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Old 06-28-2004, 02:38 AM   #166  
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Mornin' chickies! It is a nice morning here today .......... unfortunately I have to go to work I really want to get this weight off and if journalling my food would help then maybe that is what I should do too. Anytime I tried to journal my food, for WW, I was never that good at it. Oh I started off OK for about 1 day after weighin but then it fell by the wayside. Maybe that is why WW never worked for me .......... I didn't give it a proper chance! So if you ladies are going to journal then I make a commitment to do it also for 1 week to start with. One week is not that long!
Gotta get ready for work. Have a nice day all.

Someday you'll see

Someday, you keep telling yourself, you'll truly start to live. Someday you will take the very best of your possibilities and make them real.
Someday you'll escape from the meaningless distractions that only waste your moments. Someday you'll focus all your time and energy on what is really important.

Someday your longing to move vigorously forward will overcome the fears and insecurities that have caused you to hesitate. Someday you'll realize that you've always had the courage and the confidence to fully live, and wonder why you didn't start sooner.

Someday you'll laugh at the petty angers, frustrations, worries and annoyances that keep you from being all you can be. Someday you'll learn to let go and live.

Someday you'll decide that your life cannot wait any longer. Someday, you'll realize that living with richness and fulfillment is infinitely better than making endless excuses.

Someday you'll see that someday is here, that there's no reason to wait any longer. And there's every reason, here and now, to be fully alive.

-- Ralph Marston
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Old 06-28-2004, 08:33 AM   #167  
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The diet that lowers Blood Pressure and hopefully loses weight too.,00.html

PATTY ............ what exercise have you done today?
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Old 06-28-2004, 10:47 AM   #168  
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Good Morning Mooz:

I am in agreement with you, journaling is not much fun--however, it does get results. A thought popped into my head this morning while I was cleaning my screens that perhaps we could share our journaling with each other and give others a chance to maybe copy your journal for a day and thus avoid the counting process or at least get some good ideas on what they should be eating. I would say to everyone interested that we start our week-long experiment no later than this Wednesday. This morning I threw out a bag of tortilla chips that my DH and I have been munching on for the last couple of days knowing full well I could not stop at the required amount.

Okay ladies, who is going to accept this challenge--one week! that is all that is required. Together we can do this. Once we get past this stage perhaps we can go onto another week--let's see how much enthusiasm we can muster up here!

Take care,
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Old 06-28-2004, 11:03 AM   #169  
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Nita - I am trying the DASH diet for lowering Blood Pressure, that I mentioned earlier, starting from today. I think I will make out a sheet and tick the foods off as I eat them. Then when they are all ticked off I can eat no more! It will be a form of journalling and maybe one that I can keep!!
I did the 8 Minute TaeBo tape today .......... it's a great little workout but counting the warm up and cool down it lasts 16 mins.
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Old 06-28-2004, 11:30 AM   #170  
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Default RE: Peace be with you...TOO...!

Hey everyone!

OK, I am in. Journaling for the week, beginning today I can try. It just may be eye opening, huh? All weekend - as I would go to eat later PM - I reminded myself of a younger, thin person in my class saying randomly she never eats solid food after 8P. What a smart lesson to learn early in life, huh? Well, it kept a few calories from my mouth this weekend. That is success, if even in a small way.

So... lots of luck Movers and Losers this week. I must close quickly today as I am preparing for my midterm exam this evening. ***stress***
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Old 06-28-2004, 06:28 PM   #171  
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Hello Ladies,
I am all for the jornaling too. I know that is exactly what I need. When I journaled in the beginning of Weight Watchers, I would have a loss. I have not journaled this past month & no loss. You think I would get it.
Anyway I am up for it. Do we want to start today, tomorrow? or wednesday? doesn't matter to me...

Mooz - I overslept this morning so I did not get to my tae bo, but I am planning on doing it tonight. Also i'm back to wearing my pedometer & so far I have 6875 steps.. my goal is to get to 10,000 per day.

Hal - good luck on your test.

Nita - You are such a busy lady, I don't see how you even have time to work. Let's all do this journaling together. Are you still going to Ww?

Hope everyone else is having a great day!
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Old 06-28-2004, 08:02 PM   #172  
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Hi Everyone,

Okay, let's start journaling tomorrow. When I was shopping in one of our specialty food stores this morning I happened to get into a conversation with a gentleman who was buying vitamins. Somehow we got on the subject of dieting and he proceeded to give me several tips on how to be successful. He also gave me a website to check out which I will do and if it is beneficial, I will pass it onto you. He happened to be a vegetarian, however, he did eat eggs. If I remember correctly several people on our site are doing what he suggested--that is, eating 5 small meals per day.

Somehow or other this stranger has gotten me excited to get serious about getting down to the goal I really want to be.

Take care,
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Old 06-28-2004, 10:17 PM   #173  
Give peace a chance.
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Default have you heard Mr. Clinton's statement that he slept on the sofa for 2 months?

Official statement from the White House association:

The White House has 132 rooms, including 16 family-guest rooms (bedroom suites), 1 main kitchen, 1 diet kitchen, 1 family kitchen, and 31 bathrooms.
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Old 06-29-2004, 02:29 AM   #174  
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Mornin' chicks - didn't get for a walk yesterday but at least I did my TaeBo.
I am goiing to a new Yoga class with a friend tonight so that should be interesting. I did well yesterday on my first day of the DASH diet and the journalling that is necessary for it............ other wise I would not remenber what I had ate!
Gotta rush off now for work.

CAt - Are you trying to say that Mr Clinton tells lies??

Give it time

Some of your blessings you instantly recognize as such. Most of them, though, take some time to become fully apparent.
Often, a great blessing can come from what may at first seem to be a heavy burden. Reflect back on your experience and you'll see this is true.

Perhaps a relationship that got off to a rocky start ended up becoming a treasured friendship. Or perhaps a difficult challenge brought to the surface a valuable skill you didn't know you had.

Maybe you needed to solve a thorny problem and in doing so, discovered a golden opportunity. Or perhaps living through a time of immense frustration made you stronger, more confident, patient and resilient.

When life takes a distressing turn, give it time. And during that time, be on the lookout for the valuable and positive aspects of your situation.

Keep your eyes open for blessings in disguise. They are often the most profound and enduring ones.

-- Ralph Marston

Last edited by mooz49; 06-29-2004 at 02:42 AM.
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Old 06-29-2004, 12:43 PM   #175  
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Good Morning ladies,

Cat - Can't believe he had to sleep on the couch. Guess he couldn't find a bedroom.

Mooz - Let me know how the yoga class is. I'm thinking about taking one too.

Last night I didn't get home til 8:15pm, went to the grocery store, but i did get to 10,000 steps.. I was so close & yet I was tired but kept telling myself just get to 10,000 so I took out the trash and did some things around the house to get to it. I didn't do Tae Bo last night, but I did get up this morning 5:20 am and did it.

day 1 - am 3 egg whites, 1 cup soy mil = 3pts
snack - 1 banana 2pts
lunch - 1 cup yogurt(2pts) & 3/4 c Kashi go lean (3pts)/
ff jello (0),
not doing to good on my water, will need to work on that today.

Steps so far - 1241
total steps for day were 9825

Instead of writing again later, I think I will just come back to this note & update.

Last edited by 1day@atime; 06-30-2004 at 06:20 PM.
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Old 06-29-2004, 01:07 PM   #176  
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Hi everyone --

Sorry I "went away" from the thread....still trying to get settled into my new house, plus my mother-in-law has been visiting so we're doing stuff with her -- she'll be here 'till middle of August, which is great because I just love her. I just can't get much done. And my old kitty's (17 years old) health started declining rapidly, and she passed away last Thursday. And one of my best friends in California who has been battling Stage 4 cancer for 2-1/2 years has now been referred to hospice. She's not interested in eating or drinking and she goes in and out of consciousness. Please pray for her. Her name is Patricia.

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Old 06-29-2004, 01:49 PM   #177  
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Hi Ladies,

1-Day - Thanks for sharing your menu so far today. That gives me incentive to do the same. We did have a mishap at our house--our refrigerator started going out late Sunday and we didn't notice it until Monday morning. The repairman isn't coming until 3:00 to 5:00 today. I got a couple of coolers and put ice in them hoping not to lose all of our food. As a result my breakfast consisted of bacon-4 pts. and scrambled eggs with a little cheese (4 pts.), 1 pc toast w/ small amt of peanut butter.- 2 pts. and of course my coffee - 1 pt. I know this takes up a lot of my points but at least I haven't eaten anything else and it has been over 4-1/2 hrs.

Michelle - Great to hear from you and I most definitely will keep your friend in my prayers!

Mooz - It seems like you are doing well -- keep going!!!

I will write more later.
Take care,
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Old 06-30-2004, 09:27 AM   #178  
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Mooz -- It's great that you're doing Yoga. I love taking Yoga classes. What is the DASH diet?

Nita -- Was the repairman able to fix your frig?

1Day -- Sounds like you are doing awesome both with eating and exercising. Good for you!

HalGal -- I hope your test went okay.

So, it sounds like everyone was going to try journaling for the week. Since I was gone for awhile, I didn't know....and I haven't been journaling. And I haven't been doing good with my eating. Starting today, I will do better.
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Old 06-30-2004, 09:37 AM   #179  
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Mooz -- I just looked up the DASH diet plan on the web, and at first it looked like something I could handle, then I looked at the sweets category (5 per week)....well, I've been eating more than that lately -- which is in the reason I'm in the shape (pun intended) I'm in. Seriously, it does seem like a very sensible and very do-able plan. Today, I've started off poorly, but I'll do better the rest of the day.
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Old 06-30-2004, 11:22 AM   #180  
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Default RE: Wednesday....

Happy Hump Day Everyone!

My midterm was grueling. 50% of the test was statistical scenerios using a variety of algebratic equations. OK, it has been 25 years since I've had any math classes, and this guy went over each of these types of problems once -I repeat once each. ****stressssss**** Oddly, I passed the test. He wanted to speak to each of us individually on how we did. I told him for a class of 8 sessions to date - each being 3 hours long - and his total time/coverage of the equations totaled no more than 1 1/2 hours I felt it should not have been 50% of the test. I memorized 17, I repeat 17 pages of typed notes on the history of testing and measurements, theories, data and characteristics of... DUH....!!! He is a young professor, and is actually working on his PhD. I believe this may be his first grad class he has ever taught.

In my stressdom - new word - I came home and ordered up fries and a burger. I immediately regretted it, but will attempt to pick up from there and begin again.

Just a few quick notes as I have a long list of "Things To Do" before I go to class this evening...!!!

OneDay: How is your exercise going? I am getting ready to get on the bike AS soon as I finish posting. You go girl.

Mooz: Thanks for your help trying to find THIN. I sent emails to both addresses and both were returned as not good. You know her last email she said 'Say a prayer for us as we drive through the mountains." This really has me shook up. Anyway... what about TAZ. Can you write to her to see if she may have some information? Have you read about the Prisim Diet? I am going to post some on it for us t read. I have a friend that is a nurse that has lost a lot of weight on it.

Cat: LOL... you know sleeping on the sofa is like not having sex. Duh-da...same line of thinking. What next? I am honestly afraid to ask?

Michellez: Good to hear from you!! Sounds like you are on the road to recovery and long term weight loss. WE can do this! Together...

Prism Diet

a Low Carbohydrate Diet

The Prism Diet is a faith-based low carbohydrate diet similar to the Atkins Diet. It's main objective is to eliminite sugar and drastically reduce carbohydrate intake. Low carbohydrate diets are generally effective in the short-term, but maintaining such a restrictive diet is difficult for most people.

The following is an analysis by Kathy Goodwin, a registered dietition for The Diet Channel. It appears at

"Weight control can be a highly reactive subject. No wonder! Millions of people have tried countless times to succeed at the battle of the bulge only to watch the pounds creep back on time and time again. It can be an exasperating ordeal, and it’s clear that many have now pledged their diet allegiances to Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution in yet another attempt to claim victory with the bathroom scale. The "new" Atkins plan (which is actually a resurfacing of his book "Dr. Atkins Diet Revolution" published in the 70's) advocates a high protein, high fat diet with a significant restriction of dietary carbohydrate. Since the Atkins regimen contradicts the overwhelming majority of research on how to healthily lose and maintain weight, most public health professionals and organizations strongly disapprove of this diet. Many Atkins followers are incensed by the lack of support for their diet guru. Why? Perhaps because this fad diet could be another diet failure down the road -- a potential reality too difficult to face yet another time. But, many do feel an attachment to Atkins and other low-carb plans because a great number truly do lose weight. Keep in mind however, that there are many factors which must come into play if a diet can be considered truly successful over time. If the indicator of a successful diet is initial weight loss alone, and not permanent fat loss achieved in a healthy way, then my hat’s off to Atkins! Unfortunately, this and many other fad diets will not serve your long term health or your long-term success at weight control (and we do assume you would like to keep the pounds off forever?). Consider the following:

Fad Diet Fallacies

If you are on the Atkins plan or are considering trying it, you may wish to take a good hard look at your dieting history first. How many diets have you tried over the years? Everything from Optifast to Stillman? Have you lost weight and regained it several times only to start on the next "miracle" plan? Do you honestly feel that a low carb plan is something you can stick with for the rest of your life? If not, then it's just temporary like the rest of the fads. No more chocolate cake, mashed potatoes, french fries, spaghetti, pancakes, apple pie or other favorites. Forever. Even Atkins admits that if you go back to a higher carb diet again, the pounds will return. You've also got history and research against you. Studies show that restrictive diets which eliminate several foods or food groups have the worst failure rates over time -- a pretty dismal outlook. Unfortunately, many, caught in the initial weight loss euphoria of the low carb plan, will shun the research, hoping yet again, to beat the odds.

No Magic In Eliminating Carbohydrates

Why do some people lose weight on this diet? Is there some magical phenomenon that occurs in the body when high carbohydrate foods are abolished? No. The Atkins diet essentially eliminates several foods and food groups like fruits, cereals, breads, grains, starches, baked goods, dairy products, starchy vegetables, and sweets. This simply translates into a significant daily calorie reduction - the basis of any weight loss diet. Any reduction of calories - whether from protein, carbohydrate or fat - will result in weight loss. The basic weight loss formula is: calories burned must exceed calories consumed. Easily done when the majority of the foods on a typical day's menu are eliminated. There's nothing revolutionary about this regimen.

Rapid Water Loss

Many people become instantaneously hooked on the Atkins plan due to an initial rapid weight loss. The weight loss isn't coming from body fat though - it's coming from water. How's that? The body's preferred energy source is glucose. When carbohydrates are significantly restricted, as they are on the Atkins diet, the body runs short on its constant supply of glucose - the breakdown product of carbohydrate. The body anticipates these situations by storing emergency glucose, known as glycogen, in the muscles and liver. For every one gram of glycogen the body stores, it must store with it three grams of water. If carbohydrate is significantly limited, the body will begin to break down these glycogen stores to obtain glucose for energy. And what do you suppose gets released and excreted when the glycogen gets broken down? That's right - stored water - and lots of it. This gives the false appearance of a magical victory with the scale. If your goal is fat loss then this is certainly no cause for celebration.

Insulin Insanity

Low carb plans arouse an irrational fear about the hormone insulin. Insulin, like other hormones in the body, has many vital functions. One function is to enable our cells to take up glucose from the bloodstream and use it for energy. This gives us the ability to do everything from lifting a finger to recalling memories to running a marathon. Insulin has become unpopular (in obese countries) due to the fact that it helps the body store fat. Because of this fat storing function, low carb plans have condemned insulin to eternal damnation. Unfortunately, it's a very undeserved reputation based on false and twisted truths. One false theory is that only carbohydrate in the diet will stimulate insulin production. The truth is that all ingested foods stimulate insulin production. The second false theory is that insulin stores fat only when high carb foods are eaten. The bottom line with regard to the body's biochemistry is that fat will only be stored if too much food (from any source) is eaten. If the body takes in less calories than it uses in a day, all those calories will be "burned" or used for energy. It does not matter what percentage of those calories came from fat, protein or carbohydrate. On the other hand, if the body takes in more calories than it burns, insulin will help to store those extra calories as fat. Again, it does not matter where the extra calories come from. In fact, if the extra calories are from carbohydrate, the body actually burns some calories in order to turn carbohydrate into fat for storage. In contrast, extra fat calories can be immediately stored as fat. To blame insulin as the sole contributor to obesity is not only ludicrous, it's irresponsible thinking. What about all those days when we got into our cars, sat at the office all day, got the supersize meal from the drive-through, "remote-controlled" the TV all night while devouring ice cream to comfort our stress and emotions? Might this be a better explanation for rampant obesity in America? Obesity is an extremely complex issue. It has to do not only with excess calories and lack of exercise, but also genetics, psychological issues, social issues, medical problems and so many other things. The fact that normal portion sizes at restaurants are growing ever more outrageous, and that high calorie, high fat foods are cheaper and more accessible than ever doesn't help either. Obesity is not a simple issue and insulin is not the cause.

Healthy Populations Eat Carbs

The idea that a high carb diet is responsible for obesity and illness (a concept supported by low carb plans) is completely contradicted by many population-based studies. For instance, in Japan, carbohydrates compose the overwhelming majority of daily caloric intake. High carb foods like grains, rice, and vegetables are daily staples of Japanese life, and intake of high protein, high fat animal products is minimal. In contrast to the reported "evils" of carbohydrates touted by low carb plans, Japan has some of the lowest rates of obesity, heart disease, cancer and diabetes in the world. Enough said.

Heart Disease Haven

The Atkins diet places no limit on the amount of saturated-fat-laden products one can have each day. Large portions of foods like butter, red meat and bacon are advocated and encouraged. The Atkins plan contradicts numerous studies which have demonstrated the significant correlation between diets high in saturated fat and increased heart disease risk. Dean Ornish, M.D., a renowned cardiologist and author of the book Dr. Dean Ornish's Program For Reversing Heart Disease, showed an actual reversal of the heart disease process through a diet limited to only 10% of daily calories from fat. Prior to Ornish's findings, significant reversal of heart disease was only thought possible through surgery. Ornish's study participants followed a diet abundant in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, with the overwhelming majority of calories coming from carbohydrates. Dr. Atkins has not published a single study showing the long term effects of his diet on heart health. Considering his diet has been around since the 70's he's certainly had ample time to do so. Bottom line - heart disease is America's number one killer - if you have heart disease or a family history, stay away from low carb, high saturated fat diets.
The Cancer Connection

According to the National Cancer Institute, five servings of fruits and vegetables each day is the minimum amount one should eat in order to help significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer. In addition, studies have shown that approximately 35% of all cancer deaths in the U.S. may be related to poor dietary habits. Can one consume the amount of produce necessary to significantly help prevent disease on the Atkins diet? Impossible. Plentiful amounts of fruits and vegetables are forbidden. If these nutritious staples contain literally thousands of compounds showing promise in preventing cancer and so many other chronic diseases, why are they off limits? Because they have too many carbs of course - those dreaded compounds which Atkins feels are solely responsible for all our health and weight worries. Bottom line - cancer is America's number two killer - be wary of low carb plans if you are interested in reducing cancer risk through diet.

Only Food Can Provide Optimal Nutrition

Because low carb diets eliminate so many foods and food groups, getting the Recommended Daily Allowance of the nutrients the body needs is a difficult task. Conveniently, Atkins came up with his own line of expensive nutritional supplements to add to his fortune. Many are led to believe that taking supplements each day equals the same optimal nutrition we get from food. Wrong. Even "supplemented" low carb diets fall short on the latest nutrition phenomenon - phytochemicals. Research has isolated literally thousands of these protective substances in fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes. Phytochemicals are showing promise in helping to prevent everything from cataracts to cancer, and hosts of other chronic illnesses. It is as yet impossible to encapsulate these substances into a daily pill in the same optimal ratio and form that only nature can deliver. In addition, studies show that supplements fail to deliver the same disease fighting properties that whole foods do. In short, vitamins and minerals provide us with what we need to live, but phytochemicals provide us with what we need to live healthily. Sadly, falling for the mistaken notion that high carb foods are bad means missing out on daily protection from phytochemical-packed fruits, vegetables and grains. You won't find them in meats and animal products - the basis of the Atkins diet.
Any 70's Successes?

Low carbohydrate diet regimens have been in existence for decades. Dr. Atkins published his first book back in the 70's based on the same concepts as his current book. If these plans worked in the long run, the release of new diet books wouldn't even be necessary. The followers would have actually been capable of maintaining weight loss by eliminating high carbohydrate foods for over 25 years. Their long term weight loss success stories would have spread worldwide as the cure to obesity. Paradoxically, as more and more diets appear, the weight loss industry continues to get richer, and America continues to grow fatter."
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