Sugar Shakers for followers of Sugar Busters and other GI based diets

View Poll Results: What's tough about staying OP with an event situated around food? (ie, party/holiday)
The amount of food available. 2 6.06%
The types of food available. 11 33.33%
Pressure from others to eat. 1 3.03%
Remarks from family/friends about your weight. 0 0%
Stress or other emotional eating triggers. 2 6.06%
Feeling deprived/left out 4 12.12%
Seasonal depression. 0 0%
Just have no self control in these situations 6 18.18%
Find it to be no problem and stay OP. 5 15.15%
Other 2 6.06%
Voters: 33. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 02-06-2002, 06:38 PM   #76  
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HiedieHo All!!!

Did you think I got lost? No-No-No! Just waylaid.

Monday I had doctor appointment gained 4#!!!! Wanted to scream. Know it is my fault, have had a tough time ever since the holidays.

Doctor thought I was going to live so don't have to worry now until May. Of course, he ordered more blood wiork as a follow-up to hospital stay. Between him and the neurologist you don't have to worry about me being attacked by vampires. I don't have any blood left so they wouldn't be interested in me!

Nowadays doctors don't doctor, they specialize! I have a little irritating rough spot on my eyelid, asked doctor to look at it and he did from six feet away and said specialist, so I have to see dermatologist!

Today is a miserable dank rainy dreary miserable (did I say that?) not nice at all kind of day. But here as I sit in front of my trusty (sometimes) computer I find warmth and sunshine!!

Will try to comment on some posts

BETH - I always try to cook extra for supper to use for lunches. I also make four bean salad with some onion and a vinegar dressing as well as pepper slaw (shredded cabbage and green peppers) with vinegar dressing. I know it's old wives tale but vinegar is supposed to be a help in your food plan. Are you afraid of carbs? We don't have to do without them. I really like the ww pasta, brown rice and ww bread products.

HAMSM - Unlike Deb I count two slices of NO as one serving and have been doing okay. I don't eat bread every day.

DEB - The ladies loved the Buckle. The night before I made a blueberry and a strawberry. I was going to get frozen berries but WD had fresh. Fortunately I also made a strawberry one for family. We tasted it and it was rather blah. The strawberries were at fault, dear, not your recipe, they just weren't very flavorful. The next morning I quickly made a dump cake with some canned NSA cherry pie filling. Everyone wanted a taste of the blueberry and then a whole piece so you were a hit!!! I served a dab of Lite Cool Whip on it.

Did you see the Today show this morning? A dietician was on and said that people don't realize that most veggies have carbrohydrates in them, so if they skip a bread or potato they are still getting carbs which is good.

You should have that searing pain looked into. Any pain that can be described as searing is not a good pain!! You have have abdominal surgery and could be from that ( maybe scar tissue) or something else. Please have the doctor check it for you, we don't want you suffering from that kind of pain!!!

MELF - You are wise to get things settled with your mom before things worsen. I was a Notary Public in Milford and in my job at the NH I worked with Social Services (in the old days they didn't have an MSW on full time staff, just a consultant was all that was required, it was up to me to do the job).

I have seen many problems among families as a result of things not being spelled out ahead of time. Also, even with only one relative there can be problems if things are not in order before hand. I hope you and your siblings get on well together. Often, the work falls all on one, so am glad to see you and sister are doing things together.

TV - I use Toufayan pitas too. They are good. They are other ww pitas out there but all that I have seen contain honey. I still want to try making the tortillas. The only legal ones I saw at a HFS were $5 + tx for 8.

Good of one to think of Mom's beau's family too. They are probably having a hard time too.

I went through similiar with my father. My sister was extremely upset, brother didn't seem to mind. Today's life span is much longer and I felt why should he have to spend the next 20 or 30 years alone? It doesn't mean that they loved their mates any less, in fact probably all the more. There is a companionship that comes from the opposite sex that doesn't come from your children and I don't mean sexual.

In my gray haired life I have seen children resentful of friendships or special interests parents have. A friendship may intensify because now the widow(er) has more time to devote to a friendship or interest than before.

I know it's hard for you, but relax a little. You'll both feel better for it! Sorry, I know....MYOB.

GATOR - Sorry about your shoulder. OUCH! 2 months before appointment. As I said every one specializes, I know it took me 6 weeks to see neurologist. Use heating pad if you can it may bring relief.

CAT - I'll sit on your shoulder if you'll sit on mine. I gained too and need a little extra push!! We won't sit on Gator's and Karen's shoulders.

POOH - Welcome. Don't feel you are giving up pasta etc. I really have grown to like the ww pasta (It does need a little salt in the water for flavor) and I always did like brown rice. I wish some of the wild rice mixtures were legal.

KAREN - Hope your shoulder gets better soon too.

QUILT - How nice of you and Paul to take on the picture project for your niece. That is wonderful caring thing to do.

ROSALIE - Glad your jury duty could be postponed. I am so looking forward to the Olympics, I love to watch them and not just the skaters. I am glued to the TV for the three weeks they're on!! I know, I should get a life!!

FROG - Wonderful pics, thanx for posting them so we can all see what a great time you all had!

MEL - God Bless You!!! I know all that cooking is work but it is fun too. At least you can plan for it.

One time when I was first married my Dad was a Boy Scout leader and he took his troop canoeing on the Delaware. An uexpected rain storm came up and he called us from Delaware Water Gap to come rescue them. So dh and a couple of friemds took their cars and drove down to get them. No 24 hour stores then, I had four chickens in the freezer and made them feed about 30 wet and cold people! They camped out in our garage!

FILLISE - Did you see my description of the weather here today at the start of this post. Keep warm!!!

Well better stop and eat supper. I have a Habitat meeting tonight.

Take care all, Shirley
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Old 02-06-2002, 06:50 PM   #77  
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Thumbs down

hi everyone,

enjoyed chat once i got there, i do not know what is the matter with my computer, lately it is sooooooooo slow! the chat moved very quickly, i didn't know whether to type or read! i was starting to spaz when i could not get on, i guess i am addicted to tuesday nite chat! lol!

weight wise on my new scale i lost 1 pound this week once i determined it was accurate and to be honest i only weighed today. i really hate seeing the metal monster but having it in my kitchen tends to keep me honest.

we had a baby shower at work today for 2 new dads-to-be! it was pretty funny watching them open all these things and asking what is this for and how do you get these on etc! oh to be young and being in that new parent to be mode! stuff sure has changed over the better over the years. we had tons to eat and again triscuits and cheese, cut up vegies and legal spinach dip were my lifesavers. it is a little easier not putting the other stuff on my plate, finally!

i made the zucchini loaf again and this time used applesauce instead of the oil, it turned out wonderful! i slice it in individual slices and freeze them then take out one to take to work for my morning coffee. great and easy recipe! thanks Deb!

need to go and fix daughter sarah some soup and comfort foods, she has the cough, cold yucky stuff, picked her up early from school and hit the pediatricians office where i felt i was in a bronchitis factory, lots of sick kids, i think it is the weather changing back and forth, i wish it would stay cool for awhile down here.

i have a big challenge coming up this saturday(provided daughter feels better) my son has the annual football banquet at the university of central florida, he may be getting an award! eating legal may be a problem, i will have to smuggle triscuits in my purse!

looking forward to seeing everyone in march in orlando. i will be there, need to iron out details with the big guys spring break. sounds as if zsu will not be able to travel. rosalie , let me know if you need me to get you a case of agave, i just ordered another case of 12 8oz. bottles, hope i still get the $2.09 per bottle price.

take care all, welcome to the new folks, stay focused, THIS WORKS!

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Old 02-06-2002, 08:51 PM   #78  
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Hey All

ARG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so pissed!!! I started the post below this morning and then started up with posting to everyone and my computer locked up and I lost every individual reply!!!!!!!!!! UGHHHHHHHHH! I hate my computer!! I'm going to try my best to finish my general post-but I don't have time to reply to everyone indivdually now-it's late and Michael needs the computer back for homework-so I'll try to play catch-up tomorrow

Had our meeting with the head of the IB PROGRAM at Michael's school today. I think if my Mother would of been there, she'd been in tears, from pride. I know Michael is smart, but how smart, really didn't know. BUT, after hearing what the Dept. Head said about him, I'm surprised I contained myself. The glowing report blew me away! I'm so proud of this kid!!! She showed me his FCAT scores from 8th grade (didn't ever see these) and out of 824 questions on the reading comprehension test-Michael got every single one of those 824 questions right! He was in the 99% of everything (can't get 100%). She said she never had a kid do all the science courses in such a short period of time either-thank goodness he loves science. His unweighted GPA (whatever unweighted means) is 5.036 and his weighted GPA is 4.0 (any teachers care to explain this to me-didn't want to ask her and look stupid-esp. with Michael sitting there!). Anyhow, I don't mean to boast (okay, maybe a tad), but I was just sooo proud to hear this and other things I didn't mention!

I feel like I'm back on track today. I've already drank 1.5 liters of water-and running to the potty in the interm. Journaling everything as well. I honestly don't feel as bloated as I did yesterday and when I went for my walk, the fanny pack I wear was less tight than it was yesterday-so here's hoping it's just some hormonal inbalance that's made me gain this mystery weight.

I want those of you who are newbies to realize that I don't post my gains as a discouragement to anyone, but quite the opposite. I want you all to know, even in the best circumstances of staying OP and doing everything correctly, that you will have weeks that you will gain weight and not have a clue why. I've had many times that I've had gains and was 100% OP, exercising, journaling, etc-no reason to see a gain, but low-and-behold, a gain I had. In the past on my failed attempts at dieting, I'd of seen a gain like that and got so discouraged and distraught, only to throw in the towel and go hog wild with food, gaining back what weight, if any, I lost, and always more. With being on SB, I learned to be patient, that my body, and everyone's body, goes through fluctuations and it's imminent this will happen with 99% of the people. Just know that if you are patient, and conitue on the right track, the scale WILL & DOES GO DOWN! So, when I post these gains of mine, it's just to share with you all that I too have these days and I won't go off plan, yet stay OP and be patient and I will be rewarded

Did anyone see OPRAH today. The show was about menopause and she was talking about the book and that she was following a LOW GLYCEMIC DIET! Geez, seems like people are just finding out about this WOE-wonder what's taken them so long!!!

BETH, I get like that too, a raving lunatic with the food, like yesterday. Try to increase your protein and find slow-releasing low GI carbs, like beans. Things like triscuits, cheese, nuts, etc. aren't filling in the first place, so when you are like that, it doesn't make a dent in filling you up. Just try your best and stay SB LEGAL-it passes. I'm back to normal today!

MEL, do you think we could schedule to meet up on the Monday you'll be here, March 25th, at least for lunch at Ole Ole and a trip for Carbolite?? LMK as I have to volunteer one day that week and all the slots are being taken up quickly. I have to make it one of the first 3 days of the week-check with the troops and get the a-okay!

DARASMUS, thanks for posting your pic on the PHOTO ALBUM BOARD-always nice to put a name and face together. Now that I've seen your mug shot-have to ask-what's your background? You don't look like the typical all American boy. CONGRATS on a 4lb loss!!!

ROSALIE, glad to hear you got everything worked out for jury duty. LMK as soon as you can if you need me to get the agave-hoping they can still get the one I ordered-wish I could find out how stock on it was and it's future availability! Just read BIGK'S post-would be cheaper if she got it for you, so maybe you'd like to get it from her??

SOL, hey, I KNOW you are gaining muscle-just be patient, the fat is going to slide off soon! You and VINCE look wonderful in the pic FROG posted-hers came out so good compared to mine-a photographer I'm not!

QUILTER, have to find a salad recipe I think you'll like. Dried cranberries are fine, as long as they don't have sugar of course, but most do, so double check!

POOH, as long as you get back on track there shouldn't be much damage. You have to devise a way to attend these social events and be able to stay on-track. Any ideas how you can avoid a break down? We have some good tips during the holidays that can apply now, they are on one of the informational boards-have to see which one.

FROG, WOO HOO! CONGRATS!! AWESOME NEWS!!! Girl, your BMI is lower than mine now!

SHEANN, CONGRATS on holding down that 2lbs loss!!

BUSDEB, CONGRATS on your 1lb loss!!!

HAPPY, CONGRATS to you too, 2lbs is wonderful!!!!

BOB!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!! 5lbs-WTG!!! WOO HOO!! YOU DESERVE A STARBUCKS COUPON!!!!!!!!!!

SEF, glad to hear the BB was a hit, though not the SB, I heard how strawberries to bake with aren't the best as they are usually not that sweet. Thanks for you input on the pain-it's gone now, but if I find it comes back, will def. have it checked out. Sorry to hear the scale didn't have better news for you at the Dr.-but heck, you can turn that around next time!

BIGK, CONGRATS on the pound loss this week Glad to hear you used applesauce in the zucchini loaf cake. No oil at all? How much applesauce??? Will HAVE to try it like that!

Sorry if I didn't get to post to you individually at this time-have to get off of here-I think Michael fell asleep waiting for me to finish.

Please remember, TOMORROW IS RECIPE DAY so if you have any good SB LEGAL RECIPES you'd like to share with the board, please, try to post them tomorrow!


SB since 3/22/00
Reached goal 6/10/01
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Old 02-06-2002, 09:46 PM   #79  
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Thanks for all the support everyone. After school today I had my dentist appointment since my new crown arrived. I've never had any major work like this before so it is all new to me. It went well all things considered, but I went a while without food since my face was numb! lol

Debelli - I am Greek/German, but mainly raised as being Greek (church, language, music, family, etc.) I have relatives in Greece that I talk to online since it's so darn expensive to call. I saw birthdays mentioned at the start of the thread, and you can add my name to the list of February bdays. I'll be 28 tomorrow, 2/7/02
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Old 02-06-2002, 10:06 PM   #80  
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Default Just a quickie!

Was looking at some old discs today and thought I would post my before pic from August 2000. I was gonna put it on the picture board but it is GONE from the main SB page! HELP!

Anyway, this is me at ~200 pounds. A good reminder of the progress I've made!

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Old 02-06-2002, 10:07 PM   #81  
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Hello to all,

First of all.... Happy Birthday to Daramus, a little early. Hope that you have a wonderful day.

I am glad to hear that there asre so many poeple losing the weight that we are so hard in trying to get off. I don't have much to say about that this week, but hopefully nest week will be better. so proud of you son. And feel free to boast, that is truely a blessing, especially when your child can put it all together and do so well. We all wish deep down that our children will be so smart, but not everyone can be. COngratulations!!!!

I really want to post, but I am here starting to fall asleep and I have to be up at 4:15 am to take my brother to Tampa airport before work. It's about 1:45 minute trip one way. I need to get some sleep. i will be here tomorrow, have a great day.

Oh, I forgot to say, that it does look like I will be able to get some time off for the weekend of the 8th of March, so I will get to Orlando and get to meet some of you. I am just not sure how much time, will keep you all posted. i am really looking forward to it.

See ya, Laurie
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Old 02-06-2002, 10:13 PM   #82  
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Deb- I will be flying in Monday 3/25 and won't get in until 3:30. If you could swing Tuesday or Wednesday, that would be best, since I leave on Thursday at around 3:00pm. Too short a trip! I'll have a car, if that makes it any easier. Just give me two points on mapquest and I can get anywhere! I really hope you can do Tues or Wed, I'd really love to meet you "in the real"!

Thanks for the encouragement about gains and losses- I know I'm not a newbie, but I sure do over-react to it. I know I'm building muscle cause I can see it ( I'm one of those few women either blessed or cursed with the ability to build big muscle quickly ) but I haven't weaned myself off the scale, since I still have plenty of fat to lose.

Hello everyone else!

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Old 02-06-2002, 10:23 PM   #83  
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Found the photo board so please ignore note in last post! DUH!

[SIZE=large]Happy Birthday DARAMUS![/SIZE] Saw your pic on the photo board! Nice! I can see your Greek heritage smiling through! Hope you have a great day tomorrow!

Night all!

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Old 02-06-2002, 11:15 PM   #84  
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Question newbie needs help

hello everyone-

seems like you have a great thing going on here. i don't really know how to use this forum so any help would be great. i am not really sure where this will be posted, or how to receive the responses.

something funny- i was reading all the posts from february 2001 thinking they were recent....... good thing i finally realized it.

i am new to Sugar busters! just started 2 weeks ago. so far so good!
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Old 02-07-2002, 12:13 AM   #85  
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It's late Wednesday night and my eyes are burning and I'm only on page 3 of this week's posts! Just wanted to check in and say hey before I hit the hay.

We had the most beautiful snowfall yesterday that I've seen since I left Northwest Arkansas in '86. We had big, fat, fluffy flakes fall all day long. And the roads were warm enough to keep it from being treacherous. Kids were having a ball throwing snowballs at each other and building snowmen all over town. We had to go to school today and it's melting fast, but what a sight this morning! I took pictures and will post a couple. This is a real big thing in North Central Texas. We probably had about 3 or 4 inches in the open areas. Under trees, there was very little.

I was up 1 pound to 167 this morning, but know that TOM is just around the corner. My pants are getting too long so I know I'm losing around the thunder thighs. And I've spent 30 minutes on the bike more days than not in the past week. Like others say, I think I can only do a few minutes but am able to hang on for the full workout after I get warmed up. Didn't tonight 'cause Wednesday nights are church choir nights and I'm up there from 5:00 til 8:30 and I'm too pooped when I get home.

Don't have time to respond to folks but I do want to welcome the newbies. You'll love this place.

I'll respond when I get through the rest of the posts. Have a good one tomorrow.

Take care,
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Old 02-07-2002, 06:18 AM   #86  
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Old 02-07-2002, 06:59 AM   #87  
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Happy Birthday Daramus!!!

I'll be 28 in March... you only beat me by a few weeks

Hope your day is wonderful!! Stay away from that birthday cake!!! LOL!
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Old 02-07-2002, 07:05 AM   #88  
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Default Good morning everybody!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARAMUS!!!!! Hope it's the best birthday EVER for you. Be sure to tell us about your presents and the way you didn't eat any birthday cake. Ha! Gotcha!!! Seriously, enjoy the day. I'm sending good birthday thoughts your way.

Okay, I have to agree with BKM. She said today's Mary Englebreit is her favorite and she's right. It says: Live Regally! And the caption on the picture says "It's good to be QUEEN." Let's treat ourselves like queens (or kings, Birthday Boy!). Because that's what we are!!!

Sorry I didn't get on last night. Had to go immediately from work to a surprise retirement party that was clean on the other side of town. (Eastgate, BKM, what a drive for me!) It was fun and it did end up being a total surprise for the woman who's retiring. So cool for her. She's a wonderful person and has given so much for the cause of literacy over the years. Anyways, it was a potluck, so I had no idea about the food. There was a lot of pasta (guess that carries well!). But they did have this one dish that was great and I think it would be sugar buster legal. It was called a Baked Reuben Casserole. The woman who made it didn't give me specifics but told me the layers and I think you could doctor it the way you wanted.

Baked Reuben Casserole in a 9x13 pan:
Drained and rinsed sauerkraut
Sliced cornbeef that's been julienned
just a touch of 1000 island dressing (would have to find without sugar, or course)
grated swiss cheese
dark rye bread crumbs (you could use whatever bread you had)
dollopped butter on the top
Bake at 425 for 30 minutes. I would be careful of that temp and time because that seems awfully high to me.
It was really yummy . . . if you are a sauerkraut fan.

Gotta fly! Still in my robe and that means I'm off schedule this morning. Ooops.

Take care everybody.
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Old 02-07-2002, 07:25 AM   #89  
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Let it be known that SolShine predicts LOTS of single wimmen will begin posting on our thread after seeing Daramus' picture on the picture board!

Let it also be known that now that I am officially addicted to trying recipes that do not include traditional Southern 'meat and potatoes' or Cajun fare.....I expect to learn some Greek recipes from you!

I'll be back!
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Old 02-07-2002, 08:18 AM   #90  
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Default Happy Birthday Darasmus!


Hope it's a good one, just remeber NO cake and bo baklava . Unless it's made with agave

It's snowing here too, big fluffy flakes that will probably turn into rain in a hour, but prettu while they last.

Wecome Andamay- Glad you found us in the right year. I'm not sure any of us would have found you on the Feb 2001 board. You seem to have figured out how to post just fine. How are you doing on SB? Just feel free to ask questions, someone around here always has an answer or an opinion.

SOL- What, no countdown today? That's my norning chuckle!

Deb- How lucky you are to have the schools you do. I have 1 kid like Michael (got 790 and 800 on the SAT's) but although our schools are good and she had plenty of ap courses to choose from, I don't think she was as challenged academically as she could have been. Luckily her life was also consumed by sports and music (piano and flute) so there were other avenues for her to explore. She's a sophmore in college now, and is having to learn to study for the first time. The danger for these kids is that everything is always too easy until one day they hit that wall. I'm not saying she didn't work in high school, but she never REALLY had to bend her brain to hard. Luckily, she's rising to the occaision in university rather than saying "oh, I'll find and easier major than chem and math!. My son, on the other hand, is probably just as bright, but doesn't like to try too hard. Hopefully that will change, he's only in 5th grade.

gotta run,
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