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Old 08-02-2006, 10:53 AM   #241  
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Hi Brandy, can't stop just getting ready to head out for Dom's hockey training.

I am still stuck in a rut weight-wise, but I think it will change soon. I'm now NOT moving to Canada. I got a training contract!!! I start on Tuesday as a part time paralegal, and by Christmas I will be full time and a trainee solicitor, soooooo in just over two years time I will be a fully qualified lawyer!!! This is it, no turning back now.

Right I must dash, Dom can't find his sweats. Not surprising he is dizzy when his initials are D.Z. I will be back though.

Hope everyone is well

Jo xxx
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Old 08-05-2006, 12:39 AM   #242  
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Hi Everyone! It's been a long time but I'm back and ready to start again! Returned from the UK last night ... 24hours later than expected! There was a typhoon in Hong Kong and we had to be diverted to Malaysia where we were put up in a hotel for the night, then we had an horrendous journey back to HK last night. We're all exhausted but glad to be finally home.

I've gained HUGE amounts whilst I've been away ... mainly due to a large alcohol consumption and my mothers VERY unhealthy cooking!! Couldn't wait to get back home so that I could be in control of my own diet.

I've got visitors arriving from the UK tomorrow so I'm pulling my hair out trying to sort everthing out for their arrival ... I could have done with having just a little more time to get organised! In the process of trying to sort out all my holiday washing etc. then I'm off to get some shopping as there's nothing in the house to eat!

I'm once again at my all time high (even higher than the last time!!). I'm not going to mess around any longer ... I'm sick and tired of the way I look and feel ... the kids are constantly going on at me about it ... and Nick is worried about my health and begging me to do something about it. I know it's time to stop messing around before it's too late. One of my dad's sisters had a heart attack whilst I was in the UK, thankfully she's ok ... she's only 52, just 8years older than me ... my dad had a heart attack when he was 47 ... my dad's parents both had heart problems amongst other things ... these things seem to run in my family so I really do need to get my act together before it's too late. I'm not going to go on and on about this ... I'm just going to do it. I've made promises to my family that I intend to keep ... I'm not going to let them down.

Jo, well done on the training contract!! Hope everthing goes well for you!

Brandy, good luck with Jenny Craig ... You can do it!

Well, time's running out and I've got so much to sort out so I'd better make a start. Probably going to be busy with the visitors for a while ... they are here until 16 August ... but I will try to post every few days and then I'll be back on a very regular basis when they've departed.

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Old 08-11-2006, 02:10 AM   #243  
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Hi Everyone,

Just a quick update. Very busy with visitors. Lots of eating and drinking going on! But I'm trying not to go over the top! Looking forward to getting back to a 'normal' routine next week when they leave ... and getting into some healthy eating habits again!!

Hope you are all ok ... Brandy, how's it going with Jenny Craig?

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Old 10-13-2006, 07:19 PM   #244  
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Anyone out there? Knock knock, is this thing on?

I'm here! I've been busy, but I'm here! Anyone left?

Also, I'm updating my sig - I've lost 20 pounds (which means I'm back where I was early this year after having the baby. It's CRAZY to think that this year I've been over 300 with pregnancy, down to the 240s, back up to the 260s and back down to the 240s again).

Hope all is well with you guys!

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Old 10-14-2006, 01:07 AM   #245  
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Hi Brandy ... It's great to hear from you! ... I'm still lurking! How's the little one doing? Well done to you for losing 20lbs, that fantastic! Are you still doing Jenny Craig with your hubby?

Well, as you can see from my tracker, I'm still in the same position that I was months ago ... I found it really difficult to get back into any kind of routine since the summer, but I am starting to make an effort to get back into some kind of healthy way of eating.

I notice from the support groups board that the title of our thread is still reading "#23 - 2005" Do you think it's about time we updated and started a new thread? ... Perhaps it may give us all a new incentive to start afresh ... What do you think?
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Old 10-14-2006, 09:44 PM   #246  
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I think it's time for the new thread. I'll let you start it!

Things are good here, the little one is bigger every day. She was nine months last week and growing and growing!

BTW, a few weeks ago I was in my local (chain, unfortunatly) bookstore and what did I see but a 3fc book! I was already on the way out so I didn't get to have a look but I can't wait to get my hands on one!
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Old 10-16-2006, 01:35 AM   #247  
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Ok Brandy, I'll start the new thread ... You'll find it under "FRIENDS FIRST - Desperately Need a Diet Buddy #24.

See you there
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