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Old 06-01-2005, 03:26 AM   #61  
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Lorraine, sorry to hear about the disc, take it easy, hope it's feeling better soon!

Jo, glad to hear the news about Dom ... you must be so relieved. Hope he enjoys the training. My Tom is feeling pretty upset right now ... He plays rugby for both the school team and another local team in HK, and he was lucky enough to be selected to play for the under 16's Hong Kong International team this season, and went on tour to Sri Lanka. He just had an email from the team manager to tell him that there is a special training session with one of the England rugby team players next week ... unfortunately it falls on the same day as his GCSE Maths exam!! ... You can imagine what I'm having to put up with now!!! I think he expected me to say I'd write a letter asking if he could sit the exam on another day!!!

Well, must get on and do a few jobs!

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Old 06-01-2005, 03:42 PM   #62  
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Oh, how unlucky for Tom Hope he gets over the disappointment, but I can't see them moving his exam for something like that.

Lovely to see you back, Lorraine. Hope you can post more often. I was MIA for so long and now I'm back no-one's here

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Old 06-02-2005, 04:24 PM   #63  
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Weigh in tonight.

I lost 1.5lbs, total 2lbs in 2 weeks, not exactly speedy (but I've not exactly been good )

Alan in his first week lost 4.5 Men! Pah!

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Old 06-03-2005, 02:40 AM   #64  
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Any loss is a good one Jo! Keep with it; and don't compare to Allen: men are different and have different challenges.

I need to get my whole head around this thing. My biggest weaknesses are boredom eating and procrastination eating. I'm about fed up with my fat butt however, so something must be done NOW. I'm going to head to the gym tomorrow and get a start anyways.

Hope everyone is doing well. Enjoy the weekend!

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Old 06-06-2005, 12:39 PM   #65  
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Hi everyone! Made it through the weekend...heading downstairs to clean the basement a bit. Hope all is well with everyone!

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Old 06-07-2005, 04:00 AM   #66  
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Hi all.

I'm going to see a healer tomorrow. Apparently she does everything without touching me, so it should be interesting. I have a pinched nerve in my neck (can't remember if I said) and the pains in my arm are unbearable, so I've got to try something. The anti-inflammatory pills don't seem to be working.

The diet is going ok...apart from the donuts at my Mom's house yesterday

Talk soon
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Old 06-07-2005, 06:52 AM   #67  
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Hello chickies! I haven't been getting notifications from this site, so I decided to check in.

I'm doing ok. Still not following my foodplan so I'm at a standstill. The weather has been so hot now in NY that I have been eating only ices all day. I have to find some cold food recipes to make because I don't enjoy hot food during the summer.

My sister and and I are thinking of going to Scotland in August or September. Does anyone have any advice of where to go and stay. We prefer bed and breakfasts. Any help would be great!

Jo - Glad to hear that everything is okay with Tom. And congrats on the lost. Remember that a 1lb loss per week is the healthy way to lose weight.

Lorraine - Hope you feel better soon. Are you seeing a chiropractor about your disc?

Nichola and Brandy - Hope you are doing well.

Take care,
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Old 06-07-2005, 07:14 AM   #68  
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I'm going to be in Scotland the first week in August...come then and meet me!!!

You have to stay in Edinburgh for some of the time, it's beautiful. Also, go to Drumnadrochit (on the banks of Loch Ness) never know, you might see Nessie!!!

Loch Leven is beautiful, and you can see seals in the water there, that's in the Western Highlands.

Visit Scotland Website - click here
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Old 06-07-2005, 06:42 PM   #69  
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Jo - It would be great if we could meet up. And thanks for the info. I'll pass it on to my sister.

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Old 06-10-2005, 09:39 PM   #70  
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Hi Guys,

Quick one from me - M has been out of town since Tuesday. About two hours before he left, I found out I'm pregnant. I am an emotional mess but hope to feel better once he is home tomorrow and I've had a chance to like see a doctor and know what this is going to mean for us. We were absolutly not trying but I think once I have time to get used to the idea, I'll be able to get excited about it. So far, I just can't sleep or eat or relax. I'm a mess. Send me your prayers and good vibes, please. And some for M that he should get home safely. Thanks and more when I'm more settled and sorted.

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Old 06-11-2005, 04:10 AM   #71  
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Sending you prayers, Brandy.

I'm torn between being really excited for you, and worried about you because you are in a bit of an emotional pickle. These things happen often at times when you don't expect them, but you handle them in the best way possible because that's just what you do. You're strong (even if you don't feel like it right now) and you can get through this. When will M be back?

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Old 06-11-2005, 06:25 AM   #72  
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Brandy - Sending some good vibes your way.
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Old 06-11-2005, 09:28 AM   #73  
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Mark gets home today! YAY! And there is the ghost of a hint of a piece of a sliver of a chance that his job could really really work with us in a way that would solve pretty much all of our issues. Pray for us, send vibes, or whatever it is you do. Please!

My fifteen year old cousin is staying with me. I'm taking her back to the airport this morning and by the time I get back, Mark should be home. YAY YAY YAY!!!

I will get happy about this eventually, everything is just so undecided right now. Mark's thrilled. I'll be thrilled soon too, I hope.

Thanks for all the good thoughts and vibes,
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Old 06-13-2005, 03:03 AM   #74  
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Brandy, my thoughts are with you ... and I'm very pleased for you both ... and so will you be when the shock has worn off!! I remember when I first became pregnant ... even though we were actually trying, it still came as a **** of a shock when the test showed positive ... Nick and I just looked at each other and said, "What have we done?! It was quite scary to think we were going to be responsible for another life ... but you soon get over it, and a wonderful experience awaits you Hugs and good vibes are being sent your way

Nothing's changed on the diet front ... still stuggling along! Can't remember whether or not I've already mentioned it, but our friends are definitely coming to HK on 5th August ... Only 7 weeks away!!!!! How the **** am I supposed to lose 40+lbs in 7 weeks????!!! Why, oh why didn't I stick to this damn diet months ago?!! So, here we go again ... back on track starting from today ... any loss is better than nothing right

Hope everyone else is doing better than I am! Have a great week!

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Old 06-16-2005, 07:08 AM   #75  
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Nichola, enjoy your friends when they come to visit. They will be so happy to see you that you will look beautiful to them no matter what you weigh!

So here's what's going on in my life: Still pregnant. Now also moving. We are spending next week visiting my family, seeing my new doc, looking for a place to live, and trying to buy a car (and oh yes, re-learn to drive. Or in M's case, learn to drive). M will work from home doing his current job (yay) and travel up here once a month, occasionally out of the country. We are going to come back from this trip and start packing! Wish us luck and say a prayer please!
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