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Old 01-01-2008, 09:59 PM   #31  
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Hey everyone!! Can we have an agreement that we won't post food porn?? Eating off plan is one thing - discussing it in detail is BAD! Thank you!

So I'm on day 5. Things are going well food wise. DH and I didn't end up going to the party last night. It was less about the available food and more about being antisocial because we're fat.

Today was a very bad day. I checked on my daughter's myspace, which I do on occasion (and she's aware of that). I found out that she's been sneaking out of the house at night with her boyfriend. I'm not sure if she's had sex or not. We talk and she told me she hasn't, but the notes were very suggestive. She has definitely engaged in some sort of activity. I can't talk to her right now because she's at her dad's. She's only 14. My very first thought was, "I get to eat." My second thought was NO! So yeah, I was in deep denial - I've seen too much about that kid in the last week or so. She has always been my sweet girl and I was so in love with her. And yeah, I still love her, but she is not the person I thought I was raising. Sorry to dump, but this is where I go to get support and keep the crap out of my face. And yes, I'm on plan.

I'm SO SORRY!! We were pulling for you! Chin up chickie. Time to hit the books once again. By the time you pass that test, you'll be the HOT Engineer!!

Welcome Newbies!
Keep Shakin

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Old 01-01-2008, 10:50 PM   #32  
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Ms Michelle:
Man oh MAN -- you need this:
Reminds me of the time when my 15-year-old niece brought home her 21-year-old boyfriend. Her mom, my SIL, had to make sure she knew about birth control (did Depo-provara thing -- what else could she do? She lectured, but once they are outside with their friends, well...). It all worked out, in any event. I guess you can only do so much, and then they are going to do their own thing regardless of what you've tried to teach them. You can only hope that some of what you've taught has sunk in just a little bit, so that they will make the right decisions in life...STILL,

Last edited by freiamaya; 01-01-2008 at 10:54 PM.
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Old 01-01-2008, 11:52 PM   #33  
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Originally Posted by brookelizabeth View Post
MCZ, I don't think it takes much to lower BP. Maybe 10% which you can do!!!

Are you going to watch Biggest Loser tonight? I am hoping it will help.
I didn't know that it was on.
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Old 01-01-2008, 11:55 PM   #34  
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Aw Michelle...being the mom of a teen should be universally acknowledged as the hardest job in the world. I am humbled by your bravery in taking on this challenge...I would have fled once she hit puberty, probably because I remember what I was up to at that age

I hear you on the food porn issue, too. For me, reading about food is almost as hard as seeing it on TV. I'm always looking for safe places to hang out online for that reason. That said, I would love to see a thread dedicated to what people are having for their Lean and Green. I could use some ideas for that.

Well, I have almost made it through day one: A huge accomplishment for me!

I have done Medifast once before, and last time, I found days one to five the hardest. Luckily, I'm in a pretty low-stress situation, off from work, alone in the house with only myself to take care of. My challenge today is I had two naps, and now I'll likely be awake for several hours past my last supplement.

Good night everyone!
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Old 01-02-2008, 12:19 AM   #35  
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Thank goodness, a new thread. I was getting way too lost in that old thread. What if we have a new thread every week? Ruthxxx, I applaud your initiative in starting a new thread.

I'm so glad to see everyone back over here. Welcome to those of you who are new! Someone mentioned that they might get bored with MF. Well, even though I have my ups and downs I never feel bored with this diet. Wearing size 12 jeans is exciting. Even more exciting is the fact that I feel confident that I will be wearing size 10 jeans by mid-January.

This is day 88 of MF for me. I have lost 49 pounds so far. That sounds amazing, but did you see Biggest Loser tonight? Wow, 29 pounds in a week for one of those guys? How amazing.

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Old 01-02-2008, 01:36 AM   #36  
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Hey Letting - I'm glad you're back! Yeah I saw it! That big black guy looks like my husband (umm...except DH is white). They are both the same build and WERE the same weight.... I just loved that mom in the pink - how cute is she??

Maya, You're sweet as always. DH and I were just talking about taking in some foster kids, maybe even siblings. We have so much - I want to share.
But now I feel beaten down. If she's doing this at 14... I learned a lot about that kid today. She also told people she stole my car and drove it to school, but she turned around and brought it back so she wouldn't get in trouble. That's all well and good except I drive a super charged stick shift. She can't drive it and I would hear it if she tried. I don't know what to do, think, or say.

Melissa, I have a few recipes that I scoured from the Medifast site. PM me with your email address and I'll send what I have. Maya and Letting probably have a bunch too. Yeah, I'm with you. I come here to keep motivated to stay ON plan, not go OFF! When you have kids you'll have no choice but to stay with them. There's a law...Eh I'm half kidding.
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Old 01-02-2008, 01:38 AM   #37  
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BY the way Melissa, love the avatar.

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Old 01-02-2008, 07:38 AM   #38  
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Hey there, Ms Michelle! Not having the joys of adolescents, I don't know what to tell you except that I have learned NEVER to believe what my niece says (as a general rule) with respect to stuff like driving and showing-off for friends. But the sex-thing is stressful. I know my SIL was going bananas. I don't know what I would have done, so you have my thoughts and my sympathies.
Oh, and what's the story behind your avatar? It just CRACKS ME UP!!!!
Later, all

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Old 01-02-2008, 08:23 AM   #39  
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I have 3 daughters! 24, 22 and 19. I have to go to work but I'll be back later! Good girl not eating!! Don't let her do that to you.
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Old 01-02-2008, 09:40 AM   #40  
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Hi all,
I am so glad the holiday's are over..!
Back to being serious. I took a few days break from MF ( I am not going to say what I ate.) and have started back in earnest again. Cleaned the fridge and kitchen of 95 percent of non-plan items. Remember I still have DH to feed. But with the weight I lost,from before. I can say this is the first holiday in a long time without a 10 lb weight gain. My supervisor at work noticed that I had lost weight and asked me if I had lost 20 lbs! I told him it was not that much, but thanks for noticing!
Still lacking in water consumption, but trying.
This was the first year in a long time that my office was fairly subdued with holiday food. Previous years there was just a ton of it.
I was lucky they had the holiday catered meal on my day off.
(it was awful last year)
My brother who had the lap-band 2 years ago has now put on alot of weight back, so just remember that you don't have to have surgery to lose weight.
His wife had gastric-bypass and has put weight back on too. It is amazing to me how much food they can put away when we go out to eat.
I think that MF is a great plan and it works for me.
The hardest part is sticking to it.
I do tweek it occaisionly, my vision is bad so I add carrots once in a while to my vegetables, I take lots of vitamins for that too. About once a week I subsitute a cup of lowest fat yogurt, like activa for a shake to keep the digestive tract going.
I eat sugar-free jello everyday and celery and lose!
So just remember chickies to take it one day at a time and don't punish yourselves for any little deviances. One meal at a time.
I only caught some bits and pieces of Biggest Loser and still have it on the Tivo to watch later but 20+ pounds in one week is a little extreme don't you think? The extreme excercise you could never keep up with in real life, and I would be afraid of being injured. I applaud that lady in the pink shirt for she is 3 years older than me and she is doing it. bravo!
Anybody have any idea where I can find that Walters, Walthers low calorie salad dressing, been looking all over, and I guess I will have to resort to the internet, but hate to pay the shipping.
Michelle, get tough, put your purse and your car keys in your bedroom every night. Disconnect one of the wires to the starter and take in the house with you. Install a kill switch with a code. Assign your daughter extra school work, cut off the internet access , take away the cell phone, put her on a exercise program, (and do it with her) keep her so busy so she won't get into trouble.
Thats what they did with me, they sent me to summer school, fat camp, swim team 5 nights a week and kept me so busy that I was too tired to get into trouble.
My SIL's kid took the family truck without permission and got into an accident that killed a kid in the truck with him, (rolled it) and the consquences of that night lasted for YEARS...court, insurance, lawsuits, etc...
Put your thumb on her head and leave it there, you don't want to be a grandma when she turns 15 do you?
Lets all keep Michelle in mind and pray for strength and patience for her.
Anybody make new years resolutions? Hey Maya, how was your new years
The house finished yet?
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Old 01-02-2008, 09:52 AM   #41  
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Hi everyone -

I just wanted to pop in and apologize for my last post. It was not my intention at all to upset anyone and I am sorry if I was rude. I can get overly sensitive

You are all a great bunch and I am lurking a bit for now. If it is OK, I would still like to hang around.

Thanks so much

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Old 01-02-2008, 10:05 AM   #42  
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Originally Posted by SweetP View Post
Hi everyone -

I just wanted to pop in and apologize for my last post. It was not my intention at all to upset anyone and I am sorry if I was rude. I can get overly sensitive

You are all a great bunch and I am lurking a bit for now. If it is OK, I would still like to hang around.

Thanks so much
I wasn't aware of you being rude. Don't sweat it. You oversensitive lurker you!

Are you on MF?
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Old 01-02-2008, 10:27 AM   #43  
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Letting, you are an inspiration to me, your weight loss is amazing.

Michelle, my heart goes out to you, you are a strong woman!!

I'm finding each day a little bit easier than the last. I had to go to the grocery store yesterday, I used to be in love with that place, open 24/7 except for half days on Christmas and Thanksgiving. I needed Bocca burgers and water and I hated to go there, it used to be my favorite destination especially since I could go on off hours and there would not be mobs of people watching me clear out the bakery section.

You guys are my lifeline, my true support in this struggle. Last night I woke up craving and I wrote a note to all of you in my head, felt better and went back to sleep. Thank you!!
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Old 01-02-2008, 10:59 AM   #44  
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OMG, I need some serious MF'ers help..

I just checked online and it's showing my package was delivered today. WOO HOO....But since I'm so hyped up, I really want to read all the material tonight and plan on starting tomorrow. Here is my dilemna..

I had planned on doing my LG meal at night with the family, although not sure if that will be good or bad...BUT tomorrow at work, as we do every other Thursday, my firm pays for lunch to be brought in...Now, I know I could just eat what MF says to eat for that day, but I was considering having my LG meal tomorrow for lunch so I can join in with the group...even though obviously I'm going to have to learn to not worry about 'the group" and worry about M E .

Anywho, when looking at the menu being passed around, I don't see anything that I consider LG..I do see salads, but then what about dressing. Since I haven't read the materials with MF yet, I'm still kinda lost....and yet I have to send in my order today...
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Old 01-02-2008, 11:02 AM   #45  
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You're motivated, your psyched and you have a wonderful goal.. your wedding. I'd say bring lean and green to work with you and eat that while your co-workers eat the other food. You can do it!!!
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