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Old 05-17-2008, 07:27 AM   #76  
HRH Arabella, Woods Nymph
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Thumbs up Saturday in the Palace

And Day 5 it is. Oh, huzzah for the 21-Day challenge. I did find that the thought of reporting on WI helped to keep me away from eating more than I needed yesterday. Ordinarily I think "Well, it's Friday. A whole week before I weigh in officially again. 214.4 again this morning, not unexpected because we eat late on Friday. I'm aiming to have two pounds gone by next Friday

Behavior was stellar yesterday, except I missed meditation and fun. That's no good! I was very tired -- two mornings in a row I woke up between 2 and 3 a.m. and didn't get much sleep afterwards.

This morning I'm feeling slightly flattish but will no doubt feel better after my and Which I shall soon embark upon.

Andria, I think Depression Flats is no sort of a locale to be hanging around! I think, to be honest, that overeating keeps me there a bit. Not desperately down but just not fully awake and alive. It's that old "eating your feelings" thing. I find when I'm not doing that I'm more aware of negative feelings -- good ones too, though. I've added a "How am I feeling?" component to my food/exercise journal. Of course that changes throughout the day but I find it really helpful just to see how I feel -- I guess because it's attending to myself. Hmmm...

WSW So glad to see you in the Palace. Sorry to hear about the recent difficulties. I've been reading about EFT lately and a number of people claim that it does wonders for a lot of things, including MS. Here's a link, in case you're interested. I'm not sure whether EFT is really valid or not but a lot of fairly influential people recommend it. Anyway, I hope you don't mind me sharing stuff like this when I find it. I do a fair amount of health research and when I read something about MS I always think of you.

Anagram, our basement/laundry room is badly in need of attention too. Both cleaning up and carpentry. We have a large "finished" area down there that we want to convert to a spare room but it needs a lot of work. I need to be able to focus on small tasks instead of looking at the whole thing and getting discouraged.

So, with that I'm off and Have a lovely Saturday, lies!

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Old 05-17-2008, 07:47 AM   #77  
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wsw, ALL your writing is lovely and we are always joyful when we hear from you, our lovely inspiring friend.

Not so strong/brave re legal situation. A 's gotta do what a 's gotta do. I'd rather not but it was the right thing. Much, much help/support from DD (an atty though currently nonpracticing) - moral support from DS and all my sibs as well. Plus I had discussed it with DH before he died (not knowing at that time that he was not going to make it) and he gave me the "do what you have to do". Still I'll be more peaceful when all done with - have been all this week just with progress so far.

Had a lot of giggles over the similarity of our "Lemonade Thursday". And I know Depression Flats more than I'd like to admit too. In fact, I know that's my evening problem. I'm too fatigued to be strong by then and lonely thoughts creep in. Not every evening and the "lonely" thoughts are often "lovely" thoughts too so it's sort of melancholy.

And last night became one of those - had very little sleep, Arabella. And don't we all do better on a full night's sleep? (Amazing how often we hit those sleepless times together, Arabella.)

And, of course, that's all the worse because I'm headed to P'ville today and like to be very alert on those highways. Fortunately, I had all in ready shape last night so will be off during my "good" hours this a.m. before fatigue sets in. But I'll be in bed early tonight. (Always am after a two hour drive down and then Princess time.)

A dance recital tomorrow (jazz, I think - P12, at any rate) and I'll be "sitting" (a euphamism for child care if I ever heard one) with P7 this afternoon as DD is taking one of her early tentative steps to do something for her own pleasure (training to volunteer so sort of self/others). So at least my JOY is set for the next two days. Kiddie hugs are great currency.

Lots of rain yesterday, sun shining now but rain expected so I'm hoping to get there before it starts again - maybe it won't rain in MD.

Last edited by anagram; 05-17-2008 at 07:58 AM.
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Old 05-17-2008, 11:56 AM   #78  
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hello faire queens!

anagram-have fun in princessville!

arabella-i do like the links you post. in fact, since you have mentioned tapping, i have been curious about it. the website looks interesting-thanks.

having progressive ms can be very aggravating, and so i haven't ever had a remitting phase, but i try to do all i can to help delay progression as much as possible, of course. reading about eft also reminded me that i really need to push myself in to high gear with this weight loss attempt, since less of me could only help ms and anything else that ails me. i also need to do more of my ms yoga dvd's which are helpful. mind, body, spirit-----are indeed all connected, and sometimes i do better on some levels than others. now is my time for forging ahead with some weight loss! hear that, universe!!!! my body has been so reluctant to let go of weight for so long now, but i know that now is my time! well, i will continue with dainty portions, my exercise routine, and journaling my food (which i always rail against, but is always helpful for me.) so-----here i go in to the land of some serious weight loss! hope everyone has a good weekend. take care.
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Old 05-17-2008, 12:18 PM   #79  
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SOOOO much good stuff here to respond to, ponder, sympathize with, share...and so very little time in which to do so! I was all set to catch up and give an accounting of what I've been up to...then I spent the last hour or so reading about EFT! Interesting stuff there, Arabella! I LOVE when you share info such as this! Keep it coming, I say!

I've got to be true to myself and not let passivity or the forcefulness of others steamroll me into making decisions that aren't right for me.
Something I need to work on every single day. Please tell me what works for you! Actually, I have gotten somewhat better at speaking up more for myself, but am not yet good at the "follow-up." Why can't people just take "No" for an answer and move on?

Seek Out Some Joy. Joy in the Moment, Joy of Spring, Joy, Joy where e'er I can find it. I know the world is full of Joy when I just keep my eyes and heart open and appreciate it. I love this and do try to embrace it daily. When you think this way though, I find that it's so much easier to spot those who do NOT, (many) and I feel a little sad for them.

It isn't terribly unusual for me to catch myself wandering around Depression Flats... then you must have seen me there! I think the next time I find myself heading down that road, I'm going to do as anagram suggests. See above.

"What is the last thing you purchased that was worth every penny?" My iPod. I love it! So glad you enjoyed your trip, Kaylets... I love the idea of the contrasts of the GC and Vegas!

i was going to wait to post until my writing was better, but i need to just jump in "as is," as it were.
I'm so glad that you did, wsw! It's always good to hear from you. I hope that the difficulties ease up soon.

A feeble attempt at catching up, sure, but please know that I try to read even when I can't post, and I take everything to heart and think of you girls often. You give me strength and inspiration.

So after about 3 Day Ones, I'm officially declaring today the REAL day one and need to get busy making it an awesome one!
Here is my check list:
Food: per plan
Exercise: at least 30 minutes daily
Water: at least 64 oz consumed
Joy: Seek that which makes you smile...

All factors on check list must be met in order to proceed to next day. Easy, right? June 6, LOOK OUT!

It's a beautiful day, I have nowhere to be, no one needs me for anything, so I plan on being covered with dirt before the day is over. (seeking Joy!)

Have a wonderful weekend, s!
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Old 05-17-2008, 03:19 PM   #80  
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hi kat!!! reading your post made me smile. i was shaking my head yes, relating to all the quotes you commented on. i hope you are having fun in your garden, covered with dirt.

a friend called and she and her husband are going to come over and visit me this evening, which i know will be a joy. well, take care, all.
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Old 05-18-2008, 09:25 AM   #81  
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Thumbs up Day Six Sunday


Okey-doke. That's back in the right direction. Mayhap I'll actually get closer to -- even under? -- ticker tomorrow?

My low-energy day yesterday seems to have led to a day in which -- huzzah!!! -- I actually feel like doing things. And I did manage to get in all my steps and stick to plan yesterday, so... I'm counting a triumph! Today, heading out for a walk with DH soon and then looking at a puttery kind of a day.

Kat, I remember at one point coming in here posting Day 1 every day for a week one time before I made it to Day 2.

Re: The anti-doormat campaign -- One thing I'm working on is delaying responses to requests. Last week my sister asked if I could go to lunch with her and my mom on Friday, which translates to "Can you pick Mom up and bring her to the restaurant and drive her home?" and also requires driving her to the restaurant before parking the car (sometimes quite a chore and nowhere close) and then going to get the car so I can pick her up at the door. All in all, adds probably an hour to the whole exercise and I'd prefer just to walk over to the restaurant myself if I could rather than drive in the first place.

Aaaaannnyway. I said "I can't see why not" and then for the next several days fumed intermittently because I really didn't have the time for it. So. I haven't gotten better at that YET but I am at least formulating the plan to respond with: "Can I get back to you?" Even if I just have a few minutes without someone hanging on waiting for a response, I'll be better equipped to decide. And if I decide on "No -- sorry" I'll be more ready to hold to it.

I feel like I sound petty about chauffeuring my mom. Part of that issue is just that she's allowed herself to get so overweight and unfit that she is incapable of walking even the length of a block without her walker (which of course she doesn't want to take with her).

And a big part of why that bothers me is that I fear it for myself. I mean, I do keep exercising but I'm definitely not in the shape I was in 15 years ago.

I think her generation was so used to getting exercise through work (she was a nurse) that if they didn't do other things retirement could lead straight downhill.

For Mom, she retired when my Dad died at 60. And I saw a picture of her at my age, looking young, sitting on the floor playing with the kids. She was reasonably fit back then. But when she retired and Dad died, I think depression and the fact that she didn't HAVE to keep going led to a bad habit of not moving more than necessary. She didn't really do housework, never walked anywhere, etc. Combine bad eating habits with sitting on the couch... Now, 24 years later, she's almost totally incapacitated, probably 100 pounds overweight (at under 5 feet). And she fully believes the reason she's incapacitated is because she's arthritic.

Oh, gee. What a gut-spilling that was. I guess I needed that. I do find it frustrating but I'm sure it's not uncommon with seniors. And I should just accept it.

WSW, you sound like you're on the upswing, Honey! I'm glad you don't mind me sending links. Have fun with your friends (or was that last night?)

K, lies. DH is ready to go. Let's make this a good one!

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Old 05-18-2008, 11:35 AM   #82  
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Red face I hear ya, sister...

Kat, I remember at one point coming in here posting Day 1 every day for a week one time before I made it to Day 2.
<ahem> Day 1 is off to a rousing start! I've done my exercise already, eaten a wonderfully filling 5 point breakfast, and the sun is still shining, (not supposed to stay that way) so I'm back out to the yard for more dirty work. (and exercise!) My boys have gone off on their golf weekend, daughter is working all day, so it's just me and the dog. She makes no demands of me except for an occasional treat, so I've got the day to myself to do with as I see fit!

Arabella, this is the very place to come and spill your guts. I'd feel the exact same way as you do. I have a real hard time dealing with those who can but won't until they really can't, either physically or mentally... My in laws are a perfect example. They have the time and the means, but they just will not fly out here to see their son or only grandkids. All kinds of excuses along the lines of "when you get to be our age..." though neither one has any sort of debilitating disease that would prevent them from travelling. Then comes the guilt trip... why don't we go see them? Coordinating four different schedules, not to mention the cost of airfare for four of us, only to spend the week watching them go to various doctor's appointments...and maybe catch a dinner or two at Denny's.

(have I shared this before? Am I bitter? ) I'm really not! I'd rather go somewhere fun anyday, but I do feel as though they're not getting any younger and I don't want the next flight out there to be for someone's funeral. My son has off from school the first week of November, so we are considering going out then.

There! My guts are spilled too! Moving on...

Weight stayed the same this week, I'll take that as a victory, given the sketchy pattern of eating I've followed. I think my weight has settled into a new number and it's time to shake that up. Renewing and ramping up efforts this week! Oh yeah.

My bike has been in the shop, hopefully it will be ready tomorrow. (was supposed to be ready last Tuesday--hmmph) This weather is perfect for riding... not too hot yet. My bike is an old lady's 3 speed Schwinn, picked up at a garage sale years ago. The gears needed a tweak and maybe some oil. The guy at the bike shop was trying to talk DH into a new bike for me... prices starting in to mid $200 range. Um, no thanks! She's not entering any road rallys, this will be fine!

All right, I see some clouds rolling in, so I need to get busy. Have a joyous Sunday, faire s!
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Old 05-18-2008, 01:17 PM   #83  
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hi faire queens!

"What is the last thing you purchased that was worth every penny?" i found a great big magnifying glass which is very lightweight, and it is making reading more fun again. --not that i ever stopped reading, but this one is by far my favorite magnifying glass. i found it at a bookstore when i was browsing leisurely, and it just called my name. it is often the little things in life which make one smile. kaylets, i love your qod's and quotes. hope you are doing well.

arabella-glad you spilled your guts. this is definitely the place to do this-among friends who care so much about you----and we do!!!!

kat-have fun again in your garden today.

and to all our royal court, greetings.

i had a lovely visit with my friends last night. they both are hilarious, and we laughed a lot, which felt very good.

i am still the same weight, but sticking to my high gear plan, so know it will pay off. good afternoon, all.
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Old 05-19-2008, 07:18 AM   #84  
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Thumbs up Fresh Start Monday and Day 7 to boot!


Hokay! .3 will get me under ticker. And it's .6 down from official WI Friday... I must push, push, push!

Got 12500 steps yesterday, which is what I'm aiming for now on days when I feel up to it. I think I want to max out at 14000 eventually.

Dare I say I'm starting to feel more like myself? I do think that I'm held down by some sort of low-grade depression a lot of the time. Tied in with fatigue. I've started to remember my dreams again (which always seems positive, mental-health-wise), feel more like doing stuff instead of feeling like I've got to push myself to do things.

DH is off today for Victoria Day (where is fellow Canadian Ceara? )

I'm have to work but I'm spoiling myself with a before I head over to through the woods. It's a little out there but not too bad.

Anagram, I know! Who chose the term "baby-sitting?" Not a grandparent, I'd wager. DGS is hugely energetic and interactive. I've brought his similarly active cousin over with him a few times on the theory that two are easier than one but so far... not so much. I don't think DS was quite so much work when he was young. Of course, I was much younger then myself...

WSW, huzzah for hilarious friends and lots of laughs!

Kat, I must get my on the road too. It's ready to go... It's a hard business, isn't it, compromising without feeling like we've compromised too much.

Well, DH says he wants to go for a walk so I guess I'll join him and save my for tomorrow. Probably not a good idea to run two days in a row, anyway, in terms of not getting too tired. Have a fabulous day, lies!

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Old 05-19-2008, 07:39 AM   #85  
Changin' my ways :)
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Yesterday morning was looking to be another gloomy day in my head, but I read here for a few minutes and decided to get my backside up and moving. Each morning is another chance to start fresh, and if you all aren't afraid to do it, I'd better not be either. I put on my walking shoes, got out the iPod, and I went walking until the little Nike + thing told me I'd made at least a mile. I was in such a good mood by then that I decided to go just a bit farther. Definitely a better start to my day than sitting around berating myself for not being on top of my game! I think that nice walk also helped me to make some healthier food decisions yesterday. The family wanted tater tots to go with their sandwiches at lunch; I made a yummy salad for myself instead. My husby wanted to grill sausages for dinner that night (yes, we were having a very casual food day yesterday!). I read the package, decided I could have one, and excused myself from the table when he offered me seconds. I was so proud of myself! Yesterday was a good day 1!

Day 2 plan: I'm nervous today. I'm covering the rest of the school year for a teacher who was supposed to be having her baby this morning. We had talked it all out, and she was supposed to email me all the lesson plans this weekend so I would have all the information I needed to start up today. Well, you all know how well those sort of plans work out. She had the baby on Friday, and I'm hitting the classroom cold this morning. All I know is what books they are reading. My plan is to go straight from here to packing my lunch and snacks for the day. I'll hit the classroom half an hour earlier than normal, and that should be enough time to figure it all out before students start arriving. And if it isn't, the day will happen anyway. I can't exactly stop or slow that part down. I will remember to breathe, I will remember to not stress about things beyond my control, and I will remember to get up and move when things feel overwhelming. There. That should cover it.

*HUGS* to you faire s. I wish I still had time for replies this morning!

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Old 05-19-2008, 01:34 PM   #86  
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hi all!

arabella- congrats on the .6 down from your official WI Friday,and on day 7!

andria-hope all goes/went well at work today.

gorgeous here today, and have to get out for some errands soon, so will have chance to enjoy it.

trying to eat more gentle, bland foods, since my stomach has been acting up a bit the past couple of weeks. actually, it makes it a lot easier to eat dainty portions, i must say. well, need to get out among 'em and accomplish those errands, so must away. take care, faire royals, one and all.

Last edited by wsw; 05-19-2008 at 01:35 PM.
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Old 05-19-2008, 06:01 PM   #87  
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Default Day 2!!

...and going strong! Woot! One more meal to get through, and I'm feeling good about the choices I will make. I spent the better portion of the rainy, rainy day yesterday cooking, baking, and preparing some goodies to make things a bit easier on myself. I baked some chicken breasts, cooked up some brown rice, made a pot of chicken/rice soup, baked a dozen whole wheat/applesauce muffins, a crustless pumpkin pie, ( ) chickpea salad, and...I think that was it. Got breakfast now for each day this week, a few lunches, and the beginnings of a dinner or two. Feeling very virtuous and accomplished!

AND! My weight was down another lb this AM... I think I will change my ticker. Going to assume the pound difference was due to residual post menstrual bloat. The psychological boost that seeing that number gives me is worth it being off my weigh in schedule. Ahh, who really cares, except me?

Andria... Oh girl, you are doing so well! I love this:
And if it isn't, the day will happen anyway. I can't exactly stop or slow that part down. I will remember to breathe, I will remember to not stress about things beyond my control, and I will remember to get up and move when things feel overwhelming. There. That should cover it.

Arabella... Happy Victoria Day! I hope that your walk with dh was a good one. I wish I could get mine out with me more often... though he should be getting quite a bit of walking in with all the golfing he's been up to.

wsw... Anytime spent laughing with friends is time well spent! I'm glad you had fun!

Anagram... How was the recital? We spent many's the year going to dance recitals. After a while, I found them torturous (except when my daughter was on!) but now I'm a little nostalgic for those days. Same goes for the Little League games... Time marches on.

Okay. I need to track today's points. I'm using the etools at WW site. So far, anyway. I usually start the week like gangbusters and fizzle halfway through. I should make a point of incorporating that into 21 day requirements. I exercised this morning before work, which was good, because it was a bit too chilly/windy for lunchtime walkies. Will do something else tonight, not sure what at this point.

So, I guess that's it. Here's hoping that you all have a good night, my lovelies!

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Old 05-19-2008, 06:52 PM   #88  
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kat-congrats on the lb. down! woo-hoo! impressed with all your cooking too.
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Old 05-20-2008, 10:19 AM   #89  
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Thumbs up Day 8. Believe it or not.


So, there's a pound down from WI with 3 days left to see about knocking off another one. Waddya know -- this thing works.

I'm feeling tired and slightly down this morning. Not sure why... In any case, I'm off to sound yoga at lunch and then picking up DGS this afternoon, both of which may lend me some of that joy that I seek. But... I think I may be feeling a little overbooked.

I made a big pot of veggie chili this morning (Man, hard to keep up with that Kat!) and have my sheets out on the line, which will be my bedtime treat tonight.

Got and in and the walk to and fro sound yoga will give me my complement of steps. Onward! Maybe my mood is connected to weight loss. You just never know! Anyway, I am not going to use food to try to make it go away.

Kat, it started pelting down rain and blowing gusts in our faces about half-way 'round the harbour yesterday. We got drenched! But it was kind of fun and exhilarating and v. nice to come home and get into a hot shower.

Ahh, who really cares, except me?
Ummmm... we do?

Andria, I was loving your 'tude yesterday. Those "gloomy days in our heads" -- boy, do I hear ya! And the getting up and moving is absolutely the cure. Gloom, stress, sadness, anger -- I find moving helps so much with all of it and I can often work things out while I'm doing whatever it is. Sometimes I actually even accomplish something! Hope your day was great! Are you already looking forward to the long weekend?

WSW, bland foods ... hmmm, now that's something I've never thought of but I bet it would help. My mom one time had to restrict her salt intake and lost about 30 pounds in short order. Bet I would too... until I was fighting cows for salt licks.

K, ies, let's make this a good one. We shall triumph!

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Old 05-20-2008, 02:40 PM   #90  
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arabella-congrats on even lower weight!! huzzah!
all your exercise inspires me. need to get out my yoga dvd and do a little this afternoon-definitely.

i sure understand about "gloomy days in our heads," andria, too. i get stuck inside physically so much of the time because of ms that i have to really reach in to my bag of tricks to try not to end up too much in my head, and therefore end up too isolated. i have to come up with a lot of alternate planning. if my legs aren't working and i can't get outside, then i read and do meditation, etc. if my vision isn't so hot then too, i try to listen to books on tape, listen to music, etc. anyway, bottom line for me is often trial and error with my different tools in my toolkit. i know this sounds dorky, but i sometimes keep a list of these different things so that if i can't think of alternatives to soothe and calm myself, then i have it there in writing, so i can go down my albeit, very large print list, until something clicks with me. ok, so since i am able to get out among 'em today (and very grateful that i can), i will get to it. i am just so glad all of you are here. you all give me so much great inspiration and warmth. how lucky i am to be in such magnificent company.

by the way, i am proud of myself because i am hugely computer-challenged, and i learned a couple of things i didn't know how to do before. woo-hoo! needless to say, these are things every 3 year old knows about a computer, but for me, it was big. ( learned how to change the font, slow down the progression of the responses, etc. on an ms chat this morning.)

well, take care, all.
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