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Old 07-03-2006, 12:37 PM   #31  
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Sadly, and shamefully, add me to the POOP club this weekend. My Monday challenge didn't go as planned, but c'est la vie, right? Today is a new day.

Heading out in a few minutes to get me a new bike. DH talked me into getting a cruiser, but I still think I am probably not cool enough to pull it off. Although any cool factor I do have will probably be diminished somewhat by a baby seat and DD singing away on the back. I am pretty excited. Can't wait.

Here's to a happy 4th -- let's do this, girls!
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Old 07-03-2006, 12:51 PM   #32  
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Morning friends! I too can join the POOP club. Was not terrible, just not totally OP. I have had an insanely busy weekend too. I am taking my grandma to lunch today, so I am getting the kids ready to go. She was so excited when I invited her, I was so glad that I thought of taking her out. I can't imagine what it would be like to be house bound. DH is loaning me a car off of his lot to take her, because she in not able to climb up into my Suburban. Yesterday we went golfing on this awesome course out in the woods. It was so much fun. We always have a lot of fun, not the most serious golfers ever. My little sisters new boyfriend came with. He is a really great guy, just a little more serious than the rest of us. He said that he could hear us laughing all over the golf course. One time Dh's ball hit a tree so hard that it echoed all over the place. We laughed our heads off. After we golfed we had lunch. When we headed out to the car from the restaurant, me and SIL got in a butt kicking contest that pretty much ended in everyone getting kicked at least once. So, all in all, a great weekend. I am not going back to work until Wednesday, so that is also great.

Juliemarie- How exciting. You giggle all you want in the dressing room girl, you are so amazing.

Heather- Sorry you made yourself sick. I know that feeling all too well. This week will be better though, right?

Brittny- The party sounds great, and you did awesome. Glad that it was so fun, and haapy birthday too, BTW.

Erin- Hope your WI is showing you down a few. As always, I am in awe.

Britt- Glad to have to back. Lean on us, girl, you can do this. Make a new list of "I Wants", plan a few non food rewards, and get goin! Stay close, we want to support you!

Sommer- LOL on savoring the cookie. I can totally relate to that one. The lemon water ought to do the trick. Have a good day!

Well, I better get in the shower and get moving. CU you all later!
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Old 07-03-2006, 12:58 PM   #33  
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Tricia my original goal was also 140lbs but i changed it to 125lbs when i got to 140. You just buy the amount of weeks it will take you from your original goal weight to your new goal. stablization & maintenance (6 weeks stab & 1 yr main) still stays the same you only have to buy the weight loss weeks and i use my supply of lites that i already have i dont need to buy more yet. (i bought for the entire plan).

Do you gals ever notice when you start eating off plan you have the urge to keep eating unhealthy things? I dont know why but once i give it i cant stop and i feel even more hungry.
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Old 07-03-2006, 01:22 PM   #34  
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Karen- Loved the pics. What a cool place and a beautiful couple.
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Old 07-03-2006, 01:48 PM   #35  
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Originally Posted by juliemarie
Heather- I totally have this crazy image of you eating a bite of cake and then jumping in the pool and running around like a madwoman! Too funny! I'm sure the slipup won't hurt your weightloss with all the exercise you've been doing-but feeling crummy because of it is no fun. Before I started this diet it didn't understand when people talked about empty calories. I mean-I didl, but I didn't, you know? Good food makes you feel good and sugar and fat and processed crap makes you feel like crap. It's nice to really get those connections-even though sometimes I still want the crap regardless of the effects.
Girl you have me laughing my butt off over here - yes I was probably looking a little silly to some, but I was bound and determined to work off some of it!!! I have to admit - I've been to several special occasions lately and I have passed up many of things - so I decided to enjoy this one - especially since it was very tasty!!! I'm so with you on the empty calories and how the processed food can make you feel so bad - I felt so yucky I couldn't even eat dinner - I just chalked it up and went to bed!!! AFter you realize how much energy and exercise it takes to burn a measly 150/200 calories - it just isn't worth it anymore!!!

Then I get to my PT session and what does he want to do - weigh and measure - I told him this week wouldn't be good - due to TOM coming - he said he would do it next week - so he still weighed me and did my bodyfat % - and they were both decent - I didn't gain and I lost .1% bodyfat since last week - so I guess that wasn't too bad.....

I appreciate your words - that are very thoughtful and always have great positive meaning - you keep going girl - YOu are doing great too!!!
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Old 07-03-2006, 02:21 PM   #36  
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Originally Posted by Ninacali
Pink- any pics of your tattoo...I got my first one last year for my b-day and have made any others as a goal. Being raised in a conservative home I shocked a few family members (don't know why since my dad has sleeves) and it's really not a big deal, flower on the top of my loved tat's and I think the biggest shocker was that I waited till I was 34 & 4 kids later.
I just got my third last week, it was my gift for getting to and maintaining my goal and already know what/where I want to get my fourth. My best friend came with me and wanted to get something on her toe and they said they wouldnt tattoo her there since it seems to be more prone to damage there and often fades away on the toe area...did they give you any trouble about the foot area?
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Old 07-03-2006, 02:22 PM   #37  
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Hi Everyone! Trying to catch up - I haven't been on since Friday afternoon.

Sommer - Sounds like you did the best you could w/BF and going out. Sometimes the most we can do is be conscious of our choices. Don't dwell on it too much. Just move on! Also, good advice on the cheat thing. We do have to live. As I was thinking about this, and already worrying about the month of December (DS B-day, X-Mas and Hannukah in my house, plus at least 4 parties), I remembered someone telling me "Christmas is a day, not a month". I am bringing this up so that on weekends like this we can "pick our battles". I went to one BBQ and brough veggie burgers and fruit for myself. I went to a second one yesterday, and I brough veggie kebabs, but still cheated a bit because the food there was something I won't get at any other BBQ.

Heather - Hang in there, sweetie. You can do it! (See my post to Sommer) And congrats on recovering the rest of the weekend.

Debbie - Congrats on converting DH! I know what it's like to play "short order cook" at dinner time.
JM - WTG! I'm a few lbs. away from you, and I can taste the 18s. Also, I like the idea of a few treats. I'm going to make a list now. An hour in a bookstore sans children sounds heavenly!

Tricia - I agree with Erin. On this and other plans, I always starved during the day and shoveled it in at night. Not only did this not work for the old metabolism, it was hard to stick with the plan. I follow the portions that my counselor suggested at the beginning. It was difficult at first, but after 3 months, it's second nature.

Erin - You're looking awesome! Keep up the good work.

Britt - Wecome back! We're here for you every step of the way.

HeatherCP - Hang in there - and good luck w/ the belly dancing

Pink - Glad the B-day celebration was awesome!

Happy July to all who I missed!
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Old 07-03-2006, 02:33 PM   #38  
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Katie - Wow - that is so sweet of you to get your grandma out and take her to lunch with you guys - She will enjoy that so much - I'm sure - I wish my grandma lived close enough to go visit on a regular basis - I miss her soo much...Hope you guys have a wonderful time - how nice of DH getting the car for g-ma to get into easy!!!

Kristi - Hey chickie - oh my off till the 17th?? oh, I wish that was me - I'm so burnt out right now and I need a break - Headed to the beach for a long weekend on the 14th - so that will be nice!! I need a small break - better than nothing at all!! Didn't really sound like your weekend was much of a cheat, but I'm glad you found the downfall in the drinks - alot of time it can be so hard to find certain go girl!!! Good luck at the BBQ - sounds like you have a good plan!!
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Old 07-03-2006, 02:35 PM   #39  
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Thanks Biz - yea, I'm definitely back on track. I still feel like I need a TO just to help with some of the latest carb cravings.....I'm planning on limited monday and tuesday next week - Any takers??
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Old 07-03-2006, 02:43 PM   #40  
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Purple- I'll take you up on TO next Monday! I was going to at the end of this week but I think after the weekend is a better choice.
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Old 07-03-2006, 02:46 PM   #41  
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Heather - Next week will be two weeks since TO for me - I may join you too!
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Old 07-03-2006, 02:59 PM   #42  
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Heather, I was thinking of doing TO next week anyway. TOM will be over with and the holidays will be behind us and I'd like to get all cleaned out.
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Old 07-03-2006, 03:34 PM   #43  
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Alright - Whoo - I'm excited now - 3 TO buddies - I want to be like Winkie and have a loss - any loss is fine - just want a loss of some kind!!! Yes, I'm with you Sommer - TOM will be over - weekend will be over and it will be a good time to clean out the system and get rid of any lasting cravings...

hey winkie - what did you use for limited? juice, oranges, canteloupe?? I thought it was canteloupe but I can't remember......

My PT wants me to follow this very very strict program for like 2 weeks, but I just don't think I can do it - It is the lean up plan I talked about a few weeks ago - is as follows -
Lean up Plan

Breakfast – 2 egg whites and 1 protein shake ** with water plus 1 serving of oatmeal (not instant)

Snack – 1 medium baked potatoe and 1 banana and 1 cup yogurt

Lunch – 1 can of tuna in spring water, ½ cup of rice and ½ cup of broccoli

mid day snack – ½ cup of rice and 1 green apple

Dinner – 1 chicken breast, 1 cup of stringbeans

Evening snack – 1 protein shake **with water….

You must have 1.5 – 2 gallons of water per day drink it first thing in the morning, with each meal or snack and anytime that you’re hungry. I need to see a bottle of water follow you into the gym.

You may substitute a chicken or turkey breast sandwich on wheat with mustard and pepper for your can of tuna at lunch. There is no salt, no sugar, and there are no spices for any reason.

I finally typed it up last week - this is just so strict - he doesn't wanting me making any substitutions at all whatsoever.....
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Old 07-03-2006, 03:38 PM   #44  
Let's try this again . .
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Heather-is it okay for you to carry the water bottle-or do you actually have to drag it on a string so it is technically "following you into the gym"?
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Old 07-03-2006, 04:02 PM   #45  
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Hey chickies!!!

Ok so far so good for me today. I wanted to pop on here and catch up for the day before i get started on some things. Have to do laundry and take the trash off. I do have a little NSV to share with you. I stopped by Granny's around lunch time to drop off some cat food she asked me to pick up for her. Of course she had lunch fixed and asked if i could stay but i took one look at that table and said NO! I explained to her that the food on her table was not something i could have and i didnt need the temptations plus i had groceries in the car. So after i put the groceres away I grabbed my left over Greek Chicken Salad, a baggie of cantelope, a bottle of H2O and a bar and i went back to Granny's and had lunch with them but on my terms!

~Heather CP
WTG on getting back on track also. I am with ya one meal at a time. Have fun with your new belly dancing class!

Nice name by the way!!! Sounds like you had a great time and Happy Birthday!!

Thanks! I think im gonna need the support. How was lunch with your Grandma?

Thanks! its good to be back. Sounds like you have a nice trip planned. GL at the BBQ.

I will join ya as well with TO next week and my TOM will be gone also!!! Wow that does seem like a strict plan to follow but looks doable for 2 weeks.

HAHA about the water bottle! Congrats on your new fashions!!!

Ok well i am off to do some chores since im off from work today! Talk to yall later...
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