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Old 07-12-2004, 08:17 AM   #1  
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Default Doing Your Own Thing July 2004

Boy, this thread has gone into the toilet. What is going on with all of us anyway that we are too busy to keep in touch? I for one am ashamed of myself for not doing a better job. The last entry was on June 26 or 27th.

I hope that since we are halfway through July that we can come back together and post again. I was always amazed at how many diversified ladies we had that posted here but it has fallen off to just 3 or 4 and I am sure everyone that does post is kind of depressed about that. If you were a poster and haven't been for a long time, please consider coming back and getting us up and going again like we were!

I need to get my morning chores done so I can go to the pool if it opens. We have had a lot of vandalism this year and a lot of people who don't live here mucking up the pool.

Everyone have a great day and hope to see some posting going on soon!

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Old 07-12-2004, 10:43 AM   #2  
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Hi. Sorry I've been MIA. I've been wanting to get in here. The last month has been really difficult. My Dad's illness got much worse and I was spending a lot of time at my parents house. My Dad passed away on the 4th of July. So, the last week has been spent dealing with all that comes with a funeral.
It's been rough and I have one thought that keeps pounding my brain....I can't believe he's gone. It just doesn't seem possible. He was 56.
I haven't had time to go back and read anything I may have missed on the June thread....maybe later this week.
I hope everyone is doing great, enjoying the summer weather and staying OP!
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Old 07-12-2004, 04:40 PM   #3  
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Tigerlily, I am so sorry for your loss. My Dad died at 57 and it was so hard although he had been sick for several years. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers.

Faye, glad you started this thread. I kept looking but nobody was posting. I felt like an abandoned child. How's your arm and knee?

Let's keep in touch!
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Old 07-12-2004, 07:55 PM   #4  
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Tig: I am so very very sorry for your loss. How painful to lose your dad. I lost my dad and fil a month apart and one was 52 and the other 53 and my mil was 50 when she passed. I was in Indiana and even in your area on the fourth as we went to the Weslyn Church in Plymouth on old 31 with friends on the 4th. I will definitely say a prayer for your family.

Susan: I know I have been remiss at posting but been so busy and this stupid injury mess that I barely get my own thread done everyday. The arm is healed, badly and now when I twist it out the bone pops and is painful but nothing from anyone. I am just fed up with the whole stupid mess.

It is unbearably hot here and is supposed to be over a 100 degrees tomorrow. DH had a dr appt so I am going with him and then we are going to the mall since he has the day off. My birthday is in a couple months and I want to get clothes for my bday.

Hope everyone has a good evening!

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Old 07-12-2004, 09:10 PM   #5  
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Hello All!

Thank you Faye, for starting this up again.....I have really missed hearing from all of you..

Tig......sincerest condolences on the loss of your father. I hope the love of family and friends will help to fill the void in your heart.

Between the rains and the heat w/humidity, I have not been tending my gardens as I should. They have became a weedy overgrown mess! I went out tonight and tried to salvage some of is amazing how an hour or two of weeding can make a difference in the garden....and my psychological outlook! When I came back in, I was so relaxed. (Also picked the first cucumber of the good is that?!) There is nothing like a little garden dirt under one's fingernails to put life back in perspective again.

So......I am ready to begin this weight loss journey........again. (Do you get as sick of hearing that as I get of saying it?) Has anyone tried journaling? Do you use your own notebook, or your computer.....or what?

Have a wonderful evening........looking forward to hearing from everyone!
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Old 07-13-2004, 06:59 AM   #6  
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MsRD: I do journal but not consistently. I am not one for sitting still and doing that sort of thing. I have done it on paper and on my website though I am woefully behind on my website.

I feel sometimes I am shoving this weight loss thing down peoeple's throats. I talk about it a lot and I know I guess I shouldn't but it is such a huge part of my life now where it wasn't before. The problem is people ask me and then I tell them. I am in a bad place and have been. My hormones are so messed up with menopausal issues that I feel out of control with eating for weeks at a time then I will have 2-3 weeks where I am fabulous then here we go again. I just have to make a big commitment and get dh involved as he has gained a few lbs too.

We have a heat advisory on for today and tomorrow so we may not go to the mall afterall as it is never cool in that stupid mall. I went out yesterday around 5 pm and went swimming but the pool is getting too warm now and it no longer is refreshing getting into it.

Well, talk to you all later and have a good day

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Old 07-13-2004, 04:34 PM   #7  
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I journal. I have a small spiral bound notebook that I carry with me and before I take the first bite, I write down what I am eating...even the "bad" stuff. I do much better when I do this. It doesn't have to be elaborate. Sometimes I write down a comment about why I ate or if the food was particularly satisfying or not. It really makes you aware of what you are eating and how quickly the little "just a bite"s add up.
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Old 07-14-2004, 01:09 PM   #8  
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Technically afternoon ladies! Hope all is going well for you this week. Nothing much exciting here unless you count workouts in the pool and cleaning house. Tomorrow is errand and grocery day and so that is always busy busy busy.

Dh took me shopping after his dr appt so got lots of nice stuff. I get so jazzed shopping at regular stores.

Susan: did you find the hardest part to get off you was your behind, stomach area? I have lost there, but not nearly as much as other areas.

Thought you might like to see my July 4th outfit. I really love it, part of which is white pants that zip not polyester or knit! woohoo!

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Old 07-14-2004, 04:50 PM   #9  
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Faye, isn't it fun to go shopping and know you'll be able to find something. I used to get so discouraged and there wasn't much to chose from when I was at my highest. My problem areas have always been my hips and thighs - not my butt.

Had a computer go down today at work, the boss' new phone needs to be sent to repair and it's going to storm again. SCREAMS!!!
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Old 07-16-2004, 09:49 AM   #10  
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Hey Girls. TGIF, I think. There's so much to do, the days are running together.
Thank you for the condolences concerning my Dad. Today would be his 57th bday and my parents 38th anniversary, so it's going to be a rough one. My sister is coming over with her kidlens and my Mom. We're just gonna hang out, do lunch and go to a baseball game this evening. My sister and I got my Mom a necklace, it's a cross with my Dad's birthstone.
I haven't been to Curves in nearly a month. I've vowed to start back next week. In a month, the kids will be back to school and it will be easier for me to be on my "curves routine".
I journal on and off. When I'm doing it, I keep a spiral notebook on the kitchen counter and write down every bite, my weight that morning, exercise and a few thoughts. I know it helps and wish I could keep myself doing it all the time.
I've gained back a couple pounds...not at all where I wanted to be this time of the year. We have a weekend getaway planned in August, so maybe I have some new found motivation.
Getting back here with my friends is sure to help!
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Old 07-16-2004, 10:48 AM   #11  
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Well I will join in here too.....Well ladies it boyfriend ended it this week and I am really struggling emotionally.....eating it unthinkable right now and I know I need to, but I just can't seem to bring myself to eat will get better I know.
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Old 07-16-2004, 04:23 PM   #12  
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Ladies, have a safe weekend and stay on your plan.
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Old 07-16-2004, 09:28 PM   #13  
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Hello All!

The weekend is finally here! I am going to try and pack as much fun and relaxation into the weekend as week my 'right hand gal' will be on vacation, which leaves moi doing double duty. Maybe I won't have time to eat......hehehe.

Lily......I am sorry about your relationship troubles. Guess there are pluses and minuses to every situation......and I believe that everything happens for the ultimate good......maybe that will make more sense when your world stops spinning. Meanwhile, take some time.......breathe.......and be good to yourself. I would love to go clothes shopping and have! I went shopping before vacation, and it was a nightmare! a few months.......

Faye.....I think you and I have matching hormones! I start out motivated, determined, even enthusiastic.....and then the hormones soar (or dive) and I am up to my elbows in the cooky jar again! Good thing that we are strong woman and.....never give up!

Have a lovely weekend all........
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Old 07-17-2004, 06:38 AM   #14  
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Good early morning group!

Tig: Hope you and your family are well. I continue to keep you in my prayers.

Lily: I truly truly believe there is a person for everyone of us. I know that right now it is upsetting, but think of it this way, you now are able to look to the future and go on a happy search for the love of your life. Try to eat what you can, but don't stress about it. things will get back to normal so just let them come as they come.

Susan: I keep thinking about this everytime I post then always get my mind on something else. Do you do just blankets, wallhangings, etc or do you clothing etc when you quilt? I love to watch the shows even though it seems to take a Geometry major to put the stuff together.

MsRD: The funny thing is I don't have any bad food in the house any longer so when I feel bingy I over eat good stuff like fruit etc! Kind of sad I don't even get the adrenaline rush of a good ole candy bar!

Today is commissary day and I do so love to drive 30 miles and fight the senior citizen crowd and their scooters! If I didn't save a bundle doing it, believe me I wouldn't go. Speaking of that, SHUTTER, I got my Social Security benefits statement yesterday so I know I am officially on my way to Medicare now! Somehow, AARP bypassed me. They usually send you stuff starting on your fiftieth birthday.

Have a great weekend gals.

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Old 07-18-2004, 12:59 PM   #15  
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Well trying to eat....thanks for the kind words MrsRD and Faye. I went out to dinner yesterday with my parents just to eat somethng and I have a friend coming over today for lunch......then later I am going to the store t stock up on lean cuisine.....something that is easy and takes little effort is what I need right now! Also I will start exercising again.....I need to get out of the house and on with my life!
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