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Old 05-20-2005, 02:51 AM   #46  
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Hope you managed the walk yesterday Brandy. Once I get my exams over next week I'm starting on the treadmill.

My kids love Laughing Cow cheese. It's quite popular over here.

I joined WW last night, so I'm back to counting today, and feeling well up for it.

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Old 05-20-2005, 02:54 AM   #47  
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Almost forgot, lost a pound last week.
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Old 05-25-2005, 01:55 AM   #48  
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Go Jo Go!

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Old 05-25-2005, 09:46 AM   #49  
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Hi Chickies! My weightloss has been put on hold because I refuse to stay within my calorie range. I got so lazy that I thought I could do it without monitoring what I ate. Well now I know better so I'm starting over again.

Welcome back Lorraine. We've missied you! Where are you living now? The last I remember you were moving because your husband got a new job. Hope all is well.

Jo - I hope Dom feels better soon. And I hope the doctors can't get their act together.

Brandy - Hope everything is good with you. Are you still living in Hoboken? My friend and I took a ride there because we hadn't been there in a few years and it has changed so much. New buildings everywhere and no parking to be found. Sounds like Manhattan, eh?

Well got to run off. Have some Dr. appointments to go to.

Talk to you soon,
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Old 05-25-2005, 01:17 PM   #50  
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Hi guys.

Raff, I constantly tell myself I can do it by being sensible. Heck, I know what is healthy and what isn't.....but can I put it into practice?????? Not a chance. The ONLY way I can do it is by being rigid, and writing down EVERYTHING I put in my mouth.

I think I've lost a little this week, going to WW tomorrow for the weigh in, but I haven't really been counting points...I had an exam today on Medical Ethics (went ok, but not brilliant), and got one on Trusts and Equity Friday morning. Going to start properly on the weightloss/fitness thing at the weekend.

Right, gotta go, need to revise.

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Old 05-26-2005, 05:14 AM   #51  
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Hi Girls,

Sorry I've been MIA for a while ... computer again!! Anyway, it's sorted now, for the time being at least!

Still struggling on ... no loss to report ... finding it difficult to stay on track as always!

Jo, hope things go well with Dom. Good luck with WW again! I'd also heard that Slimming World was a bit complicated ... best to stick with what you know and trust.

Brandy, I'm impressed with your attitude towards the walking ... you make me feel really guilty for being such a lazy #$*! I've not been hiking for a while ... the weather here has become so hot and humid that it's really not enjoyable to do it right now. But I really do need to get out and do something.

Everyday I see several women out walking ... usually first thing in the morning when I'm on my way to work, or later in the evening when the weather isn't quite so overpowering, and I wish that I had the "get up and go" to get out there and do it myself. What puts me off (apart from the "being too lazy" issue), is the "what to wear issue"! Now you might think this is ridiculous or you may understand how I feel, but with my legs there is absolutely NO WAY that I would be seen dead outside wearing shorts and trainers! I simply can't bring myself to do it. And it's now far too hot to wear track suit pants or any other kind of full length trousers. I've looked everywhere for some sort of cropped track suit pants but can't find anything in my size! Does anyone know of a mail order site that sells sports wear in larger sizes ... one that sends overseas?? If I could get something decent to wear and didn't feel so embarassed about the way I look I'm sure I'd be more inclined to get out there!

Raff, I thought that I could monitor what I ate too without having to keep track by writing it down ... I should have known that I would be doomed for failure!! I really must get myself an new little book!!

Lorraine, "Hi" hope you are doing well ... good to see you back!

Well, I'm off to prepare dinner before the final of American Idol (I've been addicted to it!!)... yes, yes, I know that you all know who's won, but we're a bit behind here!! Sophie came home from school wanting to tell me who the winner was ... someone had checked it out on the internet, so I've threatened her to keep it to herself!! I was very annoyed when my favourite, Constantine, was eliminated, so now I'm cheering for Bo ... Go Bo Go! ... The kids think I'm crazy!!

Oooh, I've just discovered the new smilies ... cute aren't they ...


PS - Almost forgot, was up to 180lbs so will update my tracker ... again!!

Last edited by Fat in Hong Kong; 05-26-2005 at 05:22 AM.
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Old 05-26-2005, 06:31 AM   #52  
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We're addicted to it too, in our house.....the final is shown tomorrow night though.

I'm resisting the urge to check out the website for the result though

Constantine was my favourite too, and he was the favourite of my best friend at Uni. We were gutted and ready to go marching over to the states to campaign for the reinstatement of him. Scott should definitely have gone that week.

Last edited by britjo67; 05-26-2005 at 08:00 AM.
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Old 05-27-2005, 10:56 PM   #53  
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Jo, hope you enjoyed the show ... who did you want to win? I'm really disappointed that Bo didn't win, although I'm sure he'll still do very well and we'll hear a lot more of him. Carrie was pretty good but I thought she seemed a bit "wooden" on stage if you know what I mean ... probably just lacks a bit of confidence at the moment.

Ok, now that's over and done with, I'll be getting addicted to America's Next Top Model which starts on Sunday!!! I pretend that I'm not really watching ... you know, it's just on for Sophie to watch ... but really I can't resist ... Sad aren't I?!!

I'm going to the theatre this afternoon to see "Saturday Night Fever" ... I'm really looking forward to it Nick was supposed to be coming but he's not well ... thinks he's got food poisoning ... I think it's because he doesn't want to come to see it really and I forced him to get a ticket!!

Have a great weekend!

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Old 05-28-2005, 04:58 AM   #54  
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Have a good time at the theatre.

I was gutted Bo didn't win....but I think he'll have commercial success anyway. Ooooh I love America's Next Top Model too.....they've been showing re-runs of the last one this week here...the one I like never wins though.

Right off to town today. My 11 year old needs to go bra shopping....she is going up to a C cup already. Sheesh....didn't want her to take after me in that respect (she looks 13 now as she's tall, slim and leggy...which she didn't get from me!!! ).
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Old 05-28-2005, 04:58 AM   #55  
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Oooh I forgot....Alan joined WW on Thursday so we'll be doing it together!
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Old 05-30-2005, 11:04 AM   #56  
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Hi all!

Didn't watch most of AI this year. I "kind of" knew a girl who was in it and when she got eliminated (e-hem, I think she was first or second to go from the top ten) I lost interest. Honestly, if she had hung in all the way I don't think I'd have watched that much. I was too busy with Amazing Race and ANTM! I'm SUCH a fan. But bad news - Crazy Janice won't be on the next season of ANTM! I LOVE her!

Ok, um, Well, I've stalled out at 262. I've been really good with the walking but my freakin' DVD player just up and died this am. I've just remembered - I have these on VHS! And I don't think I've worn out the three mile VHS yet! SAVED! WOO-WOO YES!

Jo, isn't it SO fun dieting with your husband? I always feel like I'm dieting for two when M tries it with me. We are exposed to diet and diet fads and just general nutritional info without any breaks, all day, every day, all the time. How can they not know ANYTHING about ANYTHING when it comes to food and weight loss? HOW??? I am not proud of myself but I had a very bad moment where I just reached my absolute end and said, CAN YOU NOT JUST READ THE book?!? I am lucky he is a forgiving and patient man

Nichola, I don't know what to tell you about athletic wear. It's fairly easy to find here. I've even found it at places like Target. You can try and - I have no idea if they deliver internationally. Also - might? I don't know. It's fairly easy to find here. I have several pairs of light weight crop pants and tees that aren't just big sacks of blah (thank you Target) so I'm sure that someone must deliver them to your part of the world.

Hi Lorraine

Raff, we're in JC, right next to Hoboken. If you turned the corner from Hoboken to JC, we are IN all the new high rises and the little fake neighborhood JC and Hoboken now have lots of cool stuff - who knew!

Ok, now that I've figured out I can do the tape as the DVD player is down, I'm off to walk two miles!

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Old 05-30-2005, 03:55 PM   #57  
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Tell me about it, Brandy!

He only expected me to count HIS points as well as my own!!!! Told him 'NO WAY....have enough trouble counting my own without taking responsibility for your weight-loss' sooooo I think it will end up a soon as I get to being lighter than him he'll be competitive, and do it properly.

ANTM doesn't have Janice???? Won't be the same without her, she's so nasty to the girls. Hope they get someone equally nasty though. Mind you I like Nigel....

Well, it's a bank holiday here this weekend, so we've had a laid back time. Took the kids to see Revenge of the Sith. Alan took Dom to see it last week, while me and Natty were at an Avril Lavigne concert....but me and Nat wanted to see the movie, so the boys came to see it a second time

Right, I'm going to go and read for a while.

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Old 05-31-2005, 02:36 AM   #58  
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Brandy, thanks for the info, I'll check out the sites to see if they deliver to HK, if not it looks like I'll have to get my mom to send some over from the UK for me.

Jo, I took Sophie to see Avril Lavigne when she was in HK over Easter. Must confess that I expected her to be not so good but I was quite impressed ... the only thing I was annoyed about was the fact that she was only on stage for 1 hour, if that, and it cost us HK$770 for each ticket!!!! That's about 55 pounds!!! How much did you pay out of interest? Concerts are very expensive here, it really annoys me to have to pay so much. However, there were cheaper tickets but Sophie told her dad that she just HAD TO HAVE the best ones!!! If Nick and I go to see anyone we have to settle for the cheapest!!!

Enjoyed Saturday Night Fever ... brought back a few memories And it helped that the lead was quite a hottie too!

Hope you all have a good week.

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Old 05-31-2005, 05:35 AM   #59  
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I think it was £25-30 each, for the tickets, and we were in a decent side block at the NEC. Her concert does seem short, but she only has two albums so I guess that's part of it. The tour has been going on for ages, we saw her first last September (I think), at the NIA, then she came back round Europe again....obviously booked the smaller arenas, packed them and figured she'd come back and pack the bigger arenas.

Well Dom finally has the all-clear from the doc for the time being, so is GOING TRAINING TONIGHT!!!! He's soooooo excited! He's really missed his ice hockey, we just have to hope he's back for the summer now, we really don't need him being ill and missing more school. It's half term here so the kids are off and driving me crazy. Remind me why I take them to the supermarket with me???

Well I guess as I'm no longer at Uni, I have two choices....housework, or reading.....hmmm....tough choice....

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Old 05-31-2005, 01:18 PM   #60  
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Hey Gals!

Been MIA for a bit. Been nursing my herniated disc as I was an idiot and decided to shuffle wheelbarrows of concrete with the big boys a few weeks ago while we were doing hte fence. Why do I do that? Just because I'm a bigger than average girl, I feel like I should be doing more of the heavy lifting etc. which is what got me into this condition in the first place. I know better now, and yet I still do it! What a twit I am. Ah well, now I'm paying for it.

Raff: LOL It's been too long since I've posted here I guess. My DH got that job 2 years ago. LMAO. We've moved again since then into a nice new house in a suburb neighbourhood with loads of kids and nice neighbours. We're having a blast.

Brandy: Good for you! I would have used the DVD breakdown as a total excuse not to do anything!

Nichola: I would be more than happy to send you some things. Let me know.

Jo: Glad you're done Uni for the year. I bet you're enjoying that extra time. I'd love to join WW too. Just waiting for the cash to do it. So pinched with the new house right now.

Well, that's the lot of you I think (sorry if I missed anyone.... ) I'll try and post more often. You gals are an awesome group!

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