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Old 07-22-2004, 09:45 AM   #76  
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Good Morning everyone. Cindy it's great to have you back! Congratulations on getting day 1 under your belt.

I survived yesterday but only barely. Stove door has been reordered but the gaping ugly door has taken the shine off my pretty new counter tops. I also hate not being in control, the cabinet company is ordering the door and I can only hope they will be prompt. STILL haven't heard from the treadmill repair. I know in time everything will be put right but I don't feel patient at all about any of it.

Oh well. Walks out in the steaming humidity will have to be my cardio - I might end up substituting yoga for a while, not what I really want to do but better than nothing if I can't force myself outside.

I will stay focused, I will stay focused.
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Old 07-22-2004, 11:21 AM   #77  
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Hello everyone! Ledom~I hope things get worked out with your kitchen! I would hate to not have a stove!! Of course my husband probably wouldn't care as much...seeing as that would get him a couple nights of eating out (especially since everything I have been preparing is a low fat variation). Congrats on your clean day of eating Cindy!

I had my upper body work out yesterday and am pleased to say that I was able to lift 5 pounds heavier with the dumbbells! Yeah!! I love progress! I figured my upper body would be pretty sore, but it's not too bad. I'm ready for the cardio tonight. Eating has been on plan....started day 11 today!

Everyone have a great day!
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Old 07-22-2004, 12:08 PM   #78  
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Hey again! Hey Ledom, I was going to try to make the mexican casserole this weekend but had a quick you mix the cream cheese in with the cottage cheese mixture...just wondering, I couldn't see where the cream cheese went in...I AM recipe illiterate!!
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Old 07-22-2004, 12:32 PM   #79  
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Hey Jacklyn - yes, put in the softened cream cheese at the same time as the cottage cheese, onions and pepper. I went back and edited the recipe. I just copied and pasted that recipe - I didn't even notice the error when I made it. Guess I was on auto pilot.
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Old 07-22-2004, 02:00 PM   #80  
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Thanks ledom, I figured that the cream cheese was blended in with the rest but I just wanted to make sure...I'm excited about it and didn't want to screw it up first try. Thanks!
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Old 07-23-2004, 12:58 PM   #81  
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Well, whatever the opposite of 'eating clean' is (eating dirty? ) that's what I did yesterday. Lots of processed carbs and alcohol and sugar and caffeine.... The funny thing is that I feel bleh so I know that this much unplanned junk is bad for me! It was fun because I made dinner for some friends, and the dinner itself wasn't that bad, but I was stressed out to get everything done and ate badly at lunch yesterday and breakfast this morning because I was so tired. Thankfully today is Friday, and I can calm myself down tonight and get back on track. Hope everyone else has a good weekend!
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Old 07-23-2004, 04:25 PM   #82  
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Ok, two clean days, nearly three, under my belt! Today is rough though - I'm getting hungry too soon - had an extra lf yogurt at 2pm, and am eating peanuts now. Need to get some milk at work - I use it to fill me up whenever I'm having cravings when I'm first starting to get back on track. Not exactly authorized by Bill, but it's what works for me, and does the least damage of the other stuff I might be tempted to eat.

Ledom - sorry to hear about your kitchen woes, and I don't know how you survive in humidity - then again, maybe you don't know better! I like to call myself a "Northern vampire" - not big on the sun or heat! It's been humid here the past few days, and it just drains my energy....

Bought the newest Muscle & Fitness Exercises 101 supplement at Wal-Mart yesterday - I really need to shake up my workouts and get more variety in - I've been doing the same 'ole thing for way too long.... and I know better than that!

My bicep tendonitis is pretty much healed, so next week I plan to really get into my workouts again and get back into lifting to failure!

You gals have a great weekend - I wish clean eats for all! I'm sure I'll pop back in some time tomorrow...
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Old 07-23-2004, 08:09 PM   #83  
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Hi Laura and Cindy -

Laura, stress did me in yesterday as well. Finally it just seemed like everything was going wrong and I had a pity party w/ some of the free food I still had left over from the weekend (never a good idea to keep that stuff around). I got a grip before the day was over but now I am really going to have to rein myself in on my real free day. I am going to be kayak camping on islands Sun. and Mon. which precludes carrying an ice chest. I am packing a lot of bag tuna, fruit, and whole wheat pita bread. I'll try to keep the status quo by taking in less food and doing a lot of paddling and swimming. Anyway, I don't get to report a perfect week this week.

On a brighter note. My treadmill is fixed, never dreamed I'd miss it so much.

Cindy, when I get back Tues. I'll join you in some intense workouts, I am ready.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. Hello to the rest of you BFLers.
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Old 07-23-2004, 11:28 PM   #84  
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I didn't mean to be away so long! This has been a horrible, stressful week. I've had ice cream (plain softserve) 3x this week. I don't have energy, and I haven't been walking like I should. I have just felt wrecked since I went back to work. I have 2 days off. I have a HUGE project I have to work on this weekend, but I vow to everybody that I will plan meals for this upcoming week and have things to brown-bag to work, and I will stay out of restaurants. Oh - I will make a schedule to eat by. That is my big problem. Whoops, it's 2pm and I've only eaten once. Starved, I double up and eat a regular meal and convince myself that it's meals 2 and 3. Strictly by the book, that is the only way I can eat this coming week.

I was released from the doctor today, I don't have to pack gauze in my incision anymore because it is very narrow now. However, I didn't ask about lifting weights. I was so excited about the gauze that I totally forgot about weights. I did ask her more about the surgery and she said the recovery is about the equivalent of a hysterectomy since they did so much to me. I guess that explains why I'm tired. I'm going to push myself through this week regardless. I will eat clean and I will do my cardio religiously and I will start on leg and arm exercises. Ok, maybe not on the exercises. I might do one and see how it feels and take it from there. The last thing I want to do is compromise this incision.

I'm holding myself to this - I might not get to post regularly for the next few days, but I'll update as I can!
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Old 07-23-2004, 11:30 PM   #85  
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PS - Cindy, congratulations on making it through the last few days! Hopefully I'll be saying the same line on Mon or Tues!
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Old 07-24-2004, 06:17 AM   #86  
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Hey Jennifer, hang in there. I can imagine how hard it must have been for you. I would encourage you not to rush yourself on the weights and as you said to start out light. The good diet will probably make you feel better and give you more energy. Is it hard for you to stop during your workday for meals? I sometimes find that to be true in my job. Having something really easy to eat helps. One of my favorites is cottage cheese in pineapple that I prepare before going to work, or some of the muffin recipes also are easy to eat on the go. Anyway, I know you'll figure it out. Take care.
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Old 07-26-2004, 02:29 PM   #87  
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Thank you for your reply to DaisyNYC's questions. She asked some questions that I had (and I am sure other lurkers had too). I appreciate the response.
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Old 07-27-2004, 08:03 AM   #88  
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Meredith - My pleasure. I am glad the post was helpful.

How is everyone doing? Back home to my home gym and looking forward to a good session this morning. I'll be working back and bis today.

Cindy, how is your new plan shaping up? Jennifer, hope this week is not so hard for you.
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Old 07-27-2004, 12:13 PM   #89  
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Hey all back from Maimi and im all rested (but still tired) and tan!!!!!! I had a great time and im ready to start BFL and EFL. I plan on starting tomorrow i have to sit down this afternoon and plan out my meals and exercise and hit the grocery store tonight. So wish me luck as i start my 12 week Challenge woohooo!!!!!!!!!!

im sorry to hear that you had appliance troubles but glad that things have been taken care of for you.

A clean day of eating thats great!! That's also what im hoping for tomorrow! Keep up the good work.

"eating dirty" haha I think we all have those days even if they are not free days!

hope you get your strength back soon! I know your looking forward to getting back into your exercises. Keep up the good work and eas back into as to not overdo it.

Oh yeah i have a question i have noticed that several of you have mentioned cheese sticks and im just wondering do you mean string cheese or actual breaded cheese sticks?

Oh and by the way i have 24 oz of water down already and its only 11am im planning on getting in my 64 oz today if it kills me lol ok well maybe thats a little strong but you know what i mean.

Glad to be back and hope everyone had a great day
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Old 07-27-2004, 03:06 PM   #90  
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Ok i have a question i hope someone can help me with i thought i had read that i can print off copies of the menu planner and grocery list online is that true??? I tried to copy it on my copier and it didnt look that great lol.

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