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Old 05-01-2005, 02:56 PM   #31  
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Good Afternoon everyone - I am being SO lazy today - I didn't get out of bed until 1:30, but, then again, I didn't go to bed until 4:30 - I might have to get DH later on today, but that's not a for sure - he might just drive the company truck home - I need to get some groceries, but can't until DH gets home, so....................

Congrats to all the "loosers" in the group. I weigh in tomorrow *gulp* I think I did well tho, so I'm keeping that in mind.

Today is my fruit and veggie day, but I have no fruit, yet, so veggies are first on the menu. Hmmmm, green beans, I think that is all I have - dang I need some groceries.

Have a great Sunday
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Old 05-01-2005, 03:06 PM   #32  
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Hey all you PIC Queens -

How you all doing

Alright so yesterday I was feeling guilty because I did'nt exercise (I had planned on taking Sunday's off but now I feel better 'cause I got on the treadmill

Ashavision - Welcome to our group

Workit - Don't let the little people stop you from reaching your goal. You can do it

I hope everyone is having a GREAT day!!!
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Old 05-01-2005, 06:36 PM   #33  
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Well I did it.. I just joined WW online. I was waffling abit because of the price.. but I wouldn't think twice about spending $20.00 to go out for dinner, so why shouldn't I be willing to pay that to get healthy !!!

MOMX3 ~ good for you for getting on the treadmill. The weather is so nice here that I should be out enjoying it.. but am having a rather peaceful day on the couch

KCLAY - good luck on your weigh-in tomorrow ((((skinny vibes))))

ALCHINA - glad you had a good time at the shower.. you were probably the belle of the ball !! and BTW I love your avatar.. made me giggle the first time I saw it

WORKIT ~ great job at sticking to your program, and your budget. Sounds like you have a busy week ahead of you and we are always here to listen.

Well, I better skedaddle.. take care my PICs and TTYS
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Old 05-01-2005, 11:04 PM   #34  
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Way to go clipClop!
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Old 05-01-2005, 11:09 PM   #35  
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Way to go clipClop! We do not have WW meetings where I live and I am counting points so I have been looking at doing it online aswell.
I'll check in with you to see how it is!
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Old 05-02-2005, 12:03 AM   #36  
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name: Minnie
location: Midwest
age: 35
sex: female
marital status: Married
highest weight: 320
current weight (last weigh in): 250
goal weight: 140
current clothing size: 22
goal clothing size: 8
kids: Three DD 10 DD#2 6 DS 5 never have kids that close, it is insane
pets: 1 little rat dog, 1 psycho hunting puppy and whatever fish manage to live under my benevelont neglect
diet (currently on or planning to start): Plain old calorie counting keeping fat low

I think I've found my home here, I've been reading all your posts and keep thinking, OMG I am JUST like these girls. Please! I need the support.
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Old 05-02-2005, 12:34 AM   #37  
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howdy my "PIC" princesses... today has been going good.. I had my scheduled cheat day yesterday, and I'm back on track today.. I actually stayed under 20 grams of fat, and under 1300 calories.. which is way too low.. but I find it funny that I managed to get those totals without trying so hard and we went out to KFC for dinner.. my legs are soooo sore, I guess from the days of walking and excercise.. and I only had like 3 hours of sleep last night because we had company... but I still managed to work out and go walking.. and you know what? Richard Simmons kicked my a$$..... I *assumed* that these tapes would be easy but good for you.. uh.. no.. he is a dancing queen/dancing fool.. and I sweated my butt off.. my legs and thighs are soooo sore.. but I still managed to go for a walk... ladies.. I swear I am going to do it this time.. thank you for being here for me... and I hope you all have a wonderful day because you are all wonderful people..

ps.. Welcome to all you newbies.. cant wait to hear more about you.. & feel free to vent anytime.. some of us might not know what to say, but we can all listen and take to heart..

Last edited by deerod; 05-02-2005 at 12:37 AM.
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Old 05-02-2005, 01:13 AM   #38  
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[he is a dancing queen/dancing fool]

ROFLMAO!!!!! You are hilarious! I snorted tea on the monitor
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Old 05-02-2005, 09:48 AM   #39  
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Hi folks,
Well, I had my WI, down .8. I'll take it, at least it not a gain. plus it was TOM. This week will be a good one.
I had quite a hectic weekend, Friday started off bad, after work, my son was to have a base ball practice and he threw a fit so we didn't go. It was all because he didn't like how his baseball pants fit. I had left a lot of stuff in the car thinking we would be out of the house fast and my car got broken into. ahhh....then saturday was OK but busy, no time for excersise, sunday was my moms b-day and my son again had a temper tantrum he cheered up in time for baseball and we got to his game but I ended up eating there because I was bored/stressed, not sure, the hotdogs just smelled so good. I didn't eat a lot but enough to make me feel bad. I still journaled it all including my moms birthday dinner. So I used up most of my flex points for the week. Today is a new day and a new week so I am goiong to pretend it didn't happen, take a deep breath, and move on.

Deerod, great loss, how long has it been? Maybe I should pitch my scale for a month, I'm totally addicted.

Alchina, was everyone at the shower oogling over your lose? I can't wait until I have lost that much weight.

Clipclop, how is WW online? I go to the meetings so i'm just curious. I think its a good thing to spend the money on.

workit, I wish I could stay on budget like that. I went to the store and spent $72 but only save $8. I need to find a triple coupon place.

Hi everyone else, I hope you all have a good week. I gotta run but I am gonna make this week count!
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Old 05-02-2005, 10:30 AM   #40  
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Originally Posted by jennie934
Hi folks,
Deerod, great loss, how long has it been? Maybe I should pitch my scale for a month, I'm totally addicted.
well.. I first weighed myself on april 17th.. but I didnt really put any effort into it.. I still pretty much ate what i wanted and didnt exercize .. but I finally put my heart and soul into it last Monday April 25th.. I wrote down everything I've eaten monday-friday,I leave Saturday blank, because I am NOT going to feel guilty for having a cheat day. Monday-Friday. I counted calories and fat.. trying to stay under 1600 calories and 30 grams of fat... then mon-fri.. I walked about 1 mile per day.. on weds, sunday, and friday.. me and my sister in law did aerobic tapes.. and my CHEAT DAY was Saturday... believe me.. that cheat day really helps me stay motivated.. usually after a couple of days of not eating everything I want, I finally give in and eat it, and I loose track and dont get back on my diet.. I've basically been living on frozen dinners and pre packaged food.. it takes all the guess work out of calculating my totals.. and for other things I use the 2005 calorie king bood.. ( I love that book)... I use to always say that it would be too expensive to by those frozen dinners. but in reality it ends up being cheaper for me.. I spend about $30-$40 a week on food.. compared to per day.. since me and my husband usually went out to dinner and it was never less that $20.. plus at my work.. no one brings there lunch so I would go out for lunch monday - friday and spend between $8-$10 per day.. and it seems to be working for me.. plus just knowing that all you wonderful people are watching me makes me work even harder.. I would feel so guilty posting that I quit because I was too lazy.. so I'm working even harder to get to my goal.. well sorry to keep rambling on.. I'm just really excited that I've been working so hard.. I will check in with ya'll later..

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Old 05-02-2005, 12:32 PM   #41  
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hi everyone.. I just realized I forgot to tell ya'll something really important to me.. well as you already know.. I'm on a mission to lose weight.. well I recruited my sister n law to do it with me (she lives like 8 houses away so its really great motivation and easy to get together) she wears a size 18-20 and I'm a 22-24 so we arent too far away from each other.. well heres the big news.. we got my husband and his brother to agree that if we both get to our goal of size 12 (we plan to get lower than that, buth thats our first mission) then we both get to have a day at the spa.. but the catcher is that we both have to do it.. if only one of us makes it then it doesnt count, so not only are we hard on ourselves.. we push each other.. I just thought it was an awesome idea.. and I thought I would share it with ya'll keep your fingers crossed for us..
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Old 05-02-2005, 01:17 PM   #42  
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Good Morning to all my ladies PIC's. Hope everyone had a good weekend.

Kclay - be sure and let us know how your weigh in goes today .

Clipclop - Congrats and doing someting positive for yourself . Sometimes we are to busy taking care of everyone else to think about ourselves. You go girl!!!

Minuetinc - Welcome Welcome Welcome .

Jennie - way to go on the weight loss . And with TOM no less. So sorry to hear about your car. That is a real bummer .

Deerod - I started the exact same day as you the 25th. I weighed the Friday before but the weekend was a free-for-all so I did'nt get serious until Monday. I hope I can do as well as you. You and your sis-in-law are going to the spa. You can do it I know you can.

Here's a group to all my new friends . We can do it!!
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Old 05-02-2005, 01:37 PM   #43  
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thanks momx3.. hope your day is going well.. yeah.. I'm real excited about the spa.. I've always wanted to try one of those mud baths.. ha ha.. I guess its the pig in me... lol..
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Old 05-02-2005, 03:13 PM   #44  
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Hello All!! Thank you to Deerod for pointing me in this direction. I shall park my 'weight loss wagon' and unload my introduction for all of you...

name: Looking2Lose
location: WI
age: 30
sex: female
marital status: LTR
highest weight: 308
current weight (last weigh in): 283 (I'm only 5' 2")
goal weight: 150
current clothing size: 24, 26, 28 (whichever is more comfortable)
goal clothing size: 16/18
kids: None yet, hopefully in the future.
pets: 4 kitties.
diet (currently on or planning to start): Currently working on The 'Entire half-pound bags of M-Ms are not a meal' diet.

I work in a cubicle all day, and I believe there was something in the job description stating that you must binge of whatever is available for 8 straight hours...

I absolutely love coffee with tons and tons of sugars, but my rear-end has objected, and my favorite jeans are becoming my favorite drawer liners!!. So, it is now time for me to my myself on the front burner, and get some of the junk out of my trunk!! (with the help of hopefully some new friends.

Last edited by looking2lose; 05-02-2005 at 03:19 PM.
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Old 05-02-2005, 03:25 PM   #45  
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looking to loose.. omg.. you are too funny.. you are gonna fit right in.. I use to work in a cubicle.. I hated it.. but now I miss it.. what kinda of diet are you going to go on.. or what changes are you planning to make.??
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