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Old 02-13-2006, 11:36 PM   #211  
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Hey Everyone!

Sounds like it's been a tough couple of weeks for all. (CONGRATULATIONS BRANDY BY THE WAY! ENJOY THAT MUNCHKIN!) DOn't let it get you down girls. Just start again everyday. One day at a time, no guilt, and move on.

I've been going to the gym sporadically, but it works out to about 8 times a month, which is a big improvement for me. I'll be working on getting there as often as I can. Starting next week I'll be watching friend's children, which will seriously cut into my gym time, so I'm going to need to find an alternative. But I can do it.

And so can you all! Get started no matter what.

Hugs, Lorraine
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Old 02-15-2006, 05:53 PM   #212  
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I would guess watching those kids would make up for any gym time you miss!

Things are ok here. I'm bottle feeding because - well, several reasons. I didn't plan to, I was bent on breast feeding but I was full of meds, she was turning blue while eating, they wouldn't let me keep her in the room with me for various other health reasons (hers and mine) and by the time I got home (four? five days later?) she was a formula baby. I'm really feeling guilty about not being more aggressive about BFing. She's had a lot of tummy problems and is now on her fourth forumla. She just has a hard time with gas and constipation (who ever knew these would make up the main part of my conversations?) and it's just pitiful. My mom stayed with us the first few weeks and now we're staying with her and my dad because I just need HELP. I mean, I could do it by myself but as they are happy to help out (just an extra hand to jiggle her while I run to the bathroom is nice), I'm taking it! If the novelty of the first grandchild wears off, I'm going to be in trouble. She's five weeks old tomorrow and we STILL need help. She's lovely tho and when she's not screaming (which breaks my heart) she's a lot of fun! Ted even likes her.

Weight is still coming off. I'm 250 as of this morning. Who has time to eat?

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Old 02-16-2006, 05:12 AM   #213  
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Brandy, don't feel bad about not breast feeding ... she's going to thrive on all the love she's getting As far as having help from your mom & dad is concerned ... you take it for as long as it's on offer!! If my parents are anything go by, the novelty of grandchildren never wears off, so make the most of it!!

Good job on the weight loss ... Time to change your tracker ... if you get chance of course!!

Hi Lorraine, how's it going? Good luck with the child care!!

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Old 03-08-2006, 04:03 PM   #214  
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I'm here, just insanely busy. We are moving. Again. Ugh. Seattle this time. Will keep you posted.

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Old 03-09-2006, 10:05 AM   #215  
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Seattle? What will happen, are you selling your house?

I've just finished exams. Not sure how they went but it's too late to worry now.

Next Tuesday I'm joining a WW group. I've tried to do it at home and it just doesn't work, so I've got to do something about it.

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Old 03-09-2006, 07:31 PM   #216  
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Lorraine, hope the move goes well ... when is it happening?

Jo, it must be such a relief for you now your exams are over! Now you'll have a little more time to concentrate on yourself!

I've just been plodding along slowly ... we're all getting over illnesses ... coughs, colds, tummy bugs ... you name it, we've had it!! Thankfully, we're all on the mend now, so it's time to get back on track properly.

I've just booked my flights back to the UK for this summer ... I've got about 18 weeks to do some serious losing! God, 18 weeks doesn't sound long enough! But if I could lose an average of say 1.5lbs each week, that would be 27lbs ... I'd be happy with that!

Come on girls, the summer is just around the corner, let's whip this thread into some action and do something about it!!

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Old 03-10-2006, 02:32 AM   #217  
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Nichola, I've only got three months break before the next exams though, so it isn't over yet. You're coming to the UK....oooh, fancy meeting at Touchwood????
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Old 03-18-2006, 05:46 PM   #218  
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Started going to WW last Tuesday. Even been tracking again. Is this the start of a new me? Hope so, cos my weight had gone up to 251 again.
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Old 03-24-2006, 02:13 PM   #219  
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3lbs in the first week. Intensely disappointed because I tried SO hard, and given that I need to lose nearly 8 stone (112 lbs), I figured the first week loss would be higher.

No pleasing some people, huh?

Hopefully some of you will come back soon, this was on page three and I've been talking to myself!

Have a good weekend
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Old 03-25-2006, 04:20 AM   #220  
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Hi Jo, sorry to have left you alone for so long!! I've been having a really sh*t time of it lately ... illness with one thing and another, and I still haven't shaken it off completely. The plan has gone straight out the window ... eating habits have been absolutely crazy, and no exercise at all! Needless to say I'm feeling really p****d o** with myself right now Gained the few pounds that I managed to lose and I'm yet again back to where I started! Will this cycle ever end I wonder? To top it all off, we've just found out that a friend of ours has cancer, something to do with the nasal cavity She has two tumours and needs to undergo intensive radio/chemo treatment straight away. Also, my son's relationship with his 'first love' has just broken up after 16 months and he is absolutely distraught ... can't console him. It's consuming every moment of his life. This is a big worry as he has A level course work to get done and exams in a few months. Who'd be a parent? You've got all this to look forward to in a few years! Things don't get any easier!

Anyway, on a brighter note, I'm going to try to enjoy this weekend and then get back on track with my plan ... and try to start the walking that I intended to do months ago!! So I promise to check-in regularly as of Monday to keep you company

Well done on your 3lbs loss, that's great!! Don't be disappointed, and keep up the good work ... you can do it!!

Well, I must dash as I'm meeting hubby for dinner (he's had to work all day today!) and still need to take a shower and get my hair washed ... I guess I'm going to be late!!

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Old 03-25-2006, 04:17 PM   #221  
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Very quick update! Susannah's just gotten over a cold and ear infection, she's seeing two different specialists - one for reflux, the other for her hips, and we're still staying with my parents because she's still a handful. I have no idea what I weigh. Somewhere mid 240s, last I saw.

Everyone PM me your addresses so I can send you birth announcments (and a thank you note to one very sweet UK chick) - yes, she's ten weeks. I'm a bit slow. It's nuts here.

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Old 04-29-2006, 11:27 AM   #222  
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Wow...we're all gone. It's been a month since anyone posted. We're moving to Seattle. House is sold, husband is going Tuesday, ds and I will follow after school is done.

On the weightloss front, it should be the weight gain front. I've managed to gain all the weight back that I've every lost. I need a plan and some TIME. When I get to Seattle, I'll be starting over. WW or Jenny Craig, haven't decided.

I sure hope you ladies are well. Now that I've finished watching the kiddies, I should have some more time to post. Hope to talk soon!

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Old 05-15-2006, 03:23 AM   #223  
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Gosh! ... I didn't realise it had been so long since anyone had posted. Girls I think it's about time we revived "FRIENDS FIRST" ... What do you think?

I've been struggling along over the past few months and made absolutely no progress whatsoever! I weighed myself last week only to discover that I was at my heaviest weight ... EVER! This came as a bit of a shock, although obviously I shouldn't have been surprised considering that I haven't stuck to a plan properly for ages! The good thing about it though, is that it has shocked me into doing something about it.

I started to journal and count calories again on 8th May, and I'm pleased to say that when I weighed in on Friday I was 6lbs down ... So you see, I know it can be done ... I just need to stick with it!

Brandy, I hope baby Susannah is well ... Would love to see some piccies if you ever have the chance to post any!

Jo, how's it going at WW ... hope you're still on track!

Lorraine, hope your hubby's move to Seattle went smoothly ... how long until you join him?

Anyone else who I haven't mentioned ... If you're still out there ... I'm still here

So, is anyone with me? Come on girls ... We CAN do this!

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Old 05-19-2006, 02:33 AM   #224  
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Hey Nichola!

Good on you for getting back on track. I think this whole thing is about organization and mindfullness. I've managed to stop the binging and mindless eating a bit, so that is a good start. I'm definitely going to get going once we get to Seattle. Things are just too crazy right now to start anything, but that's not an excuse just to eat as I like. I've been doing some outside work, so that's a good thing to keep me moving.

Here's to your new start Nichola! Hope to hear from the rest of you soon.

Jo...done exams yet?

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Old 05-23-2006, 06:50 PM   #225  
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Quick update here!

Susannah is finally turning the corner with this refulx thing. It's been a TRIAL but things are getting better.

ILs were just here (SIX of them) for over a week. I'm wiped.

The hub is squawking about wanting to lose weight and talking about one of those progams where you order the food from them. I forget which one, but they have one advert aimed at me. So remind me to make a commercial next time I need something done. Apparently the tv holds more weight with him than I do!

Will catch up more soon, happy summer, happy moving, and happy hopeful losing to everyone!

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