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Old 09-23-2004, 07:51 PM   #61  
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Just a fly by... I have to make a cake for a baby shower on Saturday, so I am running to the store in a few to get the stuff for it. Tom has to take some fruit salad to work tomorrow for a picnic, so I need to get the stuff for that too. They are having some silly olympics, so he is going to wear a toga. I have to figure that out too. Sometimes my husband surprises me. He can be so serious, then he does something so out of character and silly, it just floors me! He went on a business trip to Chicago once and stayed with my family. My niece was being baptised that weekend, so he went to the party. They sent me pictures of him with two party hats on his head, and he had NOT been drinking! I imagine he was amusing the kids.

Off to Publix! Will check in later!
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Old 09-23-2004, 10:21 PM   #62  
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Wow what a busy and stressful day. We are having our monthly birthday party at work Friday. Since I'm on the "party committee" I decided I should bring something. So I spent the evening making buckeyes (peanut butter balls covered in chocolate). The problem with that is you HAVE to taste the peanut butter mixture to make sure it is right. Did pretty good though only ate two.

PANCHO--Last time I had lunch with Lindsey she told me that I could sit and finish lunch but she was ready to go outside and play. I decided that was my clue that she didn't need me to eat lunch with her anymore.

Too tired to read all the posts...I'll try to catch up tomorrow.

So until then....hope everyone has a good night.


B: biscuit w/ SF strawberry jelly
S: cheese
L: beef fajitas (there I go with that beef again!)
S: none
D: Texas Beef Skillet (mexican dish)
S: 2 buckeyes
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Old 09-24-2004, 06:03 AM   #63  
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Hi Y'all!

Popping in for a minute that I have seem to found. Guess it has something to do with me being up since about 3am Layed in bed and couldn't fall back asleep. Got up out of bed around 4am, took my shower and rushed to the gas station for gas before everyone else sees the hurricane watch that was issued down here. Figured the lines would get long once again and I wasn't in the mood to be in them. Started some laundry, put some away and made a cup of coffee. Have about 10 minutes before I have to get Lauren up and out of bed and ready to head out to school.

So yes, once again we are preparing for a possible hurricane. This is beyond ridiculous now. Thankfully, I have everything I need and don't have to buy anything that I can think of. I have left all my hurricane shutters up but 2 since Frances so don't have to worry about putting those up. I'm not taking those babies down til Nov. 30th. Heck, the way things have been down here with hurricanes, I just may decorate them and leave them up for the holidays!

I have been on track and doing great for 4 weeks now. Still have a ways to go, but at least things are looking in the right direction

I have been so busy with the apt house that I haven't had time to do anything else, much less read the board, so I haven't a clue what's taking place, who's here, who's MIA, etc., so, please forgive me if I don't reply to anyone at this time. I'm hoping once my parents get home that things will settle down a bit for me, though I have already told my Mom that I will help her as needed.

Right now, I just wish I could clean my house! I'm disappointed because I had a plan, a REAL plan to REALLY clean this house like never before. I have a small closet by my front entry way that I was able to tackle before all this crap happened and it came out FANTASTIC! I was on a roll, or so I thought. Got a lot done in the 4th bedroom (those of you who have been to visit know it as my computer room), but it's only half done and there's crap still sitting on the floor as it did the day all the problems started at the apt house. Nothing's been done since. It's enough for me to try and just keep up with doing regular laundry these days.

The apt. house - Lord, what a mess. Don't even want to go in to it!

Other than that, nothing else is new - don't have time for new things to happen! I don't want anything new to happen unless it involves me hitting the lottery, (guess it would help if I played!) or something as good

Hope all is well with you and yours. I do really miss you gals and hope to get back on sooner than later. Thanks to MONET for helping get the boards started for me until I can get back in some capacity. I didn't want to take any chances that I wouldn't be able to get on on a Sunday night/Monday morning and MONET offered to do the task until I can return - THANKS MONET!!!!!!!

Well, it's 6am, time for me to skiddadle and get going for the day. Don't know how I'll do today with little sleep Guess I'll take after that old disco song "I WILL SURVIVE!"


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Old 09-24-2004, 09:06 AM   #64  
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Good Morning! I got James up and going...made breakfast and am about to head out the door to the church office to do my volunteer stint. Breakfast was another hearty one... 2 eggs scrambled with cheese, 3 sausage patties, a piece of toast and half a white peach and half a yellow kiwi, and two cups of hot tea.

I have to bake a cake today, and I am worried about that. Its so hard getting back on track totally. Seems I am constantly faced with situations where I have hardly any chance to make the right choices. Yesterday at lunch, Laura went and got us lunch while we were working at Ruth's apartment. She brought an Arby's beef and cheddar...I threw away about 3/4 of the bun. I also ate a Wendy's bacon jr. cheeseburger minus the bun. BUT...I did eat the curly fries from Arby's... at least I drank unsweetened ice tea. Dinner last night was sparse...a protein bar and a few pieces of broccoli and mushrooms out of the leftover stir fry that Tom did not want. I ate a bite of brown rice too.

DEB: Good to see you on! I hope things settle down soon for you. I sure hope the next hurricane misses you! Its been a rather unusual year with all of them, hasn't it?

LAUREN: I love those did well eating only two! I would have had a serious problem if I even ate one! I snickered about your eating lunch with your daughter. I went to eat with mine a couple of times, but her classmates were more interested in me than she was. I did not go often. I homeschooled, and the older two were older when they went to school. They would have died if I had showed up!

Ok, gonna head on out...will get to replies later.

Last edited by Ellen; 09-24-2004 at 09:09 AM.
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Old 09-24-2004, 11:03 AM   #65  
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Good Morning:

Teensy & I are getting lonely on the exercise board .

I don't even know if I posted my weight on WIW; it seems as if my days have been messed up this week. I was at 120#'s this morning, and have been holding steady there for awhile. Every once in a while, I will see it go as low as 118#'s, but that is pretty rare. My steps yesterday were 13,973, and so far today, I am at 1,734. I plan to go to the gym later today before picking Britt up, so that usually brings my steps up anywhere from 4,000 - 6,000, depending on how much I do.

Britt has a bowling birthday party tomorrow, so I will get up early and go to the gym, and then come home and pick her up and take her to her party. Lane will get to go to Home Depot w/ dad, and then he will get her down for her nap.

I get my hair cut next Saturday and can't wait. Once you have it really know when it's time to get it cut. When it was long, I could go 8-10 weeks in between trims/cuts because I could just pull it up. Now, I don't like to go over 6 weeks tops; it's getting tough to deal with.

Not much else going on here.

So far today:
BF: Cheerios w/ blueberries & Rice/Soy milk
Water: 20 oz

Gator: You go girl; keep on walking!

Lauren: I love Buckeyes....yum; we usually make those around Christmas time. Don't kids just grow up too darn fast? I told Britt yesterday that Lane & I will come one day every other week, and she was totally fine with that. We'll probably be down to once a month soon . I am just glad she is enjoying school and has lots of little friends.

Deb: So glad to see your post. I cannot believe this hurricane season. I guess what Ivan did, making an encore appearance is pretty much unheard of. Glad you have been able to stay on track through these stressful times. We look forward to seeing you more soon.

Monet: Good luck making that cake; it's tough to keep those fingers out of there. You may want to chew some gum.

O.K. GUYS....THE OFFICIAL FIRST DAY OF FALL HAS MADE ITS DEBUT! THE TEMPS ARE STARTING TO DROP...WE HAVE HALLOWEEN NEXT MONTH, THANKSGIVING THE NEXT AND THEN CHRISTMAS. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TO STAY ON TRACK STARTING NOW???? Think about it and let me know. I've gotta think about it too, and commit to staying on track throughout the Fall/Winder Holiday months. Remember how long that holiday weight sticks around!

Well, I'll check in later!
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Old 09-24-2004, 11:31 AM   #66  
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Hey guys:

I stumbled across a site called The Low Carb Diet Chefs, and they seem to have a lot of interesting products.

They have a high fiber, low-glycemic flour blend. I wouldn't buy this because the first ingedient is wheat gluten, and we have to watch our wheat allergies around here. But, for those who have a hard time getting the results they want with wheat flour might like it.

They also have a low-glycemic corn starch blend substitute that could be used in gravies, and other similar items.

Anyway, if you want to check them out, they are at:

Take care,
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Old 09-24-2004, 12:43 PM   #67  
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Hello everyone. The first day of spring was Wed. and to mark that occasion, Florida decided to have another hurricane. It makes me just sick. Right now, they really don't know where it is gonna hit on the east coast of our wet and tattered state. I'm just praying that it hits Daytona Beach or even north of there, because then we will b e on the western side of the storm, which is the "calmest" side. During Charley, we were on the northeast side of the eye, and that is the worst side for wind. Last time I looked at the TV, it showed Jeanne coming in a bit south of us, and then coming up right through our county. UGH!!!

Took my walk this morning and have 6500 steps so far. A neighbor who lives right at the entrance to our neighborhood has a big boxer that is afraid of people. (Read--biter dog) A section of their fence fell during the last hurricane and so her dog was running loose right about the time I was coming by her house. She was in her front yard talking on her portable phone. Her dog started barking at me and not wagging its tail. He also started running at me and then veering away at the last minute. She continued to talk on her phone, and occasionally yelling at her dog to "come", which he did not. I whipped out my pepper spray, prepared to spray the dog if he got close enough to bite me. She freaked out and finally got off the phone. Then she got very angry at me for even thinking about spraying her dog. She finally got him to "come" and said very sarcastically what a good neighbor I was. She was actually yealling at me. Seems to me that I could have been the person yelling (I don't yell at people) but I think she is someone that values animals more than people. What a "excitement" on my walk today. Hope they get their fence fixed soon!
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Old 09-24-2004, 01:49 PM   #68  
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Default quick note

Gator- take that dog thing seriously! My husband (6'4", 260 lbs) was attacked by a pit bull puppy a few years ago on a neighborhood walk, another dog (same owner) saw and decided to join in. Ended up with stitches for bites in his arms, which he used to cover his face, and he was standing upright at the time. Also a back injury. Another neighbor saw, grabbed some kind of Xmas decoration off a lawn and beat the dogs off. Animal control said pit bulls are "good dogs, really they are", and refused to do anything about the pup. When she found out that it was a "pack attack" (more than one dog), she had to cite the neighbor and file with the county. Anyway, if I were you I would start walking with a stick as well as pepper spray. Sure, sure, there are no bad dogs, just bad owners, but this pit bull craze just burns my toast.
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Old 09-24-2004, 05:13 PM   #69  
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Not much new here on the West Coast of FLA....Debbie seems to have it ALL happening over there on the EAST COAST! Fingers crossed for all over there, and for you's hoping that it passes you by this time, but can we wish for it to hit somewhere else besides Daytona? I have some really close friends who live there.

NAT...did you by any chance catch OPRAH today about the wife swapping show that's on Sunday night? It's gonna be might want to tune it! I watched EXTREME MAKEOVER last night and it was really good. I love this show and try to catch them all during the season. What did you think of THE BACHELOR? I liked the one they didn't pick...this guy is cocky!

MONET...good luck on your last minute cooking! Would LOVE to see TOM in that TOGA...can you manage a picture on the board?

We're gearing up for the trip...I've got errands to run tomorrow picking up last minute things, then it's laundry....laundry...laundry.....

No MOVIES this weekend...too much on TV...

I've got to go fix Kate some supper...corned beef and cabbage...YUM!!!

I'll be back later.

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Old 09-24-2004, 05:38 PM   #70  
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Drawing students just left... I have been running all day. Went to do the worship guides this morning, then to lunch with old friends/co-workers, then home for drawing, and now I need to go down and fire up the oven and get going on this cake.

Lunch was at an Italian kind of place. I got eggplant parmigiana, BIG mistake. I had it before but did not remember how bad it was. All breading and seriously little eggplant. I would have done better with a sandwich. Came home and frustrated, ate some of the chips James and Laura were having for lunch.

Its kind of warm and even the whole house fan is not sufficiently cooling the house. Once I get the oven going, it is not going to be pleasant!

Dinner will be steak and green beans. Not sure what else...

Will be back later!
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Old 09-24-2004, 07:24 PM   #71  
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Good afternoon:

I am up to 11,262 steps. I did get to the gym, but didn't get my full workout in. When I was on the treadmill, my mom called me; I keep my cellphone on in case Britt's school needs me. Then when I hung up with her, the daycare worker came to inform me that Delaney went poop and stuck her hand in her diaper, and wouldn't let anyone but Mommy change her. What fun! I had to cut my treadmill time by about ten minutes.

My menu:
BF: Cheerios w/blueberries & rice/soy milk
Snack: Jalapeno Black bean chips w/ 2 laughing cow cheese wedges
Snack: 1/2 cantaloupe
Snack: Chunk of dark chocolate w/ almonds
Lunch: Small chili & side caesar salad w/ lite Ranch from Wendy's & iced tea
Snack: Granola bar
Snack: Starbuck's Frapp. Lite Mocha (in a bottle)
Dinner: I think wings & salad

I will get to the gym tomorrow a.m., and shouldn't have any interruptions, so hope to get a good workout in. Two of my workouts were cut short this week.

Gator: Some people are very irresponsible when it comes to pets. It is very sad that the neighbor thinks you are the "snotty" neighbor. As Ruby said, you need to be prepared in case the dog decides to turn on you. Boxers are usually really great dogs, but who knows how it was raised and what it is capable of. You can take a great pup and be mean to it, and it will grow up to be timid and mean. Is there another route you can take? I sure hope that hurricane takes a hike; enough is enough!

BOB: I did see previews to that show, but I think it is on at 7 p.m. here, and I can't watch anything at that hour; that is the busiest time of the evening for me....getting kids into bed, brushing teeth, reading, telling stores, etc... I didn't get a great warm fuzzy feeling about either one of those guys on the Bachelor; they are definately opposites though. My sister liked the one that got voted off, and my mom likes the one that stayed. I will have to keep watching to see if this guy rubs off on me or not. I caught the last 1/2hour of EM last night; it was a good one. I hope to catch a few of those this season. Are you a Survivor watcher? I only watched that one season, and don't enjoy it as much as everyone else seems to.

Monet: Sorry about your lunch choice; that really stinks. I am making Chicken Parm one day next week and don't even know if I will bread the chicken. I might with a little bit of WW bread crumbs, but like it just as well without.

Well, have a great weekend. I'll try to check in at some point.

Where is everyone at today?????

Take care,
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Old 09-24-2004, 07:45 PM   #72  
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Pancho--Unfortunately that neighbor lives on the corner, the first house you pass by when you enter our neighborhood by the only road that comes into our neighborhood. There's no way to avoid it, unless I walk the 2 miles by walking back and forth on a 1/4 mile stretch past our house. And I shouldn't have to do that. My DH advised me to write her a letter, so she could read it in the privacy of her own home when she is not so upset. I don't want to spray her dog, but I also don't want to be consulting a lawyer about the bite her dog gave me.

Steps today = 14900. I'll get the 15000, but have taken the pedometer off.
Gotta go.
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Old 09-24-2004, 07:46 PM   #73  
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Cake is in the oven, and I have a killer headache. Tom just got in, and I have a steak defrosted to grill for dinner. Guess I will wait for James to get home...he was leaving work a few minutes ago and his office is just about five minutes from here. I feel wretched. I felt ok until I found out how extreme the size of my fibroids are! Now that I know, I can feel more pain than before. Weird, huh?

Well, gotta go get the steak going! Later!
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Old 09-24-2004, 09:05 PM   #74  
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Hey everyone

I'm sorry that I've been such a bad friend/buddy lately - I haven't been responding to anyone! I stink! I have been going to bed early every night- I'm so tired all of the time.

I just wanted to let y'all know that we went to our adoption orientation last night. We are going to get certified to adopt and foster. I think that we will be wonderful foster parents even if we don't get to adopt the child. I was telling Terry last night when we were coming home - "Just think of how good it will feel if one of the kids that we foster comes back later in life and tells us how wonderful we were and what a positive influence we were in their lives!" That will be so rewarding. To think of what these children have gone through in their short little lives and if we can make a difference - what a GIFT!

So, the meeting went well and now I'm really excited to get certified. I just wanted to thank all of you for putting up with me through all of my miscarriages and mood swings! I know I'm tough to handle and moody!!! So....THANKS!!!!

I love you all! I hope to be back on the board full time soon! I've just got the "high" class this year and I have a lot of extra work to do for them...they are so smart so I have to do all of this extra work so they don't get bored and I keep them challenged!!

I love you all!
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Old 09-24-2004, 11:26 PM   #75  
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Hey, all. I'm tired but my stomach hurts. The culprit- Lapinata. But I stayed 100% legal, although it was a HUGE meal and waayyy too much fat. I had chicken fajitas with refried beans, too much sour cream and guacomole. Now my stomach is hurting from it. I weighed again today and it said 161(my low), I hope it's right considering I weighed almost 10 times to make sure,lol. But after this heavy meal this evening it will probably be up a bit in the morning. Not going to stress over it, it'll be back off by Sunday or Monday. The only thing that I'm having off plan is a couple of planned beers tomorrow night. So I need to make sure I drink LOTS of water tomorrow. I did all my errand-running today, so at least that's over with. I skipped exercise today. I think if I do 2 workouts on Tues and Thur, then I need to rest on Wednesday and Friday so that I'm not over-working my muscles. Whatcha think? I'm really going to try and get up in the morning and do my Ramp it Up. Hubby said my thighs looked more toned today, wonder if he was just brown-nosing,lol. Tomorrow I need to get my nails done(fill-ins), and probably will take the kids to the mall and let them play, etc..then that evening it's off to Me'me's! Don't have anything planned for Sunday. I need to go to church but I think I will feel guilty for "partying" the night before. Hmmmm...Monday the fair comes to town and the kids are really looking forward to it. Boogie's already telling me that the fair takes too long to get here and I just told him this morning about it,lol. Well, nothing really going on, guess I'll try to get some sleep. Here's my menu for the day- it sucks, but I was in town the majority of the day and I was a piggy for supper.

BF- was a LC shake
Lunch- (while in Walmart)a big handful of cashews and an Atkins cinnamon cereal bar.
Supper- Chicken fajitas, refried beans, too much sour cream and guacomole

Water intake today wasn't good. Drank too many diet cokes.

Deb- good to hear from ya, keep posting!

Pancho- I've already started thinking about the holidays! I always allow myself to eat what I want on Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Xmas dinner. BUT the problem is that I CONTINUE to splurge and eat off-plan in between all of these dates, so there comes the poundage. I think I gained either 6 or 8 pounds during this time last year. I do NOT want that to happen again. So now I'm focusing on treating myself on these special occasions, but getting back on track afterwards. That is my biggest problem. I'm really trying to focus on that right now with my weekend bingeing. I've never been able to just eat one meal off-plan and then get back on track. It's like once I've blown it I might as well keep on and finish off the day! Very stupid, but that's what's been happening. Then 1 day turns into 2 or 3! So I'm really trying to focus on that right now. Telling myself that if I DO "cheat" then to get back on track with the next meal, not to do more damage. If I can conquer this(which I'm feeling more secure now that I can and will), then I know I can get these last 18-20 #'s off.
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