Sugar Shakers for followers of Sugar Busters and other GI based diets

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Old 07-19-2004, 06:52 AM   #1  
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Post Sugar Busters Weekly Support Board 7/19-7/26

This is the
where all of you who are following this WOE, or are thinking about doing so, are welcome to come join in and be a part of our wonderful group.

Other than finding support and friendship on this board, we also try to do something during the the week to add a little difference to our board.


Please take some time to check out our extensive recipe boards. Our RECIPE BOARDS can be located at the link below:

Look for our QUARTERLY RECIPE BOARDS to post your favorite recipes and to see the most recently posted recipes. Recipes from the quarterly boards will be archived in proper categories at some point.

We have SEVEN INFORMATIVE BOARDS!!!! Please take a few minutes to visit them! New information is continually being posted, so please make sure you visit them often!!! The boards are listed below as well as the link that will take you to the boards:


We also have a SB WEEKLY EXERCISE BOARD that you can log your daily/weekly exercises on which is located on our weekly support board:

Then there's our latest addition to the SB BOARDS which is called OFF THE EATEN PATH This board is for everything NOT related to SB. You can use this board to post questions or comments on just about anything (okay, within reason). A book you recommend, a cleaning tip, a great website deal, etc. etc. Here's the link:

NEWBIES! (aka new members) If you would like to REPLY to any of our threads, please hit POST REPLY not NEW THREAD, then type your message in and hit SUBMIT REPLY. If you need to edit your reply, just click on edit located in the body of your post and make changes as you need to, then hit SUBMIT NOW.


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Old 07-19-2004, 06:59 AM   #2  
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Will be trying to get in a decent post sometime later, going to try and get out and walk this morning, put my best foot forward, but wanted to make sure I got our
done early in the morning, so here's my contribution for MM, there's 2 of them to read today-both very good


If you were just one step away from reaching your goal, would you take that step? How do you know, right now, that you're not?
What a shame it would be to stop making the effort, when just a little bit more would make it all worthwhile. What a shame it would be to have taken all those steps, only to miss the very last one.

The next step you take may very well be the one that makes all the others count. You owe it to yourself, and the efforts you've made, to keep going.

No, the next step may not get you there. Yet what about the one after that? If you keep moving ahead, a little at a time, you will indeed arrive. When you take that final, triumphant step, you'll be so very thankful you persevered.

At some point success is just one step away. Keep going and you'll be there.

-- Ralph Marston


Sure, the task is difficult, the road is long, and the challenges are great. And yet, somewhere deep inside, you know you can do it.

Your outer thoughts and words may complain loudly about the trouble, frustration and annoyance. Yet your innermost thoughts know that what is best is to move ahead with it, despite all the trouble.

Listen to that inner voice, the one telling you that yes, you can. Listen to that inner voice, the one reminding you that yes, you must.

That inner voice can give you valuable perspective, for it is not distracted or dismayed by the events of the moment. Certainly it's useful to pay attention to the moment, and it's also important to keep the big picture in mind.

And when you measure the challenges of this moment against the big picture of your life, you'll know that you can handle those challenges. When you view the opportunities of this moment within the big picture, you'll know that your efforts will be richly rewarded.

Listen to that inner voice, the one that's saying yes to life.

-- Ralph Marston


Have a wonderful day, and a fabulous week!!!!!

SB since 3/22/00
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Old 07-19-2004, 07:49 AM   #3  
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Good Morning!

I have a full day planned. I want to get to Curves, then I am taking the young wife who was over here Saturday to either Whole Foods/Harry's, or the big farmer's market to get SB legal stuff.

I hopped on the metal monster this morning....BIG mistake. The Chinese food last night did not make for a pleasant weigh in this morning. Up about 5....

All my kids are out of town on vacation. Its a weird feeling! I really ought to clean up stuff and throw away a lot while no one is around to stop me!

Do we need a challenge? How about this- exercise and post it at least three times this week. My challenge this week is to get back to NO cheats. Anyone with me?
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Old 07-19-2004, 08:58 AM   #4  
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Good Morning All

Sorry I was MIA all last week. I had a busy week taking out the grandkids to their badminton summer camp which is now finished - for the time being anyway. They really liked it and are hoping to go again in a couple of weeks time. My eating has been so-so. Good one day and screw up the next. I'm still up a couple of pounds from my lowest but it is just doing the usual fluctuations. I was out visiting friends yesterday and I made Deb's cheescake which was liked by everyone. This time I made it with a hazelnut crust with fresh strawberries and a jello based glaze. Yum yum.

I am planning on going to the zoo tomorrow with four of the gks and my dil and her Mom. It's been years since I have been there and there have been quite a few changes since I was last there so it should be fun for the kids. They now have a 'Splash Island" so guess we will be taking bathing suits and towels with us. So much stuff to carry around when you visit these places. Wednesday we are planning on going to the Imax theatre to see a movie about coral reefs. Looks interesting and I think the kids would enjoy that. I am trying to keep my dd's two youngest kids busy while she is working this week.

I'm off to badminton now and may go for a swim later. Have a good SB day everyone.

Bye for now.

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Old 07-19-2004, 09:08 AM   #5  
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Good Monday Morning Everyone! that I've calmed down a tad....I can post a happier post! HAHA! Today is a brand new day. I got on that scale and I'm not surprised to see the horrible number 299.5 - OMG! I know that the shots that I'm on and the progesterone cause you to gain weight but still....I have to do something!!! So, I will TRY my best to do good this week!

MONET: I'm with you - I'm going to try not to cheat and I'll try to ride my bike at least 3 times this week. I love Chinese food too! I'm sure it was delicious!!

ROSALIE: Sounds like you are enjoying your time with your grandkids. They sure are keeping you busy!! Have fun!

SEF: I know that we are beating a dead horse with the posts to BUNNA but I had not been around and I just HAD to get my anger off of my chest - you know me and my hot head! I just couldn't resist!

Well, I'll be back in to report my eating for today. Hopefully I can see the scale go down some this week.

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Old 07-19-2004, 09:40 AM   #6  
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Good Monday morning.

Hope everyone is ready for a new week. Let's make this week a week we makes strides in our wt loss. Let's get control of ourselves. I know I need to.

Sorry for the short post yesterday. Just as I got started my DD need the computer.

I made it to the store. I hate going alone. Too much work for one person. Then went to Target with DD. It really sucks when you feel so bad you don't even like to shop. Then we had dinner.

I made some fruit salad last night, cut up bunches of fruit and veggies. So I am ready to go.

Put a roast in the crockpot this morning. It just sounded good for a change.

BF was SpecialK low carb with some fiber one on top and strawberries. 1/2 cup oj.

Lunch will be 1/2 ham and turkey sandwich and fruit salad.

Dinner, roast, carrots, another veggie or two.

This cold is full blown. I'm sneezing, coughing and my nose is running like a faucet. Guess I will call and see if there is anything I can take. Mainly need to stop this nose. My only week that I normally feel good and I have a stupid cold. The pits.

Hope to work out some tonight.

Monet, I'm with you. No cheats all week. At least with no one home, they won't be eating all your food.

Rosalie, sounds like those gk are running you around big time. I know it is fun for all of you. You will gets lots of walking at the zoo. Have fun.

Fruit, glad we are all on the same page today. Lets keep it that way all week long. I had to go back and read your tirant. Nicely put.

Have a great OP day everyone. Be back later.

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Old 07-19-2004, 10:18 AM   #7  
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Smile Good Monday Morning!

Morning all!

It's a gorgeous day here--even supposed to be a little cooler (that means high 80s instead of 90s). Going to get some laundry done and out on the line.

Had a good lazy weekend, which was nice. Eating was good--lots of fish, fruit and veggies!

B = LC Special K and Uncle Sam's w/ 2% milk and coffee.

L = will be Ruby Tuesday's salad bar.

D= BBq at a meeting. I'm sure they will have some slaw and salad. Will have to stay away from the white bread.

Jackie--So sorry you aren't feeling well this week! I"m sure the chemo hasn't been good for you immune system, so take extra-special care of yourself, we want you healthy!

Missy--Gosh that must have been scary on the scale, but you do what you have to do. While you are taking the shots, eat healthy food and don't worry about weight loss. Eating healthy will have its own rewards apart from weight loss!

Monet--Mmmmm, wish I were there to go shopping with you! Have fun with all the kids gone--do something for YOURSELF!

Deb--we'd love to have you back sometime!

Marie--Have fun at the Zoo! We saw the IMAX Space 3-D movie while in DC last week--it was way cool!

Have a great OP day everyone!

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Old 07-19-2004, 10:30 AM   #8  
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Sorry I've been MIA again. Things are soooo out of hand in my life. The scale is still going up. My back is out again & I'm still not back to work since June 18th. Just when one thing gets better... something else happens & I'm not handling the stress of it all except to put more foods in my mouth. I'm off to the chiropractor as soon as I get dressed. That is if I can find something that still fits. That seems to be the biggest problem of all. I know I need to get back to the board & back to this WOE. I just have no will power of late. Sorry, just thought maybe it would help to come here I share with all of you.
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Old 07-19-2004, 11:12 AM   #9  
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Just checking in again!

JACK-K: A summer cold is the worst! I'm sorry that you are feeling soo bad! I would definitely call the doctor to see if there is anything you can take. Try to get some rest!! We can have a great week!!

FILLISE: I love Ruby Tuesdays! We used to have one in the Esplanade Mall in Metairie but it closed down! Enjoy for me! Yeah - the scale was quite scary! I will just try my best to eat right - that's all I can do!

MARY: better take care of yourself! It was great seeing your post! I miss you! Hopefully soon, things will start looking better for you girl!!

Ok - I'll check back later!!

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Old 07-19-2004, 11:53 AM   #10  
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Good morning everyone. Its a fine hot day here in the Ozarks. Glad the week end is over. I didn't to well with my eating. I had a giant cookie. I can't believe I ate it and felt so sick afterward. That was a good sugar lesson and I hope I really learned from it. Anyway this is a new week and hopefully a good SB legal one. B- slice of peanut butter toast L- Salad bar in town D-salmon, broccli and maybe a salad. Well off to meet my friend for lunch. Will check in later...
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Old 07-19-2004, 12:17 PM   #11  
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Default Good morning.

We had a super weekend. Mama bought a new horse. Here papered name has Gracie in it so I named her Princess Gracie..LOL She is a very nice horse and one we can all ride including the children. A major plus. Most of our mares need a more experienced rider. We tried to get some of the fence done but the sunlight gave out too fast. Eating was actually pretty good for the most part.

Jack-K...((hugzz)) praying your get over your cold soon.

Susan...oooo I'm so jealous. The upper 80's sounds wonderful. It's already 88. They say the humidity is going to be down today so it won't feel as hot as normal but hot is hot...LOL

Missy....praying for you as you get back on track. I need to get back on track myself. Seems like there are several of us this week so we don't have to do it alone.

Melf...(((hugzz))) I am so sorry you are still feeling poorly. It's so hard to do anything when your back goes out. Praying you mend quickly.

Monet...I bet it is weird with the kids out of town. Especially if you talk to them every day almost. When my mom goes on vacation it throws me off. We talk several times a day on the phone.

Rosalie...good to see you this morning. cheats sounds good. I just need someone to come tie my hands to my sides...NO, I can do this...*smile* minus the bites of french toast I had this morning when making plates.

Deb...thinking about. Hope all is well.

Gotta and hugs to everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Old 07-19-2004, 12:35 PM   #12  
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Well, I am trying to get used to not having DS around this week - so I bought only sf and healthy foods for just me then I gave myself a pedicure/manicure and watched tv and vegged out....very nice...

I have not sold the house, people come back to look a second time and then never see them houses in the neighborhood have sold, some a lot longer on market than I have been - so I have told my boss that I want to do a first right of refusal and that he put the house back on the market..if my house sells, then so be it - it was meant to be; if it does not sell, then oh well - I was meant to stay in the house...and my neighbors will be very happy to see me stay

DS also starts advanced classes this year, and it might be best that we don't move...he is very excited about the new school year.

Work is very busy, mostly missing lunch hours and leaving late...when I get home I just want to eat dinner, clean up and go to bed! I need to start exercising because I need to find energy and get out of the slump I am in - cannot lose any a plateau.... plus on the weekends I have been housesitting for my parents, and when I do, it is storming and ugly out and I won't use their computer...

Well, better get a move on and back to work... So HOWDY TO YOU ALL -

Ohhhhh, MELF - I got your Dr. Krackers!!!!! Found them, yummy....

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Old 07-19-2004, 01:28 PM   #13  
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Good morning (afternoon, for many of you):

I had a 7 a.m. dental appt. this morning for my 6-month cleaning. I also just scheduled my physical with my regular doctor and my pap/annual with my gynecologist. I am also seeing my dermatologist next week to have all my moles checked out to make sure none look funny. I guess once you hit those mid-30's you start to fall apart. I think I may be having problems with my gall bladder, so will discuss that with my family doc. I also think I am having a uterine or cervical prolapse, so will have to discuss that with gyno. Both of my girls had to be vacuum extracted, and I think that caused "stuff" to fall lower than it s/b.

We got Lane into Britt's twin bed, and got Britt into her new full-sized bed, so the weekend was consumed with furniture deliveries, moving furniture, wall-papering, paint touch-up, etc....I was so impressed with Delaney taking to her big girl bed so well. Britt didn't adjust that easily. Delaney took her nap in her bed Sat & Sun, and slept in it Sat night and last night without any real problems. No more cribs in this house's bittersweet.

Not must on our palette today; we have to run to Home Depot to get some putty to fill in nail holes, and then to Fry's for a few groceries.

Teensy: Go ahead and rub it in some more . Fresh cherry pie sounds delicious. I guess if someone can enjoy them without having to pay a may as well. If I buy organic fruits, it is so I usually settle for the stuff in the regular grocery store, but would rather not.

Bunna: I just try to stay out of those types of issues. I'm not offended by much of anything, unless someone is bad-mouthing me or my family. Other than that, I don't care what religion someone is, what political party they are affiliated with, etc....We all have our right to our freedom of speech, and that is why we live here in America. I hope, if not here, that you are able to find the support you need in your weight loss efforts elsewhere. Good luck to you.

Jack-K: It's the sugar and the caffeine in the Starbuck's coffee. I heard somewhere recently that SB coffee has a much higher percentage of caffeine than your average cup of Joe. That's why everyone is always so jittery and impatient when waiting in line . I am sure that your immune system in a little compromised at this time, and you are more susceptible to getting these kinds of things. I hope you are feeling better soon. At least you s/b done with treatments, and getting your immune system boosted by the time the flu/cold season rolls around. Sounds like you've got your food stocked and go girl!!

BOB: I just bought the 500 Low-carb recipe book prior to our vacation, and have a ton of pages crimped....have no idea when I'll find time to try 500 new recipes .

Heart: Glad you are down to 164#. Fajitas are always a great choice when eating Mexican. Who cares if you had all the toppings, at least you stayed away from the fried foods, and carbs/sugars. When do you leave for your trip?

Monet: I was just waiting for you to say you were getting sick of cooking. I think you cook more in one week than most do in a month. Glad you enjoyed your dinner out. The deck party sounds like a good time.

Sef: My DH has spider dreams; they go way back to when he found a tarantula in his car while driving. I always get the Laura Scudders PB; it's only peanuts & salt. You give up that creamy texture, but at least give up all those additives.

Tranquil: Dr. Kracker's Sunflower & swiss crackers???? It sounds as if you enjoy them. What are the other ingredients? I hope you get over your plateau soon. Sounds like a great pampering session...something I really need to do for myself more.

Rosalie: The cheesecake sounds yummy. Enjoy the zoo.

Fruit: Good luck getting back on track this week. Hang in there!!

Fillise: Glad you were able to stay OP over the weekend. I did better than I normally do on the weekends, but that is because I was soooo busy. Have a great day.

Melf: Let us help you find your willpower/motivation. Losing weight will only help with your back problems. .

Toni: Howdy

Country: Another horse???? How exciting for you and your family. It sounds as if you are having so much fun with this venture.

Well, I gotta run!!!

Have a great day.

Take care,
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Old 07-19-2004, 01:30 PM   #14  
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Jackie--I hope that you get to feeling better REAL SOON! (huggzzz)

Monet and everyone else--There is a really interesting article in the USA Today paper today on losing weight. They are having some sort of diet challenge and have articles once a week about eating right and exercise. Bottom line: eat less and exercise more. This week there will be articles both today and tomorrow, and then for the next 2 months, every Monday.

Had blood work done today for one doctor to see how my cholesterol is doing. Probably later this week or next week will get another blood test for another dr. relating to thyroid.

Food today:
B. 45 gms. Publix brand "grapenuts" with 1/2 peach and some skimmed milk, 1 soft boiled egg.
L. Small cup of vegetarian chili and a salad with 1/3 C. cottage cheese on the side. (restaurant meal)

It has been raining here, just a slow drizzle. I have not walked yet so may try to go out and see if I can walk and not get too wet. It is misting and I can't decide if I'd get soaked or not. I am starting back to my weight lifting today. I go in 90 minutes and am not looking forward to it. Of course, I never did. Lifting weights is HARD! The back of my legs still hurt, quite a lot, from all the bending over to weed the garden this weekend. I'm still walking "funny" because of the pain.

Well, just wanted to say "hi" and get a post in before I left to try to walk.
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Old 07-19-2004, 02:35 PM   #15  
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Good moring all-- Cooler and muggy today. Yesterday was hot and muggy!! I am not used to the humidity. We are usually just hot this time of year!

Heat has been very good for the garden. It is growning fast. I am seeing greenbeans, and have a few cucumbers coming. Tomatoes are finally setting on too.

Stayed busy this weekend taking care of the last 30#'s of cherries I picked. I ended up making 14 jars of jam, and freezing some, and then made dh his cherry pie this morning. Apricots are ready for picking so I am heading out in the morning.

Eating was okay all weekend until last into dh's Trail Mix......nuts with raisins and M&M's. Shame on me!!

Monet-- I am with you on NO CHEATS!! I have a question for you regarding WW pie crust. I made a few last year and they turned out great. The last couple I have made have been different. I use a recipe in my Better Homes and Garden which calls for 2 C flour, 1 tsp salt and 2/3 cup lard, 5-7 T cold water. I use Bob's Red Mill WW Pastry Flour. Before I even add the water, I can tell they are not going to turn out. It is like there is not enough flour or too much lard. When I add the water it just makes it sticky and it won't roll out at all......just breaks apart!! Any ideas??
Please start watching for a package. I sent one out Priority Mail this morning!! Enjoy!

Rosalie-- Spending time with the GK's is what summer is all about. Glad they enjoyed it. I think we all seem to be sliding a bit this summer. I know I am eating way to much fruit.....but it is so cheap now, and taste like fruit should.

Fruit-- Nice to see you again. Let's all see if we can get back on the wagon....totally. I know it has been a round of too much of one thing or another for me. Too many nuts or too much fruit. Although I think the fruit is probably the better choice, don't you??

Jackie-- Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Aren't summer colds the pits! The pork roast sounds of my favorites!! I picked up a picnic ham yesterday that dh wanted. Now I think I will let him cook it!!

Fillise-- It is supposed to be a bit cooler here too. But it sure has been muggy, which we usually don't have. I too have laundry to do, and need to do some vacuuming to get rid of some dog hair!!

Melf-- Hang in there hon.....we are here for you!!

Toni-- My big boo boo was Trail Mix....with raisins and M&M's!! I felt sick afterwards too. Guess we should learn huh??

Country-- Goodness many horses do you have now?? I am sooo jealous!

Tranquil-- It is strange not too have your son around isn't it?? Good attitude about the house.

Pancho-- I go and pick my it is fairly cheap. The strawberries were 75 cents a pound, the raspberries were a bit more....1.15 per pound, and the cherries were 50 cents a pound. I got the cherry pie made, but had some trouble with the WW crust. It didn't want to stick together. But it is made, and I told dh....that is the last one I am making..... yeah, sure!!

Gator-- The weights may not be fun....but they sure do you alot of good!! I do strength resistance three times a week, and it is a work out. But I am seeing muscles I haven't seen for years!!

Well gang, I need to go vacuum the dog hair out of my living room!!
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