'm back on the exercise train. I went to curves . I also went to lunch with a friend I had chicken and rice . I'm not sure how bad that is. It was vietnamese (we need spell check on here ). Anyways it's a place called Bobo's. Deerod maybe you can tell me how bad I was.
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Old 05-09-2005, 08:04 PM   #157  
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Wow, not much posting today. Looking2lose: I love your avatar! You crack me up! I had a long day at work today. We must be getting close to a full moon or something. My friend who was here over the weekend has a binge eating problem and he basically cleaned out my refrigerator so this morning I was really mad because he ate what I was planning to take for lunch. I had to quick whip up some tuna salad. Glad to have my space to myself and my doggies again. Hope everyone is doing well today.
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Old 05-09-2005, 09:45 PM   #158  
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GDay Ladies ! Just home from work and enjoying a nice cup of coffee, so thought that I would check in with my partners.

So today was day 1 of following WW and it went tremendously if I do say so myself !! I avoided the licorice and cookies at work... even to the point where I put the cookies back in the box cause they were annoying me !!

I also walked to and from work, 45 minutes each way... and somehow I managed to hurt a muscle in my butt Hopefully it will be feeling better by wednesday (tuesday/thursday I have school so take the car to work).

DEEROD ~ glad that you enjoyed your buffet, although from the sounds of it others enjoyed it more.. good for you for having what you wanted and stopping at that !

KCLAY ~ good job on holding steady on the scale. You have had a rough few days, great job staying focused.

LOOKING2LOSE ~ love your new avatar.. GROVER !!! Hope all is going well and you are drowning in all that H2O you have been drinking.

MOMX3 ~ good job at getting back to curves today.. you are back in the swing of things !!

PETRA ~ Don't you hate that... go to the fridge for your lunch.. and POOF it is gone. Congrats on making a good alternative choice !!!

Well I am off to help hubby with dinner.. okay not really he does all the cooking.. LUCKY ME !!!.. but I am sure he could use some company.

Take care all and TTYS !

Last edited by Louie; 05-09-2005 at 10:23 PM.
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Old 05-09-2005, 10:37 PM   #159  
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Default A New Me

I think I tried to post here earlier today but it didn't work So here it is again!

Name: Lisa_WY
Age: 37
Location: Wyoming
Hubby: Yes for 7 years
Kid: 1, 5 y.o. daughter, Mallissa
Weight now: 258
Goal weight 150
Plan: earlier today I was debating rather or not to do this on my own. I KNOW how to eat better but my body craves all those things bad for you. Hubby is no help. I love him dearly BUT he is bad for my weight. LOL He doesn't care that I am fat...well..because he is too. I haVe decided tonight that I am going to go back to Weight Watchers.

I am proud that I actually ate breakfast. Not my choice in ceral but I did eat Fruit Loops with Mallissa. (I have bought some raisin bran since)

I had a sandwich on wheat with 2 pieces of thin sliced ham with mustard not mayo, a banna and instead of chips some low fat cheeze its.

Snack: 1/2 peanut butter and jelly sandwich

For dinner we had bobs on the grill. I ate mostly veggies and a few pieces of meat.

I drank all my water today!!!!!!

After dinner, I did go for a 30 minute walk up the big hill!! Mallissa rode her bike next to me. Actually I had to push her up the hill. LOL

The only thing bad today was I had a small piece of carrot cake left over from yesterday's Mother's Day celebration. That is ok..

For Day 1..I feel I did good.
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Old 05-10-2005, 08:32 AM   #160  
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Good Morning Everyone~I hope today brings sunshines of hope and hugs of happiness your way from me to you. Today is a new day. I lost 3 pounds last week thanks to all the support I have found here with my new friends and I wanted to shout out a huge THANK YOU to every single gal in the place for their support, their feedback, new ideas, and rootin for me every day. Whoo-Hoo, I weight an even number. That rocks. I figured I would change my goals a little...First 10%, and then where we go from there.

TTYS everyone. Take Care of yous. Hugs, Hugs, and more Hugs.
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Old 05-10-2005, 09:56 AM   #161  
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Hi ladies,
Ok, well I gave in to the emotional/stress eating monster yesterday. Things have been really awful at work lately. There has been a lot of back stabbing and gossiping. I am a very emotional person and I always say how I feel to the person first. Last week it went to far and I couldn't take it so I told my co-worker how I felt and how her gossiping was hurting me (the person she was gossiping to was actually trying to get me fired in defense of her ) and her only explanation for it all was that she felt I didn't like her. come on, that doesn't give you a reason to bad mouth a person. so she felt uncomfortable talking to me directly, so we had to have a mediation. It actually went well. We have been working for 2 years together and she has never said anyting to my face but a lot behind my back. so it was good to actually hear her say things. But it made for a very draining day. So I went home and all that was at home was left overs from mothers day so I had a spinach and whole wheat pasta salad meal, not that bad but not a balanced meal by any means, then I broke into the left over cake, ahhh too much cake. I eventually had to just pitch the rest in the trash because I couldn't stop. I still journaled it all and wrote down the points and I was over my daily points but not my flex points.

Today is a new day, I finished my looming work that has been bogging me down for weeks last night(I make clothes) and shiped them out this morning. I also got up and did pilates, I was going to do a cardio tape but I just wasn't awake enough for that. Today I am going to be totaly on points with my food and make sure I have a good balanced meal.

Looking2Lose- 3 pounds!!! that is great.

Lisa - Welcome

ClipClop - keep up with the WW, that is what I am doing and it really helps me out. I tried to do it on my own but I just couldn't. I think I need the structure.

Petra- I definatley agree, something is up, if its not the moon, its something else. it seems like everyone around me, is a little off....

Momx3- good job going to curves, I love the feeling of excersising, it keeps everthing in perspective for me. I eat veitmanise food a lot and I the chicken and things I get are always grilled so I figure they can't be to many more points than just plain chicken, they just have those good seasonings on them. I screw my self up at the restraun though, getting the spring rolls (the not fried ones) which arn't bad by them selves, all fresh veggies, but I love the sauce and i'm sure it has a lot of sugar in it.

kclay - I hope that baby comes soon. I was a week past my due date and it was miserable. but my midwife told me to drink castor oil and with in 2 hours, I was in labor and it only lasted about 3 hours. things we kind of messy and gross afterward but, if its not coming, that is always an option.

Deerod - hows it goiong have you recovered from the buffett? I would have totally pigged out, it sounds like you did good.

Hi to anyone I missed, and I hope everyone has a good day.

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Old 05-10-2005, 11:48 AM   #162  
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I just thought of a new motivational tool for myself. It is quite funny actually. Considering that putting on a pair of pantyhose for work in the morning is turning into a 30-minute workout in itself (if not creating a new demented type of yoga), and if I wear knee-highs under a skirt, my pudgy knees pop over the tops of the hose and then my legs look like gigantic shitaki mushrooms...Hence, I would like to put on pantyhose in less then a minute without breaking a sweat, and look like I am wrestling with 2 conjoined eels!! Have a little chuckle all. Take care. ~Hugs~
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Old 05-10-2005, 11:56 AM   #163  
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Hello everyone!! I am doing great!! I have lost another 3lbs so far 24 lbs since March!! I am no longer in the 300's!!! Woohoo!! Hope everyone is doing great!!
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Old 05-10-2005, 01:59 PM   #164  
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hi everyone.. I'm sooo sorry I didnt check in yesterday, but I was swamped at work, and as soon as I got home my hubby was soo anxious to go get his generic bow flex out of lay away from walmart and since we were there I decided to get a tv for our room (since I took the one from there and put it in an empty spare room to play my excersize tapes on) and we needed a lawn mower.. we ran out of time so we ate at jack in the box, I got 2 chicken fajita pitas which only have 10 grams of fat each and an orange juice.. my totals for yesterday were

kclay61: good job about maintaining.. remember.. "it's better to stay the same than to gain".. I hope that baby comes soon.. I'm anxious to hear all about him..

momX3: good job going to curves.. you're choice of food sounds yummy.. the only things I found in my book were under Vietnamese
cari (curry) chicken w steamed rice 1 cup = 29 g fat / 650 calories hope that helps..

petra65: I use to have a friend that would always eat all the food in my fridge.. oh wait.. that was me..

ClipClop: awesome job on WW.. and Im so proud of you for resisting those things..

Lisa_WY: Welcome to PIC.. and it sounds to me like you did a wonderful job on your first day back..

looking2lose- YAY!!, great job on loosing those 3 pounds.. (Dun du da).. You are the PIC diva of the day..!!

jennie934: Im sorry to hear things are going crazy at work.. just remember that we are all here for you..

~~Sunshine~~: WOW!!.. that is great news.. (dun du da) Looks like we have 2 Divas for the day.. keep up the good work

sorry to run so quickly, but Im of to lunch.. I'll check back with you all tonight

have a great day.. and keep up the great work..
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Old 05-10-2005, 04:25 PM   #165  
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Hey everyone
Just checking in! Congrats to all of you who have lost weight!! I cheated this weekend with a couple of cookies but that's it I worked out for 30 min yesterday and am hoping to do it again today I have to say I feel good so far, I cut out some of the fat and calories and I don't eat after 7pm. I'll find out on Thursday if I've lost any weight and depending on that I will modify what I'm doing if nessesary.

good luck to all!!!

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