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Old 06-13-2005, 06:14 AM   #421  
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Good morning Chickies !!!!

I had a great weigh in this morning 136.5 lbs. All that killer work over the weekend must have helped! Shoveling gravel and planting my shrubs. That's a 2 & 1/2 lb loss.

Welcome Disney (what should we call you??)
Sounds like your just as busy as the rest of us! BTW, I just hate laundry!! I've never been to Disney World, I just started a new job last Aug. so I only have 1 week of vacation so we can't go too far this year. I promised the kids we'ld hit the beach for a couple of days. Next year I want to go to Mt. Rushmore so Disney isn't looking too close in the future. WW is a great plan and the water thing sounds really cool!

Marie, I'll try to get some pictures later this week. It does look better, it's a shame it took us 2 years to get it done. How did graduation go? Wow working out twice in one day, you're on a roll now!

Kerry, don't get too upset, the sewage runs through everybody's yards here were I live. So yea it's a pain to have the convience, you'ld think those engeeniers would be able to come up with a slightly better placement. But hey look at all the things that are going right for you now. Full time, the weight loss, and the new habits. You'll be thankful when you do get pregnant that you've got your weight down and you'll have an easier time watching it too.

Ok, I've got to jump in the shower, I'll check back later!!!!
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Old 06-13-2005, 09:03 AM   #422  
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Default So what's the consensus?

Should I consider the house or not???? I'm so confused. I'll be glad when she gives me a price tonight. Poor Bella is sitting in a kennel today so that the appraiser can come to the house Plus my washer is broken and I have to call a repairman. Geez!

So in the throws of all this I broke down and had a Krispy Kreme this morning. I couldn't resist. I'm never going to get below 140 like this. B/w the PMS and the stress I'm dying here. I got to get a better frame of mind on.

Welcome Disney I hope you like our group. Don't mind my whining right now. I'll get an attitude adjustment soon
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Old 06-13-2005, 09:47 AM   #423  
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Good morning ladies!
Hope you didn't count me as MIA. Things at work are a little busier than I counted on I use to do this same job years ago before we were bought out and things have changed quite a bit...not to mention a larger work load! And my raise was smaller than I thought But oh well...I was slacking for a while so it is coming back to bite me At least I have not resorted to my usual stress eating! I went to the mall this weekend and finally bought myself two new pair of capris….didn't want to buy more since I still have 18 or so lbs to lose, but I am down from a 14 to a 10....could have squeezed into an 8, but I hate wearing tight clothes. I'm pretty happy I have not seen a size 10 in about 12 years!

I have been trying to get caught up on all your posts, looks like quite a bit has happened since last week!

Kerry-Wow you have had a lot going on this past week! That is so scary what happened to your niece Lillian! Thank goodness for her big sister! What a hero! I personally am terrified of the water. My husband is taking our 2&1/2 year old to YMCA this summer for swimming lessons. I still can’t swim, but I want my son to know…I think it’s a good thing for children to know in case they get into a situation like that so they have a chance at saving themselves or in the case of your niece helping someone else out.
Good luck with the house! Have you been at the place you are renting for a long time? Do you really like it there….maybe right out a list of pros and cons. Don’t stress too much about the donut! Just move on and forget about it….maybe try to go for a walk or something to distress yourself! I hope everything works out!

Lori- Man I am jealous! 136.5!!!! You are I go for my weigh in tomorrow, and I refuse to get on the scale til then so I am not sure where I am at yet. Sounds like you guys are doing a ton of work on your landscaping…We’re trying to get ours finished up. We put a drive way in last year and right now, since we have been trying to get grass to grow around the edges there has been a lot of mud tracked on to it and it looks awful! We had someone power wash it and it still does not look good

Judy- Congrats on the job! And celebrating without out!

Marie- Hope you guys had fun at the graduation dinner! Good for you doing weight bearing exercise!

Welcome Disney! There are a great bunch of gals on here!
What a coincidence! We are going to Disney in November too! We’re going from the 5-13th. I can’t wait!

Not sure when I will be back on again….hope everyone has a good week if I don’t see ya!
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Old 06-13-2005, 01:26 PM   #424  
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Today is my first official day of summer vacation!! Wooo Hooo!!!!! I still got up at the same time so that I could get my shower in. DS had summer school from 9-10 so we dropped him off and went over to a nearby park for a while. DD enjoyed it, it wasn't to hot out yet. We are taking care of a friends dog until tomorrow and boy will I be glad when she gets back. It isn't that Bella is bad, she is just the size of a pony!!! Two dogs, two kids and a husband are just too much!!!! But she is going to watch Winston for 10 days when DH flys out to Arizona on the first so it is doable...I just wouldn't want this to be a permanent thing!!!

The diet has kindof stalled!! The last two weeks I have really just stayed the same... It has been so hectic that I guess I am glad I haven't gained. I have done a horrible job exercising and drinking my water so I need to get refocused on that.

We fly to Phoenix on Friday. The kids are very excited!!! My dad made reservations for next Wed-Fri at Disneyland so needless to say they can't wait, and then after the 4th of July we will drive out to the Grand Canyon. Otherwise we will just be hanging out at my dads or my brothers by the pool. Ain't life rough!!! Can't wait!! Once we get out there I will do my best to try and keep in touch. I need to so I don't lose my focus. I'm not going to get upset if I don't really lose any weight while I'm gone...I just don't want to gain any. But hey, if I do lose a few pounds that will be fine with me!!!

Kerry- Good luck on the house hunt, I know it can be stressful. The only advice I can give you is to think about the re-sellability (not really a word, I know)of which ever house you buy. It is really a pain when you are trying to buy a new house and can't unload your current one.

Welcome Disney! Which one are you going to Disneyland or Disneyworld? I have been to Disneyworld several times but never to Disneyland so I am excited to visit it this summer.

Julie- Welcome back. I'm impressed that you have the willpower to not stress eat!!! That takes alot of dedication. I know stress eating has certainly played a role in getting me to my highest weight! I hope things settle down for you at work soon. Hang in there.

Marie- Congrats on DS's graduation. Your on your way to being an empty nester!! The thought makes me want to cry but by the time my kids are that age I might be packing for them!!! Who knows.

Lori- Congrats on the weight lose!!! That is awesome!!!

Hope everyone is having a good day! I'll check back later.
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Old 06-13-2005, 10:43 PM   #425  
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Hi all,

It's a beautiful evening here. Since I complain about the weird weather we've been having I thought I should say how nice it was today. My pool got back to 82 degrees and I went swimming late this afternoon. I did laps. Yes you read that right. I exercised on a work day. Usually I'm so exhausted from work I don't exercise. But my pool was so inviting - I swam 1/4 mile. Not too far, but as much as my asthma could stand with the chlorine vapors. After I post, I'm going to use my exercise machine and do some weight lifting. Now if I can get the eating in even better control, I'll be on my way.

Lori, you're just cruising on the weight loss. WAY TO GO!!!!!

Kerry, I have to agree with Paige that you have to consider the resale of a house before you buy one. Just because it's simpler to buy what you're in doesn't mean that it's the wisest choice. You will know what to do when push comes to shove. And, I envy you that Krispy Kreme. I'm lucky that the nearest one is 4 hours away or I'd be forever off the wagon.

Paige, I'm glad you're enjoying you start of summer. I only get a little over a month off this summer but I'm looking forward to it. I wish I had the full three months that the teachers have, but I take lots of days off during the year (during my slow times).

Julie, congrats on fitting into the 8/10's. Two dress sizes is great. I hope you have time to drop in this week.

Well, I'll chat with you all later.
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Old 06-14-2005, 12:27 AM   #426  
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Thanks everyone for the welcome. I will get to know all your names sooner or later.

The water class was fun. I went in with the attitude I don' t care if all the skinny minne's are there or all the older women. I am doing this for me. Most of the people doing the work out by me where really nice. I even introduced myself to a few people. I am thinking of signing up for Wednesday night now too. It is only 27 dollars. So that is 2 hours a week I can make sure I work out. Although I really do try and creep in extra excerise. Plus at work they are doing construction. So for now to use the fax machine I have to walk to the other side of the building, also to get the mail, to get supplies. So I spend some time walking. Even the kitchen is aways from my desk. Glad the bathroom is still close with all the water I have been drinking.

I bought myself 2 pairs of sandals today. The disney board I go to has lots of people raving about the airwalks from Payless. They are suppose to be so comfortable like Tevas. So I got a pair. Then I got another cute pair for work. Also I hit footlocker for DS he needed basketball shorts. Well he ended up with 4 pairs. They were buy one get one free. And t-shirts on sale. So I bought us each one. Of course he wants the one I bought for me. Never fails! LOL

I am going to Disney World. With my son (13), Sister (41 on Sunday), Niece (11) so it will be great to get away. I do however need to start working more OT to pay it off. I am not saying a word about them changing my statis. I love my OT!

(Kerry?)Not sure who has the Rottweiller! We love them. My dad has one and always has. Can't imagine any other dog. It is funny there are 2 down the street when we first moved here. We would be walking and see them. And keep walking toward them. Moving to the size a bit so they could pass. One day the owner said you are the only 2 who don't freak at the dogs. I laughed and said we are dying to pet them. So now we always stop and say hello.

Lori! Way to go on the loss. I can't wait to get some off. I know I feel better with the 7 pounds I lost last week. Before going to lunch today. I saw 3 very large people. Boy did it make me behave!

Sorry I have now written a book! I will be back tomorrow. Again I thank you for the warm welcome!
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Old 06-14-2005, 06:36 AM   #427  
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Good Morning Chickies !!!

I'm really sleepy this morning! I can't chat too long, my kids are hanging with my sister-in-law and her 4 kids while they are off for the summer so I've got to move a few mins. earlier to get them dropped off. They went fishing almost all day yesterday, they got too much sun and my oldest DS broke his pole so we had to run to walmart and get another one. I hate running during the week, it just kills me.

Thank you for all the encouragement, I'm pretty excited about the loss too. I'm just slightly worried, I'm under 10 lbs to go and my spare tire on my gutt is still pretty big, so I'm not sure if it will be more weight to lose or just toning to get rid of it. I'll soon have to call the Dr. to have her analyize my thyroid levels after all this weight loss so I guess I'll need to talk to her and everyone else who will listen to me whine. Did you ever notice when thin people whine about problem spots nobody listens?? Well we'll see, I'm getting ahead of myself I think.

Kerry, I have to agree with the girls, if she couldn't sell the house before you need to consider why and are you planning on keeping it or just staying in it for a few years. Why don't you give us a run down on the place, how many bedrooms and baths? Is there a yard? How about the privacy and what's the neighbors like? BTW did she give you a price? I'll be glad to give you my 2 cents, but I need to know the details and your future plans, as in you mentioned adding on like the place may not be big enough.

Disney, sounds like the water class was a hit! It sounds like fun, I love to swim. Don't worry you'll get your weight down, I started at the end of January (didn't want it to be a New Year resolution) and it VERY SLOWLY came off. Your trip sounds awsome, you'll have to give us details and pictures!

Marie, glad the weather is getting back to some what normal for you so you can enjoy your pool. Glad to see your getting back on the work out wagon!

Paige, I'm sooo jealous of your summer break I'm green !! I hope you can keep up while your in AZ. I was noticing your 10 lb suns, and I see you've hit 40 lbs lost, your doing great! Keep up the good work and as long as you don't gain in AZ that will be 1/2 your battle!

Juile, glad to hear from you. Sorry the new position is so hectic, I can relate. My job has it's slow months and so crazy busy I don't know if I'm coming or going. What kind of driveway is it, cement or black top? That sucks that it's so hard to get clean! This is the first time we've ever really tried our hand at landscapping. My DH is all into it and I'm very pleased with the way it's turning out, so were happy all around. Now if I can get the inside back in order maybe I won't be as tired! Did you ever notice things fall apart where ever your not standing barking order for the children to pick it up now???

I've got to get a shower, now I'm running behind! C-U-All later!!!!!
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Old 06-14-2005, 09:11 AM   #428  
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Good morning I'm tired this morning too. I think it's the stress. I'm having a lot of dreams at night too.

Disney (not sure what else to call you ) - It's always good to find another Rottie lover in the world. They are the most awesome animals and such adoring pets. My Bella is a complete spoiled Princess. You would just love her As for the weight loss goes, it sounds like you are on the right track and have a good mind set in the beginning and that make all the difference. When I started back in January I just told myself that this was it - now or never and changed things that needed changing for good.

Paige - You lucky little devil! Lounging by the pool with your adorable kids for weeks! I think you'll have no trouble maintaining and might even lose if you make smart choices. You seem to do really well making smart choices too. I hope you have a blast and enjoy your time with your family. We'll miss you so please try to check in once in awhile if you can.

Marie - I'm so glad you got to get back in that pool! And you did laps! I'm very jealous. Swimming is my favorite form of exercise. Both my brothers and myself nearly lived in the pool every summer. I LOVE to swim underwater and dive for things Enjoy it for me ok?

Julie - Job stress can really stink. I hope your getting into the swing of things and that's great that the stress isn't driving you to eat. Isn't it wonderful to go shopping and buy those smaller sizes! I simply love it. I can't wear my size 14s or 12s anymore. Well actually I like to wear the 12 shorts so they're really baggy DH thinks it's cute of course my mother would die with my panties showing, but they'll look great with my new bikini!

Lori - See we are the same with this belly flab And you even work it hard! I am so HAPPY with the rest of my body but wonder if it will ever improve the belly even if I get to 135. I hope the doc can give you some good feedback and be proud of you for the weight loss too

OK about the house. . . She STILL hasn't given me a price. That's a problem, but here's the scoop. This house sits in one of the BEST most resellable neighborhoods in town. It has two major flaws that I can't do anything about: it sits directly in front of a big electrical sub station and it has the sewer line under the property. Still no word from the city as to whether or not it is active sewer or not (should hear today). This owner did a little upgrading bc the kitchen cabinets were falling apart, but not much. It's brick with 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths with eat in kitchen and LARGE living room with built-in bookshelves. ----- Things we'd do to improve: make the .5 bath a full bath immediately, rip up the carpet and refinish the hardwoods, landscaping landscaping landscaping, including repairing the sad driveway, new fence on one side, more painting (we've already done some but the ceilings and trim need it bad + the exterior shutters and such)

I would put an addition where the carport is since it's existing structure and would be a no-brainer. But even without that the SF is about 1400. She bought the house in 1990 for $72k. So if that gives you any idea and you could help me sort my confusion out I'd appreciate it. I like the house and I think it has lots of potential. AND if in five years I can't sell it I can always rent it again since we're so close to the college. That would always be an option.

Sorry to write a book. I'm off for now!!! Have a great day!
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Old 06-14-2005, 12:18 PM   #429  
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Good morning!!
I managed to break away for a minute so this is gonna be quick. I'm waiting for a program to finish it's job and it is taking a while....

Paige- Have fun on your trip! You should do great! Just watch your portions and try to get a little more water in...I'm sure you can maintain or even lose while on vacation since you will probably be more active.

Marie- Sounds like you are having fun with your pool! I wish I knew how to swim. I feel like I am missing out on alot....but I do get in once in a while when we are on vacation, I just can't bear to put my head underwater....maybe some day I will be brave enough to do that.

Disney- Don't you just love shoe shopping....I think my husband is going to kill me, my closet has more shoes than clothes in it right now and I don't even wear half of them I must have a shoe addiction. Is there a cure for that? Anyway you will have a blast in Disney! Looks like you are well on your way with your weight loss goal, so you will have the energy to enjoy it even more!

Lori- I hear ya on the belly is the biggest part of my body! If you figure out a way to get rid of it let me far all I have been hearing is cardio cardio far it is helping me a bit, but no where near as much as I hoped.

Kerry- Ask yourself a couple of you REALLY like the house? Is it a place you want to spend at least the next 10 or so years in? Would you get the money back that you put into the house when the time comes for you to resell it? Is there anyway you can find out what the other houses in your neighborhood are worth? I would definately find out ahead of time if you are able to make the improvements that you want to the house because of the sewer line before I would agree to anything....also all the things you mention can get in to way more than you might think....we put a ton of money into the house we bought thinking that the house didn't need that much, but like your house it is in a good neighborhood, and we are able to do all the things that we planned (still a work in progress) Landscaping can get into a lot of money too...I was shocked at the cost! We have a fairly large piece of land. My husband owns his own business and I work full time and with our son we don't have a lot of time to spend on it, we do what we can, but we do have to hire someone to help, so it gets into more than we expected. I'm still glad we bought the house but it does help if you can do alot of the work yourselves. Just ask yourself if this would make you happy....that is really what counts!
Keep us posted!
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Old 06-14-2005, 12:30 PM   #430  
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After reading Julie's post I thought I should add the following:

DH is in school for interior design after having an 8 year career as an interior painter/remodeler. He will have LOTS of time to do the work since he only goes to school from here on out (after summer) until graduation (the house becomes his pt job). My dad lives two hours away and has volunteered to come up and help with projects. He has: gutted and remodeled kitchens and bathrooms, built entire rooms, decks and porches, and does plumbing and electrical. Since DH can do all the framing/drywall and tiling and Dad does all the other - we are LOOKING for something we can invest time, energy and the $$ on materials to make worth more.

Personally I can't wait to gut the bathroom and do the work. I'm so weird!!
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Old 06-15-2005, 10:37 AM   #431  
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Kerry- That is wonderful....sounds like you have it together! I hope the price that she is asking is what you hoped...have you heard anything yet?

Lori...I forgot to add in my last post, that my driveway is black top and was done in Oct last we are not quite ready to coat it again....seems to be looking a bit better this week with all the rain that we had..keeping my fingers crossed!

Went for my weigh in last night girls...down another 2.7!!!
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Old 06-15-2005, 11:40 AM   #432  
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I'm stressed and I'm BAD. I'm really MAD at myself for not losing weight in weeks. I gotta get back with it. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!!!

Still no price on the house. Word from the city about the sewer line is NOT good. 10k to move it, can't build or add on anywhere near it (not even driveway) and if they ever need access they can rip out our carport and we'd have to pay to fix it. NOT GOOD.

I am house hunting.
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Old 06-15-2005, 04:11 PM   #433  
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Kerry that stinks! Sorry it is not working out, but there is a reason for everything! You might find your dream home while you are looking...don't worry about not losing weight for the past couple of weeks. At least you are not gaining! This is a stressful time for you so don't beat yourself up...only makes you want to give up and you don't want to do that! Been there done that...not a fun road to be on! Just keep in mind all you have accomplished and focus on it! Hope things get better for you soon...keep us posted!
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Old 06-15-2005, 09:02 PM   #434  
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Thanks Julie, that's good advice

Where is everyone?

I did better today. I am under my calorie ceiling of 1350. Gotta keep it up though...
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Old 06-16-2005, 06:29 AM   #435  
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Good Morning Chickies !!!
Well the weekend is slowly coming around. Yesterday was busy again at work, it's not a bad thing just makes life hectic! I have my lunch cooking this morning and I only have about 10 mins. before I have to jump in the shower so I'll try to be quick!

Kerry, the house your in sounds wonderful, but if your not satisfied with it and can't change forget it. And it's never a good thing to be that close to a power staion. Ours is just down the road from me, but it is out of site. I know from experience that bad things can happen down there. We were heading back from a walk and they had a blow out of some sort. Crap was popping and sparks were flying. And the sewer line, who wants to pay to move it, it's not your fault nobody was bright enough to think of adding on when it wen't through. Start shopping! And for goodness sakes have fun with it. Your doing great just holding your weight, you'll start to lose again when ever you get two seconds to focus again.

Julie, I don't know anything about black top. But it should clean up! Try a garage broom, you know those wide ones. And I would use some sort of industrial cleaner like tornado (it's called valley now) just becareful not to get it on your hands straight. It is some powerful stuff. I've bought it locally but it's not easy to find. It's yellow and in a jug that looks like windshield fluid. We scrubbed our house down with it, man what a difference it made.

Ok I really have to run, I'll try to catch up more tonight!
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