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Old 01-15-2011, 10:32 AM   #16  
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Originally Posted by chjsmom View Post
I had my 2nd WI this morning and lost 2.4 lb. A total of 9.6 lb. in 2 weeks!! I'm so excited about this program!!
Originally Posted by Medicmom734 View Post
The scale moved! I knew it would just take a little bit!
I am officially at a 30 pounds gone point!

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Old 01-15-2011, 11:25 AM   #17  
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Darbs7 I made the same decision in the New Year. I'm so glad I had an IP coach to get me accountable but now I have the discipline and can save a lot more by buying alternatives. Try and stock up on your potassium pills though- I found they are much better than the ones you can by at health stores. Multi's and Cal Mag were easy to replace.
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Old 01-15-2011, 11:39 AM   #18  
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Originally Posted by Josephine216 View Post
Hi Slickmouse,

The first few days are definetly the worst. Read posts and recipes and you'll find some ideas you like. I found this site that has a lot of recipes with packets. Some look pretty good.

Good luck to you. Go day by day and make sure you eat what you are suppose to. Your body needs it.
THANK YOU for the link to great recipes!!!!

Originally Posted by Medicmom734 View Post
The scale moved! I knew it would just take a little bit!
I am officially at a 30 pounds gone point!
Originally Posted by rox824 View Post
After hitting a plateau for WEEKS, my scale is finally moving again. But the real victory is that I just bought size 8 pants (down from size 18). I teach HS and the kids had been bugging me to get smaller pants. Comments almost every day about my saggy behind prompted me to go shopping. Imagine the thrill of skipping size 10 and going straight to an 8! So, even if the pounds weren't dropping, the body shape was. YAY!!
Originally Posted by chjsmom View Post
I had my 2nd WI this morning and lost 2.4 lb. A total of 9.6 lb. in 2 weeks!! I'm so excited about this program!!
Way to go girls!!!!
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Old 01-15-2011, 11:48 AM   #19  
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Originally Posted by iowahawkeyemom View Post
Hang in there. When I first started I didn't like most of the foods. Now I have favorites that I really like. The cereal is one of those. At first I couldn't stand it and now I love it. Try adding some extra punch to them with spices. I use cinnamon a lot. I add some decaf coffee to my cappuccino or chocolate drink. On the puddings I dab WF marshmallow. I still don't care for some of the fruit flavored drinks so I pass on those. Experiment and you will find that they are better jazzed up a bit. I really like the oatmeal now too even though it is a resticted. Fills you up! The vanilla RTD is one of my favorites too with cinnamon or nutmeg added to it. I also found by adding some extra water to the fruit drinks made them easier to tolerate for me.

Good luck!
I wasn't a big cinnamon fan before, but started using it in an IP vanilla drink with my espresso. Wow, that is good. I also do the decaf espresso at night with the chocolate drink very very good. Weekends, while I have some time to prepare breakfast I make the chocolate pancakes with Walden Farms syrup. Very satisfied!

I remember exactly where I was during another big weight loss when I realized I loved vegetables. I was about 30 days into a diet like this which was heavy in vegetables. I was eating a big salad at a Whole Foods, like a cow grazing on grass, and just remember saying, "damn...I really like vegetables!" That was so weird to me, because I ate vegetables most my life sparingly. When I went crazy and away from any healthy eating over the last two years, I lost that taste for veggies. I'm getting there again. I hope I experience the same satisfaction soon!
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Old 01-15-2011, 11:51 AM   #20  
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Does anyone know how legit the old rumor is, that you shouldn't take your vitamins while your drinking coffee? I have done this at the same time sometimes and was wondering if my vitamins effectiveness is being depleted by the morning caffeine.
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Old 01-15-2011, 11:55 AM   #21  
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Originally Posted by slickmouse View Post
ugg - day 2 for me and I'm feeling it. I'm really having problems finding foods that I like. I'm trying the 2nd drink for breakfast and they all remind me of that floride stuff you use to have to swish around at the dentist. It almost makes me gag. I couldn't even drink the one I prepared last night (peach/mango).

So needless to say - I'm starving. I'm seriously thinking of breaking down and having a restricted bar.
I can't stand all the fruit flavored drinks - they just seem so salty to me. And they definitely need to sit for a while to let all the foam go away. I pretty much live on the cappucino drink, the chocolate shake and the vanilla pudding mixed like a shake.

Originally Posted by Medicmom734 View Post
The scale moved! I knew it would just take a little bit!
I am officially at a 30 pounds gone point!
YAY! Way to go!

Originally Posted by Douger963 View Post
I wasn't a big cinnamon fan before, but started using it in an IP vanilla drink with my espresso. Wow, that is good. I also do the decaf espresso at night with the chocolate drink very very good. Weekends, while I have some time to prepare breakfast I make the chocolate pancakes with Walden Farms syrup. Very satisfied!

I remember exactly where I was during another big weight loss when I realized I loved vegetables. I was about 30 days into a diet like this which was heavy in vegetables. I was eating a big salad at a Whole Foods, like a cow grazing on grass, and just remember saying, "damn...I really like vegetables!" That was so weird to me, because I ate vegetables most my life sparingly. When I went crazy and away from any healthy eating over the last two years, I lost that taste for veggies. I'm getting there again. I hope I experience the same satisfaction soon!
I'm so glad I loved salad before, becuase while some days I'm a little tired of it, it's pretty much all I eat for lunch & dinner! (I make my salads with spinach AND lettuce so it counts towards my veggies).

It's really nice to see you frequenting the boards so much - there just aren't many guys here and it's nice to get your perspective on things!
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Old 01-15-2011, 12:00 PM   #22  
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So, Spokane has been going through a little heat wave (you know - 40+ degrees - in comparison to the 10 degrees it was last week, this is balmy!) these last few days and this morning I put on a long sleeved night shirt that hits me above the knees. Normally I'm running around in fleece pants & a sweatshirt. So, anyway, put the shirt on (haven't worn it since this summer) and while it used to be a little snug fitting in the chest area, it's now just totally hanging loose. AND... I looked down and saw my legs and thought "damn, whose legs are those? They look good!". I heart IP. And you guys.
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Old 01-15-2011, 12:02 PM   #23  
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Good Morning all.. and here's to a 100% day on track.

I'm glad to report another pound gone finally after watching the scale stay on the same number for way too long in my opinion. (we do get spoiled don't we?)
It seems that the less you have to lose the slower the rate of loss.. So.. instead of losing another 6... I want to lose another 16!... See if that works better...
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Old 01-15-2011, 12:10 PM   #24  
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Originally Posted by Medicmom734 View Post
The scale moved! I knew it would just take a little bit!
I am officially at a 30 pounds gone point!
Right On! I am sooo happy for you, it can be hard to stay motivated when the pounds aren't dropping!
P.S. whats up with your boy and my girl did they split? She seems realy down!
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Old 01-15-2011, 12:29 PM   #25  
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Feeling so much better on day 3. Still have my migrane but it is suppose to snow either later tonight or tomorrow and so the headache will go away. I had the strawberry pudding for my snack last night and love it! I put a bit more water in it so I could drink it. I really cannot drink the soups. The texture is grossing me out! The flavor is fine. Might need to try more water but then I worry I won't be able to drink/eat it all. Any suggestions?
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Old 01-15-2011, 12:42 PM   #26  
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Originally Posted by darbs7 View Post
Trying to figure out if I did the mini-goal album in my signature correct. Well, gang....I am leaving my clinic...I don't feel supported there, I get so much support from many of you. I am going to move myself to phase 2 so that I can workout more and I am going to buy alternatives.
I understand why you might want to leave the clinic. I am not sure I understand why you want to shift to phase 2. It doesn't change the plan except to start introducing more real food. It actually might give you less usable protein in your day and have a negative effect with you exercising. You would be better staying with phase 1 and adding in an extra protein portion that is not restricted or something lean and low calorie like egg whites or tuna or a 2 to 3oz chicken tender. The alternatives are a good option and many people lose nearly as well using them.

Originally Posted by Beachbella View Post
Stopped by the doc yesterday just to pick up food and he wanted to do another weight in. I was a little nervous since I had just gotten weighed on Monday but found out I was down another 2 lbs. Not bad!

Also bought some ketostix strips and it is showing moderate right now. Think I am off to a good newbie start.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
Congratulations! That is a nice surprise.

Originally Posted by slickmouse View Post
ugg - day 2 for me and I'm feeling it. I'm really having problems finding foods that I like. I'm trying the 2nd drink for breakfast and they all remind me of that floride stuff you use to have to swish around at the dentist. It almost makes me gag. I couldn't even drink the one I prepared last night (peach/mango).

So needless to say - I'm starving. I'm seriously thinking of breaking down and having a restricted bar.
I had a hard time with that peach mango too! I love it now but, for the first 3 months, UGGH! I wouldn't touch it. I found my tastes changed and what I like at the beginning I didn't care as much for at the end. You can use whatever you like. Even if you only like one thing, provided you can eat it 3x a day, you will be ok on this plan.

Originally Posted by Joliebug82 View Post
Any tips on getting rid of the saccharine sweet taste in the back of my throat from the chocolate pancakes? By the way, those are gross! Has anyone actually gotten them to come out right? Thanks in advance!

No. I haven't noticed that but, I make my chocolate pancakes as a muffin and put a bit of strawberry or raspberry WF jam with it.

Originally Posted by Mammers View Post
Hang in will be so happy after your first weigh in! I have been doing this for 18 weeks and you will find your favorites and ways to make things taste better. I use the vanilla RTD drink in coffee with stevia sweetened vanilla and splenda. I seriously like it better than a starbucks. If you heat the RTD drink in your mug first, then put the coffee in it is nice and creamy.
Also, try the cereal with cinnamon and ice cold water. It will make you feel like you are eating something. The key is ice cold water, then it's like milk. The cinnamon makes it like a treat.

When you get really hungry drink extra water that will help too.

Best of luck, you can do this!
I agree! I love the drink with coffee SO much more than starbucks! I don't even miss not having the other specialty drinks (I have tested that concept). I really prefer the taste of my IP cafe au lait!

Originally Posted by Medicmom734 View Post
The scale moved! I knew it would just take a little bit!
I am officially at a 30 pounds gone point!

Look at you!! I am so happy your patience and determination paid off well before you leave on your trip!

Originally Posted by rox824 View Post
After hitting a plateau for WEEKS, my scale is finally moving again. But the real victory is that I just bought size 8 pants (down from size 18). I teach HS and the kids had been bugging me to get smaller pants. Comments almost every day about my saggy behind prompted me to go shopping. Imagine the thrill of skipping size 10 and going straight to an 8! So, even if the pounds weren't dropping, the body shape was. YAY!!
Congratulations!!! That is a fantastic change! It is so common that when people slow down or stall our bodies are reshaping themselves. I really encourage everyone to keep a close watch on their entire body and not just the scale during this program! We change in pounds, inches, and health so, somewhere there is always something getting better even if we can't see it!

Originally Posted by chjsmom View Post
I had my 2nd WI this morning and lost 2.4 lb. A total of 9.6 lb. in 2 weeks!! I'm so excited about this program!!
You are off to a wonderful start! Congratulations on the well earned results!

Originally Posted by Douger963 View Post
I wasn't a big cinnamon fan before, but started using it in an IP vanilla drink with my espresso. Wow, that is good. I also do the decaf espresso at night with the chocolate drink very very good. Weekends, while I have some time to prepare breakfast I make the chocolate pancakes with Walden Farms syrup. Very satisfied!
I have to try the chocolate drink suggestion. I used to love a mocha. Maybe it is just as good?

Originally Posted by Douger963 View Post
Does anyone know how legit the old rumor is, that you shouldn't take your vitamins while your drinking coffee? I have done this at the same time sometimes and was wondering if my vitamins effectiveness is being depleted by the morning caffeine.
My understanding is caffeine and pharmaceuticals have an increased possibility of toxicity.

Caffeine and herbal remedies can have the same possibility; remember, many pharmaceuticals were conceived based on plants/herbals properties.

It is believed that because caffeine speeds up processes for the general populace (some don't have the same degree of effect) that people can lose the value of the slower digestion of vitamins because they can be moved to quickly through and out of the digestive tract/body. Also, caffeine in large quantities leads to increased urination for many and many people will lose nutritional value through that process.

There is also some information that may suggest that caffeine in large doses inhibits the absorption of iron, vitamins A and B.

In general, you should not have a problem. The most I have ever heard suggested is a 15 minutes separation between the coffee and the vitamins. That barely seems enough, IMHO, to prevent the possibilities of increased digestion or urination.
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Old 01-15-2011, 01:11 PM   #27  
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Hi all, for the last couple day I have been feeling kind of fatigued (SP?). I am on my 3rd week of IP. The first two weeks, I had alot of energy - felt like I was hopped up on caffiene, now I feel like I have no energy. Is this normal?

Last edited by jupiter; 01-15-2011 at 01:11 PM.
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Old 01-15-2011, 01:13 PM   #28  
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Hi there, you are lucky my novel I wrote about my coach went off into la-la land. Here's the capsule version...yesterday I lost over 4 lbs after having the scale diddle around 1/2 lb here an there over the past few weeks. Now I'm at 74-1/2 lbs lost, 14 plus lbs over my original goal and past even my imaginary goal of an additional 5-7 lbs over the 60 lbs of my orig goal. With all that my coach said "why don't you be the first 100 lb loser". To that, I said, no way, I'm going to phase 2. I have been talking about phase 2 for several weeks so it' no surprise. I'm wearing a 8-10, small to med and don't have one area left that I'd like to change...I've more than satisfied every goal and feel I actually can stay at this size. Her comment didn't even trigger my desire to was just dumb on her part and showed that perhaps her interest is more about her facility and less about the patients.

I have over the past few months substituted some Lindora products to save money but no one can accuse me of not supporting her facility.

What do you think? I believe I could be a much better coach than she is, at least I'd never make dumb coments like that...Last week she told me there is no such thing as maintenance because she went to her relatives house between Christmas and New Years and put on 7 lbs....yikes...I'll prove heroh-so-wrong. Thanks for listening....

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Old 01-15-2011, 01:20 PM   #29  
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I am on week 2 on just noticed that my ketone stip is negative. I am not sure what is going on because I am following the plan all the way with no cheating. Has this happened to anyone? I lost 6lbs and 6 inches on my 1st week and now I am worried about my weigh in on Wednesday.
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Old 01-15-2011, 01:24 PM   #30  
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Originally Posted by erathbaby View Post
I am on week 2 on just noticed that my ketone stip is negative. I am not sure what is going on because I am following the plan all the way with no cheating. Has this happened to anyone? I lost 6lbs and 6 inches on my 1st week and now I am worried about my weigh in on Wednesday.
Don't be worried, just do what you were advised to do and throw away those ketostix
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