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Old 06-08-2004, 06:37 PM   #121  
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Hello Ladies -

Nita - Glad to hear you are having a great time with your children & grandchildren. Enjoy your visit, don't worry to much about your food, Just get back on track when you get home.

The weather is blah here, lots of rain, I guess i should not complain, come July, August, we'll be praying for rain. I'm having to cover for a co-worker who is on vacation, so I've been a little stressed out today. I need to bring some munchie snacks, I tend to go for the chocholate when I get stressed.

Hope everyone is having a great day!
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Old 06-09-2004, 01:17 PM   #122  
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Just posting to bring us up to the top. Hope everyone is having a great day!
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Old 06-09-2004, 01:56 PM   #123  
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Hi Everyone,

I am so happy that I changed my password because each time I try to send a message I have to log in again.

Well I am back on track even though I have 6 more days of vacation. My daughter has an encumbent bike as well as another type of exercise for your stomach and legs. I also just got through doing probably 15 minutes to a Richard Simmons tape. My 3 year-old grandson was exercising with me.

I am truly having a restful vacation, and I thoroughly being with family. It is really hard to be so far away from the ones you love the most! My DH is really missing me and I told him that was a "good" sign. I don't believe he agrees with this.

Well ladies thanks again for your words of encouragement. Without all of you, I would probably have gained back all those "ugly" pounds.

Take care and have a "wonderful" day!

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Old 06-09-2004, 08:05 PM   #124  
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Hi, Chicks--

Having some puter trouble. Need some repairs before I can access the Internet from mine, so am borrowing DH"s. It is v awkward, because he is left-handed.

I have been so hungry after I swim--any thoughts?

Nita--glad you're having a good time!
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Old 06-10-2004, 08:23 AM   #125  
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Good morning ladies!
I've been looking for awhile for a place to talk about losing weight and exercising- this seems to be the one! May I join you? I started back in Feb. 2004 at 235 lbs. with Slimfast and had done very well. I lost my job in May and although I stayed on my plan, my activity level plummeted, so the weight loss stopped. I'd been doing some walking, but not faithfully. I realized I needed to become alot more active! I joined a Curves gym and am going 3-4 days a week. On my off days from that, I walk at least 30 minutes. This is my 3rd week on this and the scale is moving again-Yay! When I compare the number of weeks I've been doing this with the pounds I've lost, it averages out to be 1-2 pounds a week- just like they tell us it should be. I'll admit-yes, I want to look better as quickly as possible, but it's more important to me to do this with health being the top priority. Also, from what I've read, you're much less likely to regain weight if you've done it slowly and sanely. I never, ever want to be this heavy again. I am newly 40 and am committed to making the most of the rest of my life!
Well, that's my story- I'm looking forward to making friends here and the support I hope to get and give! Barb
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Old 06-10-2004, 08:52 AM   #126  
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Default Passing for Thin

Hi Nita- I'm a newbie to this board and was looking thru some previous posts. I noticed you were reading "Passing For Thin"- did you finish it? What did you think? I read this about a month ago and loved it. Her story about going to the gym was great and inspired me to go! Well, just curious what your thoughts were! Barb
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Old 06-10-2004, 01:20 PM   #127  
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Default RE: Welcome to our thread Barb...!!!

Just a quick, large and warm W-E-L-C-O-M-E to Barb. Great to have additional support, advice and ideas here. You will find this group to be true blue, and offer lots of support and suggestions - as well as just listen and share.

I read Frances Kuffel's book, "Passing For Thin". I'm not sure Nita finished it. I thought other than occasional flowery words that I had no idea what they meant (I'm working on my PhD and consider myself literate!) it was awesome! As a food addict, when she would describe things - I got it. I do wonder how she was able to lose 12 pounds in one week, however. Toward the end of the book she mentions she had been at her parents home for 2 weeks and gained 21 pounds. Then, took off 12 in one week. That raised a red flag for me - I'm not sure we are hearing all of the story. She has a website you can go read some more about - but it is #1 under construction and #2 seems to be mostly about the writing she has published. Have you read Carnie Wilson's book? Not that I think weight loss surgery is an option...

Again... welcome...!!!! Lots of luck!!!!
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Old 06-10-2004, 03:14 PM   #128  
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Default Hey HalGal!

Thank you for the welcome! You know, it went over my head about her losing 12 pounds in so short a time...The only thing I can come up with is that their food plan is pretty extreme, but you are probably right in that there is more to the story! No, I have not read Carnie Wilson's book- but will look for it. Yes, I am with you on this type of surgery- unless I was in immediate mortal danger from the obesity. It scares me too to think "what if I had the surgery, but couldn't change my habits?" I work on this every day, now, and it's working for the first time in my life! Another aspect of Francis Kuffel's story that was fascinating to me was adapting to her new body. Having been heavy for so long, it will be a whole new thing to be in a thin body when I get there. Carnie Wilson must have gone thru a similar process- she seems like a sweet girl. She looks fantastic!
Well, thanks again- I look forward to talking to you some more!
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Old 06-10-2004, 09:17 PM   #129  
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Well, still no Internet on my computer.

Warm welcome to Barb!! We're glad to have you aboard.

It's a lot harder to swim every day than it was to walk--but even if I get some exercise, it's an improvement.

At the pool, I ran into someone I knew. (She adopted our foster daughter.) Turns out she has macular degeneration and is losing her sight--plus a bac back and some other problems. So who am I to complain about my foot? Except, I suppose, the very frustrating fact that it could be fixed if the ins. would pay.

Must at least do my yoga.

Love to all--
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Old 06-11-2004, 08:38 AM   #130  
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Hi chicks!

I want to "come back"....if that's okay. Last year, as most of you know, was the roughest year of my life. Not that that's an excuse for putting back on all the weight I lost AND THEN SOME, but that's what happened anyway.

This year has started off hectic with finding and buying a house and then moving. There are still LOTS of boxes to unpack, but DH and I are really happy in our new home. DH's mom is visiting until mid-August, which is really nice to be able to spend time with her.

I have been feeling pretty stressed out over the past few weeks, between moving and being surrounded by all the boxes -- and in the midst of unpacking, I frequently find things that belonged to my mom or my dad -- which has been hard. And on top of it all, things have been crazy busy at work, plus I've got two freelance projects going during my off-work hours.

But, I went to the doc the other day -- to talk with her about my BP and my asthma which have both been worse lately -- and she made me get on the dreaded scale. I've known I was at my heaviest ever just based on having to buy new bigger clothes and how I look and feel. But the scale gave me the cold hard reality.

She said that I need to lose weight. Duh. I know that. But when my doc says I need to, plus she said that both my asthma and BP would probably get under control if I did....well, here I am.

And I'm not going to TRY and lose weight -- or TRY and exercise -- or TRY and eat right. I'm just going to DO IT. As Yoda says, "Do or Do Not. There is no try."

I'm really glad to be back here with you chicks and before I forget...I do want to thank all of you for your support, especially during last year.
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Old 06-11-2004, 08:51 AM   #131  
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Hi again chicks --

I'm wondering how much "Curves" costs. Does anyone know? There's one not too far from where I live and it's also on my way home from work.

DH got laid off on the day we closed escrow on the house...we're managing, but $$ is kind of tight. He's had some good interviews and hopefully, he'll get offered a job soon.
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Old 06-11-2004, 10:27 AM   #132  
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Default Hi michellez

I just joined Curves in CT 3 weeks ago. It was about $100 for both the registration fee (which was 1/2 it's regular amount), plus first month's fee. Each month after, I'll pay around $30. A couple of things- Curves are all individually franchised, so they each charge different amounts and also run specials all the time. I would call the one you were considering going to and find out exactly what they do charge and ask if they have any specials coming up. It can't hurt- if it's too much right now, maybe you can work it into your budget when things get a little easier for you. I do highly recommend it. The thing I really like about it is that there are women there of all shapes, sizes and ages- and no matter how they look- we're all doing the same thing.
Well, I hope this helps! I saw you are returning after going through some difficult times. I think you are just fantastic to come back and resume what you were doing! It takes alot of strength to do that- so I know you'll be successful. Take care and good luck with Curves! Barb
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Old 06-11-2004, 02:00 PM   #133  
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Hello Ladies,

Wow, I wasn't able to post yesterday & today's there are lots of post.

Barb - WELCOME to our group. You will just love it here. I have heard many good things about "Curves". I think like someone said it doesn't matter what you do, you just have to do it. Are you married/single/ kids? I am currently doing the Weight Watchers program. I have stalled to, but because I have not incorported any exercise. My goal for this week is to get 3 days in, so far I have not.

Mitchellez - OH, I'm am so glad you are back. Of course you are welcomed here. As far as I'm concerned you never left us. I'm so excited about your new house, you have to tell us about it. So sorry to hear about DH losing his job. I will keep him in my prayers. Two weeks ago my group was told we are being outsourced (sold) to another company. So as of July 1, I am only guaranteed a job for 90 days. I'm trying to be very hopeful that they will keep me on, but who knows. How are the babies enjoying the house? Do they have a backyard? I don't know if you had read but my Blackie had back surgery back in December. I had so many decisions to make but fortunately everything worked out. I have to keep him from jumping to much though. So now he stands at the bed & barks til I pick him up and put him on the bed.

Cat - All I can suggest is to have lots of fruits and veggies on hand. Eat lots of low point veggies.

Nita - Glad you are enjoying your vacation.

Hal - Are you going anywhere on your vacation? How is Rocky doing? I bet he is enjoying you being home.

we'll I need to run.... Tomorrow is my weigh in & i'm am not expecting a loss. I have got to get back on track. I think I need a few kicks in the a$$, to get me in gear.

Hope everyone is having a great day!
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Old 06-12-2004, 06:24 AM   #134  
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Good morning Ladies!
Up early today to get some stuff done before bringing daughter to work and thought I'd check in. I hope everyone is doing well!
Patty- Thanks for the welcome! Oh yeah, absolutely-whatever you do to get your body moving is great! Curves was just the right choice for me right now. I "changed my lifestyle" back at the end of Feb (on Slimfast) and have been doing really well. Then, in May I lost my job and my activity level plummeted! I had always been running at work and didn't need any additional exercise. Well, about two weeks of that, and the scale quit moving. I started with walking 30 minutes a day and then decided to check Curves out. It's turned out to be a really good move, because it gives me someplace to go on a regular basis. It also is a great mood lifter- which I need. I'm hoping too that it will help me to have the confidence I need to find a new job! The hardest part of exercising for me is just getting started- I am the Queen of procrastination! The little rituals of getting the water bottle, putting on the shoes, clipping on the pedometer...those those things seem to help give me a little push. Once I get going, I never regret it. And what a rush from the sense of accomplishment!
In answer to your question- yes, I am married (20 years in Dec) to a terrific but forgetful guy. We have 2 kids- a boy 18 and a girl 16. We also have a lab mix, 4 kitties and some fish that let us live with them. I do alot of vacuuming- Good cardio!
I see you have a dog too- what kind is Blackie? How is he recovering? And what about you, are you also married/have kids?
Well, girls, that's about it for now...I'll check in later- Have a great day!

Last edited by barb64; 06-12-2004 at 06:26 AM.
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Old 06-12-2004, 02:08 PM   #135  
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Hello Ladies,

We'll this morning I went to my weight in and I gained 1lb., two weeks ago I had gained .6, last week lost .2, . I have got to get back on track. This morning my excuse was I'm retaining water. We'll for one thing, I did not journal my food, I did not get in my afternoon walks here at work, I ate out at least 4 days for lunch. And i'm blaming it on water retention. It's time to get real. I know what I have to to I just need to do it. I'm starting to get stressed out about my job. In less than 3 weeks I'll be severed from my current company,where I have put in 24 years, 11 months & 14 days...But's who's counting. I'm trying to stay really positive with this company who purchased us.

Barb - I have a friend who going to curves & she really likes it. I too have a membership to a gym, but do i use it, NO. I keep telling myself if they only open early I would go. I am 40ish... ok 42 .. single, never been married, my only baby is my black chow mix, he's about 8 years old. His recovery is going great. It really put a dent in my checkbook, but thankgoodness my sister offered to loan me the money.

we'll I need to get going... Hope everyone is having a great day!
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