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Old 05-08-2008, 06:43 PM   #91  
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Carol--Still here. Just busy. I've experienced what you are talking about. What I find happens then it takes a bit more food than usual to become satisfied. This summer I have to remember to keep snacks in my car and bag or I will find myself in trouble.
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Old 05-08-2008, 07:00 PM   #92  
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I had a rough 2 days. My daughter and I went with my DH to a veterinary conference in Wisconsin Dells. We stayed at a nice resort and everything was free......waterpark, meals, etc. My DD and I went shopping most of the day and had a lunch at an unfamiliar restaraunt. My food wasn't too bad but I was too full. Then later we had ice cream and when we finally got back to the motel she was hungry again so she bought a fruit cup that was expensive. We were planning on ordering in when my DH comes back and says we are going to a steak dinner that was provided. I had steak for lunch but was a little hungry and the food was terrible. Again I was too full. Not being at home and eating what I want is a problem. At night my DD and I went to the indoor waterpark and I just watched because she wanted to do the surfing ride and we didn't bring money for a locker to put our things in. She had to stand in line quite awhile and we only had 50min. left. When I went to bed I didn't feel well and slept poorly. I had diarrhea and thought maybe it was something I ate. The next morning my DD and I worked on school work so I thought I wasn't going to get use the park again because my DH had to get home to work cattle. I was feeling even more bummed when I tried on some shirts I had purchased and they were too small! Later my Dh says we can stay a little longer so to get my swimming suit on. Another DD and her DH and little girl arrived to join us so things started to get better. I'm glad I only had a strawberry ice type drink for breakfast because we stayed quite awhile and when we went to McDonalds I could get a meal and not feel like I was overdoing it again. Put it this way, yesterday was a bummer but today went better. Another thing I was feeling bad about is that my youngest DD had to buy larger sizes when we went shopping. She didin't seem too worried and I always try to reassure her. I just don't want her to get in the dieting mode that I have been in most of my life. ( Except for a brief chubby period around age 10 I was thin until after I had kids)
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Old 05-09-2008, 11:55 AM   #93  
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Carol--Sounds like things turned around. Regarding your DD I think as long as you don't say anything she will be fine. Its what others may say that you might want to keep an eye on.

I'm still doing well. Today is day 46 of being binge free. I feel really good about that.

Amy--Are you out there?
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Old 05-09-2008, 01:38 PM   #94  
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Hello, I was finally coming to check in and Shay, it's nice to see that you were looking for me!

Well, bad news on the job front. I didn't get it and I'm honestly a little confused, but I've decided to be positive about it and assume I was just overqualified or something. It would have been a pretty big paycut if I took the new job, so at least I'll have more money coming in. And actually, the mood at my job has shifted, it seems. People seem happier now than a month ago. Summer is coming and it will be more laid back I think. And I've sort of re-evaluated how I can contribute and feel more motivated here, and less overwhelmed with the craziness, and I feel good about the strategies I've come up with. I'm surprisingly upbeat about the whole situation and I'm proud of myself for that.

So now that the craziness in my work life is resolved for the time, I can focus more on my general happiness. I think I mentioned that I'm taking part in a study at the university where I work. It's a 10-week intervention to increase physical activity in the form of a weekly class. A group of us meet...a pretty diverse group with some grad students, some people my age (30's), some older folks, a few men...etc. We go through a workbook and write out things that helped us or hindered us in our goals to become more active and get tips from each other. And it's been going pretty well. I took some nice long walks over the weekend and I've been more active at night when I get off work. One tip I shared last week is that now I don't automatically change into my lounging clothes (okay, pajamas) when I get home from work. I did that to be more comfortable and figured I could change back into real clothes if I decide to go out again, but surprise, that wasn't happening. And I have definitely noticed I'm less likely to lounge now that I don't change right after work. So anyway, there's been positive developments in my quest to get more active.

My intuitive eating hasn't been great though. That's still much more a work in progress. But you know what? I'm definitely learning to be more comfortable in my body as it is. No one in my family is thin. I want to get down to my pre-marriage weight but I'm starting to realize that may not happen. I'm not going to focus on those perfect jeans in the back of my closet anymore. I've been shopping at Lane Bryant and rather than be ashamed that I'm shopping there, I'm enjoying that things fit well and look cute. I may not lose the weight, but I am increasing my activity and starting to feel good in my own skin, no matter what.

So, that's what's happening with me. Oh, and I'm wearing the most adorable pair of shoes today. I look down at them and smile. They're ballet flats I bought at Target for $15. They are white with pink and blue flowers on them. A good way to end a week I thought was going to suck, with shoes that make me smile.
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Old 05-09-2008, 05:11 PM   #95  
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Wow, Amy, what an inspiring post!! I might just print that one and read it again. I guess we all need to look on the bright side more often.
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Old 05-12-2008, 10:57 AM   #96  
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Shay, Amy and Rocknroll, how are you all doing?
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Old 05-13-2008, 06:57 PM   #97  
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Carol--I'm here. Still doing well. Doing better drinking water now that I have this new water bottle I'm so in love with. Working on getting more exercise in. IE going pretty good.

Amy--Becoming more self aware is always a good thing.
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Old 05-13-2008, 09:30 PM   #98  
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Shay, do you ever get a craving for something when you really aren't hungry? Not even something specific but you just feel like you'd like to eat? I wonder what that is. It just happened to me twice tonight and I ingnored it but wondering what it is.
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Old 05-13-2008, 09:49 PM   #99  
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Missing you Obi, Fiddler and Kay.......they used to post alot and I noticed Kay was just reading a few days ago. So if you're out there come join us.
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Old 05-14-2008, 01:39 PM   #100  
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It's interesting you mentioned that Carol about posters from the past. I read almost all of the previous IE threads and I realized you are the only one remaining.

I am always craving foods when I'm not hungry. More so when I have just come from the grocery store and I am excited about some of my purchases. Bottom line is I really enjoy eating. Not a bad thing really. Eating should be pleasurable. I just have to be careful about not eating just because I can.
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Old 05-15-2008, 10:10 AM   #101  
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This just in from the Beyond Chocolate newsletter. I really want to get that book (Beyond Chocolate)........just wating for it to get less expensive.

Detox debunked
Hands up if you're starting to cross off the days till you have to squeeze into your bikini (or anything else seasonally 'appropriate' and briefer than you're wearing right now). OK, hands down. Hands up, if, in a panic, you recently found yourself in possession of a detox kit, book or DVD that promised a fast fix for a fabulous figure. Right, hands down - and sit on 'em!

Hmmm... Let's hazard a guess. Did you plump for Posh's favourite Pu'er tea, famed for its "thermogenic fat-busting properties" (pardon?). Or was it Gillian McKeith's 24-Hour Detox, comprising such delights as donq quai root, silica and shiitake mushrooms (but, sadly, no Gillian to sift through what becomes of them afterwards)? If you're made of sterner stuff, you may have opted for Kim Wilde's 10-Day Detox, which she claims has "changed my lifestyle completely" (quick work, Kim!). Or maybe you're in this for the long-haul and came away clutching Carol Vorderman's Detox For Life. Here's what one reviewer says about it: "The genius of this book is that Carol somehow convinces you that cutting out everything you love from your diet - chocolate, coffee, cheese - is not only a good idea, but an attainable one" (and this is a recommendation?!).

We've all been there. A detox - because that's what we've learned to call it now that we know that 'diet' is a dirty word - can seem like a healthy option in comparison to some of the fads that we've followed in the past. However, in reality, 'detoxing' is a multi-million pound industry built on a marketing myth. Indeed, Sir Colin Berry, Professor Emeritus of pathology at Queen Mary's Hospital, London, damns the detox unequivocally: "Detoxification, in the popular sense, is completely meaningless. The idea that there is some specific thing you can take is very seldom true unless you are dealing with poisons with specific antidotes."

And he is not the only medical professional to speak out. Professor Alan Boobis, a toxicologist at Imperial College, London, says: "The body's own detoxification systems are remarkably sophisticated and versatile. They have to be, as the natural environment that we evolved in is hostile. It is remarkable that people are prepared to risk seriously disrupting these systems with unproven detox diets, which could well do more harm than good."

What the body's organs do, left to their own devices, is use enzymes to convert a chemical that might be dangerous into another one that can be expelled, such as carbon dioxide or water, or into something useful, such as energy.

In a plea for common sense, Dr Andrew Wadge, chief scientist at the Food Standards Agency, says drinking tap water, eating home-cooked food and exercising moderately are the best cures for the 'toxic' effects of too much rich food and an excess of alcohol. "Most people seem to forget that we are born with a built-in detox mechanism. It's called the liver. My advice would be to ditch the diets and supplements and buy yourself something nice with the money you've saved." A man after our own hearts.
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Old 05-15-2008, 04:58 PM   #102  
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Thanks, for the article Carol. I've never been interested in detoxing. I'm too scared too ingest too many things or mess with what I was born with surgery or meds for me to assist with weight loss. If I can't do it on my own then I guess I will be fat forever.
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Old 05-16-2008, 09:26 AM   #103  
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When it gets slow around here one thing I think is helpful is go reread some of the old posts for encouragement. There are a lot of helpful posts in the old threads. I had 2 days this week where food just didn't taste good and I ate very little. Then yesterday food tasted good again. I think I was eating too much of the same thing trying not to waste the leftovers. Just an observation.
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Old 05-17-2008, 02:02 AM   #104  
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Hi, that is what my dr. said. my body will take care of my detoxing and all. so made sense to me. she said if we take something to do it then our liver says oh i will just rest and let it take care of it. so it can shut down doing its job. made sense.LaDean
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Old 05-17-2008, 10:29 AM   #105  
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LaDean, How are things going?
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