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Old 06-16-2005, 08:39 AM   #76  
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All sounds very exciting Brandy. Where are you moving to? Back down south to your family?

I wish you all the luck in the world for the future, and you are firmly in my prayers.

Weigh in tonight.....gulp....I've been awful this week, and eaten pretty much anything and everything. On the plus side, I bought some diabetic toffee while out shopping today (it was more realistic than the cinnamon pretzel with caramel dipping sauce I wanted to buy!!! )....and although it's not as satisfying as the pretzel, it does have laxative powers, so maybe I will be lighter when I go to WW tonight!
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Old 06-17-2005, 05:58 AM   #77  
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Brandy, good luck with the move ... where are you going? Sounds like you're going to be pretty busy over the coming weeks ... just remember to take it easy!!

Jo, hope the diabetic toffee worked and the weigh-in went well!

I've also been awful this week!! Just can't seem to get started. So much happening at the moment ... School finishes for summer hols on 7 July and there are so many social things going on ... some people leaving Hong Kong, so there's lots of parties, dinners and lunches to attend, then the end of year "do" for the whole school, then the end of year "do" for the school year that I work with ... the list is endless!! Trying to diet right now seems impossible ... I know it's an excuse as anyone can stick to a diet if they really want to, but I know that your girls will understand how difficult it is when you're up against this sort of thing.

One day it'll happen ... one day .........

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Old 06-17-2005, 09:39 AM   #78  
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Hi All! I went to the dr. yesterday and I'm still at 311. But I feel like I've put some weight on. It may be that since I haven't been walking my muscles have turned to flab because I feel all jiggly again.

I booked a trip with my husband for Paris next March. Scotland is out of the picture because it's too expensive and I'm way too poor. I was so looking forward to the seeing Scotland. Perhaps next year. For now I will have to contend myself with watching Monarch of the Glen (same storyline everyweek but the scenery is worth it).

Brandy - Congrats and good luck on your new journey! Baby and a new home - how exciting. You are going to be more beautiful than you are now; pregnant woman always are. Make sure to keep us posted along the way.

Jo - Sounds like your sweet tooth has been acting up. The toffee was a good alternative. It's been hot here in NY so my food has been upside down because I don't want to eat anything cooked. Which leaves nothing else I like expect water ices.

Nichola - Life does get in the way of our weight loss, but you'll get back on track. I keep praying that if I'm not ready to lose anymore than pleeeze don't let me gain it back. As if God has something to do with my weight problem.

Talk to you all soon.

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Old 06-17-2005, 11:15 AM   #79  
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Hi guys! Thanks for all the well-wishing, it means so much. I'm very nervous but excited about the move. I'm coming around about the other. We are planning to move back down south to be close to my family and friends. YAY!

Raff, enjoy your upcoming trip to Paris! Sounds so fun. I've always wanted to visit Scotland as well but I guess that's off for a few years yet.

And everyone - good luck on your various weigh-ins and diet plans. I have managed to go down a few pounds (not on purpose) because I'm so neurotic about everything I'm eating. From what I understand, it's my job to just eat really healthy and my weight will do whatever it does. Oddly, this whole knocked up thing has made it easier to make good choices because I'm trying to hard to avoid the various uncomfortable pitfalls. We shall see.

Take care and I'll probably post again in a week or so when we get back!

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Old 06-24-2005, 11:01 PM   #80  
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Hi Girls,

How's everyone doing?

I've been bad, bad, bad all week ... nothing new here then!! I really have got to pull myself together. Clothes are getting tighter and tighter by the day. I feel so depressed right now about the way I look and feel but just can't seem to get the motivation to do anything about it ... it seems so difficult. I really want to do something about this, so why the **** can't I just do it?!!

I mentioned in my last post about all the social things going on at the moment ... all involving meals/drinks out ... and I simply haven't got the willpower to make sensible choices. I think I'm destined to be fat, ugly and unhealthy for the rest of my life!

Next week I have to attend the end of year staff function ... there's a theme that everyone has to wear black/white ... Now, I have the black trousers of course, but I need a black/white top to wear with them ... I've been looking for one but simply can't find anything that fits!! I've been near to tears in the changing rooms ... just don't know what I'm going to do I really am feeling rather desperate ... What the **** am I going to do?!!!!!!

Sorry about the depressing post, but I really needed to vent my anger and depression, and your the only ones that I can be honest with. for

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Old 06-26-2005, 01:20 PM   #81  
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Good luck with the search for something to wear Nichola. It's so horrible when weight prevents you being able to wear what everyone else wears.

I've not been around this week because I spent Monday-Friday in hospital. I'm still very weak and tired so I might be mostly absent for the next week too. I was admitted as an emergency after 24 hours of the most awful pains, and being sick every time I ate something. At first they thought it was appendicitis...then because of where the pain was, gall stones. An xray and a scan later and gall stones had been ruled out, but every time they reintroduced food I was ill. Their final guess was an ulcer, so on Friday morning I was told that I was having an endoscopy, and if they found something I could go home but if they didn't they'd keep me in and do more tests. The endoscopy was vile, but fortunately they found inflammation. I don't have ulcers, but was close to getting them. They did a biopsy as they sent the camera down, and they will test for a bacteria called H pylori....which encourages ulcers. I'm rattling with all the drugs they gave me, but I can now eat (yay!), and I'm home.

The plus side to being so weight is down a whopping 14lbs or so, and I now weigh 230. Now I'm eating I think it will go up slightly, but I'm trying to be careful. This has been a wake up call for me and my eating habits and lifestyle.

Anyway I need to crash now, just typing this has left me shattered.
Talk soon
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Old 06-26-2005, 07:30 PM   #82  
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Nichola, good luck finding something to wear. The idea of "plus sized maternity" sends chills down my spine. I expect to be doing my own dressing room crying in a few months. Good luck to us both.

Jo, I am so sorry you've been ill! Hope they can sort you out soon. It just blows to feel yucky any length of time. Slow down and take care of yourself.

Hi to everyone else!

We've found a house to rent, I've seen a doc, and we should be moving around Sept 1. Please send prayer and good thoughts our way.

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Old 06-27-2005, 02:24 AM   #83  
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Jo, so sorry to hear you've been so ill Hope the docs can sort you out soon! ... Take it easy

Brandy, I've still not got anything to wear to the staff 'do' ... and it's on Thursday!! I'm so fed up about it ... decided to leave it until Wednesday before going into town again to have a final look ... being the day before means that I'll just have to shop until I find something ... even if it's something I don't like or doesn't fit properly!!

I really am so fed-up with all this kitty footing around, pretending to be on a diet when I'm clearly not! There's a few girls at work who've been dieting, they've been losing weight very slowly and now it's really beginning to show ... I feel so jealous That could have been me if only I'd been sensible about it.

Anyway, here's the deal ... I finish school next week for the hols (6 July) and return to work on 29 August ... that gives me 9 weeks between now and when I go back to work. I'm going to be sensible.

I've been checking out info about the 'Low GI Diet' ... it all seems to make sense. Everything that I've read about it says it's simple and easy to follow ... and one of the most important things for me is that people who have tried it out say they are never hungry! It's pretty much just a healthy lifestyle and nothing gimmicky ... AND it's actually recommended by doctors.

I'm so convinced that this is the plan for me, that I've gone ahead and ordered a couple of the books from Amazon. Until they arrive I'm going to be doing what I can myself by using the info/recipes on various websites.

I'm actually feeling quite positive about this ... I just need to keep myself focused on the long term benefits and not just want to lose all the excess weight by tomorrow!!

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Old 06-29-2005, 04:32 AM   #84  
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Well, it's Wednesday, the day before my staff 'do' ... Went into town after work to find something to wear. One of my friends from work came into town too and decided to come shopping with me. For me this was a great embarassment as it meant that I would have to disclose my dress size to her She started picking out some lovely tops for me to try on but I explained that I couldn't possibly wear any of them because they were made in clingly/stretch material which just clings to every lump and bump that I have ... slim people just don't understand! She kept saying that as long as I had the right size they'd be fine ... but I know differently!!

Eventually we found a few tops that would possibly not be too revealing (of the lumps and bumps), and she asked what size I'd need ... she was looking at the UK size 16's for me (which I did wear just a few months ago, but not any longer!), and I told her that I'd need a size 16 or 18 depending on the top. However, I knew deep down that there was no way a 16 would fit ... and probably not the 18 either!! ... I was right, I ended up with a UK size 20!!!! I felt so ashamed that I'd lied and said I was a 16-18 when all along I knew I wouldn't fit in them ... I even tried to hide the size shown on the hangers when I went into the changing rooms but she insisted on coming in with me and wanted me to show her the tops when I had tried them on. I know she was only trying to be helpful but I just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me!

It's even got to the stage now where I turn the clothes hangers around so that other people in the shop cannot see what size I'm carrying when I walk through the store.

This has taught me a lesson ... I am no longer going to lie to myself or anyone else about my size ... it's obvious for the whole world to see so there really is no point. I felt absolutely gutted today when I had to confess the truth. I'm hoping this is my turning point ... I don't want to go through this ever again.

Anyway, I did eventually find something to fit ... not what I would have really liked but girls like me don't have much choice in the matter ... This will not be the case for much longer!!! I've had enough of feeling old and frumpy, and I AM GOING TO LOSE THIS WEIGHT!!!!!!


PS - Sorry for moaning again!!
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Old 06-29-2005, 01:40 PM   #85  
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Nichola, first - no one else cares what size you're wearing. Why? Because they are too busy thinking about what size THEY are wearing. Second, I have learned that it IS the fit. Some things that you think may be too revealing or too clingy IN THE RIGHT SIZE can actually be quite slimming so try on EVERYTHING and take an objective friend. I am like 90 pounds heavier than you and I still manage to find things that look nice so you are being WAY WAY too hard on yourself!!!

Go ahead and use this as a motivation to stay on plan but in the mean time, ease up on yourself! Be nice to yourself! I PROMISE that if a big girl like me can still look pretty damn good, things are not nearly as bad for you as you think!

Jo, hope you're feeling better.

As to me, I am like queen of the low grade nausea but it's not puking so I'm not complaining. If any of you mommies remember any good cures for nausea, please feel free to share!

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Old 06-29-2005, 02:02 PM   #86  
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Saltines, Brandy.....or ginger cookies.

I had nausea with both mine, but was only sick once (due to a craving for pickled onions when I managed to eat a full jar )

Nichola try not to worry about what size you are. I'm sure your friend wasn't even thinking about it. It is possible to find sexy things in big sizes, you just have to find a style that hides the bits you want hiding and shows off the bits you like.

I feel ok now, just very tired....but at least I can eat!!

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Old 06-29-2005, 11:59 PM   #87  
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Brandy & Jo, thanks for the kind words I'm feeling a bit better today and realise that there's no quick fix and I've just got to get on with it.

Brandy hope the morning sickness doesn't last too long I never had morning sickness, but I did suffer from teatime sickness with one of them Usually around 5-6pm each day it would start and I couldn't bring myself to fix dinner ... just the thought of it, yuk! The only things that I fancied to eat, and what helped with the sickness, was apples and pickled beetroot!! which I'd never actually liked before!! That's not much help to you I know, but I guess everyone's different

Jo glad to hear you're feeling better, take care!

Just got home from work to find that my GI Diet books have been delivered I'm quite excited and can't wait to read them from cover to cover ... I'll let you know how it goes.


Last edited by Fat in Hong Kong; 06-30-2005 at 12:01 AM.
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Old 06-30-2005, 12:56 PM   #88  
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So pickled onions or pickled beetroot? This is what you guys craved. Oh my. I guess I'm lucky I just want carbs (french fries and pasta)! I read about someone else craving baby powder (and actually eating tablespoons of it at a time) and another friend's mom wanted dirt. I am so getting off light!

Thanks for the ginger cookies idea. I know ginger helps (candied ginger helps really fast) but it's just so yucky. I will try the cookies (because who doesn't love a cookie) and see how that goes. I've not actually been sick (knock wood and say a prayer) but the queasiness is annoying. Esp as we are having people in to look at our apt and all I want to do is lie down in a dark room and sleep!

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Old 06-30-2005, 03:00 PM   #89  
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Hehehe.....with me it was practically anything acidic, so apart from pickled onions I had a bit of a craving for lime cordial, lime juice mixed with lemonade, sour candy, and pretty much anything that makes you screw your face up with the sourness. Good thing about pickled onions though (and I did actually lose weight when I was having Dom as I dieted under hospital supervision) is that they are NO POINTS!!!!

Hope you find the books easy Nichola. I've tried on and off to get into the GI diet as it's supposed to be recommended for diabetics.....but try as I might, I just think 'oh I can't be bothered' and end up counting points again. Had my weigh in today and my official loss after being ill is 5lbs. The other weight I lost was false weight in that it was weight with no food whatsoever in my system. It's stabilised over the last few days so I know it's a definite 5lbs.

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Old 07-01-2005, 12:57 AM   #90  
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Oh yes, I forgot to mention the picalilli (sp?) which I also craved and helped with the sickness!

Jo, well done on your 5lbs loss, that's great! I have started to read the books ... looks fairly simple and straightforward so far ... I just have to get my head around thinking differently ... Surprised to find so many foods that I've always thought of as good diet foods to be high GI, such as things like rice cakes, I've always had those in the cupboard for a quick fix snack when I've felt peckish ... maybe it's where I've been going wrong all these years! Anyway, I'll give it a go and see what happens.

Weighed in today and have lost 3lbs this week by doing my own thing ... trying to follow a sort of low GI plan but hadn't already received the books. Now I've got them, let's see if I can manage another loss next week.

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