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Old 07-20-2004, 02:34 PM   #241  
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Hi there chickies - it is wet and windy here this evening and I did not get for my walk maybe later ...........
I had a foot bath detox last night ......... anyone know anything about them?

Halgal - I was just thinking that Catlover has not been around recently which is not like her. Thanks for the great recipe ......... just the kind I like quick and delicious!

Nita - I don't know how you stick that heat .......... I know that I couldn't. When you do the treadmill do you have a big fan keeping you cool?

Patty - well done on going to the gym even when you didn't feel like it ....... you will be getting addicted to it

Michelle, Thin and Cat ........... hoping to hear from you soon.

Let yourself be

Unburden yourself from the limitations you've borrowed from others. And let yourself be. Empty your mind of the fears, doubts, worries and distractions that have built upon each other. And let yourself be.
This moment is filled with every possibility. All that you need to live it fully is already yours.

Look past the noise and turmoil of your thoughts. Be at peace with what is now, and see that peace as it spreads far beyond you.

Let any resentment, anger or disappointment from the past dissolve into nothingness, never to return. Let any anxiety or worry about the future melt away.

Now is where you can make a positive difference. Now is when you can let yourself be.

-- Ralph Marston

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Old 07-20-2004, 07:03 PM   #242  
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Hi All,

HalGal thanks for the recipe. I most definitely will have to try it. I did make it to the gym today and I walked on the treadmill for 35 minutes. I am somewhat intimidated with the rest of the exercise machines but I know in time I will get over it. I was too late for the Senior stretch class but perhaps I can make it next week. It looked like they were doing most of the exercises in the chair. I may also check out the Pilate class which you work at your own pace.

Mooz -- No, I cannot do the treadmill even in the early morning hours because it is about 90 in the garage even with the fan going. My husband's friend said I should move it into the house and that may be a good idea. All I need to do is convince my DH that it will work!

It's so great to see more folks are posting. These posts sure do come in handy. I am planning on making chicken breasts in the George Foreman grille this evening because it is just too hot to cook on the grille outside.

Talk to you all later. I have to watch Jeopardy and see if Ken Jenning continues to be the winner. Has anybody been watching this young man?

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Old 07-21-2004, 12:00 PM   #243  
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As this thread is getting rather long I will maybe start a new one tomorrow morning. A fresh start is always a good idea!!
Hope you are all having a healthy Wednesday!

Last edited by mooz49; 07-21-2004 at 12:03 PM.
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Old 07-21-2004, 08:13 PM   #244  
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Just a quick hello. I had several meeting to go to, so I am just now heading home. I'm not going to the gym tonight. Last night they did a assessment on me. My flexability and strength were good, but my body fat and oxygen (****) not sure what that word is were not good. They age me at 46, but i'm only 42. Said I could improve with more cardio for the oxygen & weight training for the body fat. Of course they tried to get me to sign up with a trainer, which I would like to, but I told the trainer, right now i'm getting just use to the routine. Once I get going I would like to sign up with a trainer.

we'll I need to run... I'm starving and of course I don't have anything good here to eat...

Hope everyone is having a great day!
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Old 07-21-2004, 08:33 PM   #245  
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Good Evening Everyone,

This was not one of my better days. However, I did go to the TV station and did my thing.

Patty -- I think you are correct in getting used to a routine before consulting a Personal Trainer. I checked at our gym yesterday and a PT costs $50 per hour. Does that sound like the going rate? I, too, decided at this time not to consult with a trainer.

I just changed my PCP today because I really didn't connect with my lady doctor. This doctor has been practicing for over 20 years. His office is so much closer than the other office so I am looking forward to seeing him on August 12th.

Has anybody been watching Jeopardy and Ken Jennings? This young man is awesome! I believe it was 35 days as of today, and, of course, $1,194,000 something. We have a virus going around Phoenix--The West Nile Virus--it is spread by misquitoes. It seems to be in the older neighborhoods which have irrigation and large trees. There already have been a couple of deaths as a result of this virus.

If I didn't have to cook for my DH who is a diabetic, this dieting would be so much easier. When I prepare a meal then, of course, I feel I should eat it. I'm sure this is just another excuse for not staying on program.

Take care,
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Old 07-22-2004, 01:54 PM   #246  
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Hello All

Nita - The personal trainers at this gym are $ 70.00 a hour. I thought that was pretty high, but the trainer told me that they all have degrees, and several certifications with different programs. At that rate, I definitely have to be on a routine otherwise it will be a waste of money for me. We too have the west Nile virus. Last week I had gotten out late and got several mosquitoe bites. I don't like spraying that stuff on me, so in the evening I try to stay in. I haven't been watching Jeopardy but I have seen the news where he just keeps winning. That is one smart man.

we'll I need to run... tonight i'm going to the kickboxing class again.

Hope everyone is having a great day!
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Old 07-23-2004, 02:32 AM   #247  
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Mornin Chickies ............ I think it's time we moved again as this thread is getting very long so


See you all at No 14!

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