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Old 07-06-2006, 04:44 PM   #136  
Losing the Weight!
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Originally Posted by PURPLEPIRATE99
Hey, Joan - is that purple plan w/o lites ??

2P,1Fa,3F,4V,2S,1Dairy?? I hope I counted right?
Heather, Yep. Purple no lites.
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Old 07-06-2006, 04:49 PM   #137  
Losing the Weight!
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Originally Posted by CandlePrincess
So has anyone tried the LA lite drinks??? yesterday at my visit to SCOD they tried to convince me that they were sooooo good and I could use them to replace a lite....well i am drinking the strawberry kiwi...and i don't think it's so good. If Plastic surgery in a box tastes like this...then let me wait and have the real deal where I am asleep for it! LOL. Anyway if anyone has tried these and has found a way to make them better let me know!
HeatherCP, too funny. Plastic surgery in a box.

I haven't tried the LA Lite drinks, but I have tried the LA Slim Downs... They are Good! I've earned 2 25.00 coupons and the 10.00 off for losing over the 4th and I've used it on the LA Slim Downs. Just like a chocholate shake. When I run out of them though, I have a whole load of SlimFast Optima. Its almost Identical, and even lower in sugar than the LA Slim Downs. It does have half the protien, but I can live with that. I figure that the SlimFast would, given the comparison in labels be 1/2P and 1 S. That works for me.
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Old 07-06-2006, 05:07 PM   #138  
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Debbie- The sandwich Heather is talking about is a toasted pita pocket with a grilled chicken breast & lowfat cheese. You spread the inside of the pita with sundried tomato pesto. I buy the pesto at Super Walmart in the spaghetti sauces. It is on the top shelf in both of the stores I have found it in, and it is in a small square glass jar. So yummy. Me and my DH love it.
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Old 07-06-2006, 05:51 PM   #139  
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Originally Posted by CandlePrincess
OK...i wish i could spend more time posting..but i seem to run after these kids more than anything! LOL (not complaining...i'll take every second of it!). I will say it's starting to scare me a bit...I am really developing into a housewife and such......after 12 years of marriage my husband is probably going into shock.

So has anyone tried the LA lite drinks??? yesterday at my visit to SCOD they tried to convince me that they were sooooo good and I could use them to replace a lite....well i am drinking the strawberry kiwi...and i don't think it's so good. If Plastic surgery in a box tastes like this...then let me wait and have the real deal where I am asleep for it! LOL. Anyway if anyone has tried these and has found a way to make them better let me know!

Also for all you real moms out there....I have a 7 month old that is sucking all the formula he can manage and not eating baby food..and the formula isn't keeping his tummy full enough....he still is only sleeping about 5-6 hours a stretch...any ideas on how I should help him transition to baby food??? His doctors and all the people involved with him think he should be on baby food by now...any ideas would be appreciated!
Heather CP, Never tried the LA drinks, can barely stand the bars. My son just turned 7mo. the 22nd. He has been eating baby food since he was 4 mo. He had such an appitite, he was 12lbs. when he was born and the 4-6 oz. of formula wasnt doing a thing. I started with rice cereal mixed with a little formula. Then moved on to fruits, one at a time for a week each, then veggies, each a week before trying a new one. He likes the store bought stuff, I really never gave my kids the homemade babyfood, except potatoes. He is now having a little meat with his dinner veggies. He hated them at first but dosent mind now. He sleeps all night still, but it takes him a while to get to sleep. Good luck and have fun starting solids.
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Old 07-06-2006, 05:56 PM   #140  
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12 pounds? Dang, you deserve a medal!
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Old 07-06-2006, 06:05 PM   #141  
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Hello Lovely Ladies,

I have spent the past hour catching up with all of you after being on vacation for a week. So many of you are doing great - congrats to all of you who were able to be on plan and had a loss or some sort of NSV over the weekend!!! For those of us who ate way too many 'treats', well it's a new week - time to start over.

We were on vacation to Cape Cod to visit Gramma and Papa and see our nephew get married - it is NOT possible that my nephew is old enough to get married (although at 22 it's debatable if he IS old enough ) - and all 6 of my siblings, their spouses and kids - that's 25 people folks - were together for 5 days. That's a lot of bad food opportunites - wedding cake, champagne, ice cream at my favorite joint on the Cape, barbecues, etc... We got home last night and I was terrified to step on the scale this morning - I was down 2.7!!! How did this happen?? Probably high fat ice cream - kick started everything

Hope you are all well - no time for personals, but I am so proud of so many of you!!


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Old 07-06-2006, 07:08 PM   #142  
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First day in the "real world" today and I feel like I screwed up a bit. I took some vacation time to get myself started on the plan with the Take Off and all of its strict regulations but today I went back to work and it was amazing to me how quickly I forgot that I was on a diet. I had some reduced fat coffee cake at Starbucks and then while at work they made me a smoothy with Orange Sherbet ( I work as a consultant in the restaurant business) and I drank it down. Yikes! Tried to ge tback on track but I am afraid of how the exrtra sugar is going to hit the scale in the morning. Anyways, just thought I would say hi.... I have to get my mind back on the game here. Last time I did LA I was working from home so I didn't have the temptations of life on the road and an expense account.
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Old 07-06-2006, 07:47 PM   #143  
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Hi Everybody!

Finally got my internet back up & running. The move went good, for the most part. Have to get a couple things still from the apartment, and then clean everything down. Other than that, we are (almost) settled. Still have to find a home for & unpack what seems like 5,000 boxes though.

I didn't eat POP for this whole week, and I have WI tomorrow afternoon. It will be interesting to see what that scale says. Actually, I didn't do too terribly bad, but I wasn't hungry too much, neither. Oh well. Have to get back on track (probably Sunday).
Saturday is the work picnic through DH work at an amusement park, so I know I won't be POP then! :0

No time for personals! Hope everyone is doing well.

to all the newbies
& Congrats to all the WL losers!!!
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Old 07-06-2006, 08:38 PM   #144  
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I’ve gotten so behind on posting that I’m only going to reply to posts today. Sorry to anyone else, but too many days to reply to.

Heather congrats on the 3lb loss especially during a holiday weekend.

Trish congrats on your loss and staying strong knowing you can’t afford the bars right now. Things will get easier.

Heather sorry to hear you don’t have any purple sunshine and your DD isn’t feeling well hope she starts feeling better soon and good for her that she wakes you up to go potty and doesn’t pee her bed. Oh I wanted to share I wore those shorts on Sat and I thought they looked great white legs and all Thanks again!

Erin what a great accomplishment to pass on the cake, ice cream etc. Stay strong you will see your 80lbs down.

Evette enjoy the movie and let us know how it was.

Joan sounds like a good menu maybe I’ll copy what you’re having

Jcook congrats on being down 3.5 lbs that great. Glad you’re doing so well on the program and working at getting your exercise in.

Juliemarie I’m so proud of you for finishing your marathon. What an accomplishment good for you.

Bre good luck with the Rice diet. I also like your tips.

HeatherC I also have my kids when they were baby’s rice cereal and they were just fine and slept much better.

Marilee glad to hear you made it back from your vacation safe. WOW and even lost weight that’s great

Cherrycolor I know it’s hard sometimes to get used to being on plan. Just try better tomorrow. I’m sure you enjoyed that Starbucks coffee cake I know I would have

Sherry glad you internet is back up. Good luck with your WI tomorrow.

I had a really busy weekend. No more choir till Sept, but our musical went great. I did well all week till Sat and then went POOP from all the desserts. Sun we went to Great America and I wasn’t too bad given in to an ice cream cone. My old counselor and her hubby, Mom in-law and nephews showed up. It was nice spending some time with them. Mon was a run around day and then Tues another barbecue. My scale was up to 191 AGAIN, I swear I must love that number, but this AM I was back down to 187.2 & tonight 187.6. I think a lot of it was from water gain. I’m going to WI at the COD tomorrow. Well off to run around again, wanted to try and get a chance to say Hi.

Last edited by Gamababa3; 07-06-2006 at 08:48 PM.
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Old 07-06-2006, 09:33 PM   #145  
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Winkie- I have major computer issues at home but will try to send the new plan updates......Looks like they'll be updating their pamphlets soon as the bottom of my sheet says "Several changes have been made to the frozen guide, restaurant guide & sample menu plans, including items that have been disc. or newly introduced."......"Internal use only"
I also didn't know there was an orange plan, it's for teenagers and has hot dogs, Nilla wafers & pancakes.....If I feel immature like a teen can I do orange plan????? lol.....My dh can testify that I throw a fit like a teen and I sometimes play head games with him too!.....
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Old 07-06-2006, 10:48 PM   #146  
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Hi Guys! I am back, you probably did not even notice I was gone, lol
We went away for a few days to the beach in Michigan, it was beautiful. I ate way off plan. I have to admit, I have not been sticking to the plan well for a while, basically I think I have been doing my own form of maintenance. Well I had some time to think about things and I need to go back to the way I was when I started back in October. I was so disciplined, and determined to make this work. Now my attitude is that I have all the time in the world and I will just coast for a while and get back to it when I am ready. I am never going to go any further doing it this way. I don't know what to do, do I go back to my COD with my tail between my legs and ask for their help- I am sure they are going to tell me I am out of weeks. Do I try to do this on my own until I get to my goal and then go back? I just need to get back on the right track with the right attitude.

I think I am up 2 pounds, but I will post and change my ticker tomorrow when I have weighed myself in the morning.

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Old 07-06-2006, 10:51 PM   #147  
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Here goes.....
I'll first post the changes..... (unless noted the amounts are for all plans)

*Tuna, in a pouch, water packed - 3 oz.
*Soybeans (Edame) boiled w/out shell - Not sure but think it's the same as chickpeas 1 C for Gr, Go & B plans, 2 C for P, R & O plans
*Cabbage, green - 1 C cooked, 2 C raw
*Carrot, medium - 1 carrot
*Celery - 3 ribs
*Cucumber medium - 1/2
*Lettuce, fresh, all types - 3 C
*Spinach - 1 C cooked, 2 C raw
*Squash - the change here was just catorganizing zucchini w/squash)
*Ritz reduced fat crackers - 5
*Saltines, fat-free - 5
*Triscuits - 5
*Yogurt, light, artificially sweetened any flavor - 1 container (6 or 8 oz)
*Carb Cravers - 1 to 2 times per week

Now the additions........
+Chickpeas - 1 C -GR, GO & B plans, 2 C -P, R & Or plans
+Vegeterian Burger Crumbles - 1 1/3 C -Gr, Go & B, 1 2/3 C -P, R & O
+Vegeterian breakfast sausages - 2 links as 1/2 protein (woohoo!)
+Beets, fresh - 1/2 C cooked
+Jicama - 1/2 C raw
+Sauce, tomato or marinara - 1/4 C
+Tomato puree, no salt - 1/4 C
+Persimmon - 2 medium
+Quinoa - 1/3 C cooked
+Coconut shredded- 2 TBSP
+Coconut milk - 2 TBSP
+Baking Powder and soda - 1 tsp
+Broth, very low or low sodium - 1/2 C
+Cornstarch - 1 tsp
+Flour, any type -1 TBSP
+Smart Habits - no explanation on my sheet

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Old 07-07-2006, 08:23 AM   #148  
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Trish, I'm confused. Is what you have listed the portions for 1 serving? For example, does that mean that we now can count 3 cups of lettuce as 1 V instead of 1 cup as 1 V???
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Old 07-07-2006, 08:33 AM   #149  
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Default Good Morning....

Good morning chickies - is back and shining bright hopefully. That darn little scale was down some this morning - so that made me smile!!! I think I need to start setting some mini-goals for myself. I just feel like the weight training affects the scale so much!!! Anyway!!!

Trish - Wow - thanks for the update - I appreciate all that typing - trust me I know how long it takes especially with those amounts....- I was definitely happy to see some things on there!!! Hey, ? for you - where did the NiniCali come - it is hard to correlate that name with your real name for some reason (for me)......Hope your having a good day!!!

Skipper - Welcome back from Vacation - so glad you had a good time, enjoyed yourself and some food and WOWOWOW - lost weight too - you go girl - you can't get any better than that!!!

Sherry - Glad the move is officially over and you are on the downhill side of things. Hopefully getting the other few things from the apt won't take long and you can get settled in!!! I know you're excited! Good luck at WI and finding a home for those 5000 boxes!!!

Lisa - Girl, I think we've all been there - I think you just have to be ready - I don't think it is a bad thing to give yourself a break sometimes - step away from the stress of just having to count everything day after day - but while doing that use your knowledge of what you've been doing to eat the right things. I think this is one of the most important lessons in life. You have to take the strict part of the journey and be able to live that - during maintenance and the rest of your life - I hope that sounds right.....If you're only up 2 lbs - you know what - no big deal - most of it could be water and you will lose that - in life people flucuate up to 5 lbs in a week!!!! I got into the same rut for awhile, but mine was due to not really having any scale loss. I had to really concentrate on looking at the positive NSV's that I was getting from the workouts instead of just the scale victories. girl, we are here - you will have that moment when you are ready to get strict again - you are doing great - you look great - so don't fret girl - you will get there!!!!

Barb - I'm so happy to hear that you were able to wear those shorts and be proud girlfriend - you're doing great!!! Glad you will get a break from the choir responsibilities!!! Even though you had the POOP from the desserts - sounds like you had a wonderful time with family and friends at Great America.... Glad that scale is back down for you - Good luck at WI!!!

Hiya Debbie - That other pita pocket with the the chicken is so totally awesome that my DH wanted it again last night for dinner. The only thing that I do different was using Basil pesto instead of the sun dried tomato was DELISH!!!

Cherry - you know it takes like 21 days to turn something into a habit - give yourself a break - do POP for the rest of the day - try to work what you already had into the food groups and just go from there - don't beat yourself up about it - just hop right back on track!!!

and Good Morning to Katie - Sommer - BizLA - JulieMarie - Beanie - Deets - Kristi - Trish - Rebeca - Joan - Erin - Bre and anyone else I can't remember - please forgive me it is only 8:30 a.m.

Hey where is Milca?? Where did she go?? gymgurl??? Dairy ( saw her post on another thread)............??????????????????????????????? ?
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Old 07-07-2006, 08:34 AM   #150  
Princess Heather
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good morning chickies! Well I am planning a huge cookout tonight and I am determined to stay on plan!

Thank for all the baby advice! DFS#2 was up at 5:30 this morning...he went to sleep at 10pm last night...and he had his bottle...about an hour later he was fussy and looking for the bottle so I fixed him some baby oatmeal...(he's tried the rice cereal and hates it!) so he had about 2TLBS oatmeal and some baby juice from a sippy cup! The plan is a bottle when he is hungry later plus some peas! DFS#2 is back to sleep....and DFS#1 is in bed singing the Elmo song! He loves ELMO! So it seems my day is beginning on a good note. I've even had my coffee and LA biscotti! Here's a to POP Friday! I'll try to check in later!
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