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Old 01-10-2005, 08:00 PM   #196  
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Hello everyone!! Hiya debbie!!! and YAY AMIE!!!! amie, your posted menus are as healthy and precise as aphils...and that's good, girl! and kudos on your exercising, also!!!

me yesterday-
4 egg whites/1 egg and 1 cup chopped broccoli
slice whole wheat toast, dry
coffee with 2% milk (as low as I can go )

no chance for a snack midmorning

4 ounces turkey breast
slice homemade oat bread, prolly counted as 2 servings worth

pm snack - 8 oz nonfat yogurt with 1/2 banana, some grapes

big green salad; a small amount of coleslaw made with lowfat mayo on top of the salad; and then the not-so-good stuff - my husband brought home chinese food (sigh - still knowing how ****-bent I am on losing these few pounds, sigh) so I had less than 1/2 cup fried rice, and a small serving of some kind of mystery meat

today -
1/2 cup Kashi with 1 cup nonfat yogurt, a few pieces fresh pineapple, half a banana
coffee and 2% milk

1/2 sandwich wrap (lean meats, veggies, a THIN schmear of mayo and mustard). I'm guessing (okay, hoping) it couldn't have been over 300 calories.
coffee with whole milk (no 2% available)

snack - a hastily grabbed slice of bread and diet soda

big leafy salad; two heaping tablespoons of that yummy coleslaw on top; half a chicken breast.

and I still have time for a fruit snack

still needs work, but MUCH better than what I've been having for, say, the last 6 months

I think I will chose tomorrow as my one day off from exercise, as I have to get up at 3:15 am to get to work to do baking. Or maybe I'll do a quick aerobic session, but definitely need to rest these triceps! But I love what Gilad says, that it's during the recovery time that the progress is happening. So you continue to feel good about your workout, even afterward

The "Cardio Classic" of his I did this morning was easier than the "Cardio Blast", in that it didn't have those boxing moves I'm not really used to. But I guess I'll adapt.

For me, now it's motivating to think of getting fitter, smaller, tighter, leaner during these winter months when everything's covered...then wearing the more skin-revealing summer things when it gets warmer...and thinking of my beloved motorcycle, riding it everyday, going to rallies, feeling fit and great and strong

we need a motorcycle smilie, please

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Old 01-11-2005, 01:32 AM   #197  
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Yes, I keep a food journal. It keeps track of the food I eat, the vitamins I take and how much exercise I did for that day. Calories seems to be a little bit harder to guess for me. Many things that I eat are mixed (chicken,spinach,cheese,pepperchinis,tomatoes,lett uce) you know things like that and I have no idea where to even guess how many calories are in that... Anyhoo, I eat a lot of veggies and some fruit. I drink Non-fat milk or non-fat soy milk, I generally stay away from red meat. Thank you for your suggestion. I'd like to try it, but I really don't know how to accurately guess how many calories are in something.

I've heard about this raw food plan. What does that mean? Do you only eat fruit and veggies? I don't think I can stick to anything like that. But needing less sleep does sound appealing because I'm usually running on a max of 5 hours a night (sometimes more, but hey, I'm in school).
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Old 01-11-2005, 09:22 AM   #198  
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University Princess-
The key to counting calories is to first get a calorie counter book. They have different books out there that list the calories in foods-I have "The Fat Book" (lists calories and fat) and "Fat and Fiber" which lists calories, fat, and fiber in foods. There are places online you can get the calorie info as well.
Some restuarants (all fast food nowadays and some sit down places) have nutritional info listed on their websites-so check and plan what you are going to have before you go. Places I tend to eat at more often-I print out the nutritional info and keep the papers with my calorie counter books for easy access.

How are you figuring out the fat grams in "mixed foods" that you are eating? You would figure out calories the same way:

In a recipe for instance-(and I am going to use a crappy food example here-but hey, its what popped into my head)-say you are making Tuna Helper. On the box say it listes the calories for the dry ingredients in the package-lets say 210 calories per serving-and there are 5 servings in the package. 210x5=1050 calories in the box.

In the directions it says to add 1/2 c. milk. Then you add the calories of the 1/2c. milk to the 1050 in the dry ingredients. (try to use skim or 1% to lower the calories a little ) You are now up to 1090 if you used skim milk. (80 calories per cup, but you only used 1/2 cup.)

Then you need to add a can of tuna-let's say the can says 60 calories per serving-and it contains 2 1/2 servings-that means it has 150 calories in the can-add it to the total.

Altogether now you have 1240 calories in the skillet of Tuna Helper you just made. The package says it contains 5 one cup servings-so divide 1240 (the total calories in the entire pan) by 5-there are 248 calories in a 1 cup serving.

You do the exact same thing with any recipe that you make that has combination foods-add the calorie ingredients separately, then you divide it by the servings.

It really isn't difficult at all-once you have done it a few times.

If you are eating out somewhere local that would not have nutritional info online-and order a grilled chicken salad-then you can "guestimate" the individual ingredients: look up the calories for the grilled chicken breast, the lettuce ("eye" about how many cups you think it contains) the calories for the 4 cherry tomatoes on top...and the other separate ingredients.

If you have any more questions, just let me know.

Oh-You also asked about the raw food diet-yes, it is mainly fruits and veggies-and raw nuts and grains. (You can soak grains to swell them up rather than cooking them) It is a very, very strict vegan diet-with no animal products or by products at all-but also no cooked foods as to not spoil any of the nutrients or enzymes in the produce. It is intriguing to me-but with my strength training I cannot do a diet like this one, as my protein requirements are too high.

Man, I am beat. We had a good rehearsal last night-and I did strength training yesterday-and I have cardio today and a private lesson tonight. Plus all the sewing that I am doing...and I wore out.

Oh-btw-our troupe website is finished if you all want to take a look at it. (in my signature) If you mouse over our pictures it has our names as well.
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Old 01-11-2005, 03:10 PM   #199  
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Good day today! I will be at 1395cals and 43g of fat for the day if all goes well. I got to do a good 30 min brisk walk today at lunch (about 5-6 laps around a city block with one side being at an incline) and then I went in the hall here at work and went down the stairs from floor 13 to 7 then back up to 13. I did it 3 times in a row and broke a sweat...Maybe one day I will do all 23 floors?? I plan on doing my Pilaties DVD later this evening and need to get to bed earlier. Since I have been working out 6 days a week and doing it after dinner I have been getting to bed at 11-11:30....Then I get up at 5:45. I am Sleepy and my DH is missing me going to bed when he does, but it is not like my DH will go to sleep early anyways. She is still staying up till 10-10:30 PM!
Well my family was going to be showing up this Friday and now it will be next Thursday...That was disapointing but they will be here soon. I have not seen my mom and sisters in over a year and have not seen my sister's new baby. she is going to be 6 weeks old. My DD is excited to see the baby. Hope you all are having a good day!

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Old 01-11-2005, 08:01 PM   #200  
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Hey chicks! aphil, what a gorgeous troupe of sexy ladies in your group!! and you made all those costumes, correct? each time I change my mind which top is my fave now I love the one-shouldered long-sleeve one

amie, wtg on another great day!! and I like what your signature reads.

aphil - thanks for the response to my pm. Not to keep others in the dark - I was afraid I was skirting the 3FC rules by saying what a great company the is. I thought it violated the "no advertising" rule...but it's cool

The owners of the store where I work for the winter are leaving for Florida this Thursday; so my (sigh) heavy duties as ***'t Mgr. will really kick in. I was close to tears at one point today staff were fighting, we were running out of stuff (because the Mgr. hadn't ordered them in time) and the damn walls were just closing in on me

I ate some brownie scraps, but I guesstimate that it wasn't over 300 calories. And I did well this evening, so it wasn't a disaster. It's very hard to FIGHT the urge to stuff one's mouth when one is so stressed!!! I have the next two days off (phew - looking back at my calendar, I have had ONE day off for 10 days of work!)

I didn't exercise today, but that's ok - it's what I planned; my one scheduled day off from working out. Tomorrow will be the Cardio Classic and the first time to try Hips, Thighs and Buns. Knowing Gilad, the buttwork will be challenging!! but in the past months I can FEEL my butt cheek muscles firming from previous Gilad buttwork tapes, so he knows what he's doing!
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Old 01-12-2005, 07:59 AM   #201  
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good morning ladies!! I'm doing the ultimate in lazinesss....drinking coffee in bed, using the laptop, and everyone has left for work/school....AWESOME!!!!!

First day of TOM now, blah, never comfortable, but I'll get up soon and do my Gilad for the day, actually looking forward to what the Hips, Thighs and Buns workout will be like.

My husband is trying to talk me into a weekend jaunt to Las Vegas in March...we (husband, younger son and myself) would leave on a Friday afternoon, arrive in Vegas that evening, then be back Monday morning. Never been there, it would be fun I'm sure. The big thing husband and I want to do there is rent a couple of motorcycles to ride in the desert....Now THAT I could look forward to Especially trying something different, like a Harley or a Victory. where's that motorcycle smilie??

The cost for plane and lodging would be around $1300....renting bikes is around $150/per bike for 24 hours. The money is always an issue for me. I don't like to charge things unless I know it's gonna be paid off very soon, but husband sees no problem in letting things not get paid for months. We'll have to talk more about "fiscal responsibility"

Winter Weather advisory here for today, glad I don't have to go anywhere. Snow we deal with fine, but there is freezing rain in the forecast.

I caved a bit last night and had two slices of whole wheat toast at 10:00 pm. Not too bad, but offprogram.

will probably check in later, since I"m here all day
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Old 01-12-2005, 08:35 AM   #202  
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Yes-I made the costumes. Glad you liked them, and the website. We will have new costumes in the works soon. Did you see my instructor's page? On the "About" page there is a link to her page in her name.

I know what you mean about the stress eating...that is my big downfall as well. I can be going along just great, on plan all week long...and then I get too busy or stressed-and a few bites of this or that and there is no loss this week. No gain...but no loss either. Hang in there girl...I am right here with you trying to overcome the stress/emotional eating! and your husband sound like Jason and I when we first got together-I am much more frugal than he is. When we got together-tax check time for him was to "blow" and have fun, and for me it was to either pay something off that you already charged, or to do something "sensible" with like get new carpet in the living room. We have struck a compromise-every year I do something sensible with it-as long as he has $100 of it just to "blow" on video games or a bike part or dvds or whatever it is that he wishes without me questioning it. Works for us.

Yesterday's exercise was a 30 minute belly dancing tape focusing on upper body and belly moves...and then I had a private lesson last night as well. Today is strength training for me.

I am really trying to buckle down and stop the little snack here and there that has put my weight loss at a standstill lately. I am having the same trouble as Holly-I will be 100% on plan for days...and then have a small slip up that ends up keeping my weight the same. We must pull together and work on that! Summer is coming!

Hope you are all having a great day!
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Old 01-12-2005, 11:33 AM   #203  
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Default (Holly crawls to computer, trembling and shaking from recent Gilad workout)

OMG!! and I was LOOKING FORWARD to doing the Buns Hips and Thighs workout!!

I am just recovering from it now I did a Cardio tape first (32 minutes) then the strength. Wow, I am impressed with the brevity of the tape (20 minutes - 2 minutes w/u, 2 cool down) but the power it packs. Aphil, remember you posted a few weeks ago, that after a particular workout(s) you were gingerly going down the stairs, 'cause your legs were so trembly??? I just had that occur, for the first time in YEARS. I think it was time to kick up my routine a mile or so

So again this makes me state that, in my opinion, these tapes would be quite challenging for a beginner. One would have to really make adjustments to one's fitness level. Especially the cardio - it's a very quick warmup. But I do know that these tapes were also designed for their brevity - so one doesn't have the excuse of "not enough time to exercise".

He doesn't do a heartrate check, or a perceived exertion check. My perceived exertion level was GETTING MY *SS KICKED My heart was pumping and sweat popping on my brow during the strength training, not just aerobics!!

d*mn, I am feeling motivated, aphil, in that if I keep up this program and really, really watch my eating, that I will see some fat loss with muscles coming out!! especially my legs
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Old 01-12-2005, 12:01 PM   #204  
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I love getting my rear end kicked by a new video!!!
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Old 01-12-2005, 02:48 PM   #205  
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Cool Mainemumma

Hello all, I am new here. I have been in before and it looks like an awsome support system and right now that is what I need. I am 32 and divorced with 3 boys. I am 5' 3 and my highest weight was 221 April of 2003. After my ex-husband left, I dropped off 65 lbs, to where I am now and that is 156. I have since then found another man , a complete 180 from the ex and he is my life, besides my kids. He proposed to me on Christmas morning and we are planning a wedding for sometime in 2006. I want to look awsome for this wedding. I have been trying to stay on a 1400 cal. a day diet, with fresh fruit/veggies. And I dont have any excersise equipment but I do alot of dancing, and hand weights, but when tax refunds come back, its an elliptical for me I cant wait. I have used one before and they are awsome!!! I was at 150 lbs back in May/June then I got this job at a steel co. as an office assistant so now I am at a computer all day! I love this job but I miss not being active very much during the day. Aphil, you are such an amazing woman, and you are so knowledgable. I have read through previous pages and I am impressed with all of the advice you give the others. Vermontmom, I am curious as to where in VT you live, you dont have to be specific but I lived in VT for 5 yrs back from 97-02 in the Randolph/Bethel area. It is beautiful down there but I missed Maine, born and raised here. Well I look forward to conversing with all of you in the future.
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Old 01-12-2005, 03:08 PM   #206  
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Hi angelinabtl, and welcome!! and congrats!!! on losing the ex and losing 65!! and gaining a love of your life!!

I live about 25 miles north of Montpelier, and about 9 miles east of Stowe

It's beautiful here, but as I'm not a winter person - so I think I live in the wrong state

again, welcome!!
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Old 01-12-2005, 04:31 PM   #207  
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University Princess, yes, what Aphil said... I am doing it not only for weight loss but also for a few odd health complaints that I acquired in the last few years. I am what one might call "Beegan" - I use honey - but only organic raw honey. I am focused on 30 days (day 17 now) at 100%, then I have my DH's B-day, our anniversary and Valentines Day all in row, so I know I'll be eating (healthy) cooked then....and after that, well, we'll see. I've read hundreds of stories on people who have overcome all kinds of disease (even incurrable ones) and lost amazing amounts of weight by doing the raw food diet. It is so inspiring - although a tad bit hard in today's world to stick to. But any and every one can always add more raw fruits and veggies to their diet and get benefits from that.

Amie, you are doing so good, congratulations on your 'loss'!

Holly, oh you and all your snow! I think we've become a tropical location in Virginia of late, 60's and 70's for highs. I wish we could have a bit of your snow!

Aphil, your troop page looks great - you all look so HOT in your sexy little outfits!

Welcome (back) Angelina! Your 65 pound success is wonderful - you can SO DO IT for your wedding, no problem!

O.K., I think it might be time for another slice of peach pie with cashew cream...mmmmm!
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Old 01-12-2005, 04:35 PM   #208  
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Hi ladies

I have had a good day today. It is mid week into my 3rd week on plan! I have not cheated or skipped a work out yet..."Knock on my key board". Holly you are doing so good. It is funny, the first 2 times I used that elliptical I did the legs shaking while I went down the stairs, LOL I would not feel bad over a little nibble of brownie. I think a bad day once in a while, all though can be risky, helps us keep going. We can not go our whole lives with never eating another piece of apple pie (my fav) I use to let my self, once a month, eat a fav meal or a treat so I would not go crazy feeling so deprived of the food I love and just quit. Since I have been doing 1400 cals and choosing good stuff I am eating a lot through the whole day and really am not hungry . Thank you for all the support and compiments.

Hi Aphil, I too have been to your site. Is there some where we can see more pics?

How's the Raw going Del?

Hi Deb, Irish, "Newbies"

Boy it has been awhile for SusanB ?

I am putting together a befor and after picture and am going to try to post it or put it in my prfile later. I am so ashamed at how large I was then.

Here is today:
1388 cals 39g fat 102g Protein

1 1/2 serv. of 99% real eggbeater w/ onion 1tsp lowfat cheese
1/2 slice multi grain bread

wedge of cantaloupe
1/2 banana

1 mini can white tuna (100c 1g) w/ 1tbsp lowfat ranch, peas and some onion on a bed of greenleaf lettuce, fresh spinach, tomatoes and cucumber. no dressing on greens

6 slices of cucumber
2 thin slices turkey

3oz lean hamburger pattie (family is having hamburgers)
1c broccoli
1/2c squash
1/4 c rice
1c milk

1 tbsp plan sunflower seeds
lowfat yougurt
cup of green tea

30 min brisk walk at lunch
25 min on elliptical
15 min 3.0 mph cool off walk on treadmill after elliptical
full body stretches

Have a great day!


Last edited by amoses; 01-12-2005 at 04:47 PM.
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Old 01-13-2005, 01:42 AM   #209  
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I think I saw one of the books you are talking about. it was around $6.00? I think I will have to try that. I guess my fear with counting calories is that I think I am going to be so far off mark. If I guess wrong on fat, it's usually only by no more than 5 grams. If I count wrong on calories, I might be 350 calories off.
Ddel30 and Aphil, I talked with some co-workers about the raw food diet. It sounds like it has many benefits, but I know I couldn't keep it up. We also talked about the microbiotic diet-sounds equally hard. I'd miss chocolate and cheese too much. Oh well, I'll probably just stick to something non as restrictive. But that needing less sleep, that sounded REALLY good. Oh and my name is Melissa...hahaha I know typing Universityprincess can get old pretty quick.

So how much exercise does everyone get on an average week? I do two days of a pilates class and 2 days of cardio and weights. I always strap on my pedometer to see how many steps I am taking, but I am curious to know if everyone works out more than I do. Do I need to step it up a notch?
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Old 01-13-2005, 08:38 AM   #210  
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It sounds like you are exercising just fine! Yes-the books are pretty inexpensive. Don't worry about being apprehensive about counting calories-you will soon get used to it-and once you are, it becomes and everyday part of life.

amoses-you are doing so wonderful!!!! Congrats to you! Yes-there should be two group photos of the entire troupe on the website now-and one of just my instructor: on the home page, on the "about" page, and then click on my instructor's name/link when you are on the "about" page. The photo gallery is in the process of being worked on right now-and will be up soon. I will let you know when it is done and more pictures are up!

I am finishing up two ghawazee ethnic style coats this week-and am going to deliver them on Saturday. (after subtracting the cost of materials-I'l make $45 profit on each one! yay!) Then I start working on sashes for some other dancers...and I have a hafla next weekend that I am performing at...and vending I am getting a lot of business and performing done!

Today is cardio day...and I also need to practice for next week's hafla performance as well. Tonight is store night-so I need to go through the sale ads and coupons and see what I need to buy this week.

I hope you are all doing great and having a good day!

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