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Old 07-05-2004, 12:51 PM   #16  
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Thanks Mel!

I just went back to the sight again and read some reviews on Amazon also.
It seems most think that EFL is a nice compliment to BFL. Now what I didn't read about is whether or not BFL is possible if you are 75lbs or more overweight. Is this for those who need to lose those last 20-30lbs? I guess BFL must outline acceptable foods for the challenge? I guess I should just bite the bullet and buy BFL and wait on EFL. Thanks for the response.
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Old 07-05-2004, 12:58 PM   #17  
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Hey Donna, Welcome! I would recommend the BFL over the EFL book if you want to start with just one. It lines out the basics and the theory of the diet and you can pick up new recipes all over the place on the web. If you buy books online you can probably pick up a used Body For Life book. You ARE worth it!, and I recommend this diet because eating those 6 meals a day makes sticking with it so much easier. On the exercise, that is well explained in the BFL book and I think it is an incredibly important component of the plan. Some of the old time BFLers think the EFL recipes are too liberal, once again I'd recommend spending some time on Skwiggs blog and reading what she has to say about that. Good luck and keep on posting!

Jennifer, it is all I can do to occasionally make myself journal in fitday. I am not driven in that way.
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Old 07-05-2004, 01:02 PM   #18  
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Hey Donna we were posting at the same time. From my experience, starting from being way overweight, the diet works great.
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Old 07-05-2004, 03:06 PM   #19  
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Mel - thanks for the advice. I tend to get too anal about maximum weight loss. I lose so slowly that I find my self scratching for ounces. I'll save the sweating for the treadmill!

Donna, this plan is so easy for me to follow. Mini meals were the greatest invention of all time! You can lose weight on it no matter how big you are. I've seen some really good before and after pictures. Now about the exercise - it isn't too hard to find the time for this plan. 45 minutes weights, alternating days with 20 minutes cardio isn't much out of our day. You'll probably find yourself looking for ways to add in more time as you get used to it.

You ARE worth the price of the book! This has to be all about you! Now if you're starting your own little bookstore with diet books you never finished, maybe it's time to cash them in at a used book store.

The BFL book is the most important. EFL is mostly a cookbook to go in addition to BFL. BFL has the exercise portion in it. I've also found many good recipes on the web and hopefully as this thread grows, we'll have a lot more shared here as well.
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Old 07-05-2004, 03:58 PM   #20  
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Thanks everyone for getting back to me so quickly. I do think I will go and get the BFL book. I guess you really can't waste money buying a book. As long as you get something out of it. I'm actually kind of excited about it. I figure it can't take much longer to pack the extra smaller meals than it does to pack my regular lunch. Hopefully I'll be able to start soon. I will try to pick up the book in the next couple of days so I can start reading it. That's my other problem. I get so anxious to start, I don't read all the way thru. I really intend to put my full effort into this. I've made some possitive changes in the last 1 1/2 yrs. I quit smoking, I've increased water intake and starting exercising regularly a couple of months ago. (of course I'm still in rough shape weight and health wise) but I want to continue with the positive and hopefully I won't be in such rough shape next yr. I would love for next yrs "new year resolution" to be to continue and maintain the new healthier me instead of the usual lose weight resolution.

Again, thank you all for your help. I will be back to post with how it's going.
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Old 07-05-2004, 05:04 PM   #21  
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This book is an easy read. The whole second half is pictures of exercises and charts you can photocopy. For packing lunches - when I'm short for time I can always pack a Myoplex bar or yogurt and cheesesticks. Very quick!

And for a money saver, I don't use the Myoplex Lite protein shakes. If I want a shake, I use regular low carb protein powder and add fruit. You only have to use the Myoplex Lite if you are entering the official challenge contest. That might not make any sense right now, but when you read the book it will.
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Old 07-06-2004, 11:09 PM   #22  
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Hi everybody,

Well I plunked down $29 at barnes and noble today and since I got in so late I was only able to read the preface. Hopefully I will get to read more tomorrow night. I have friends stopping by after work and then dinner, so my time will probably be limited again. They keep mentioning this 12 week challenge. Now I'm already a little nervous as I will be going on vacation the first 2 wks of august. It's a camping type situation. I will get a lot of walking in, but exercise isn't really possible as there is nowhere to work out. We will be in a small back yard that will be wall to wall tents. (its a big motorcycle rally in N Dakota.) Will I be able to start this or will I have to wait until I get back? I'm going to go ahead and read the book anyway. Hopefully I can start the eating portion and the cardio. Wish me luck. Any other advice is always appreciated.
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Old 07-07-2004, 12:32 AM   #23  
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Hi Donna, glad you got the book. I can only say what I think I would do. Go ahead and read the book and start getting used to the diet and exercise. Go on your vacation and don't sweat it but prepare yourself to get going when you get back from your trip. It is hard to stick with a program when you are away from your home and I wouldn't frustrate myself with it. Of course that is my opinion based on my own reality. I think going ahead and getting a couple weeks of BFL under your belt though will be helpful.
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Old 07-07-2004, 11:31 AM   #24  
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Good morning, this week I am back on track and feeling 110% better. Just out of the shower after finishing a new yoga tape, it is Anna Forrest's Strength and Spirit and it is excellent. I chose to do that today instead of abs and shoulders, it has a good ab workout and right now my back and shoulders are tingling and vibrating like after a good massage. My yoga had been falling by the wayside and these are some of the things I was noticing, my shoulder was freezing up again after getting better after I started yoga, my face is breaking out. I don't know about breaking out, if that is summer humidity, a bad diet week, or not taking those cleansing breaths, somehow I think yoga is going to help out there. Anyway, just wanted to sign on w/ an upbeat post and to say I'm feeling really alive today.
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Old 07-07-2004, 11:55 AM   #25  
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Dang - I wrote a big long post, and just lost it
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Old 07-07-2004, 12:29 PM   #26  
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Cat - I hate when that happens! It isn't too often, but boy does it hurt.

Donna - If it were me, I'd start eating the plan, but wait on the weights until you get back and then start it officially. I was on BFL for 8 weeks before I had surgery and the break was a real downer because I got into it and was disappointed that I didn't get see how I would have done otherwise. The eating plan is GREAT. Those first few meals feel funny because I'm thinking WAIT, that's not enough! But a couple of hours later I'm eating again and after a couple of days you'll even be having to set a timer to eat because you will hardly be hungry.

Ledom, glad you're feeling better! Isn't it great to be back on track? I love it back on the treadmill. I still miss the weights, but now I have 2 out of 3 back and I feel a lot better. I'm not as sluggish as I was.

Still haven't tried recipes yet - this is my last week home from work, too! I need to get my butt on the ball and do some cooking this week.
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Old 07-07-2004, 04:26 PM   #27  
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Ok, I guess I'll try to do this again....

Ledom - glad to hear you're feeling better. I've been the same way myself - maybe it's the lazy days of Summer pulling us down...

Well, my 5th Challenge ended with a wimper - I didn't take 8 week photos, and I didn't take final photos. With the bicep tendon injury and the slack eating, I think it was actually a wash....

But, today is a new day, and I'm working this week to get myself back on track. It's my TOM currently, so I'll wait until Sunday to take new photos and then plan to start Challenge 6 on Monday, the 12th.

I'm going to post my daily menus here to keep myself honest - I was getting all high and mighty about being able to do this "with my eyes closed", and that sure backfired on me. Some accountability might just be what I need...

On another subject - is there some way to "book mark" this thread so I can find it quickly? Or so that I can see when there are some new posts?

You gals have a great day!
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Old 07-07-2004, 09:47 PM   #28  
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Hi Cindy,

I think posting daily menus is a good idea. Workouts too for that matter. I know you'll be back in the groove once your mind is set. Another thing to love about BFL, I find it relatively easy to get back to when I stray.

Jennifer, what did you cook today? Let us know what you are up to in that department.

I have noticed that it is hard to navigate back to this page when I am surfing 3fc. General Diet Plans doesn't appear in the Forum Jump list, or am I missing something?

Another good day on the record. I am feeling empowered.

Donna, how is your reading going?
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Old 07-08-2004, 09:05 AM   #29  
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Good morning,

Thought I would try to lay out my BFL day here. Today is 20 minutes of cardio on the treadmill.


Meal 1: EFL Strawberry Cheescake
Meal 2: Turkey Breast/Watermelon
Meal 3: Salad w/ grilled chicken
Meal 4: Zone Bar
Meal 5: Chicken breast/Apple (I'll be packing this meal for on the road meal)
Meal 6: Scrambled egg whites, one yolk/oatmeal

Today is a special day for me. I have an opening reception for an exhibit of my photographs, I am pretty good at passing up reception food. I get to wear one of my cute new outfits and thanks to having some good bfl days under my belt I feel ok about myself - a lot better than I would have at the end of last week say.
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Old 07-09-2004, 02:01 PM   #30  
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OK, I am talking to myself here. How are you all?

I had a really slow morning, just could not get moving! But finally headed down to the basement and did chest/tris. I decided to go for another cardio session.

Got the nerve to weigh again and I wasn't thrilled. But having the nerve to weigh is a good sign. I feel all in all this week has been good. I have used the thought of free day to get me through the week. There are 2 things on my list. A hot dog - guess I should have had one on the fourth. I don't eat them very much but I am in the mood for one. The other thing is some homemade pesto. I have a great basil crop this year and some fresh tomatoes. I am even thinking that made w/ olive oil and in a small portion it might do as my EFA if I use it as a condiment instead as a topping for pasta.
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